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Show ' - HYRUM, UTAH Thats where youll is your castle. , SOUTH UAUH1S COUKIEK- want to take your bride and make your little nest. Begin now to save a part of your earnings and it wont seem any time until you have funds to buy some property and take your place as a substantial citizen. Popular Favor and Revenues The success of any utility is largely dependent upon two prime factors popular favor and adequate revenues. Start a Savings Account With Us and Draw Interest on It z- - ' ' " One of our Companys most highly prized assets is the confidence which the sincere desire to serve the public has in our policies, our methods, and our ' public well. Hyrum State Bank ; Eut as to the factor of revenues we have our problems. The territory in which we operate contains fewer persons per square mile than any other similar area in thfe United States. This means that we have an abnormally high investment per unit of population or per subscriber. 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Hay, Hay, Hay; Stillbe patient good cow, my pep-- 1 The following poetry was composed by the pupils of Miss Lewis, pery Peg For despite of hay being two of the sixth grade: dollars a keg to steal, borrow or Away to the roaring ocean wide The little brook doth softly glide; beg. Your old cud again you shall Dancing and leaping and frolicing I Tell Why They 1 ' j WomenLove chew. gay, This Magazine All the merry summer day. to Fiction, it is Su- Fashion From s a that Remember, please, youre If I have it poor widows cow And that the God of widows con-- i trives somehow The milk of human kindness to themwards flow, So of your old' cud keep on a chewing. "Why hay is dear right now Ill Onward it hurries oer stone and grass. Making glad music for all those who pass; The brids in the tree tops twitter and sing, And all the woods doth merrily ring. Valene Petersen. tell you Six Grade. Tis because farmers are over- much using the plow r Dollar-tnakin- g, ALL KINDS OF " . JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE At Reasonable Prices. Subscribe For THE BROOK , tooth-rottin- s s s s r s .More s Subscribers Than Any Other Fashion Magazine I am in my 70th year and still support- ing myself. I like McCALLS the best and been dressmaking since I was 24," have I s From writes Mrs. M. L. .T , of Connecticut. its dressmaking lessons and its simple and in- struetive patterns, I have learned to dress my writes Mrs R sg family neatly and stvlishly," s M , of Kentucky. "Our family has worked you every year but two since your maga- s for 3 zine started," writes Miss R , of Nebraska. "I am a dressmaker and never use any other sj patterns but McCALVS, and I never have any trouble in giving perfect satisfaction,' writes Mrs. B., of Indiana "The mpst re-- 3 liable book on fashions. Your Fancy-Wor- k Department nas earned quite a few dollars H for me," writes Mrs. C. of Oregon. Six Months Trial Subscription, Only 25 Cents H 1 Address THE McCALL COMPANY s gi ? p jj g: -- saccharine to grow g s s But V keep right on a chewing swefet, f; g your cud. And daisies and bluebells nod at its feet. This severest winter will not 70S McCall Bldg. New York City. N. Y. forever last I Always the same in the fresh air of I To Women FREE! Who Sew! Sample Copy of Tis only two months longer tahn ALL'S MAGAZINE and "Ready 1 McC may; Reference Pattern Catalogue FRE1J on request. was the last - jg To Fancy Needleworkers! "Fancys Or in the . heat of a summer day. Work Bonk with new designs ami lessons in Embroidery Stitches, FREE for stamp The day of small hay will soon It bubbles and ripples and To Church Workers! $100 00 Given to any softly sings Churchl Ask for MeC ALLS be past Of the clearest, purest loveliest g Raising rian," indorsed by 3000 churches To Aqents and Club . Raisers! Ask for s To keep on a chewing your old McCALL'S fine big "ROOK OF GIFTS and 5 things. CASH OFFER. PRIZE mammoth $1800.00 ' i i To Boys and Girls! Bicycles and hundreds cud. Alice Liljenquist. of other Prizes GIVEN AWAT. Write for McCALLS Grand Offer to Boys and Girls gj Six Grade. iiiiHiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui'iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiniiiiin.l Then again to the pasture you 44R7 Tn tt ' liiiimiiiiniMimimiHiii shall go Grass will grow again as it used Delicate Possibility. Are you in favor of government to do Sometimes I am, reownership? Then fer your calf the milk will Buy the Boy's Suit at plied the cautious citizen, although "Church-Fund- - j Id hate to be flow, The South Cache Courier ' hold suggestions, good, clean, bright stories, 3 The 3 5 and is a very convenient size to handle gecond copy I received saved me far more than 5 a for to pay enough years subscription," s writes Mrs. A. 'J , of Texas. "I cannot tel? you all that it means to me," writes a South I have taken McCALLS s subscriber. 3 Carolina MAGAZINE since I was married and my 3 mother took it for years before and does now I go to it for every need. Every new dish I prepare, or help I learn, my husbaud says: You must have gotten that from McCALLS' 3 ana he is right. I could not do without it." 1 A Recognized Fashion Authority for 45 Years H the meadow is a bubbling brook, That ripples out from its shady nook; The water is pure and cool and Down in s g h preme writes Mrs. J. H., of New York, g "Of all the magazines I have ever taken or E 1 road, I like McCALLS best," writes Mrs. V.- s It has such helpful house- s W.of California. And your cud you will keep a , chewing., E. A., Hyrum Hyrum Clothing Co. in a position where I oould express my opinion of the way a railroad was run, without seeming disrespectful to my country. r ' |