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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM. UTAH W. L. UCSILA UTAH THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" Main street In Sandy will be paved with cement within a short time. Seven banks of Ogden have agreed to take from $25,000 to $50,000 of the first United States war loans. Beginning June 1, it is announced, the Salt Lake Route will have a stage line In operation from Lund Into Little Zion valley. Utahs elementary schools were operated during the last school year at a cost of $23.72 for each person of school age. Boy Scouts at Sandy, under the direction of Scoutmaster A. It. Gardner, are doing practical work In the' food production campaign. . 00 90 07 & OO 04 04.00 W. $3 93.00 L. Douglas Save Money by Wearing aho- - For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. Shoes in the World. The Best Known is and the retail price stamped on the Douglas name of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and for inferior shoes. The the wearer protected against high prices They cost no more in San retail prices are the same everywhere. in New York. They are always worth the Francuco than they do them. for price paid quality of W. L. Douglas product is guarantped by more than 40 yean experience in making fine shoes. The smart the Fashion Centres of America. styles are the leaders in a made in factory at Brockton, Mass., are They skilled . .loemakers, under the direction and by the highest paid, all working with an honest supervision of experienced men, determination to make the best shoes for the price that money WL I can buy. Ask your shoe dealer for W. Cm Douglas shoes. If he can. not supply you with the kind you want, take no other make, write for Interesting booklet explaining how to ret shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price, return mail, postage free. LOOK FOR iV. L. Douglas name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. by In the Uintah basin the fanners are Boys' Shoes Best In the World $3.00 $2.50 4 $2.00 President W.Im Douglas Shoe Co.,' 18ft Spark St., Brockton, Mass. Tznr zd na "Wormy," thats whats the matter of em. Stomach and intestinal worms. Nearly as bad as distemper. Cost you too much to feed em. Look bad are bad. Dont will remove the physio em to death. Spohns Compound worms, Improve the appetite, and tone em up all round Acts on glands and blood. Full and dont "physic. directions with each bottle, and sold by all druggists. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists, Goshen, Ind., S. A. TJ. The larger the bluff, the smaller it a woman on the street without a shopplngbag. That looks when called. bachelmight be sufficient warning to One seldom sees Important to Mothers ors. FRECKLES Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bean the Is the Time to Get Bid ( These Signature of Ugly Spots. Theres no longer the slightest need of In Use for Over 30 'Years. feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria; Is double strength prescription othlne guaranteed to remove these homely spota ounce an othlne of double Simply get After you lose a thing you apprestrength from your druggist, and apply a little of It night and morning and you ciate its worth. should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom that more than one ounce is needed to comSatisfied With pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful Everybody clear complexion.. Be sure to ask for the double strength This Kidney Medicine othlne, as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles. Adv. For several years we have sold and heard the most satisfactory remarks about, Womans curiosity has been doing a your medicine. Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t. continuous performance, ever since So gratified are our customers that when Mother Eve took a bite out of the one bottle is used they come back for the second if the remedy did not possess I apple. merit m the troubles for which it is recommended it would not enjoy such a splenTHE BEST BEAUTY DOCTOR did reputation among my customers, who speak very favorably regarding it. My mother recommends it very highly after is Cuticura for Purifying and Beautiobtaining very favorable results from its use, and I am confident that if it is taken fying the Skin Trial Freer according to directions it is hound to acFor cleansing, purifying and beauti- complish good results. . Very truly yours, fying the complexion, hands and hair, GRIFFIN BROS. DRUG CO. Cuticura Soap with touches of Cuti- Sept. 21, 1910. Fullerton, Neb. cura Ointment now and then afford the Prove What Swamp-RoWill Do For You most effective preparations at the miniSend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer .& Co.r mum of cost. No massaging, steaming Binghamton. N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will creaming, or waste of time. also receive booklet of valuable inforFree sample each by mail with Book. mation, tellinga about the kidneys and bladAddress postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, der. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. Regular fifty-cen- t and one-dollBoston. Sold everywhere. Adv. size bottles for sale at an drug stores. Adv. Vanity isnt on the official list of virtues, yet. unless a man has a good When a woman says that her husopinion of himself he will never band Is perfection it is a safe bet that amount to much. she hasn't been married three weeks. Now -- ot ar Kidney & Co. J. H. WATSON) The kidneys and the skin work in harmony. Theyre companions, the skin being the second partner. If we are anxious to keep well and preserve the vitality of the kidneys and, also, free the blood from noxious elements, we must pay special attention to a good action of the skin and to see that the kidneys are flushed so as to eliminate the poisons from the blood. Sweating, by hard work or In a bath, at least once a week, helps to keep the skin and kidneys in good condition. Flush the kidneys by drinking plenty of pure water with meals and between meals. Occasionally obtain at the drug store Annrlc, double strength, which will help flush the kidneys and the Intestines. You will find that Annrlc Is many times more active than llthia and that It dissolves uric add as hot water does sugar. (BY DR. NEWS OF LOGAN Logan, Utah. BUDGETleKlTOWI I have been greatly benefited by using the Annrlc Tablets. I have tried many medicines for bladder trouble, but ' Anuric has done me the most good of any. Before taking the Annrlc Tablets I had to arise three or four times each night. I am glad to speak well S. SANFORD HAVENS, of Annrlc 369 No. 2d E. St. You can clear up the eoated tongue, the sallow complexion, the dull headache, the lazy liver, If you will take a pleasant laxative made up of the Juice of the leaves of aloes, root of jalap, and called Pleasant Pellets. You can obtain at almost any drug store these vegetable pellets in vials. May-appl- e, showing their loyalty by planting an increased acreage and American flags are waving over the fields. Two boys, Thomas Shields, aged 8, and Fountain Langford, 11, were painfully injured at Price when a giant cap which they had found was ex ploded. Residents of the Uinta basin have presented a petition to the governor, asking for the establishment of a unit of the National Guard of Utah at Fort Duchesne. An Ogden company has submitted to the governor a proposition to Install a broom and whisk factory at the state prison, to be operated by prison labor. Eight Bingham men, charged with having in their possession In dry territory more than the legal limit of sixteen ounces of intoxicating liquor, were bound over to the district court. The state board of Examiners has complete arrangements for establishment of an intrabuilding mail exchange for service between various departments and offices in the capital. Another high price for wool has been registered in this state by the recent sale by Charles E. Kaiser of Ogden, of his entire clip of approximately 75,000 pounds for 50 cents per pound. L. W. Gillilan, a bookkeeper, was shot while watching a street fight between an Italian and a Mexican at Salt Lake, a bullet striking him in the cheek, causing a painful but not serious wound. Four companies, each containing from fifty to seventy-fiv-e men, have been organized at the University of Utah under the direction of Captain J. C. French, United States army, for the purpose of military drill. In view of the threatened food shortage, no loafers will be tolerated In Salt Lake City in future, all men who ordinarily shun work, being, warned that they will be forced to work on the rock pile if convicted of vagrancy. Offer of two lots in Salt Lake for gardening purpose, provided that they ,be used only by an American citizen and expressly provided that they may not be used by an alien enemy, has been made by Emil Strassen of Lead, J S. D. In anticipation of the mobilization of an army of 2,000,000 men, the Utah State Medical society has taken steps to organize the medical fraternity of the state to furnish a full quota from Utah in the United States medical officers reserve corps. William Selley, Sr., died at his home In Salt Lake at the age of 83 years, He was born in England, March 18, 1834, and came to Utah in 1866. He was a veteran Of the Crimean war and a member of the Seventeenth light infantry, known as the Bengal Tigers. Oscar Delstrong, a miner, 32 years of age, attempted to kill himself near Eureka, while in a despondent mood. Delstrong made the attempt at the pump house of the Tintic Standard mine by slashing his wrists, neck and left side with a pocket knife. He will probably recover. Worried over financial reverses and grief at the thought that his nativi country was involved in a war with the country of which he chose to be a citizen,, August Treppman, 59, a Ger man, went into the back yard of his home at Salt Lake and shot himself through the head. As a result of the tender of its services by the state board of labor, arbitration and conciliation, miners to the number of approximately 160 who went on a strike April 20 in the Victor Consolidated, Mammoth, Gold Chain and Grand Central mines in the Tintic district have returned to work. . Two special days for emphasizing the importance of the food conserva tion campaign were set aside in a proclamation by the governor. Friday, April 27, was observed in all the schools of the state, while Sunday, April 29, was designated as production and conservation day for the entire , Garters Little Liver Pills For Constipation A vegetable remedy that always gives prompt relief in constipation. Banishes that tired feeling altogether and puts you t, stimulates the Liver gently, but quickly restor-ta- g right it to full and healthy action, and the stomach and bowels to their natural functions. Making life worth living. over-nigh- Small PHI Small Doae Small Price ROSY cheeks state. It Genuine beara signature or HEALTHY COLOR Indicate Iron In the Blood. Pale feK'isS; CARTERS IRON that the duty of the appointed by the governor-will be to Twelve and pass upon all requisitions for stationery, pens, Ink and other office supplies used b$ the various state offices and departments. He will devise a standardization system for all blanks used in the rfout offices and departments. Is announced state printer or PILLS NOTICE TO SICK WOMEN They are slaves who fear to speak For the fallen and the weak. They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three. Lowell. Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable, Compound Relieves MORE HONEY DISHES. Suffering. Here are a few more ways of using loney in various dishes; Honey Jumbles. Take two cup--1 fuls of honey, one cupful of butter, four beaten eggs, one cupful of buttermilk, a quart of flour, and a tea-- ! spoonful of soda. If it seems too thin, stir In more flour. Eggs, butter and honey should be thoroughly mixed be--1 fore adding the flour. Coffee Cake. Cream a cupful of add one and a half cupfuls of I sugar, two beaten eggs, a cupful of cold coffee, a half cupful of honey and a teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful each of cinnamon and cloves, four cupfuls of flour, with as many raisins and currants as desired. Let stand 20 minutes before baking. Cambridge Gingerbread. Melt half a cupful of butter, in a hfilf cupful of boiling water; add a cupful of honey, one beaten egg, three teaspoonfuls of asking powder, a half teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, a half teaspoonful of cloves and a teaspoonful of ginger and three cupfuls of flour. Bake 40 minutes In a moderate oven. Cracker Jack. One cupful of honey with a cupful of brown sugar Is boiled together until it hardens when dropped Into water. Remove from the heat and stir in a half teaspoonful of soda. Add puffed rice or popcorn all that can be stirred into it. Horseradish and honey mixed together make a most effective cough Use one part horseradish remedy. and two parts honey. Soft Honey Cake. Take a cupful of butter, two cupfuls of honey, two eggs, one cupful of sour milk, a teaspoonful and a half of soda, a teaspoonful each of cinnamon and ginger and four cupfuls of flour. Mix and beat well and bake In a sheet. Honey strained and mixed with chopped fruit and whipped cream makes a delicious fruit dessert. A few dishes which may be easily served are poached eggs In creamed asparagus, preceded by a fruit cocktail, brown bread sandwiches, radishes, orange and pineapple salad, cheese straws, coffee or hot chocolate. I Good nature will always supply the absence of beauty, but beauty cannot supply the absence of good nature. Goldsmith. GOOD DISHES. The soy bean is being extensively grown and is a most profitable field crop to be used In various ways ; as yet. It has not been largely used for human consumption, but it Is worth trying, as It sells at a much cheaper price than the ordinary table beans. Black Bean Soup. Soy beans are of different varieties and colors, but all contain a valuable amount of protein and are rich in food Soak the beans overnight values. and parboil them. This may take a little longer than the time required for the navy bean; then put Into a kettle with beef or hock bones and simmer gently for four hours, add salt, a Boll the whole onion, and pepper. beans until soft, then1 put through a sieve, add a little butter and flour creamed together for a binding, and a tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce, d a egg, finely chopped, and one and a half tablespoonfuls of lemou hard-cooke- juice. Baked Beans With Sour Cream-.Soak three cupfuls of beans overnight and In the morning parboil with a fourth of a teaspoonful of soda. Drain, place In earthen baking dish with salt, pepper and a little olive oil or butter. Turn over the top a cupful of thick sour cream, cover and cook slowly four or five hours. Uncover the last hour and add a half cupful of sugar or less If desired sweetened. To occupy the guests before the dishes are ready a fruit cocktail or a cup of hot bouillon may be served. Six people are plenty to be served from a chafing dish; If there are two In operation more guests may be supplied. Mustard Butter. This makes a fine relish to serve with corned beef and cabbage. Mix two tablespoonfuls of butter, softened with a dust of red pepper, a teaspoonful of mustard, the Iry variety, and a teaspoonful of the French mustard and half a teaspoonful of tarragon vinegar. I cannot speak too Bridgeton, N. J. Pinkhams E. of VegetaLydia highly ble Compound for inflammation and other weaknesses. I was very irregular and would have terrible pains so that I could hardly take a step. Sometimes I would be so miserable that I could not I sweep a room. doctored part of the iitime but felt no I later took Lydia E. change. barns Vegetable Compound and soon felt a change for the better. I took it until I was in good healthy condition. I recommend the Pinkham remedies to all women as I have used them with such good results." Mrs. Milford T. Cummings, 322 N. J Harmony St, Penns Grove, Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women suen as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and kindred ailments. TYPHOID te no more necessary than Smallpox. Army experience bu demonstrated the almost miraculous efficacy, and boimlessneas, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Bo vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and your family. It is more vital than bouse Insurance. Ask your physician, druggist, or send for "Have you had Typhoid? telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us , and danger from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, BERKELEY, CAL. . a aov. uctass PBoaaciao vaccmss e Sasuns umds COPPER MINING I must sell to protect my option, a limited nnmber of shares In a valuable Jerome (Arixona) copper property. Inside price. Worlds richest copper mine. United Verde Extension almost surrounds It. Property, plan and men stand closest scrutiny. Arixona Blue-Sk- y Commlxslon permit. Big, quick profits, reasonably certain. B. L. Banes, 424 Broaawy,Tales,Cal. W. N. ta. ,, n j ...Li .'.is Some Scheme. You knew Booster? Hes in khaki at present, but wait till the wars over, and youll see him grow rich, said Smithers. Hes going to make the matrimonial agency popular. "Ah! said the others. Yes. He says hundreds of thousands of bright boys will be coming back to their former haunts to find their promised brides married to munition millionaires. Theyll look around them and see the advertisements : Boosters Bonny Brides. Write for Booklet. Then theyll get a booklet full of testimonials. I know, said Brown. Like this: Dear Boosters : I was a bachelor to love me. Now, thanks to you, I have a wife and family and alt the usual trimmings. Or this, ventured Tomkins ; When-thwar was over and I had no nice, comfortable trench of my own to shelter in, I began to think peace wasnt a blessing after alL However, I married one of your Bonny Brides, and-noI wonder whether we shall ever wlth-nobod- get another war This is Ha, ha! cried Brooks. one testimonial thats sure to turn up : Two years ago I married one of your brides, since when I have kept her mother. London Tlt-Blt- s Touchy. Golf Professional (giving a lesson) --You know, sir, you lift your elbow too much to play golf properly. New Member How dare you! Im. a lifelong teetotaler 1 . Tlt-Blt- s. - vrtJiSL to the Health often lies in a ebande of table drink |