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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH South Ceche Cecrier Vi 5100 REWARD 1100 7 The readers of this paper will be RsibliAed Every FrWiay at liyrum pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded risease that science has , Utah. J. A. WAMLEN, Publisher. Getting Down ' to Business v The first uncertainty caused by the United States entering the world war has passed. As a nation we have taken stock of the situation and have pretty well determined what is necessary to be done. Thanks to the wonderful efficiency of the industrial enterprises in this country, the government has been relieved of an immense responsibil- ity from that source. Our factorys and workshops in every line are ady to start filling government orders on a days notice. Thbre has been a wonderful spirit of shown on all sides. Railroads have voluntarily organized efficiency departments in order to be able to move necessary supplies over the most suitable routes in the shortest time Electric companies are working to perfect devises to aid in military work. Shipyards are holding ways open for government contracts at low figures. sugar companies, farmers and other industries have come for? ward with a wonderful working organization of almost untold reMines, sources- If the government both state and national will with private industry in this country in a fair and helpful way, the productive ability of the nation in all lines, will be shown in a manner that will astound many bureaucratic and red tape ridden forms of old world government. te Industrial News been able that to cure TO" in all stages, and Catarrh, Halls Catarrh Cure is the only postive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment.' Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offers One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of test1 s imonials, Address: Toledo, O. & Co., F. J. CHENEY Sold by all Druggists 75c, Advertisement quiring rights in the future will have to be governed by the provisions of the code. One of the nations greatest asMuch needed sets is waterpower. held up by has been development lack of satisfactory legislation permitting utilization of power sites oV reserves. Just why government fake conservationists continue to advocate this waste is hard to understand. If ever we needed power development we need it now to conserve the oil and coal supply for the navy. Legislation to encourage the American investor in this line should be passed. will the state and national farm loan banks help' a really needy'class, to develop new lands and build new homes or will the money be absorbed by a class already mortgaged up to the deck and merely take up other The High Cost of Service Under all circumstances the public demands adequate and dependable telephone service. To meet this demand throughout our territory, immense sums have been added to our plant investment during the last few years. During this period the cost of every item of material phone business has been increased. tele- The result is not only an abnormally high investment, but it means, also, that the cost of keeping our plant alive and working is proportionately high. This confronts us with the problem of making our revenues balance with operating and maintenance costs and dividend requirements. Inadequate revenues imperil plant efficiency, which, in turn, imperils the efficiency and adequacy of the service. loans? The American Red that enters into the Star will take its place beside the American Red Cross humane work on the battlefields of (Europe if the plana of a newly organized society go through. The Red Star Society proposes to alleviate the sufferings of horses, dogs and mules which are engaged And that is a problem in which the public and the Company are mutually u interested. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co in dangerous work. An organizaNo country, whether at peace or tion similar to the Red Star is said at war, can grow and prosper with- to have saved 105,000 out of 150,000 out successful industries. We all wounded horses in Europe. live by the work of each other. Fight for policies which encourage the payroll creator. The investment in the electrical industries of this country is equal to the assessed valuation of real " property and improvement in Greater New York. Excursion East Via f , That the railroads need more revenue to meet the increased cost of operating is no longer debated. The only arguments will center on the size of the increase. The biggest shippers in the country were saved from ruin when, the railroad strike was averted, and the averting of that strike alone cost the railroads between $75,000,000 and $80,000,000 anualiy. As chief beneficiaries, the shippers can hardly object with good grace to a policy of fair play. Producers and shippers, unhampered by restrictions, have had to raise prices for their commodities from 50 toLl00 per cent. Oregon Short Line Union Pacific System May 12, 16, 19, 23, 26 and 30. June 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 and 30. July 4, 11, 18 and 25. ; August 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. September been It provides a method for determining the ownership of water, and will settle the title in practically the same way as land titles are settled. In that respect it is a good law. It will not affect water power companies having vested rights, but those ac- d. and 12, 1917. t fV Special low fares to Denver, Colorado Springs, Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Sr. Louis, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Merpphis and many other points. Stockton Independent: Let it not be forgotten that the Congressman who put through the army bill making available the full military power of the United' States was Julius, Kahn, a Californian born in Germany, the Merced Sun reminds the people. The new Washington water code will be of assistance to water users on streams where the water has 5 LONG LIMITS, DIVERS ROUTES, Young man, do you know that your employer will take personal interest in you when re learns that you are saving some of your pay? a' J t Start a Savings Account With Us STOP OVERS. Ask O. S. L. Agents for rates and further details. . and youll soon be getting ahead in the world. Money means opportunity for you. . opposition to a by the board of education of Salt Lake City, to cause a 30 per cent increase in taxes in that city was registered at a special meeting of the board Wed. night by committees representing the tax payers of the five municipal wards, the A yigorou- - pro-pos- al Commercial club, the Salt Lake Clearing House association and the Salt Lake Real Estate association. The board was warned to proceed slowly and consider carefully its actions before attempting to place the additional burden on the public. Do it now Advertise. Hyrurri State Batik Subscribe For The South Cache Courier |