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Show MAY 5, 1987 TUESOAYDAVIS COUNTY CUPPER, $128,900. Two story home. Comfortable, convenient floor plan on Bountiful east bench. Close to schools. Large rooms in good condition. Call tor app. to see. 295-914- 557 TWO LARGE story mansard with a beautiful view. Four bedrooms, tour baths. East ot Davis Blvd. Close to Oak Hills school. Ollicelibrary mam floor. 295- 9140. 55J57 TRANSFERRED us. Must leaving DAD KEPT WELL home, carport, large lot, Kaysville $59,500 paint and clean for pari of down. Large lots. Call window coverings. 836 So. 300 295-496E. Centerville. John FARMINGTON BY OWNER Beautiful home, Vi acre 2 fenced yard, baths, family room. 1403 So. 35 East. $79,900. 428-52- CENTERVILLE 4 bedroom, 2 BY OWNER The Achievement large fenced backyard. Automatic sprinkler see Must system. $92,000. 428-5- 2 bedroom, 298-346- 8 bath, BOUNTIFUL starter not a fixer! 3 bdrm. 1600 sq. storm ft. garage, windows $59,500. 298-JI- negotiable. Ask tor Karla both worlds? peaceful country setting with ducks swimming on the pond, and the care-fre- e living in this lovely 2 Centerville bedroom Condo. New carpets down, nice patio off of dining. Family room up. Very attractive. $68,900. Call Karla 295-098- Anna TERRIFIC BUY BOUNTIFUL IN 1700 sq. ft. for $60,470. This one won't last. 4 bdrms., 2 baths. OVER Large family room. Lance Realtors . GREAT STARTER. Room to expand. Brick rambler, Centerville. Springs The hot tub is hot and ready to go. Lovely. 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, large kitchen, formal dining room. Condo in Chase Lane Village. Low monthly fees of $40. Must see to appreciate. 295-098Karla $109,500. 298-342- NEW LISTING, Large home or duplex, possibilities. Lots of storage, 5 bedrooms, family double $78,000. Lynda LOOKING 2 bedrooms, bath, fireplace, large kitchen, main floor utility. Unfinished basement with over 1550 sq. ft. Double garage on a nice lot sitting in a Only $98,800. Drive by 1 5 East 1190 South and call me tor an appointment. Anna 295-580Bee SUMMER IS HERE NOW IS the time to enjoy a beautiful yard, covered patio, outside and most of all privacy!! Lots of trees, bushes and flowers. By the way, to go with this gorgeous landscaping, a beautiful, all brick rambler with double garage, work shop and extra RV parking. 4400 sq. ft. finished. Mother-in-laapt. downstairs. Family room on the main floor also laundry and formal dining room. Call Bee to see. Bee 292-500Anna 295-580TWIN NEEDS MOMMY AND DADDY for this huge master bedroom suite. for kitchen Lovely Mommy, and garage for Daddy. fireplace, Built-in- beautiful deco., nice yard, and quiet street. Twin needs owner now. $59,900 but will nego. too. Sally 295-098298-512Vaughn TIRED OF HALF CLEAN HOUSES ? WELL HERE is one that is so clean, that you will only have to move in your and start cooking dinner. This is an oversized twin home Four in Farmington. levels with close to 2000 sq. ft. Hard to believe for 2 $61,900. only bedrooms with possible 2 more, family room, fireplace, and a nice fenced yard. Owner is anxious, so let us show you this now, and make an offer. Vaughn 298-512Sally 295-098- furniture SALE FAILED, large brick oak forest, Reduced to $105,000. Lots of extras, only 2 years old. Geo 292 Don 292-7177007. Canyon Oaks 55-5- 6 Realtors 298-342- ranbler Layton. In NEW BRAND Cen- In terville. Priced reduced to $108,000. Excellent buy, time to pick carpets 298-424and colors. Lynda Lee Canyon Oaks Realtors 55-5- I'i $51,900. 3 bdrms, near a baths, 544-012- Phyllis 298-342- Hills 6 location. Large bedroom, 4 bath contemporary. Lots of oaks. Cathedral ceilings. Great Geo buy at $124,900. Phyllis Realtors Oaks 298-342- NICE Realtors 298-342JUST RIGHT for a large family, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces. Good view. Choice neighborhood, Bntfl, East Bench $78,500. Don Phyliss Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342CUTEST BRICK rambler $58,900. Full basement, room, large family oversize double garage. acre. Won't last. fenced yard. Call 429-5- 3 Geo. 3 1 CUSTOM BUILT rambler in Woods Cross. Home has basement Mother-in-la- decorated, area of nice homes. $109,900. Don 295-052Realtors for for $62,900. Completely remodeled up and down. Absolutely immaculate. Sale failed. Rick or Bambi 298-011Tahna Canyon Oaks Realtors . Jennifer ASSUME V.A. LOAN EAST BENCH Rambler white brick, 4 bedroom, 1 Vt Double baths. solar twin home Kaysville - BEFORE WE LIST BOUNTIFUL BENCH, 4,000 sq. ft, 5 bdrm., 2 Vt bath, formal dining, 2 fireplaces, family and dbl. parking, 3 decks, view, corner No agents $125,900. rooms, RV 429-51- EXCELLENT LOCATION $68,900 BRICK rambler, 3 bedrooms, IVi bath, 2 fireplaces, new shingles, clean and tidy. 83 East 1600 So., Bountiful, 429-5- FARMINGTON STEAL THREE bedroom, two story, detached twin home. Underground sprinklers, garage. Nice neighborhood. Come and look. 1454 South 35 East. 451 6488. $48,800, will help with 8 closing costs! AUG 1 5 bedrm, 3 bath, 2 lirepl, soft water, fenced yard, sprinklers, dble garage. 1522 No. 650 East. Will lease, no smoker, no pets. Call for appt. quiet $49,900 A QUALITY 3 B.R. home with payments less than rent. Spanking new twins in quiet Kaysville. Special price and low Clothing Care & Repair The International Cara Label Symbols: What Do They Mean? Ironing Symbol 2 Washing Symboi V rei Drying A Drycleaning Symbol Symbol JOl Q( Chlorine Bleaching Symbol Do Not Use Method Pictured The International Care Symbols: Washing symbol gives washing instructions: 60 degrees CC means you may safely wash in hot water; 30 degrees indicates special care is necessary. Drying symbol indicates the garment may be tumble dried. Triangle instructions pertain to chlorine bleaching. Iron gives ironing instructions: one dot indicates cool iron, two dots tell you to use a medium iron, three dots mean you may safely use a hot iron. Circle gives drycleaning instructions. A indicates all normal drycleaning methods, P specifies perchtorethylene cleaning; F indicates the "Solvent F" process. X through symbol means DO NOT wash, tumble dry, bleach, iron interest financing ELEVATED WHITE CELL COUNT POWERFUL PREDICTOR For years, researchers have been searching for reliable predictors for cancer. Now theres a new one too many white blood cells. And that isnt all that blood cells forecast. A high white blood cell count also indicates a strong risk factor for heart disease. New research shows that an elevated white blood cell material of cells, an early step count is as strong an indicator in the development of cancer. for cancer and heart disease Since the Minnesota study as the big three: hypertenfound more cancer among pasion, elevated cholesterol and tients with high white blood smoking. These are the sobering findings of a six year cell counts, researchers have been taking a very careful study of 6,222 middle-age- d look at ways to control and men released by the University of Minnesota School of neutralize free radicals. Public Health. EpidemioloFollowing 20 years of regist Richard Grimm, Jr. research on animals, scientists ports that the incidence of have found that vitamins A, death from heart disease and C, E and selenium provide decancer is higher among peofense against free radicals. ple with an elevated, yet norBut, natural source vitamin mal, white blood cell count. E traps and neutralizes free The worst news is that radicals better than any of the smokers with an elevated others. count get a double whammy. In addition, our bodies apGrimm says If you smoke can tell the differparently blood and have a high white ence between vitamin E fronj cell count, your risk is exa natural food source versus traordinarily high. Grimm a synthetic source. A recent and his colleagues suspect the St. Louis University study white cells are a cause of the showed that our bodies use trouble, not just a symptom, vitamin E from a natural as some believe. source like soybeans 36 perWhite cells fight infection. cent more effectively than E Normally, their numbers inmade from a synthetic source crease when the body is under like petrochemicals. Natural attack by an infection or dissource vitamin E virtually ease. But elevated white cell binds the free radicals, allowcounts over extended periods ing the cells to function norbad news. are mally. White cells produce substances called free radicals. Now, researchers are busy And radical they are! They working under the direction of the Natural Cancer Instirace around trying to hook on tute in 23 geographically disto anything in the cell. This action may injure the corotributed clinical trials. These human trials will test the efnary artery lining. Then blood fects of vitamins, including platelets adhere to the wounds and cholesterol builds up natural source vitamin E, and around them. Eventually the minerals on cancer risks. As the research goes on, arteries clog, resulting in a heart attack. were now one step closer to Free radicals also are beearly detection and possible lieved to damage the genetic prevention. Co. . Your Car . Tips from the Mobil Auto Tech Groto . Cars, Gas High-Tec- h or dryclean, depending on symbol used. Todays fashion garments pear on garment labels. These combine a wide array of fisymbols, and other care label and instructions, are explained in constructions bers, finishes. The federal Care detail in a new book, Clothing Care and Repair, the Labeling Rule, revised in third volume in the Singer 1984, requires clothing manufacturers and importers to Sewing Reference Library attach permanent care labels (Random House, $10.95, pato their products. Labels can perback), lavishly illustrated with more than 350 help you make purchase decisions based on clothing care photos to guide you through requirements. They also help every step of clothing care. Labels also serve hs an imyou avoid damage to your plied warranty. If the gar;- clothing from improper care. ment is damaged during , While most care label incleaning or laundering when , structions are fairly easy to you have followed the prescribed care instructions, refigure out, a consutner can be turn it to the retailer or the confused by the international manufacturer. care symbols that often ap full-col- You and to give you better performance. Computen silently help you drive, giving you control of in finesse undreamed Cars are going high-tec- h grandpas day. THE FRUGAL GOURMET cooking is Common-sens- e the hallmark of Jeff Smith, host of Public Televisions The Frugal Gourmet and g cookbook author. His secret to success is nbt wasting time, food or space in the kitchen. That means buying fresh, quality ingredients, preparing ahead and choosing the right tools. Jeff recommends using the best-sellin- Take the port fuel injector, increasingly replacing the The carburetor. injector sprays a computer-controlle- d mist of gasoline into the intake port of each cylinder. You get more precise quantity, better distribution, betthus ter mixing with air smoother performance and more power and fuel economy. Helping the injector succeed is a companion development in high-tec- h gasoline. The circular opening in the injectors tiny nozzle is as thin as a human hair; bits of deposit, probably formed during cooling-of- f after shutdown, can restrict the opening, deranging the misty pattern, producing rough running or stalling. Scientists at Mobil found a solution: a powerful detergent in the gasoline. Using their new Super Unleaded in tests on cars riding computerized highway simulators, the researchers found that fuel injectors 21 restricted were cleaned up to only 3 restricted by two tankfuls. new cordless, rechargeable kitchen appliances, such as Black & Deckers HandyMix-e- r cordless beater. It operates for up to 25 minutes between battery charges and comes with a recharger unit that stores the beater and attachments. With no cord attached, the Cookbook author and TV host Jeff Smith demonstrates his fabulous mousse, five-minu- te Handy Mixer can go from the countertop to stovetop making such favorites as Chocolate Mousse in minutes. from heat. Add desired extract. Using balloon whisk at high speed, beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks when whisk is with- Quick Chocolate Mousse 8 6 ounces sweet chocolate tablespoons strongly brewed coffee drawn; about 4 - 5 minutes. Gently fold chocolate mixture into beaten egg whites. Place bowl in freezer, until almost firm, about 2 hours. Remove from freezer. Using balloon whisk on high speed, beat mixture about 60 sec- 5 eggs teaspoon orange, mint, nun or anise extract Melt chocolate with coffee in top double boiler over hot, not boiling water. Separate eggs. Add egg yolks, one at a time, to chocolate mixture. Using beater on high speed, beat 1 , onds or until well blended. Spoon mousse into indi- vidual parfait glasses and freeze until ready to serve. each yolk for 8 seconds or until well blended. Remove 5-- Makes 4 servings. SEEDS FROM available now. Immediate Country occupancy. value ever, kitchens, direct from builder. Gary Lakewood Inv. X THE SOWER By Michael A. Guido, Matter, Georgia 55-5- Portrait of the Great American Investor County students lauded by Dixie The Dixie College winter quarter honor roll has been announced by Dr. Peter Nyberg, vice president of academics. According to Nyberg, seven students from Davis County earned recognition. Foremost among the group was Marianne Larsen, Bountiful, with 3.98 gpa. Other local a students included Lynann Bountiful; Steve Centerville; Susan Baxter, Kaysville; Matt Austad, Layton; Shauna Morris, Bountiful and Chris Nichols, Bountiful. near-perfe- AVAIL in location. Fireplace, sun room, hot tub, hookups, garage, patio, large sun deck with great views. Extras Gary galore $52,500. 544-869- 5 Lakewood 55-5- 6 Investment Co. 298-700- 428- SALE, SINGLES PAD NEW LUXURY passive $76,800. Utah 55-5- 6 by owner: in Home Centerville's Chase Lane Village. Priced under market, assumable loan. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, room, family 2 many extras. Call 4 lor app. beautifully 6893. Realtors 428-5- 7 428-5- 6 game garage, Oaks Canyon SALE by owner: 3 bedroom brick home in Kaysville, large family room room, dining garage and carport. Priced to sell at $58,900. Call or Lane Realty Connie 295-66757 298-567- 298-342- FOR landscaped full RAMBLER, finished basement, only Could be 5 $71,900. bdrms, 2 baths, quiet setting, private back yard, new roof. Rick or 298-0- 1 Bambi 19. FOR garage, 55-5- 6 55-5- 6 BRICK acre in 298-342- 1 298-342- 298-342- horse South 4 bdrm. Farmington. home, new inside and of out. Lots extras. Geo Lance Oaks Canyon Realtors listed REDUCED to $58,900, covered patio, fruit trees, storage shed, shows well. Lance Tahna 292-952Oaks Realtors Canyon 298-3421 APPRAISED $65,000, PRICED Lynda 298-424Oaks Canyon property HOME, FHA state and very anxious Realtors CHOICE ...The Clipper Publishing Co . port, you may need residence, work and driving permits; medical, birth, marriage and immunization certificates; and, in some countries, proof of your good character. spotlight on health 292-700- Oaks solid oak cabinets and trim, deck fireplace. Call for floor covering and appliance allowances. Don Oaks Canyon 55-5- 6 Realtors 298-342- NEW for an offer. Large trilevel. Nice quiet neighborhood. $72,500. Don ' Week Before Publication apt., beautifully Realtors 298-342OWNER HAS relocated out 295-052- customers! Deadline For Baby Wed. 6 P.M. 298-011- Canyon Canyon Oaks of Kathy Gocel 55-5- 6 Lynda Canyon Oaks Lucie We hope this will make it more convenient for our valued Classified Photos Canyon rambler in quiet Energy neighborhood. 'efficient furnace, close to all sercices. $79,500. 298-424- i eshooting procedures used for maintaining 3 298-342- BRICK Don Noon, Tues. for Thurs.; troubl- 295-341- Geo Canyon cautions and each. J. Miera Oaks Realtors CHOICE Bountiful Mi, 1 298-342- 292-777- CUSTOM DECORATED HOME TWIN Kaysvllle park, 295-572- Canyon Sally great big rambler. Only 3 years old. Custom built, 3 qwners transferred, real class? FOR 298-011- 295-098- FARMINGTON SPACIOUS!! Big!! Roomy!! Tired of small chopped up houses?? Here is a Realtors bench. High on east Beautiful interior, crown 2 car garage. moulding, Listed lor quick sale at $86,900. Rick or Bambi Anna HAMBLIN RAMBLER YES THIS is a big white brick rambler, with 1 550 295-119- Oaks Canyon computer equipment, along with the technical manuals, safety pre- Air Force Reserve a,e of Clearfield High Airman Kathy Gocel, School, Bountiful. Call or Moving! Airman 1st Class daughter of Clara A. $63,000. Johnny Miera, son of Meekinsof290N. 1600 Urgent! last year Alfredo J. and Lupe S. W., West Point, and Bought $75,000. Sale by Miera of 1769 N. 2850 sister of Pauline B. owner. W., Clinton, has gra- Lemmon of 1676 N. ELEGANT VIEW HOME duated from the U.S. 350 W., Sunset, has Moving Overseas LACEY WAY, main floor If youre moving overseas, Air Force command graduated from the 2' has 3 bdrms., and control specialist U.S. Air Force personyou should be ware that: baths, family area, super course at Keesler Air nel specialist course at Moving here or abroad kitchen. Kay Collings Keesler Air Force can be made less hectic 295-4Larsen Force Base, Miss. 43. Graduates of the Base, Miss. with early planning. Realtors. learned Graduates of the course Few countries permit methods of scheduling course learned how to duty-fre- e entry of household LOVELY BRICK rambler, 6 and controlling flight prepare personnel reless than a year furnishings bdrms, 2 baths, great and and records, earned ports operations, and old, ao before purchasing neighborhood, 2 kitearned credits toward toward an assoitems to take along, deterchens, lots of fruit trees. credits ciate degree in applied an associate degree in Rick Jennifer mine whether it will be worth science or Bambi science through the applied while to pay duty on them. Oaks Realtors Community College of through the CommunCanyon Many countries prohibit ity College of the Air the Air Force. the entry of liquor, tobacco Force. He is a 1983 graduproducts, firearms and amNICE FAMILY home, 4 She is a 1986 gradu of Clearfield High munition, live plants and anibdrms, 2 baths, storm ate mals. Check with the destinasolarium, School. windows, tion countrys consulate for shows well, must see. Lucie Lance regulations. Canyon Oaks Differences in electrical Realtors systems may require the use of adapters. Your TV receiver probably will not work in PICTURE PERFECT another country, so its best lots of room to to purchase or rent a TV set expand. Only one year 3 old. Quiet at destination. Some counbdrms, 3 baths, 2 car tries require the purchase of garage. Lee a license as well. Rick or Bambi In addition to your passOaks Realtors 298-342- 292-166- 298-424- 298-342- 295-580- Brent garage, last won't Lucie workshop, Noon, Friday for Tuesday; Noon, Mon., for Ved.-Th.- ; 298-011- Lee 292-777Oaks Realtors Canyon i 298-567- location. Priced to sell Lance $59,900. in square feet on the main floor. That is a large living area and the inside is as clean as a pin and well kept.. This is so important to you as a buyer, because a well kept home is a home that is in good repair and taken care of over the years. Great South-Eaarea in Bountiyul. Perfect family in a great area. Bountiful central 295-580- THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM BUY IN the middle of Palm 298-342- Lee 292-777Oaks Canyon 292-830- -c editions with 3 different deadlines! 55-5- 7 428-5- A Vi 295-942- UPDATED 295-098- Realty acre, pool, bus stop, heights area, beautiful. 1022 East 800 North, today1 Terms 825-224- DISTRESS SALE 6 BEDROOM rambler, Oak double car garage, beauty shop and more. $87,500. Call wood floors, location. PHEASANTBROOK LOOKING FOR the best of or Clearfield or other Training accomplishments. Cochrane is a motor transport operator. He is a 1984 graduate of Layton High School. 3 room. en-family courage, 546-231- owner-age- CENTERVILLE CHARMER SETTING! COUNTRY Medal is awarded to soldiers for merito- rious service, acts of near school and church. Beautiful white brick, full unfinished basement, fenced. Must sell. Call 298-109- 9 afternoon. CEDAR SPRINGS IDEAL STARTER Home for the newlyweds or young at heart. Two bedroom Condominium all new Sally 3 SOUTHEAST Kaysville $54,500, ideal location, 4 295-098- 3 double garage, qualily conready to move John Higley owner agents 4 decorated newly new home. Beautiful, carpet. Big family room, Assumable $5500 down. eve. Call Diane $34,500, Far- new bath, 3 Farmington. bedrooms, garage, fenced, landscaped. Pleasant Fruit close to Heights, mington, bedroom, 2 baths, struction, in, by Constr. Airman Patti' damentals of electro-d nic cireu,Jry Kenneth N. of Air Force introduced to the wide daughter of 325 E. Knowton, Lt. Col. Roger D. Tol- - variety of electronic Layton, has been de- Ierud of 3040 N. 2350 equipment items curcorated with the third rently installed aboard award of the Army Navy and Marine Achievement Medal at Aircraft. She Corps Corpus Christi Army studied airborne radar, Depot, Texas. communication and Navy Force Master Sgt. J. Hollandsworth. Cochrane above ONLY $74,900 Mountain Road, Now you can place your Classifieds in 3 different P. Hollandsworth Spec. 4 Kenneth A. Cochrane, son of Air 4 in Centerville 4 owner-agent- s sell carpets. Fresh and clean home with nice patio. End unit, next to Tennis Cochrane Constr. Higley 428-51- today. Cute, new Courts. HOMES in Southeast NEW appliances, & BENCHMARK REAL ESTATE CO. (SILASSDFDE CTOYOCE! ct Christ-opherso- Ye-ate- n, s, A young couple was on the way to celebrate their first wedding anniversary, Why, asked the wife, do we sit so far apart? We used to sit close to each other. The husband, who was driving the car, answered You wouldn't know it to look at him. But he has an investment plan thats working, even though hes not. US. Savings Bonds have changed. They now pay competitive rates, like money market accounts. Find out more, call anytime H intis held less Uun (ivc a lower rare. yrani cam U.S. SAVINOS BONDS THE GREAT A AMERICAN INVESTMENT public service of this publication. kindly, I havent moved, dear. Some grow apart by substituting luxuries for love, things for thought- fulness, comforts for com- panionship, and gifts for godliness. Others grow apart cause they do not have be- - by- - laws about or they do not manage their money but they let their money manage them, or they are s, combative instead of communicative, or prayer is the last resort instead of the first resort. But many grow closer together because they mind their manners, they keep courting, they live love, and they keep coming closer to Christ. No one is far from his companion who is close to Christ. Grow closer together, do not grow farther apart. |