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Show SDAYDAVIS COUNTY CLIPPER, SOUTH DAVIS ADVERTISER, JANUARY 20, 1987 L, BUSINESS Jew 28 328-403- C2 C2-C- 3 292-288- C2-C- 5 C3-C- 5 PLUMBING REPAIRS AND Installation, affordable, licensed plumber. Call Ernie Anderson 292-178- C52C1-- BOOKKEEPMG SERVICES 295-073- 292-226- C2-C- 3 487-759- 1. two-thr- Parl-tim- UNDER-WRITE- R 295-839- 5 C2-C- C2-C- 3 292-891- 295-883- 3. C1-C- 4 I I C2-C- 295-026- RECONCILIATIONS, quarterlies, financials on computer. Reasonable C3-rates FREE ROOF INSPECTION DONT WAIT for leaks to have your roof checked. Residential or commercial, ask for Bruce 298-886C3 142 INCOME TAX prepared by CPA. Reasonable rates also available. Evenings 4 Saturdays. Call now. tive with. Flexible hours fit family schedule. AUTO MECHANIC GENERAL mechanical work, carb's safety etc., full or part time, wage is negotiable K4J Auto, 310 South Mam, do your housework, a wedding coming up, baby on the way or just need a break? We can solve your problem. We C2-C- 6 Chorn 142 C2-- 298-156- C3-C- 292-033- 8 6 WANTED full time, permanent work available inside green house. Planting, order WORKERS assembly, some delivery. Both men and women needed Hours 8 till approx. 4 depending on job. Contact Mark at Ptneae Greenhouses, N. Main, Centerville 675 1&2 C3-C- 4 295-559- 4. TEACHERS wanted for arts and craft classes Call Shirley C3 accounting and tory packages Service' Bureau. Available A 6 Compu- s' ter Service Gary man. C51-C- 3 295-689- 1 Plumb- removal, and hauling. Call Kart Chase for free or estimate. C3-142 298-041- 3 7 PAINTING AND PAPERMG QUALITY WORK fast, dean, licensed contracChuck C3-- 546-085- WANT 142 CATS accounts receivable. ' C3-C- Marketing-adm- 776-435- issions maintenance-environment- 573-011- 5. 292-631- 9 292-661C1-C- 573-011- 5. 298-532- C2-C- FIREWOOD - lines. Call C3 295-328- 3. XT 142 FREE FEMALE do young, quiet, gent er Btvd., 298-523- BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS turns. Reasonable Rates. Make your appointment now Greg f Ellis C3-C- 292-121- 7 upon request. 295-789- C3-C- 6 C3-C- 292-121- C3-C- FOR SALE 6 LOVE-- . LOVE LOVE WE deliver to your Valentine(s) a singing valentine and a gen SPRAYED CELING8 DOTTY? RESOLVE to start your spring cleaning at the topi Sprayed and glitter, blown-otile accoustical ceilings can be cleaned. Removes water stains, yellowness, odor, smoke and cobwebs. 298-095- Cad -- 4 CaN C2-C- 292-661- styles Uphoi. Call Ramona unique decorating Exciting opportunCall Jan 292-998- 6 C1-C- 5 CAFE ALICIA DW ACCEPTING application for full time dishwasher help and lunch waitress. Apply in per- 295-975- -- any- BLUE GOOSE HOUSEKEEPING A Deserved Luxury C2-- 6 and PROSPEROUS REAL ESTATE WHY LIMIT yourself? Dawson Real Estate is a 33 year old institution in the Bountiful area. We work In all areas of the market, not just one. We have immediate openings for licensed agents and brokers. Our new commission split is very attractive. Don't limit yourself! Call John for a confidential interview Company INC. Itf Qmlitf Tmimd Ctmm'mf tmi bptritufi Wrrktn Reliable CLINIC FOR Rational Hypnosis. Inexpensive Hypnosis training for Weight Control, Smoking, Personal Problems, etc. Advanced beginning M.S. Ed Psychologist SLC 265-131- 0 day 0 day. C2-- 4 iUNTIFUL City Light nd Power is now applications Pay $5 )ne (1) for Draftsper-on- . e per year of hour C1-C- VkU YoungJmt 4 Jmk and gravel, road base. Please call 292-661- 1 MAMMMMAMA I 295-567- C51-C- school-r- or work experience In rafting Is required lours may be flexible J ideations accepted 5 p.m. Jan. 23,1987 Bountiful Light 4 Pow h office, 196 South 200 I Vest, Bountiful, D22C3142 Utah. a GteEEQQaSiQ CJs Emporium Consignment Store for Clothing, Books, Household Itemh We Buy & Sell Moving Boxes Fort Laac Shopping Center, Layton --4U4M7- 3 COINMASTER "White's 4,000-series 2, hip mount, lots extras, like new paid $270 will sell for $165. 544-100C2-- 3 (to03H3SG3ffig CLOWNS CLOWNS CLOWNS FUN, FUN, fun. Call Fifi 544-709- room condition 13,000 original miles Hard top and soft top Call 295-122- 1 C3-C- 4 or 295-583- 1 142 HONDA ACCORD LX 1979 air conditioning cassette power steering, radials, loaded Around $2,000 Call days Denny AM-F- 298-325- 7 C3 CITATION, 4 door hatchback, auto trans , V6 engine, cruise, cassette, 4 more $2200 or offer - 81 AM-F- 298-193- 0 142 C3-C- 5 1979 HONDA CIVIC Great condition - transferred -must sell $1 600 00 Call C3-C- 7 298-532- Escort wagon below wholesale, new cassette. tires, See at 1450 So 500 82 FORD AM-F- West. 142 C3-C- 4 1975 TOYOTA Celica GT good condition, great student transportation $725 or otter 298-335- C3-C- 4 '86 THUNDERBIRD, 14,000 miles, cruise, stereo, $8900. DL tilt, A.C., like new 292-019- C3-- 4 ' Honda el Bountiful 9497le.Awy.il OpenTuet thru Sat. 9 to 6 P M. '86 CHEVROLET Nova, 4 5 casspeed, air, sette, cloth, 21,000 miles $7250. DL door, hatchback, AM-F- 292-019- 8. C3-- 4 82 SUBARU GL waoon 4x4, 4 speed, A C., power steering, $1 995.00 DL C3-- 4 292-019- '82 CHEVROLET Celebn-t- y, V-4 door, CL, cloth, tilt, cruise, stereo, rear window $3495. DL 292 0198. C3-- 4 at C3 $1500.00. 292-839- C3 BABY GRAND SPE 86 Pontiac Fiero G.T. 10.300 Red, new body style SPORTING 7,875 GOODS TROLLING MOTOR LIKE NEW 9.9 H P. 292-631- 2C2 AIrS 86 Pontiac Grand AM 1 Story-Clar- RANDS AUTO SALES C I Evin-rud- TRUCK LOADS ARRIVING WEEKLY e motor $600.00 573-015. Cl 1 142 C3 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 85 Firebird 6,400 Sharp 85 Chev. Cavalier C2-- Z-2- 4 7,400 298-422- 2 292-243- 4 Mike 451-234- $2000. High Quality C2-C- 6 87 DL 4x4 Wagon From C2-C- 6 296-555- Wagon are on Sale NowAt... 87 GL 4x4 Wagon 292-906- DIAMONDS wholesale right from the cutters. AH aires. CT $525. 1 CT sdm The Subaru Wagon NATE WADE SUBARU Cl 5 Banrlo m dl d Heath, Air CosdlHaehg aad BeMgerctioa announces sculptured CaN anytime ILENNOXbi. Note Wade Subaru carpet for $289. Price include carpet, pad and installation based on 30 yards. No job la too small or too large. I also have access to many different ptoahes in solid colors. HONEY LIGHT MID LB. BUCKET $31.00. 1162 N. Main, Farming-to- n mum 3747 So. Hy. 89, Bountiful, Utah Americas Best Selling Imported hi-i- 115" 2N Karth 188 Wm( RANDS Anso IV carpet from soma of the leading carpet mills. I will carpel your living room and hall in high quality, ear-thton- purchased separately M 6 4 CARPET HAVE access to several thousands yards of new high quality nylon and Setback Thermostat with each furnace replaced with a 91 BoutifalttS-U- , V-- Bal- Magic loons and morel coats, sweaters, from... Show- 1981 CORVETTE TOP SOt. If glassware, pictures, lamps, C3 298-582- 0 . VOLKSWAGON RABBIT 1976 runs good excebody and interior llent condition, front wheel drive, good in snow, asking $950 or 3 C3 best otter PREMIUM QUALITY soil best for lawns and gardens. Also fill dirt, sand Teens jewelry, dishes, pans, small appliances, furniture, otter EdgehiH Drive, Bountiful. C2 2C3 Ladies, Clothes, shoes, asking $1,200 -- Efficient Each and every worker is licensed, bonded and insured for your protection 11 UT efficient Childrens Al IMIMsrh M ClGGGGOt Slit 581-629- 295-133- rooms and 4895 295-368- Btfl. finished, also new construction. Reference 4 licensed 295-189C3 good looks better, or best 544-2200- drywall 4 patching basement 1999 Artie Cheetah Good C2-C- CARPENTRY 4 Remodeling, painting, textunng Experienced Dependable Bonded - Insured Mens No phone calls please to Hew 3295 vered free. Also dry 3 HONDA 1985 TRX 125 4 lodgepole. Satisfaction MISCELLANEOUS 5 Call guaranteed. household items and wheeler, excellent con2 fully equipped days dinette, wardrobe dition, eves. C2 C3-- 6 142 Best offer. Call closets, freezer, bike, C3 hutch, overstuffed chair. SOFA AND love seat, Velvet chairs washer and dryer, baby C22C3 RENT ENCLOSED cnb, toys, antique saw- WATER SOFTENER new STORAGE & R.V. ing machine, rocking SPACES still in shipping box. Fully chair, redwood lawn PER month 4 up $8.00 Building guaranteed. furniture, clocks and Convenient; east ot freecontractor has an extra radios, misc. items. Jan. Please call way. Save $200 af22 16,17,19, 20, 21, anytime. C52 Cl 4 C3142 ter 10 a.m. 2613 South C3 295-740- 2-- 5 M-- F part-tim- 7 ' between son atk for Randy or Stefan 295-237- fabrics choose from. Call TELEPHONE solicitor for ity 4 DODGE CHARGER SE 1975 MAROON color power everything runs e 292-680- 6 FMEWOOO asking $200 or best FIREWOOD C3 offer. 546-230FIREWOOD 8 YEAR OLD PMON TWO BERNINA Sewing DAVIS COUNTY'S best machines 707 w --cabinet pi non 4 cedar, only $1 05 $250; new 830 asking per cord, cut split deli$300.00. Call 296-944- 7 298-200- 142 3 Coagar BALDWIN ELECTRIC carpet shampooer, Organ 4 bench with fun opem arm sewing machine. Like new machine, elec, typewn-te- r Value $2795. Will sacn-ficsymbols FREEZER - Used 6 months, paid $400, 292-737- -- MUST BE dependable hardworking and bond able. Flexible hrs. Start ina pay $4 hrs., raises with good quality work 298-123- FOR SALE 1998 Artie M.A., M. Ed C3 142 295-739- Lawrence Look tip, time day or niaht. All types of parlies. CaN ear ly for your reservation and mention this ad for $5 off. Call C51-C- 3 142 263-009- UPHOLSTERY GIVE YOUR home a new look for the new year We recover, restyle and build new turn. Many Lee AUTOMOBILES 298-849- C1-C- Housecleaning 298-795- n 298-111- 292-018- WANTS) 2695 4 AGO evenings. C3 298-123- im- SANTA AVAILABLE 292-869- HOUSEKEEPER seat, etc. $100, 1934 ANTIQUE over trs, glass front. Ask $10,000.appraised Best offer. Draw therm astat control 3 Lee. C3 save $400. 90 days 142 same cash C3 142 298-470- Eddmgs, sale Jan. only. Includes blow or Larry 4 II ginning through adv anced levels. Franklin 4 Certified 295-579C52. 12x16 5 mud and snows C1-- 4 Y tread left. Asking $30 each. Cali Dennis evenSTORY & CLARK C3 ANTIQUE Baby Grand ing beautiful (1934) over BABY FURNITURE: crib, $1 0,000 high chair, car seat, Appraised offer Best (over $7,000) stroller, walker, table FIREPLACE MSERTS $599 INSTALLED free provements. Kitchens, basements, windows, doors, crown mold. Call Ken 1999 Feather Polaris r SCHWINN BIKE famous love potion. At' 20 BOYS good condition PIANO FOR sale, Kohler C2-- 3 $30.00. 295-525work or home - S.L and and Campbell upright Daws Co. areas $10.00. Refinished. Good condi ROWING MACHINE 1 or 451 Cdl asking $50.00. Frank tion $650.00. 296-942- 0 0705. C2-C- 5 292-653C3 C3 5 DO IT RIGHT FOR ALL your home 3495 PIANO 4 ORGAN FULL PROGRAM for be- ous portion of our n 4. Ttgn INSTRUMENTS CORNER CHINA cabinet, CLARINET AND Case Good condition $125.00 hardwood corner desk, 292-776- 9. C3 antique writing table, elec, wheat grass juicer, Factory Outlet Bird Tree 292-247- p.m. C3 C1-C- 4 Napes $499.99. Young Blue Front Talker Parrotts $249.99, Keets $5.99 up. Utah's largest savings store. Cages, SNOW REMOVAL COMMERCIAL or residential. Free estimate. Call Greg Ellis 5 SCULPTURED NALS BY JODI $20 set; $1 0 fill-i- n for appt. Call 298-622- SUPER TAME baby 295-927- 5 UMTA-MTN- financing. The Clone Store, 3641 Washington C2-- 73 YAMAHA XS 500 needs work $100 00 Call after 5 , TIRES FOR supply, CGC, 1 360k floppy monitor and keyboard, 0 down C3 INCOME TAXES ACCURATELY prepared business or personal re- mulitl-0- 1999 Artie 6000 MUSICAL FAXSIMILE MACHINE never used - paid $4000 C3 best otter 292-033- 8 CLONES $699. 00, 256k, 150w pow- very loving, protective good guard dog. Ex tremely intelligent, great hunting breed. g long-bumin- hardwood logs, cut, split, delivered. $1 25 a full cord, or $65 a half. Call C2-- 3 2495 142 C3-C- 5 FREE BLACK LAB mix puppies to good homes. Come from good blood 3 298-462- 8 292-363- - 292-827- 795 FREE 6 mo. old puppy. Lives in Maltese-mix- . garage. Call eve. C3 142 5 This includes posting BLUE GOOSE payments in computer HOUSEKEEPMG MC. C52 Cl-customer correspond- TOP QUALITY cleaning ence problem research; for homes or businesstatement generation ses. We'll come in and SILK WEDDING flowers and collection follow up. do your everyday cleanmade. Low Must be well organized. or those extras that Custom ing EPM Bridal BouDetail oriented and able can't find time for. pricesl Call you to work with little superquets. day or evenWe work on a one time C-- 3 142 ing vision. Please send reor a regular basis. We sume to Box 267P specialize in removing 142 Bountiful, Utah 84010 hard water deposits from 78 - OVERWEIGHT 4 142 sinks, tubs, showers, PEOPLE toilets and faucets. Our WHO WANT to be thin in NURSING HOME departstaff of experienced girls 1987 guaranteed. Call ment managers. are not contractors, but evenings C2 director, licensed, bonded 2C31 director of nursing, fully insured and employees director of of the firm, and take a DOOR REPLACEMENT services, conscientious interest in FRONT DOORS, patio activities-sociservice the of their work. doors, inside doors. quality l receptionist-medicadirector, Satisfaction guaranteed. Complete job with paint records technCl "Your satisfaction is our icians, food service business Janet Jarvis 2 C2 142 C3 director. Life Care CenVicki Young. ter of Bountiful, a preHARDWOOD 8 mier luxury nursing FLOORMG care facility, is nearing WMDOW CLEANMG LET US give you a price completion and needs START OFF the new year Parquet floor. Price is quality department manwith dean windows. Call very competitive. 292 agers. Applications are Rob's Window Cleaning, Cl i 6319, available at the constru-dto6 for Free EstiC2142C3 site located at the 3 mate. 142 CARPENTER TO finish comer of 2600 So. 460 HOUSECLEANMG basements and remodW. or send resume to and eling. Painting, wallpapDoug Lizon, administra- FAST, EFFICIENT referExcellent er, sheetrock repair, textor ufe Care Center of honest. Call ences. at Shauna Bountiful, 2600 So. 460 turing, bath tile and 7 after 1 p.m. home repairs. Free estiW., Bountiful, Utah 3 142 mates and references. 84010. An Equal Oppor 142 C52 Dave tumty Employer. C3 Cl 4 142 Country 451-587- Buff Specials KITTENS spay-neut- turns. Electronic filing is coming. Be prepared. CA Rich CPA 295-2791 Call for appt. C3-C- 7 - 4 NEED GOOD indoor homes. Spayed, neutered, shots, also. Call us on info on low cost HOUSEKEEPMG CUSTOM BRICK work WE HAVE happy customers! Experienced, reliwanted, fireplaces faces able, quick and quai'ty or repairs, free estimates work. Affordable rates. No job too small. 295-044- 9 Call now! References SERVICES C2-- 3 8 Return Preparation. Computer' prepared re- WORK C1-C- 5. 292-140- 295-589- tor, winter rates. Call TAX PAMTMGAND C1-C- AR CLERK QUALIFIED Individual needed to manage 298-342- 292-830- 292-074- $150. closeout. C2-- 5 TREES AND BUSHES TRIMMING, SHAPING, 544-036- TEDDY BEAR Hamsters. 7 Appliances ing Fixtures. C3 construction. Call Residential Seismic SerCl 5 vices and collection follow up. HOUSECLEANMG Must be well organized. Detail oriented and able IRONING, LAUNDRY to work with little super- meals, shopping. Al homes professionally vision. Please send reserviced. Regular basis sume to Box 267 (PM) available. Low rates. Bountiful, Utah 84010. C1-C- 4 Sharon 292-651C2 142 C3 s C3-- 292-332- Call EARTHQUAKE FORMATION accounts receivable. SAFETY EVALUATION for homeowners. SeisThis includes posting mic guidelines for new payments in computer customer correspondence problem research statement generation at LANCE CAN help with your home fix-u- p needs. Good- TEXTURMG SPECIALIZING in quality interior. No job too small. Guaranteed workmanHI WEEKNIGHT and-o- r Call Scott Wray weekend shift work is IM TAWNYA I'd like to ship. C1-C- 4 298-257available in the Farming-to- n clean your home. My area for someone to prices are reasonable BACK HOE and my work is profescare for an elderly lady AND LARGE tree landsional ref. are available References required 298-595scaping, 27 years exC2 2 C3 1 Call 451-273- 7 after 5 perience, instant Shade C3 p.m. Landscaping 299-272298-227- 8 wash windows, clean carpets and painting. Give the Moore's a call inven- C3 Bountiful 298-582AIR CLERK WANTED - mature woman QUALIFIED Individual to tend darling baby in needed to manage our home do commercial cleaning, empty and full houses, with individualize Good-man- 6 CLEANMG DO YOU work, too tired to VEHICLES SE PETS COMPUTER SERVICE BENEFIT YOUR comp Training, proven lead system, medical ins. retirement and fun. For interview phone Mrs. C3-- 292-307- part-tim- e 295-702- OWN YOUR OWN BUSMES8 YOU CHOOSE the hours. Excellent Income possible through commitment and work. You'll receive help all along the way. Only highly motivated need wnte to B4V Distributing, P.O. Box 851, Centerville, Ut. 84014. Please include telephone number. C2-- 5 6 292-307- RECREATIONAL SALES H Dealership, a genuine bustness opportunity for only $2,500.00. C2 2 C3 1 142 3 2C3 Timberline Sports 295-154- C2-C- 5 GARAGE SNOW TIRES, Michelm 1981 ELDORADO Motor moving sale steel belted - GR 78 15X MISC. FURNITURE and home. 25' 440 Dodge, color, need good home Studded. Barely used household items, 150 bunk model, Priced to $100 00 Call 292-652- 5 takes both 298-838$75 BountiEast 400 North, sell fast Call 292-817after 6 p m. C3 C3 ful, Saturday 24th 10 00 C3 KEYSTONE CLASSIC S am. C3 142 Mags less than a year old, used 70s tires on MISCELLANEOUS HOME front, new 60s on rear APPLIANCES $250 or otter Call Matt 292-929C3 HAVE A friendly home BUICK Century WHIRLPOOL WASHER) 1984 party Kids toys, gifts 4 EXPERIENCED Cream color loaded, air. Word Needs work 298-281home decor for all occatilt, cruise control, much Processing Letter Qual$40 00 or otter. C3 sions starting at $2 00 more. Nice car 39,000 ity Printer Thorough Call Cindy 292-549- 3 miles. High book Accurate Bountiful locaC3-C- 7 VCR WITH CAMERA $5,980 00. Will take tion. Call night or day LIKE NEW Sharp brand 292-863C3-C- 4 RENT ENCLOSED $4,300 00. 295-739142 VCR with camera $500 C3-- 4 STORAGE OR R.V. 292-631573-011Cl SUZUKI 250 quadrunner SPACES C3 142 2C2 SALE 1979 Toyota FOR with snowplow $66 00 $8.00 PER Month and up SR-5- , 2 dr., nice car, excellent condition 295-351of east freeConvenient, C3-C- 4 C3 otter. 292-372HOME 292-2434 Please call way. 4 C52C1-FURNISHINGS anytime PORTABLE dishwasher, 85 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 4 cyl turbo, 38,000 miles, three level UNOPENED CASE of Kenmore, wash $215 00. Wood SAVEI CARPET Furm auto, tilt, cruise, air, casbaby formula Expires sette, excellent conditure, drapery, guaran-- i June 1987 $25 00. 298-281- 8 burning stove, fireplace insert, $195 00, 298-552- 9 teed lowest prices, tion $6500. Call 295-617- 9 C3 C3 after 5 pm. C3 showroom Bountiful, 20 1979 CHEV Malibu $1675 years experience Loret1975 MERCURY Zepher, ta 298-062- 1 runs well Living Scrip- SUNBEAM Bargains ELECTRIC C3-- 7 ture tapes $5, electric good condition only and blower $35.00. 292-407$1400 or best offer 298-123golf cart $100 00. 295-877- 0 C3 3 Lee C3 UNIQUE WORK bench-desC3 142 142 6 feet long SEWING MACHINE 6 HORSEPOWER Toro WHITE CONSOLE sewwood top over snow plower 2 metal cabinets, electric ing machine $60 00 292-40792-7027. C3 142 C3 cooktop range, very1 Snowmobile clean, must sell. 298-BEAUTIFUL Queen head TWO CHROME glass 4232. C3 board Cannonball post shelves, three shelves, style $35, 750x16 radial excellent condition $25 WATERBED $50.00 1980 truck tires with rims, $70 each or best otter. Call dinette $100.00, dresser 9000 each, 27" men's 292-652- 5 after 6 p m C3 mirror and matching $25, '71 Susuki couch dresser $125.00, TC-9- 0 SNOW BLOWER dual range, re. and chair $125.00 1999 built engine $150 00 will YARDMAN 7 HP 24 inch C3-- 4 Artie Comgar trade tor electric guitar good condition $595 or 1 C3 otter. Call Robert 292-786- Spaniel puppies WOULD YOU like to determine your own destiny? If you're finally ready, self sports minded and at a motivated then look 4 CAR WRECKED? FRY COOK Store now hmng full and part time. Retail expen-enc- e EXPERIENCE PREFER- CALL LUNDS Auto Body and Paint. Welding and RED BUT not necesnecessary. 451 5948. C3 sary. Day shift, top sandblasting too. Competitive pricesl wages. Excellent be1 40DEL SEARCH for 87' nefits. Apply in person looking tor new faces Lee's Cafe. Ask for Brent REMODELING now. If not qualified to Cl 3 142 F YOU need quality work model, training available call Kent for an exciting career MORTGAGE Call Penny OANKHG C3-- 7 TAXES BUSINESS-individua- l (1) LOAN OFFICER; year experience your home or INVESTIGATOR. $12.09 loan. conv. and business by CPA. Call e 25 hdurs hour. exKent for per week. Performs cri- - perienced - CMS Mor5 appointment. mmal and civil investigatgage tion for the County AttorHOMEMTERtOR F YOU'RE planning some ney's Office. Requires a TO BUY or sell Avon and bachelor's degree in redecorating, getting a earn money. 35 to 50 home ready to sell or police science, cnminol Call your choice. even buying a new home ogy, or business man142 call me know can save agement and five years of investigative experi- OF SPECIAL interest to you money, time, and ence on a police force mature to mature frustration. Esther Gar5 cia Applications accepted in women. Memorial room 210, Farmington Estates 1987 REMODELING Special Courthouse, through plans and newexpansion office reists, roofs, room addi January 30, 1987. EOE basements quire 10 additional lady tions, C3 counselors. Average finishing kitchen bath over room decks patio. Free $20,000 commisTHE PIZZA Company, 11 sion first year. A product estimate, references N. Main, Kaysville, and service ladies are day hostess. 546 comfortable and effec3297. C3 FOR SALE DARLING AKC Cocker No-7- 292-288- 7 j HUNDRED$ WEEKLY! Home- - mailing program! Information? Write C. Kristen sen Maeser Provo, Utah 84804. unit apartment MODELS WANTED PAMTMQ AND CERAMIC TILE PAPERHANGJNG manager, Bountiful, ex- LOOKING for print, SHOWERS. TUBS, floors, comm, and runway mod- QUALITY WORK a( countertops, etc. New perience required. Provide resume. (420, 2 els No exp. neccessary. reasonable price. Exhomes remodel or reAll bdrm, 2 bath unit perienced, neat, fast, reages. Call for free inpairs. Twelve years exC3-liable. Call Dan 562 142 terview. Studio Z perience 1 9353. 142 C2 2 142 OUNTIFUL CARD Gift i PETS OPPORTUNITIES JANUARY 21, 1987 142 From 9,998 40,999 plus tax 4 lie pku tax 4 lie. AJau's The Time of year When you Need A Subaru hxh Wagon ROLL BIDS DAVIS COUNTY Clipper 6oe 10 lb. C1-C- 5 142 . XT CLONES $699.00, 256K. 150W PdWer supply. CGC, toaffil0. floppy, monitor 4 keyboard ? Low financing. The Cion Store, 3641 Washington Btvd. C2-C- 5 627-683- "A NICE PLACE TO DO BUSINESS " |