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Show I SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH South Cache Courier MOO SUGAR BEET INDUSTRY i The Malad, Idaho, i k I i commenting on the benefits of proposed sugar factory for that place sets forth a few arguments of interest to the citizens of several western states now entering the field of beet sugar productions. It says in pact, 'such a factory will afford a fixed market for about of the. total farm products of the entire valley. But this is only a small portion of the benefits to be' derived, in fact it is only the smallest portion, because if the farmers dont raise beets they will devote their land and energies to some other crop that will give them some returns. Aside from the direct interest of the farmers, many benefits are derived from a. sugar factory. It .would employ 4 or 5 hundred men from October until February, turning, the unproductive time" of 5 hundred men, into productive time and at the low estimate of fifty dollars per month would mean an increase of wealth to the extent of j t ! I : i ,! i i t one-fourt- i it 1 ; i 1 , u ' n i , I I Enterprise in t r 1 i twenty-fiv- e thousand h dollars "A sugar factory in operation t ; i " ,1 f A J r. i . i s ' Halls Catarrh. Catarrh Curs is the only postlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, requires Halls, a constitutional treatment. Cure is taken internally, actCatarrh ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work, The propreitors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offers One Hundred Dollars for any1 case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials, & Co., J. C1JENEY Address: 75c. all Sold Druggists by Toledo, 0. (Advertisement Doughnut! Any time you want real goodies use Calumet Baking Powder! My mother uses it she:s tried all others shes learned her lesson now she sticks to Calumet. Unequalled for making tender, wholesome, light bak- iius. Wonderful leavening and raising 5'nliMcs uusfnrm results. Mother say Calumet Is the most economic tl to buy-- most economical to ue. Tiy it at once.' Received Hiplieet Awards Lots of Snow. in Old England Vcv CjhI liooi Iren Set: Slip In PvuudCan If anyone doubts that England is country minus the occasional fall of" the beautiful during winter time they will be convinced differently Dy reading the following clipping, taken from an English paper and landed us for publication: In the South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire districts there was a very heavy fall of snow and many the main highways were made Drifts from 10 to 12 impassable.' :eet deep were common. A Shef-iel- d party of motorists, returning rom Hope lute at night, after giving a lecture to raise funds for wounded soldiers, had th misfortune to fun into one of these huge drifts, with the result that their car became firmly embedded. All efforts to dislodge it proved futile, and as. little assistance could be summoned at that particular spot, the three occupants, all gentleman, lad no alternative but to remain a of month. P 1100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded risease that science has been able to cure in all stages, and Published Every Frkky at Hyrum ' Utah. that J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. ' REWARD this year would have saved thousands of dollars worth of livestock to the valley. Reports received from the winter range that many horses are ' dying of starvation and exThese horses were all posure. shipped because of the lack of feed, and besides hundreds of head of horn stock werq, shipped, were Cheap and big can Raking Powders do not ridicusave a at you money. Calumet does its pure either sold out right far and superior to sour milk and soda. lously low price, or moved to other , localities for feeding. And all of them could have been in the motor all night. Fortunate CANCER NOT CONTAGIOUS kept . at home if we had a sugar y they had a plentiful supply of factory here. rugs and a flask containing some The American Society for the a from The syrup sugar factory lot liquor. In the morning the Control of Cancer, a body of the very would insure the success of an assistance of farmers in the neigh character and authority, alfalfa meal mill in the, valley and lourhood was secured and the highest has issued a circular which we rethis would afford a ready market motor-ca- r dug out, ther party aras one of the most important for all the alfalfa we could raise, riving in Sheffield'the following day gard that have come from any health or , It has been suggested that we at noon. The ocganization in a long time. might build a sugar factory here i furnished The storm on the higher reaches casion of the circular without the aid of outside capital. of address the delivered, by Mr. Nidderdale and on the adjoining by So much the Jbetter if we can, is moors has been the most severe for Arthur Hunter, president of the our ' idea, but by all means, it is several winters. In the Greenhow-hil- l Actuarial Society of America and urgent that the farmers and bus! district the snowdrifts have actuary of the New York Life Inness men boost for this institution reached a depth about the farm- surance Company, at the recent if they feel that it will benefit steads that farmers have had to meeting of the Association of Life them. tunnel from their houses to their Insurance Presidents, on the quesWhy not get together and pul farm buildings. The roads have tion. Is Cancer either Contagious Mr. Hunters con- for a factory or a substation to be been impassable for vehicular traffic or Hereditary? located in South Cache. Nearly and farmers have with difficulty elusion, based on a searching study every section of country with no made journeys on horseback through of what seems like adequate numbetter resources than South Cache snow a yard . deep. In some cases ber of instances, is that there is has, is working for a sugar factory they .have had to abondon their every reason to believe that it is or some' other enterprise to be vehicles at the roadside. On the neither. The Cancer Society, in its located in their midst, and here we Asia Moor and other high' grounds circular, says that previous statisare standing idly by and letting al large numbers of, 'sheep are buri'ec tical investigation among human these improvements, which woulc under'the snow, the farmers exper beings has failed to establish the inbe a lasting, benefit and a wonder iencing great difficulty in rescuing heritance of cancer, and Mr. Hunful stimulant for the building up o them from the drifts. The farm ters study merely adds to the pass enc our communities in the south steads and one or two villages on of evidence against heredity as a On the subject of Cache pass on unnoticed, to the the high moors were for the time be causative factor. of the contagion, Societys stateenriching of other sections. ing practically isolated. is ment even more emphatic. Here Farmers and business men the evidence is not only statistical, In a districts wine country sharp South Cache, cant there be some to make bigdrifts and fac but also directly experiential, since thing done to give this end of our helped after countless operations there is beautiful valley a little boost, so tory people experienced great diffi we may be classed with others o culty in going to and coming from no case recorded in which a surgeon o nurse has acquired cancer from our neighboring sections "Who are their work. the treatment of or attendance uppushing ahead with public im on any patient suffering from this Unjust taxation of industries provements and enterprises, even disease. We trust that the puris Anc one the act above all others that in building sugar factories." of the Societys circular will what is said of the benefits derivec will frighten capital away from in port from such an enterprise in other vestments in a state and it is to be become generally known throughout the country, and have the effect sections can be applied to this, and hoped that our legislature will much more how at this time to place Utah which it is intended to attain the there is no telling removal from the minds of those we may be benefitted if a factory o in thisposition. friends or relatives afflicted in here some kind could be started With the danger of war banging having with cancer of all fear of its transHyrum or somwhere near by. Eih over the country, we are brdught mission either by descent or by face to face with the value of our contact.The Nation. Utah Press Association objects to industrial plants and railroads to establishment of state printing plant government. Conservative legisat cost of quarter million to only lation for their protection should be FOR SERVICE-Durh- am Bull at Aiiv. operate about 2 months of the year. the order of the day. Rose corral $1.00 .Willard 4 , . Financial Statement' of Hyrum .City For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1916r ' RECEIPTS: EXPENDITURFS: $6,256.36 Outstanding Warrants Dec., 31,1915 $1,458.61 Propty tax (Bal. 1915 levy) 412.08 . 938.25 Salaries, (1916 levy) 7,000.00 , Police 936.25 Dept Water Main, Dist; No. 1, I .... 1,153.66 3rd and 4th installments 6,305.08 Stireet'Eept..; " 700.00 531.00 Paving Dist. No. 3, Poll Tax 300.00 6,273.74 Electric Light Plants 5, Water System 441.66 1,654.44 6;..., . 507 J50 7, 415.10 Licenses Electric 944.03 Light Plant..'... .. 13,254.37 Paving' Dist. No. 3, 5 444.17 Care of Cemetery 84.76 ' 6 - 6.80 498.80 Judgments and Costs ...... f, 587.40 Books, Stationery and Ptg. 222.81 7, . . . 6,000.00 Loans 6,000.00 Bills Payable Bal. in Bank Dec. 31, 1915 . Justice Fines 91.25 Telephone and Telegraph 42.10 Water System 112.00 Interest 6.00 Health Dept 29.40 Miscellaneous Estray Pound Dog Tax Cemetery , Miscellaneous Warrants. Outstanding Qec. 31, 1916 Poll Tax 1915, collected Total 1, 177.pl 11.00 .. $38,883.96 - 1 RESOURCES: Cash due from Taxes... 701.15 Elec. Light Acct 2,294.44 1916 Water Licen. Ac. 334.65 Cash due on Poll Tax hand- ded in for collection Cash due on License Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1916, 18.00 100.00 ,981.57 , . Total 55.99 6,776.47 3,557.60 120.00 1,479.56 Bal. in Bank Dec. 31, 1916, 981.57 $38,883.96- - LIABILITIES: Electric Light Plant Bonds Water Works Bonds Special Tax Warriits Water System . i Special Tax Warrts. Pav,. .. ing Dist. No. 5 Special Tax Warrnts Pav- ing Dist. No. 6 Bills Payable. .....' 10,500 00 22,000.00 19,000.00 2,108.00 550.66 500.00 Dec. Total indebtedness Dec. 31, Outstanding Warts. ' 1,177.01 31,1916 1916 ,....51,405.86 Grand Total Total $55,835.67 $55,835.67 ASAEL ALLEN, City Recorder. ' ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE J ' - -- ; At Reasonable Prices. |