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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Women as well as men Then came a final move on the of Arllne Kleen KeepBMiKids fceJBM garment! ent 5 gran ol . Mdem children I to one puce with Q w a with elbow eleeree ll nrmente made imoi neck or high neck endlong decree. $1.00 the suit - It youf deelef cannot (upvJy you we will lend them, cha rgesprtpeid ca receipt of price, $1 .00 each, Setufactioa guaranteed of money refunded. New A Suit Rip Beware of Imitation!. Look for the Two Hone on the Label. FREE ' to Made Straus & Co San Frandaco Levi Awarded GRAND PRIZE al the P.PJ.E. SK" The Shifted Shame. who recently testifThe mere a unsophisticated ied that he, rounder of thirty or more, was lured a into stealing from his employers by of the he whom to gave part voinnn money, reminds me of a boy who was brought into a prison in New York one afternoon in July, 1860. As the turnsaw in a key led him along the youth ceil a man with a smooth, shrewd, somewhat hard face. The boy stopped and addressed the man in the cell. You," he cried, are the cause of my being here How comes that? inquired Hicks the pirate, for the man in the cell was 1 none other. Why," said the boy, I stole $5 to hire a boat so I could go down to Bed-loe- s island tomorrow and see you New York Sun. hanged. Jam Rolls. the notice, Iron Sinks, Ironmongers shop window, a wag went inside and said that he was perfectly aware of the fact that iron Struck by In nn sank. Alive to shopkeeper the situation, the smart retaliated : Yes, and time flies, but wine vaults, sulphur springs, jam rolls, grass slopes, music stands, Niagara falls, moonlight walks, holiday trips, Indian rubber tires, the organ stops, trade returns, x and But the visitor had bolted. - After collecting his thoughts, he returned, and, showing his head at the doorway, shouted: Yes, I know, and marble busts." He'd Ask Her. At a dance In a certain town a visitor to the place got Into conversation with an elderly gentleman. Presently the younger' man said, pointing to a lady across the room, who was smiling pleasantly in his dl rection I remember," spoke Arllne I gave it away, dear. One quickly. sleeve was torn and patched and I decided it wasnt good enough for you. Melvin said no more, but he looked pretty serious. He recalled having left some papers In the pocket of the old coat. They 'were of no particular ralue to an outsider, but they referred to some private business matters of his : I wonder If that dreadful-lookinwoman is actually trying to flirt with g me? ' s, I dont know, the elderly gentleman answered mildly, hut I can easily ascertain for you. Shes my wife. A Bright Idea. -- lit-tle- st Father Was Wise. the fish are biting Son Dad, anything down the river. Father Well, son, keep on hoeing told they wont bite you. Compensations. Elizabeths baby cries all night, she says. Why should she mind? Isnt her husband a floorwalker? good-nature- from every standpoint good flavor, rich nourishment, easy digestion, convenience, economy, health from childhood to old age Grape-Nut- s food. There- - Resion ., LOSSES PREYENTEJ SURELY BUCKLES FILLS CUTTERS THE GOURA FAMILY. Low-price- reliable H fresh, preferredby western stock the name in another VThere lives a family by d ! ! I ' r -- because men. they protect where other Y 1 Vaccines fall. Write for booklet and testimonials, Pills, 1.00 pkg. Blackleg Pills, $4.00 Use an y Injector, but Cutter simplest and strongest. The auperiorlty ol Cutter products Is due to over IS years oi specializing In vaccines And skrums pk.BIcklg 10-d- 60-dt- il Insist only. order direct. Kill All ON CUTTER'S. XI unobtainable, Flies! THdsIaseA Flactd anywhere, Daisy fly Killer attracts and klllaall flies. Neat clean ornamental convenient and cheap. . LudallwwoD fide Tot ota Lai, cant piu ea y tip over; will not soil as Injur anything. Guana toad effec ure. Ask foe HAROLO SOMERS, iiISO Dl Daisy Fly killer or 0 eeofc Sold by dealer KALB by ezpreu, prepaid 01.M AVE., BROOKLYN. N. Y. PARKERS HAIR BALSAM toilet preparation of merit For Restoring Color and Baauty to Gray or Fad ed Hair. 60c. and 1.00atl)ruirglsta A Helps to eradicate dandruff. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. HINT OF WAR GAS IN 28-19- 17. ILIAD Homer Says That Fierce Mars Spread a Vapor Over the Battle, , Aiding the Trojans. Why, I wonder, is the word Homeric such a favorite with writers at the front and with the subeditors who trick out their narratives? In the Homeric days men fought with swords and spears and bows and arrows, with the assistance of an occasional thunderbolt from Jove, What basis of comparison is there between these toys and the weapons of today? Yet there is one curious parallel which has not, I think, been pointed out. In the fifth book of the Iliad we are told that fierce Mars spread a vapor over the battle, aiding the Trojans. If not exactly poison gas, this may be said to be at least an anticipation of the modern smoke screen. London Observer.- - FOR ITCHING, BURNING quit-clai- ' -- m SKINS Bathe With Cuticura Soap and Apply the Ointmer.t T Hal Free. " ' For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irritations, pimples, dandruff, sore hands, and baby humors, Cuticura Soap and Ointment are supremely effective. Besides they tend to prevent these distressing conditions, if used for everyday toilet and nursery preparations. Free sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. V. - artless-ness--an- d Made from choice whole wheat and malted barley, this famous food retains the vital mineral elements . of the grain, so essential for balanced nourishment, but lacking in many cereal foods, i nt ! - Grape-Nu- ts Kilmer; the great Swamp-Roo- t, medicine. At druggists in flfty-ceand dollar sizes. You may receive a sample Blze bottle by Parcel Post, aTso hr. pamphlet telling about it. Address Kilmer Binghamton, N.thisY., ana paper. enclose ten cents, also mention of Goura," said Daddy, By Cecille Langdon country which is very, very warm. Whatever in the world are they?" asked Nick. (Copyright, 1917, by W. a. Chapman.) own which had caused him a good deal Are they animals or birds or flowLonesome today, I suppose? ques- of anxiety. ers? asked Nancy, laughing. Who was the man you gave the tioned Melvin Waite, as he came home They are pigeons, said Daddy, from work to be greeted with the coat to? Inquired Melvin, controlling and they really deserve a very fine the feelings that wefre surging within1 name for usual warm and welcome kisses. they are very beautiful. him and endeavoring to speak casWhy, not so much as usual, dear," "Their heads are covered with replied bright and lovely Arllne, the ually. crowns made of lovely feathers which Oh, I suppose he was a tramp," rebride of n month. Of course it Is spread out very much like an umbrella redreadfully horrid here without you, plied Arline, but he acted-re- al will when it is opened. but I had company nearly half of the spectable and polite. He said he was One day they were talking in their tramping through the village, and, as low voices, for they coo and chatter afternoon. he had lived here once, many years Indeed?" spoke Melvin. much the all pigeons do. Mrs. it seemed good to see the old Goura was way Yes. It seems that our neighbors ago, talking to Mr. Goura. next door have three children two town. He said he was quite rich once, she said, that our say, They and owned property here, but had lost crowns boys and the sweetest cherub of a little are like umbrellas. everything through drink, although he girl you ever Saw. The three of them hnd They may say so, my dear, said given that up now. Mr. Goura, but they are quite wrong. trooped Into the yard shyly and after They all say that, observed Mel" Oh a vast secret confab, the tiny miss apdear me, said Mrs. Goura, you vin. He made some inquiries the oext so. proached and asked me if I would dont say make a belt for each of the brothers, day as to the tramp, for he would I did, said Mr. Goura. just as they had wooden swords and she have liked to recover the papers, and To be sure you just did, said Mrs. a flag and they were going to war. then forget the circumstance. Goura. But do you really mean it? The documents In question constiI declare commented Melvin, smilI do indeed, said Mr. Goura. tuted some letters and the written ing in his usual Why do you say so? asked Mrs. way. an attorney as to the title Goura. of opinion hold a of broad leather to They got Wellington Heights. That was a Because, answered Mr. Goura, I strap, went on Arline. Well, to make the story short I cut It in two and large tract of fertile farmland which have seen an umbrella. had been willed to Melvin by his uncle. Indeed said Mrs. found some buckles In your fishing When looking he married, Melvin planned to at her husband with Goura, You kit. are pride. sell new capital Urn muttered Melvin under his In the place and employ his and build for thembreath, of course, the silver ones selves abusiness more home. pretentious Shed be sure to pick out the pretne met with severe disappointment. tiest. I sewed the buckles on and fitted It seemed that his uncle had purchased up the little ones nicely, Arllne pro- the property from an estate and had ceeded with her narration. Then the taken the deed to it minus the signature of one heir, who could. not be lodelighted tots played soldier to their hearts content.- - It was a very pleasant cated. This heir was one Jasper Kingsbreak in the monotony, for, dear, you ley. His Interest In the estate was know I count every minute until you ridiculously small, but the lack of his signature clouded the title to Wellingcome home. Which compliment of adoration and ton Heights, and no one would buy or a hug and a kiss won Melvin over to loan on the property on that account. Oh, Melvin! who do you think Soon, forget his cherished buckles. turned up again toddy? inquired Arhowever, his brow clouded anew. The scissors wouldnt cut the tough line a week later, as Melvin returned leather," prattled on Arliue breezily, from the village. I cant guess, said Melvin. but oh! your razor was so sharp. Oh, Dear Me, Said Mrs. Goura. The tramp I gave your coat to. After another one suggested Mel- so very great, ray dear, she said proudvin In an acrid tone. .. ly. You travel about and see such Not at all. He was very anxious wonderful things. When did you see to see you. He left these papers, which an umbrella? he found In the cor'1. .He said .he had One day it was raining began discovered and read them, and that Mr. Goura. Dear me, said Mrs. Goura, and they interested him, and that he must see you to explain about something Imyou saw such a marvelous thing like portant. that on a rainy day. As what, for instance? questioned Its the kind of day they come Melvin skeptically. out, said Mr. Goura. He wouldnt say. Oh, are they flowers or something Hell be here to asked Mrs. Goura. eat? seven said. he oclock, again about No, rea to they are used to keep people ask for reward Humph! dedry. warrant the Ill papers, turning Well, something like toadstools or clared Melvin. - There was a ring at the front door plants, said Mrs. Goura. No, they are very unlike toadbell just as husband and wife had finstools. That is they are made out of ished their evening meal. Melvin answered the summons to, greet the different material. They arent so soft. They have queer wooden handles tramp Arllne had told him about. This is Mr. Waite? inquired hit and they are made out of silk or cloth. And when it rains people put them up visitor. over their heads. I was sitting on a Yes, what is it? asked Melvin, one day when it began to rain stump rather crisply. antf some people passing suddenly put I brought back some papers. these queer things up. I know you did. They were trying to keep the waI happened to read them lucky fut off their Beads. They looked very ter you! It seems that you are troubled heads inside funny with their small Who Do You Think Turned Up about a cloud on the title of Welling' thee things. big ton Heights. To clear it a Again Today? I never thought people had small "deed from Jasper Kingsley is necesheads, said Mrs. Goura. They have Why, I snipped those belts out in a sary. far larger heads than we have. jiffy. Why, what is the matter, That Is true, answered Melvin. Thats so, said Mr. Goura. But honey? Well, fm Jasper Kingsley, and your their heads looked small inside these For Melvin had uttered a groan, sweet little wife treated me so cleverly great umbrellas. Well, as the people deep, dismal, foreboding. Deftly, how- I it back here ten miles to were tramped a foot. his in avowed he passing they saw me. ever, cramp must have enjoyed the sight, He allowed the episode to pass, bnt sign the deed. They Ive made arrangements with-- Jas said Mrs. Goura nestling close to Mr. he took the first opportunity he could per to hire him around the new home Goura. to inspect his razor case. going to build, Melvin advised Thank you, thank you, my love, Its 'good therhs two of them, he were a few days later, and I have said Mr. Goura, as he smoothed Mrs. his wife soliloquized, and none too happily. provided for him handsomely outside Gouyas feathers. Did a man ever see such And they said that my crown lookI wont of that. I shall never try to curb an destructiveness? of your kindly heart, Arline, ed like an umbrella. They said that scold, though. She will mend as tim impulse dear, for your charity in giving away it would do as well for me as their . ' goes on. coat has mended all our umbrellas did for them." But Arline did not mend. A week that old But did you, tell them, my dear, find to Arline later Melvin came home it was not an umbrella, but a to that held his she as excited up jubilantly - His Prescription. crown that you had? view a fancy vest. I didn: bother, said the pigeon. I He had been out the night before, Isnt it cleaned Just beautiful? she raid. as well let them think that I The to shock a You Zeppelin might with during demanded, sparkling eyes. know how it was spotted. Well, I got his system was so great that he. had owned an umbrella too. It seems like your tooth brush and your hat brush had to sit up with a friend rand finish a nice thing to own. They said they and some gasoline, and rubbed, and two bottles of restorative, and start on were always losing their umbrellas and they' told such' sad tales of being withrubbed, and rubbed, and why, how a third. 111, out them 6n rainy days and of getting he felt In the morning naturally glum you look, dearie! unto o:! himself the man. their heads wel which they evidently fine hied so at he amazed the Job you Only disliked. have done, observed Melvin craftily. pills and potions. Oh dear, said Mrs. Goura. No Its the limit, he muttered, once One glance was sufficient for the docwonder you were proud. Because we alone. Ill have to consult mother tor to diagnose his case. couldnt lose our umbrellas, could we? and see what can be done. Ah, yes I Any special symptom? now I should say' not, my dear, said then was and doctor. I mother Every But Yes, kindly Indulgent. She smiled In her gentle, patient way. come over so funny. Something In- Mr.' Goura. We could as easily lose dont forget side me keeps coming up and then set- a wing or a foot. We always have our My boy, she said, umbrellas rain or shine. Is and Arllne that young Inexperienced. tling down again." We are very lucky,, said Mrs. And remember one thing all these reAh, yes, replied the unsympathetic markable experiments of hers are brute. I know whats the matter with Goura, for we own both umbrellas actuated by the very best 'Impulses In you. Youve swallowed a lift. Heres and crowns. We shall always call will envy the world. She means well, and I a bottle of my elevating tonic. Thatll them crowns while grown-up- s wouldnt try to subdue the kindly hoist it right up through the skylight. us for our umbrellas which never get for worlds, If I were you. lost. So we can be doubly proud beHalf a guinea, please. Thank you. spirit ' I So Melvin bore his burden patiently. London Mail. cause of our two great possessions. , Bud Aw, youre givin me the piece. Sis Never mind ; Ill bite a piece oft mine, nen theyll be both the same. Judge. by kidney Oh, yes, Impulse (top circulation. Mut in blu denim, and resume bine and totuto hickory itripm. Abo lighter weitht, blue, cadet Lblue. ten or deckled, all approprifatt-color ately trimmed with . that very nearly drove him gone. pUjrdiD Th are made miserable trou-- 1 kidney and bladderrecom hie. Thousands mend Dr. TV frantic, lie searched the wardrobe one evening for a light summer coat he had not worn for some time, to find It The Better RuTsTPatSff. part . Real Showman. That boy of mine is a natural-bor- n showman. What makes you think so? He gives circuses every afternoon In our back yard that are the talk of the neighborhood. Arent you afraid hell break his neck, performing on a trapeze or making high jumps? No, Indeed. He just takes the tick, ets, Thats why I think hes a natural-bor- n showman. Respect for the Song. Dont you love our song, The Star-Spangl- ed Banner? I do, replied Senator Sorghum. Then why- - dont you Join In the chorus? My, friend, the way for me to show real affection for a song is not to try to sing it. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOItlA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over SO'Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria TotalLoss. Mrs. Knicker As a patriotic duty we should eat the perishable things. Mrs. Bocker Everything is perishable when Jack sits down at the table. Life. General Worry Note. Nothing has alarmed us more In years than the talk of a general substitution of kilts for trousers. We do not think we would look well In kilts. New Orleans States. He reckoned. Tsltor When did your boy Josh pass his examinations? . Farmer I dunno exactly, but I reckon It must have been when nobody was lookin. . When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy W Hr Smarting OnnliU or UC11HI Comfort. N rant at Jaat for Free Bye Book. BBMEDY CO., CHICAGO mall. Writ III |