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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE COURIER Suits for $1.25, at Co. Adv. Hyrum Clothing 1917. Friday, June 15, Boys 5Jb silk ties 25c. Hyrum Co. Adv. Entered at the Potrtoffice at Hyiurn, Utah, Clothing mail class Act second the under ai matter, Joe Brown of Wellsville was in of March 3 1879 Hyrum on Business Friday. J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager Dry-Cleane- d Suit Cases $1.50. ing ' GRAND BA Hyrum Cloth- GIVEN BY THE Adv. Co. Ladies White Canvas Shoes $2.95 ' Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co.' Local News LOGAN JAZZ .BAND Ex. Bishop Gunnell of Wellsville Miss Emma Leatham was visiting is reported to be very ill. with Mrs. M. S. Rindskolf on Wed. ' For Fire Insurance go to Hans of this week. Mikkplsen, Hyrum Tithing Office. Jazz Music is not at all FuneralSuits made to order for $15.00. like, Oh no! just the opposite. Adv. Adv. Hyrum Clothing Co.' Suits ordered now will be here W. A. Liljenquist won the suit for the 4th of July. Hyrum Clo. Adv. in the Hyrum Clothing Cos. Suit Co. Club, last Saturday. FOR SALE a good single buggy ELITE HALL, HYRUM Friday, June 22nd (SEE THE PICTURE OF THE BAND IN THD SHOP. WINDOWS) HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A JAZZ BAND! If not, go to your Music Dealer and ask him" to Play The Livery Stable Blues Victrola, or The Jazz Band From Dixieland, on the Edison. Something Strictly new in Dance Music. Jazz Music has an Irresistable Swing that Just Simply Makes You Dance. lots on and harness. Apply to Mrs. Lovina Adv. Robeit R. Murray, Hyrum. Baxter, Hyrum. You are cordially invited to atMr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Sorensen tend the Jazz Dance given at the Ad. and son of Logan were Hyrum visit- Elite Hall th- - th- - tickets 50c. ors over Sunday. Do you want to enjoy a good Mrs. Wm. Chadwick of M'orgam evening of Dancing? Then go to 'Utah, paid relatives and friends in the Elite Hall next Friday evening, hear the Logan Jazz Band. Somethis city, a short visit this week. FOR SALE 2 good-xit- y terms. See reasonable on the ) Ladies Free. Admission 50c; Adv. Wm. thing new. On Thursday eve June 21st, a Fife, butchers of Brigham City, The boy scouts of the three wards were in Hyrum on Friday buying Welcome Home Reception will be of Hyrum were busy last Wednesheld at the Second Ward in honor live stock. day canvassing the town in an effort A good proLola Johnson. Miss of to secure subscriptions for the WANTED to contract for about is Dancing preparedbeing gram 10 acres of beets to work single-hande-d liberty bond. They did well and entertainment. other and pastime, are to be congradulated on the Apply to during summer. welcome. Everybody Adv. Ole Thompson, Hyrum. splendid work. Miss Elizabeth Bailey of WellsWhat am'a Jazz Band? ville is now employed at the (Answer) A Jazz Band am a Jazz Hyrum Clo. Co.- Miss Bailey is Band and that am all, sort of considered one of the best clerks in Adv. Just a Jazz Band AND KaIsOMINING Southern Cache, and the Clothing Store can consider themselves lucky Miss Alda Johnson left for BY Idaho, Tuesday. She has ac- to get such an efficient clerk. cepted a position as saleslady- - in a Mr. J. W. Ellingsen, Traffic. Mgr. department store in that city. HYRUM, UTAH. of the O. L: & I. was a Hyrum' Miss Lola Johnson, daughter of visitor this week, arranging with Residence, corner 1st North and Mr. H. G. Johnson of - the Second the S. S. Board for their Annual 2nd West. Ward returned from the Northern Excursion to Saltair. He stated States Mission Wednesday eve. that many wonderful improvements All work guaranteed and promptly attended to. Sister Johnson is looking fine, and had been made at the Beach and a record Season is expected. tKinnmtnmnmmmnaHUttmmttnma is glad to be home again. Messrs. LeRoy Larson and tf Fishermans Headquarters Paper Hanging Rex-bur- g, H. W. JAMES r ir POLES LINES SPINNERS tt Y Y Y Y 4 TO RODS HOOKS FLIES LEADERS REELS v HYRUM DRUG CO. fY - - DC AND Arid Less! The Kind And Style That All Women Like To Wear " . MmlMKt f AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS HALF PRICE x V GAME LICENSE verI-bes- t goods , , - it v Where Every One Likes To Trade tt |