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Show I SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH South Cache fore, that every case of such sickness is a source of danger to the Published Every Friday at Hjwum entire community and every means possible should be taken to prevent Utah. that person from infecting others. J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. The person who will for the sake of ii i i f I I i C ourier 3 j! Prevention of Epidemics epidemics of ' measles, scarlet fever and other contagious diseases have occured in Utah this winter. Numerous complaints were Serious i ft U- - heard regarding the quarantine regulations imposed by the Health authorities. Many complained that they were enforced too strictly or discrimination. without ' proper Others said that they were not maintained strictly enough and thus permitted a spread of the infections. li ' to any kind of quarantine, declaring it unnecessary Health officers ,and tyrannical. have complained that the people in many cases refused their and ignored or evaded the Some t i 1 f I H regulations. Most of the .trouble was probably due to thoughtlessness. The majority of us believe in the strict enforcement of law but when it begins to cramp our own activities our zeal weakens. Any quarantine, will j t ' i objected seriously inconvenience many and work great injustice to some persons. This is regrettable but inevitable.'- Public welfare must ever take precedence over private need. The greatest good for the greatest number" should be the motto of every citizen as well as of every health officer. Modern science has proven to the satisfaction of every well informed reasonable person that those diseases which occur in epidemics are carried from person to person and eannot occur in any other way. In almost every case it is possible, if the search is thorough enough, to trace the infection to some other human being. It is evident, there convenience or becouse of stubborness permit this infection to be carried to another person js an enemy of society and should not escape the indignation of his neighbors. , Some people make the excuse that measles, whooping cough, etc. are natural to children and are harmless or at least necessary. Such pefsons should know the facts. They are not necessary and can and should be prevented. Measles kill on an average of 10,000 children each year in the United States and many thousands are left with imand other serious paired s. Whooping cough is even more dangerous. perhaps Mumps and german measles have serious consequences. In view of these facts, familiar to every physician and well informed layman, the people should demand the rigid enforcement of quarantine regulations and should in every possible way with their health officers to make these regulations effective. personal -- eye-sig- ht after-effect- Give the West a Chance! state of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo. O. All Druggists 75c. Halls Family Pi'ls for constipation, tf Y T Y T Y v t Y ?Y Y v ruebite T eeth t T When you want a set of teeth you want the best set obtainable and that is what you get i bite. From every point of View it is the Tooth Premin-ent- f' It is colored right, .and the tooth forms are perfect types of natural teeth. They make' you look right, and they give you service. We produce them for less money than you are compelled to pay for the ordinary' sets elsewhere. ' We absolutely refuse to admit that anyone can make a better finished plate or one that will fit better. If you need a set or if the old ones dont exactly suit you you to separate, yourself from enoug i get a set. You will never make a better investment. We have the best office in the North, equipped to the minute and are prepared to give you the up in everybranch of the dentistry, at a service best -- fY Y i (Advertisement) t 1 - Y Y Y Y Y serves. ? ? ( t X great saving. Truebites - Single Plate, - $12.00 Forest reserves, power reserves, coal reserves, oil reserves and game are used as pretexts to permanently hold up lands. According to highest authorities when thbse western states were admitted they acquired all sovereign powers of the older states. Congress retained the right to dispose of public lands to forward immediate settlement and development of these new- - western states. In the grant to Congress by states there was no thought of allowing the federal government to exercise perpetual dominion over Y Y Y Y Y reserves , Full Set, - - 20.00 Painless Extractions, 50c. , f Crown and Bridge Work $5.00 per Tooth. All other' Service at Proportionate Prices. f Y Drs. Come and See Us. Y We will both be Benefitted. ENSIGN 85 Y f and SMITH N. Main Street, Logan, Utah. t Y ff f them. That is the afterthought engraft- The great development issues for western states are involved in problems of public lands, conservation and water power policies. Half a dozen eastern millionaires maintain a national press bureau and flood the press of the Uqited t States with their ideas on these - lines. Fifty to sixty per cent of the acres of the western states are held back from natural normal settlement by various kinds of re ed on our goverment by the doctrine who of western conservationists have become autocratic guardians. Western Senators and Representatives who are playing the game of eastern conservationists should realize the folly of their position. Release the naptral resources and natural rights of the western states from the clutch of those who are playing the game of benefactors of future generations, for political purposes at our expense. . jftt The New Skirts Snow Many Style Variations FOR SPRING. g ; ? . H For Sport wear, Street wear and Dressy wear, the Seperate Skirts for Spring occupy the first place in the Womens Wardrobe. The Variety is as pleasing as the Styles are Charming. This showing embraces every New and Distinctive Creation that has been developed from plain eolored, striped and plain woolens, Plain Silks, Striped, Plain and Fancy designed Sport Silks. Pleats, Barrel effect and straight lines Pockets,! with braiding and Embroidery being extensively employed. All are here in this early Spring Display. Some of them: predominate Long doth New Spring Wash Goods SPORT FROCKS Ginhams Percales. 36 vm6c yard. Madras Batiste, Organdies, and other colored fabrics as well as white goods of every description, are here. Styles which reveal SpringsLatest Dictates in Plain Colors, and Combinations, the straight line effect being a decided favorite. SEE THESE NEW ARRIVALS. and Nainsook Fine quality, soft finish and evenly woven Fabrics in full width at attractive prices 12 i-- 2 X Dress Goods Ladies Underwear , Corset Covers, 35c value Ladies Combination Suits, 75c val. Ladies Night Gowns, 75c value Ladies Night Gowns, $1.50 value.. Ltfdies Underskirts, 75c value Ladies Underskirts, $1.50 valve . New Spring - c 49c 98c 49c 98c Line of Childrens Muslin' Underwear. Also a Good CORSETS . AND SILKS ' . Warners Corsets 7 FROM l Every new color, weave and design favored for Spring Wear will be found here at most attractive prices. 98c to $3.50 Nemo Self-Redvci- Corset, from ng $3.00 to $8.50 f Coats and Suits Arriving Daily. It will Pay You to call and inspect our stock LEWIS DEPT. STORE v MAIN STREET, L6GAN. - 0 - OPPOSITE TABERNACLE. . |