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Show TUESDAYDAVIS AUTOMOBILES MOTORCYCLES FOR SAIi FOR SALE 1979 TOYOTA Corolla SR5 lilt back. Need 1986 FIERO S.E., t excd-lan- $10,000-offa- r. Joa C6-- room. Call 451-296- C7-C- 9 C7 295-853- C7-- 8 1963 HONDA Nighthawk 650, new in '85 1 200 mi., tank bag $1300.00. Catherine 1985 NISSAN King Cab, 5 speed, cruise control, A C., stereo, P.S., camper shell 5 year warranty $7150 298-761- 9 eves. C7 292-068- 2 AM-F- offer. PIANO LESSONS, exper- ienced teacher, learn C6-- 7 292-451- IN GOOD condition. Make PIANO 4 ORGAN offer. Inquire at 84 South Main, Bountiful, or call 295-335- 1 or 295-201- FULL PROGnAM for bethrough adv- ginning anced levels. Franklin Eddings, M.A., M. Ed. 4 AGO 1&2 C6-- 9 electric keyboard, rapidly, enjoy music. 3893 South 725 C3--7 West 292-235- 1982 MODEL CJ7 JEEP UMTA-MTN- ton. Col 75CHEV. 4x4 or silver black, new shell New transmission 350 Certified engine. Good shape $2,000.00. C4-- 8 295-597- program. Montessori C7-C- 292-541- teaching the children the 3 R's plus music, Spanish, arts and crafts etc. Happy children are good learners. Small Mornings afternoons, 8 295-629292-620- C4-- 7 Lariat '85 FORD 460 Eng. 14,000 miles. Best offer, super cab XLT In LEARN TO sing! Qualified voice teacher accepting students. Natural techn- C7 292-551- ique. Beginners welcome. Rebecca McGar-r- y 142 C4--8 298-758- 82 DODGE VAN MUST SEE, new tires, loaded, clean, 2 tone blue, sharp looking van. Call ART CLASSES BASIC DRAWING, tole painting, Sat. class for teens, evening, oil paint- ing, watercolor days. Much more C7-142 298-227- 8 C7 142 544-108- MUST SELL 84 CUSTOM van loaded Chev, 83 P.U. Vi ton 4x4 shell, 26 model T Ford. C6-- 2 C7 Call 295-855- BABYSITTING MOTHER of two, snacks, lots of fun and TLC. Call Kris 295-802C6-- 2 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE I 1980 YAMAHA 850 cc, midnight special C6--8 142 2 WOULD like to tend your child in my LDS home. C3-C- 7 Call Terri 292-908- 142 298-782- XT250 YAMAHA very good condition 1983 new last year $800 or best offer. C7-- C6-71- Former elementary teacher. Lots of TLC. I teach as well as tend 2, 3 or 4 yr. old. C7-C- 8 142 $290 C7-C- 8 KIND CARING mother would like to tend your child In nice LDS home. 295-594C7 142 1332. C7 laundry. Call Roys SheC7-C1- 1 lia at 298-430- 546-600- 295-629- 292-620- C4-- LOVING CHILD Care in Bee C7-- If 8 smokers or pets, waterbeds 292-298- APARTMENTS FOR RENT hookups, central BEDROOM 1 vacant. $295 plus condo fee 4 elec., gas in7 cluded. No pets Apt. Very nice 4 clean. Carpet, drapes, fridge and stove furnished. New drapes 295-340- 292-515- kitchen appliances, cable, laundry facilities, etc. $290.00. No pets or smokers - 295-- 1 055. C7 x DELUXE 2 bedroom 1100 sq. ft., fridge, air, W4D hookups; carport 2 car parking, many extras. Sorry no smoking or pets. Prefer no children, 682 W. 1400 So. $315.00. 295-077- C7 and paint. No pets, smokers or drinkers. 142 Call Mtpy sppi or 544-418- 6 ONE MONTH FREE quae, lane 544-578- C6-- 7 CLEAN 2 BR condo for rent. Newly decorated. Excellent Bntfl. location. CLEAN 2 Bdrm., fireplace W-hookups, pool! DisPatio, fireplace, W.D. posal; covered parking. hookups, air, storage. No smoking or pets. Call Quietl No children or C5-C- 8 298-281pets. $360 month. $175 C7-- 8 deposit. 292-832ONE BEDROOM apart-mein Orchard Drive MAPLE HILLS CONDO Good economical 5 BEDROOMS, view! housing, gas included in Been transferred, must rent. Call Kim 322-915find new tenant. Rent C5-- 7 on based negotiable length of lease. Call SMALL STUDIO Apt. Own C3-- 7 Charlene 298-532yard with kitchen fu- BOUNTIFULS DESIGNER apartments, two bedroom, two bath, mic- rowave, fireplace, dishwasher, storage, enclosed pool with lawn area, carport. Gray tan, or rose interiors 292-739- 292-875- C6-- 7 2 BDRM. Centerville Townhouse, IVi baths, pool, tennis, clubhouse CLEAN ONE bedroom $375 mo. plus gas and apt. $215. Convenient Its. No smokers or pets. Bntfl. Location. 560 So. DUPLEX LARGE 3 bedroom duplex for rent. Upper unit. Large 142 C5-- 8 Bill 292-040- 295-354- Packard Inc. Realtors. C7 142 2 bed- KAYSVILLE room, washer-drye- r hookups, $315.00 per mo. $150.00 deposit. Call 544-868- C6--7 trailer bedroom, 2 SX Coupe, block 7495 SEUCTEKMRIQUALIIY irfe Keep The '86 GRAND Pontiac 86 TOYOTA BestAnd 8995 MR-- 2 11,995 loaded 86 TOYOTA COROLLA Sun roof, SR-- 5 Ufttoack. very low miles 86 DODGE LANCER 4 dr, air cond. under 10,000 miles, like new TOYOTA TERCEL 86 air 3 cond dr. 8695 8795 6995 momMGms PassengerJypeVehicles 88 TOYOTA COROLLA Silver, 88 ARIES 4 DR. Air C7-C- appointment. o O COROLLA 86 TOYOTA sliver SR-- 5 lltttjack. air, TJL. 88 PONT. silver loaded, 88 OLDS CALAIS 4 dr, extra clean 88 TOYOTA MR-- 2 88 TOYOTA MR-- 2 Sun roof, red Silver 86 PONT. T-- A. loaded, very low mileage 85 CONQUEST silver Loaded 85 CHEVZ-2- 8 Iroc, Wowl Blue 84 CONQUEST Looded. white 84 CHEV. Z-- 28 84 CHEV. Z-- 28 std. tranx. rose Auto, air cond. silver 84 TOYOTA SUPRA loaded blue ISUZU IMPULSE 84 Loaded red 84 TOYOTA CEUCA Sun root, GTS. sliver blue 8495 12,495 8495 11,495 11,295 12,495 9795 11,495 7695 8995 8695 10,995 6995 8495 cond, CALAIS OLDS 86 Blue, auto, air cond. AMFM 3 BEDROOM $379 DELUXE Apt. in new Brown, cruise, air room $250.00 and 295-622- $235.00 plus deposit. after 500 Cal C7-C- 8 296-493- 292-412- 1 142 or AND roomy, apt. in Bounti CLEAN ful. hookups, no pets smokers $295 rent utility room, garage, Phone 295-496- 142 0 PEACHTREE 1 free cable TV, walk-i- n dose!, pool. Close to downtown SLC. 75 North Orchard Dr. C7-1- 1 NSL. 298-876142 NEW 2 BEDROOOM UNIT, large two bedroom covered parking, cade; fenced yard, washer-drye- r hookups, private storage $330 per 292-891month 295-011- townhouse, carpets, drapes, fridge, dose to schools 4 church in Kaysville. No smoking, no pets. Cal after 5. C7 0142 544-886- 3 al appliances, storage, carport, drapes, sea to appreciate. $330.00. vered parking, private storage, cable, large fence, yard, washer C7-- 9 544-669- Gary ' BSDROOM DUPLEX Appliances, ca- waterbeds W-- 1A2 BBEAUTIFULLY redeco-rate- d 2 bedroom in 4 plex air, view, by Smith's Food. Call 298-743- C7-C- 295-430- 5. BNTFL. 8 $350 2 BR, Beautiful secluded residential duplex. AH appliances, blinds, full basement. 891 West 4000 South C71A2 292-361- $365 TWO bedroom plus den, 1,000 sq. ft., new carpets, dishwasher, fireplace, air, W-D hookups, patio, two carports, no pets, one child. Coma see and compare C7-C- 8 295-493142 295-876- 0. 142 C7-- 8 hookups, air ing, private patio, 1 child ok. No pets. Available C7-C- 8 March 1 295-710- NEXT TO Fred Myer, large 2 bedroom, hook-upnew carpet, paint, vered parking. s, Quiet residential hookups, covered adults only. 305 1800 S. No. 2 (East of Main St.) 295-634- dishwasher, covered parking, heat paid. 550 N. Main. No pets or smok292-288ers $349 295-260- 3 hookups, free cable, T.V., gas heat, co- 1 apartments, W-- hookups, dishwashers, spa, C4-- 7 AVAILABLE NOW WONDERFUL neighbor- RENT REDUCED $275 MONTH, two bedroom with covered parking. Condo privileges in- NORTH SALT LAKE 2 BDR. Apt. Free cable, 774-747- and pets welcome. C6-81- fenced yard $400 per C7 142 mo. 295-782- LARGE THREE bedrqom home, yard and garage. $500 includes utilities. C7 Call 298-221KAYSVILLE - 4 bedroom,' 1 bath, short term or option, only $425. Call C4-- MILLION DOLLAR VIEW 3 BDRM, 2 bath, full base- ment, dble garage, $725.00 mo. C6-- 0 142 298-782- BOUNTIFUL HILLS, Beautiful secluded home, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens, fireplace, double garage $750.00. Bonded Realty C6-- 7 295-407- s, 8 LOSTFEB. 15Gold velvet's chair cushion. 1400 N. Main area, Btft. Reward ; p.m. C6-- after C7 142 I BOUNTML, $850 livtuba, rec room, and fi- THREE BEDROOM, ing, dining, fireplace, tness room, families welswamp cooler, huge come. 55 W. Center, basement, carport, stor298-430Ask for age shad, large yard, or Brian for details. comer lot Cal after 400 10142 C7-C- 8 296-064142 2 C7 298-213- 3. free Cable TV, W-hookups, sauna, hot 5 BEDROOM 2 bath home in Val Varda. Available March 1. 292-018- 4 92-3646. C7 142 or will RENT sell $450.00 month $250.00 deposit. Three bedroom, no pets, Bette C6-- 7 298-149- 2. If STORAGE FOR RENT ENCLOSED STORAGE AND R.V. SPACES $8.00 PER month and up. Convenient; east of free- - ? way. Please call 292- 2434 anytime. C6-1- 1 142 FREE STORAGE PAY 2 MO. Get orie free 5x5 $15, 5x10 $20, 8x10 $25, 10x15 $30 10x22 ; : $35, 10x28 $40 open $15 Self Storage 157 S. 500 W. S : : C5--8 292-410- 142 park- Bus routes, shopping, 142 WEST BOUNTIFUL stor- age located at 72 S. 500 w. in Bountiful has a eecurtty guard house al C4-C- 8 298-740- 3. $195 STUDIO Apt. heat and water furnished. 3 NORTH PARK VILLAGE Free Wendover Weekend Free Lift Passes T , 451-286- 2 bedroom apts In nsL Minutes from town Tree Cable TV W-Hookups Sauna, hot tuba, rec room and fitness room ramifies Welcome PEBBLE CREEK APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom family community. Excellent Bountiful Jocation. Amenities Beautiful Floor plans 850 North Highway 89 - NSL Adjacent to Dan Eastman 298-744- 4 S 5x9 $15.00, 5x18 1 $20.00, 9x9 $25.00 299- - -2727. C4--8 m CONDOS FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT SHORT OR LONGTERM BEAUTIFUL Townhouse in Cedar Springs, Can-- ; terviDe, 2 bedrooms, IVi; baths, washer 4 dryer, hookups. Recently redone with new carpets,-- ' paint 4 walttex. Asking' $40,000 but T7E ARE BEATING TEE COMPETITION 55 W. Center 298-430- :: the entrance to better protect your property. i or 295-846- 5 10 So. Main, NSL C6-- 7 292-161- owner will look at any offer. Call Bee 292-- : 5002, Benchmark 298-346- 8. C7 CONTINENTAL Town-hou- se condo, 2 bedrooms. Assumable loan $46,900, or otter. Kay' Collings 295-4- 1 43r Larsen Realtors 295-341- 2 C7 Ask for Roger and Brian for ; NO DOWN, moving must sail, 2 bedroom, pool, weight details i, room,-Jacuzz- covered parki cable, C7- 298-944- - 142 Great amenities. Vera affordable See everything A Springwood Apartment offers. Ten minutes from downtown. CEDAR SPRJNgT" : CONDO 3 BEDROOM, 3 bath; washer, dryer, fireplace,' air cond., new paint, carpet, levolors, dls-- j nwasher, assumable' loan at 7Vi. $39,900 or best offer 451-296C7, Large 2 bedroom apt. Starting for as little as $250 on 6 mo. lease ONLY A FEW LEFT! WESTMINSTER PARK APTS. Springwood 453 West 1500 So.. Bountiful, Utah 7 202-432- Springwood Apartments 4 1230 South 500 West 298-761- Emerson Realty A Management $37,900.00 DARLING 2 bedroom townhouse, pod, tennis courts, low down, smalt payments. Call Kary at ERA National C7 1 JUST $69,900 A BEAUTIFUL Clayton top floor with loft, show beauttfullyl Many extras; vacant, available foe lease at $575 per month; Immediate occupancy; call Bob Duffln Prowswood Real- 295-252- 2, tor 1 C6-- 7 292-855- NORTH PARK VLLAGE FREE WENDOVER WEEKEND OR 2 FREE Bountifuls Nicest 33D3&I g 451-258- ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS spd, cast, cruise wood-burnin- stove, family room, large 3 BEDROOM, newly remodeled. No smokers, no pets $395 per month plus utilities Starting $290 mo. Call for details 7 tinted glass. basement 292-238- 2, 298-285- AM BOUNTIFUL CLEAN, COZY 3 bdrm, 2 bath, newly remodeled 3 cluded; spa, exercise FARMINGTON, room tree. Cable TV. bedroom, clean, spaNorth Park Village. Call cious, dishwasher, 3 hook-upAC, garden Larry C6-- 7 142 area, no smokers, pets, $335. Phone FARMMGT0N C7 451-053- C4-C- 8 298-749- 7. 12 C5-C1- 0 hood. Dishwasher, disposal, carports spacious two bedrooms by low heat bills. kitchen, 292-903- weight room. Call about our winter apodal. Furnished or unfurnished. 1230 S. 500 W., 298-761- 7 $550.00295-5289.06-- 544-933- 4. SPRMG WOOD APT. 4 2 BEDROOM luxury vered parking, large kitchens, pool and hot tub. 425 No. Orchard Dr. 142 C6-1- 0 bedroom. Dishwasher, ' 292-979- 1. 142 apt. washer-drye- r hookups, air, ORCHARD LANE NEW, DELUXE 1 and 2 NSL 295-178- LARGE TWO bedroom C5-- 8 W-- or 0 paid, 3 bedroom home with apt. Rented out in basement ALL UTILITIES ing, Ig. yard. Btft. utilities. appliances, 909 W. 4100 S. No. 2 $360. C6-- 142 84 MAZDA 426 Silver, auto, air cond. cass. cruise. 83 MAZDA 626 Blue 5 spd. cass. cruise, pwr wlnddoor lock 84 TOYOTA CAMRY Brown, auto, ok cruise, cass. L.G. 84 TOYOTA CAMRY Blue. 5 o (HsHRiiRffl o ( C4-C- CHILDRENS DELIGHT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Vi block, 2 bedroom W-- No APART-MBI- shopping, noW.pets, 298-290- 1. 546-230- 4 KAYSVILLE 2 bedroom W-2 BEDROOM apt. In 4 apt. Large rooms,electric or outlets, gas plax. Clean, refrig., stove, fridge, air cond., stove. New carpet, water draped carpeted, paid. Washing faculties, $300.00 mo. plus $50.00 220 S. 4th East. Phone pay cleaning fee. You 544-419295-573- 8 no pats or 0, gas, electric. Call smokers $275.00. C6 1 292-512- 8 storage, cond. 84 CHEV. CAVALIER Auto, air cond. cruise, tilt, cass. blue 83 TOYOTA COROLLA White, cass. air cond. auto 83 CHEV. CHEVETTE White, air era;' IkHDeS) ifKT'SH neigh- 298-740- 3. 49 'just co- borhood, trees, yard, 8 $325.00 142 298-221- s. Apt. laundry hookups, gas paid, air, no pets $305. UFT PASSES or 2 BEDROOM apts. in NSL minutes from town, pen, smokers drapes, condition- Stor-ag- e, covered parking, kids LAYTON NEW LUXURY 2 BR. LARGE TWO BEDROOM EXCELLENT location, co- rpets, 2 BEDROOM 2 3 levo-lor- s, Ig. closets, linen, pantry, utility room in Air apt. cond., carport, storage, pvt. yard and patio, on bus fine, near 7 dishwasher, disposal, deck, hookups, carport, storage, waikin closets C7-1-0 UPSTAIR C4-C- 451-239- stove. New carpet, water peed. Washing facilities, 220 S. 4th East. no pets Phone or smokers $275.00. C7 00-m- C7-C- 1 $450.00. FARMINGTON, Deluxe, two bedroom, fireplace, Orchard, NSL 298-771- CNTERV1LE 4PLEX bedrm apt. in steps, all carpet, Clos to busiinee. shopping, schools, churches, apt. in 4 1 bedroom, no pets, no smoking, new carpets, electricity paid 110 S. $210. C7-C- 8 hook-up- d w-- C6-- 7 CLEAN, 8, Steve 292-648142 C9 room $320 BEAUTIFUL s. C8-- 8 LARGE APT. 3 BEDROOM 2 bath, children allowed, no smokers or pels. $450.00 per mo. Cal 292-895- down to buy with payment at $360.00. 2 bedroom condo with large kitchen and kvingroom, pool, covered parking, W-hookups. Can after 562-104- MARNETTE APTS. deck, air, off road parking, extra storage, family 295-573- 8 $340 RENT or $1000, 292-267- 0 plax. Clean, refrig., dishwashers, 5:30 Jeff 544-320- 2 BEDROOM and 2 bedroom apis. Hookups, BEAUTIFUL smokers, pets. C5-C- spd. 7 7 $280.00 mo. C7 n 84 BUICK CENTURY auto. O C7 295-565- 4. FOR RENT, Kaysvifie. 2 bedroom duplex, large laundry or A-- s, 84 DODGE COLT auto, LARGE ONE and two bed- $250.00. Walk-icarclosets, hook-uppet, on bus route. No White. 4 spd. Blue, ok, large yard with garC7 142 den 295-102- CLOSE FARMINGTON to bus line, 2 bedrooms, washer, dryer hookups, share utilities. Call before 800 a.m. after 900 C6-- 7 . p.m. 451-213- 1. FARMINGTON - 2 bed-roo- 84 DODGE COLT Blue. 4 4. 298-434- carpet, drapes, dishwasher, disposal, laundry hookups, large kitchen with loads of cupboard space. No smokers or pets BASEMENT cond, AMFM, auto 544-405- 546-174- C8-71- C8-- 9 cond, 298-320- 2 262-431- 295-237- 7. 85 DODGE ARIES SE 9 C6-9- 1 room condos for rent $375 and $385. Rent includes utilities except lights. Call Dawson Real Estate Company 85 JEEP WAGONEER Tan. air tilt, AM. auto. 292-621- 295-121- 0 298-818- 8 2x2 WE have two 2 bed- auto, cond, AMFM, cloth. 88 TERCEL Red auto, air cond. AM 85 CHEV. CITATION Air cond. AMFM. tut. tan 85 TOYOTA COROLLA LE Air cond. 5 spd. cass. cruise, tilt, white. quired. Call Frank New- BNTFL 3 BR 968-995- 2, C6--7 86 COROLLA Silver, air 295-137- C8-2C- 7 298-827- 142 smoke-pet- Red, auto, air coat closet, washer dryer hookups, air cond., cable TV, one level bldg. 2 atapa In no pats. Adults only, near shopping on bus line, 2122 So. Orchard Drive, No. 5. 295-634- 0 or 295-178- 3. 292-903- c, 86 COROLLA AM. s, 296-744- new carpet, hookups, carport, storage, garno den, cond, AM levo-lor- 292-953- DUPLEX NSL $285 2 BD. 88 COROLLA White, auto, air 292-180- SE cond. auto, cass, cruise, red. MELBY ARTS. $260 BEAUTIFUL one bedrm apt. Carpet, pantry, linen, Ig. 9 smokers, drinkers, pets. C7-C- 9 $200.00 292-425- auto, cruise, cass. Red 544-415- 292-627- C7 295-385- Neighborhood. STATION WAGON C4-C- 7 7 CLEAN ONE bedroom du-piin quiet Centerville auto, air cond, AMFM, cloth ARIES 88 air. SE. C6-2C- 451-729- 359-863- 8, 295-496- 451-623- hook-uCenter, W-gas log fireplace, A-swimming pool, tennis court, play area, 2 children acceptable - no pets. $325.00 mu. $150 862-117- 9 deposit. Call collect after 5:30 for Wholesale lOe Res AM smokers $295 rent 142 8 hookups $295 month C7-- 8 f42 $225 INCLUDES unities, furnished studio apartMCE 2 ment for one adutt. No 84 NISSAN 200 silver laundry A-- hookups, no pets or 292-381- 295-011- o iful. 7 . C5-- 8 298-575- 6. kitchen-famil- y area. Large lot for kids. Fireplace $375 month rent $200 deposit. Call 400 East. Low deposit. 292-110- C7-C- 8 142 rnished. Water paid. Ideal for 1 or 2. Phone Susan C7 GRANADA 900 SQ. FT. 2 bdrm. apt. located at 1792 So. 200 W. in Bountiful. Bath, living room, kitchen, dinette, carpets, drapes, FOR RENT air, carport, patio, Call dis- hwasher hookups, clean, spacious, no smokers, pets. $335.00. 142 C7-- 8 CONDOS C7-- 8 IT bedroom duplex, 295-876- ADORABLE 2 bedroom Lemon Tree, fireplace, W-- t, 8 INCLUDES utilities, age. Good references. $225 furnished studio apartC7-Call ment for one adult. No 546-322- Car-pe- FARMINGTON Phone WILL TEND your children in my Layton home. Any C7 292-966- 2 BEDROOM Apt. 314 W 142 Elemen- 8 292-262- fridge, water heat, furnished. Close to town C7-C- 8 $250.00, 298-848- C6--7 298-346- child $250.00. drapes, stove, Ben- 292-500- chmark du- ONE BEDROOM apt. $400.00 month includes all but the electricity. Call kj,1 3 BEDROOM Brick rambWEST BOUNTIFUL 2 bedroom, $275 ler lor lease, no pets, $550.00. 544 E. 1000 N. month, washer dryer 7 Bountiful hookups. Easy freeway access Rick 142 C5 2 C6 Jay 142 C71 CNTVL: BEAUTIFUL 4 dean 3 bdrm 2 bath, exMUST SEE to appreciate. cellent neighborhood, bedone Cozy clean dose to schools, shop room apt. Carpet, ping, bus. Dble gar, fam' No to bus. cues drapes, rm, food storage rm. No pets smokers smoking or pets. Ref. re- CLEAN AND roomy, apt. In Bount- or man $450 almost C6-new townhouse. All apC7-pliances, elementary on FRUIT HEIGHTS deluxe FREE H3RUARY RENT back door, 4247 So. bedduplexes, 2 large storNICE 2 bedroom, pool, C6-142 Highway 89 1 Vi baths, rooms, C6-7 142 spa, covered parking age areas. Appliances, storage, cable TV, NSL washer and dryer, city Apt. W-CREEK PEBBLE $300-mDeposit. utilities furnished. $340 carport, patio, shad, first NEW 1 4 2 bedroom famiC7-two weeks tree. $250.00 month plus lights, gas. Beautiful ly apartments. month. Cindy References, no pets. W-BOUNTIFUL 1 bedroom floor plana. or 0 C6-Call apt. Quiet, clean cardishwashers, hookups, C6-air conditioned. Energy pets, drapes, hookups, CLEAN 2 bedroom, efficient. Covered pant$240.00, deposit $100. BOUNTIFUL EAST hookups, new 160 W. 200 N. main floor 4 plex. ing. Convenient locaBENCH HOME Ce-IC7 142 tion. Open Monday 3 BEDROOM, Large fami$275.00 N. 850 through Saturday 142 ly room, double garage, FARMINGTON APT. 2 Hwy 89 NSL fenced yard, no smokers bedroom, laundry room Clean 2 bed 0 or pets $600.00 in home on acreage. BOUNTIFUL room W-C4-hookups, coPPYIOOM 2 Carport, utilities furvered parking, pool, IN 142 nished $350 month. fully carQUIET plenty of storage Vacant. C7 3 Bdrm, IVi laundry clean, KAYSVILLE 2 C5 peted, 142 full basement hookups, air cond., conbath, venient location availyard and carport, BOUNTIFUL able immed. MOVE M NOW no pets. Ref. req. $375 W-3 BEDROOM BOUNTIFUL LARGE 3 month and dep. hookups, fireplace, kids C6-142 bedroom townhouse 544-556- fenced yard, storage shed. No pets or smokers, 605 So. 875 W. fur- C7 mediate occupancy. 7 it washer dryer hookups, no pats $305.00 du-pi- WEST BOUNTTUL plex, also quaint cottage. Ready March lease-depos- shwasher, disposal, bedroom $260 month $200 deposit. No pets, home, NEW PAINT, carpet, nace, one bedroom C5-C- NICE 2 bedroom apt. near Layton Hills Mall. Di- ATTRACTIVE S.L. AVENUES home atmosphere with TOWNHOUSE IN Cedar advantages of learning Springs. Enjoy ground program to develop floor living, where your child's mental and social children can walk out to 8 awareness. grass, flowers and playground. When the warMONTESSORI SUNRISE mer weather comes, you'll enjoy the nice EXTENDED DAY care for swimming pool, sauna, Fun your etc. 2 bedrms, 2 baths, acadeactivities, good washer-drye- r hookups. mic program, Spanish, Newly decorated for im- Apt NICE TWO playground, central C6-- 7 C7-- 8 $300 a mo. Indudea utildeposit. Call 298-453C7 hookapt. washer-drye- r ups, free cable TV, spa sauna fitness room, tot dis- hookups, D hwasher, playground, 380 North 100 West, Centerville. ities $200 1 FREE GIFT for new residents in new 2 bedroom Adams Company; Dave W-- 292-588- UTE BASEMENT era, pets Beautiful area, the Vfc FOR laundry and maintain ming pool, Rv parking. carport no pet, apartment RENT hwi Heights. Spacious 3 bedroom condominium, 2'i bath, storage, swim- DELUXE TOWNHOME 2 BEDROOM first two months Vi price, utNttis extra, t baths, storage, covered parking, super location $365 cludes condo la & gas, 22-5- 1 58, 208-257142 3402. C7-C- 8 baths, hood conditioned, clean, 3 Bonded Realty C6-- Con- do, fireplace, air conditioned, w-- d hookup, in- DUPLEX 3 Centerville, comer unit, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family room, garage, air bedroom CLEAN 2 patio, 8369. 544-373- ROOM FOR one more. 292-317- smokers, veal clean PHEASANTBROOK, 298-257- M LARGE 2 bedroom W-hookups. No pets or 295-407WOULD LIKE to tend your 7 child in my $650.00. or older 3 age LDS home near HolFruit brook Elem. Call 292-224- EAST KAYSVILLE, EXCELLENT SCHOOL and Kgtn ning boards, tailgate cover, bug deflector, equalizer nitch, under coating, low miles. $14,500. 142 SAFE CHAD CARE LDS MOTHER wishes to tend your children week295-611days $10 per day C7 142 Meadowbrook tary. 298-474- techniques used CONDO, 292-861- my home. Lunches, snacks, and preschool activities daily. Near PRE- GREAT BUY 1986 FORD XLT 4x4 460 gas eng., automatic AM-FCassette, air, Capt. chairs, dual tanks, run- FOR RENT hookups, swim pool 4 tennis Btft C6--2 $375 mo. C7 142 295-40- SUNRISE MONTESSORI 298-011- 9 C7 APARTMENTS FOR RENT r washer-drye- CENTERVILLE child care In a loving 5 piano or APARTMENTS FOR RENT BDRM. 2 298-008- 9 TUTORING white 87 MAZDA SE-pickup, 6 payments already made. Take over payments or make CONDOS 546-222- INSTRUCTIONS C6-- 8 292-692- LICENSE TO tend children In my home, lunch and snack and a big play $2,500 or best offer. 1985 250 R. Excellent condition, pipe, radical port, new Dick Cepek paddles, less than 30 hrs, best offer above $1500. Call condition, fully loaded, CHILDREN HONDA GOLD WMG DECKED OUT. Great Low mileage. tuneup, low book $1700. Sail for $950 or oftar 296-927C7 142 SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, FEBRUARY 18, 1987 FEBRUARY 17, 1987 COUNTY CLIPPER, 292-991- C6-- 7 I |