Show A CHILDRENS CHILDREN 98 HOME every effort to redeem from misery moral and physical 1 the portion 0 the human family that by circum stances has baa been placed in the depth of society to la worthy of OL ei coura gemen i and emulation there is still do BO much to be done by way of humanizing human beings that there to ia room tot or every energy every that cal cai be brought to bear in tuat direction an AD effort tor for the benefit of children has recently taken the form of a home tor for the little ones onee itla la called the lutus laturi home and lb situated at pleasant valley on a hill bill overlooking the hudson amid anost beautiful surroundings it Is ie pros presided luea over by mr williams ass s ex clery mad and la Is notable on account of the i entirely new dow prevailing with regard to anu and training I 1 natty may be regarded probably as aa an experiment X peri ment and the result should be 0 trtat interest Inter cut from a philanthropic point of view some bime details of the home furnished by the new york world will give au luea idea of its mot methods nods only a fortnight ago ona little arabs weri wen taken care of and given a home by mr williams at that time they wen ragged dirty unkempt and utu civil izeu izau they had bad apparently as the world buts uta it but one lorm of ex pressing sing their emotions physically and ana this consisted coi cois isted of a blow from either band or foot fool as the tb cession seemed to demand all ali their language lao guage was mostly confined t ti epithets eith ef varied with the lew lees blegan aega than forcible assurance ill ahab your race face pandemonium was wai loose here were demoa to 1 exorcise exor clee to choi out oi of the be first fart dinner in the new home the following graphic in given Wh when enthat that feast was waa announced the youngsters fell upon and over one another and fought like young turks for ant place while the general as mr williams is cal ledwith the perspiration pouring down his hia face and determination in his hi e eye a resorted to military dim dia oi ci pline suddenly in his loudest and most mort oratorical tones he shouted there will be one moment Pe s silence in this thia house belore before any one can have a mouthful to eat in utter astonishment the children were dumb the general raised his hi hand and said eaid this thin moment ot of silence to ia to prepare us to live in love and gentleness with each other when it to is over we will go to the dining room and each will try to show that the silent moment has bas not been lost to order was waa inculcated in the band of 91 hoodlums hood luma through geoe he Itri tion ot of the die silent moment 1 and 1 its pec how has been beed a af pf 7 the ho powie of 94 oab mind over the scattered matter incorporated in a score acore of typical east side strad youngsters 1 the work of keeping the hoar boas fj f braer Is ie divided between the Chil childrens dreis there is a bouie keeping department under the command of col co doyle it la Is further divided davidt d into th company jhb 04 broon broo briga the be bed making comp company and so BO on there is ia a ground bojok si ai d other depaTt departments ments one feature of mr Willia ralta aa rational oat cat lonal ional experiment to la his hie system Q correction from the first corp was abolished th proper self respect of the little 0 0 es diw alc not to be crushed to death on W ht pop pol i the account baye the st ernest discipline in vogue at U theosophical home consists in ID the d delf ft quenta each holding one end of a t measuring about five feet in length an outsider out aider the sight eight of two au offenders offen dera standing in utter and abt abl misery with the latal fatal stick grasped one little hand is a long lesson in ahw I 1 power and beauty of a real gospel ot of 1 manity to hold the end ot of a stick silence for five minutes is a punish puni befitting any crime according to the 60 at lotus house the proper treatment of child both in the be home borne and in 1 school not to mention a h institutions is a subject ot of general alb terest it is not believes belie beli veu evou that art method or system covers all cases of children successful biral nd educators depend largely NIL cupl their own resources as the oooo demands but as 86 long 1089 as there la in att pie room for improvement in the theet fo cail oLal work any idea put pug to practical test is very well worthy |