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Show JUNE THE JOURNAL 2 What They're Doing in Washington Vhe JOURNAL FLOOR ACTION Major action under the expenditures for the cur-o- f the Floor of the House this week rent year. A weekly newspaper published In AID FOR SCHOOLS Despite Jhe interests of the residents of was the passgae of a bill approfor the I)e- this cut enough to run the Uni- Davis County, at Layton, Utah. priating partment of Labor and the new versity of Utah for ro years the matter at Department of Health, Education bill made no reduction in the s Entered as second-clas- s Welfare. If the appropriation mount of federal funds appropriat-standLayton, Utah, under the Act of March 8, 1879. in the Senate, it will repre-je- d for vocational education and sent a reduction of $2N'.,1!K,73( rehabilitation. The appropriation a-a- nd j Published Py INLAND PRINTING CO. Phone: Kaysville 10 MEMBER. ex-ta- THE- - Of AWfif IAT!GkJ UTAH STAJF NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Natl Advertising Representative Newspaper Advertising Service. 222 No. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. Subscription: $1.00 Per Year Payable in Advance. In combination with The Weekly Reflex, $3.00 per year tions. I opposed a bill which would, I feel, greatly handicap the Forest Service in protecting our watershed areas. Lloyd E. Anderson Editor Manager Mary B. Bowring News Editor J. for the Apprenticeship training program in the Labor Department was also greater than last years figure. PLUGGED The LOOPHOLE House and Senate also plugged a loophole in the Civil Service Commission Act which permitted high cabinet officials last January to take up to $12,000, in taxpayers funds wlum they went out of office. Such men as Secretary of State scandalman Lax Acheson and Mar Gaudcl took large sums representing, they said, vacations they did not take during their service with the former administration. FOR WORKERS ONLY In accordance with President Eisenhow-er- s wishes, the new legislation prohibits top executive officers from accumulating vacation time, thus reserving the privilege for those to whom it rightly belongs the hardworking federal employee who stays on the job. FOREST LANDS Assisted by telegrams and letters from scores of Utah communities and organiza- V. Woolsey Other OTHER UTAHNS who appeared personally against the bill HR 4023 were were City Commissioner Grant Burbidge, Salt Lake City, and Clarence White and Herbert F. Smart, of the Utah Wildlife Federation. I feel better administration of the U-tah- Display Advertising Manager Rep. W. A. Dawson . . . says mining vital to all. Rep. D. R. Stringfellow . . . aid bill. supports lead-zin- c Metal Tax Bill Supporters Warn of Utah GhostTowns NEW YORK William Oatis, Press correspondent, released after 25 months in a Czech Communist jail, is shown with his wife, Laurabelle, on the ramp of the plane on which Oatis arrived at Idlewild Airport. Mrs. Oatis, who flew to New York from St. Pau:, Minn., to meet her husband, went aboard the plane for a private reunion with her husband before he left the craft. As-sociat- ed Ghost towns are a reality in Utah. So testified Rep. William A. Dawson, who appeared with Rep. Douglas R. Stringfellow before the House Ways and Means Committee in support of the Simpson Bill H. R. 4294. The Simpson Bill contains proa part in visions for a sliding scale of im- lead and zincof plays counentire the port taxes on lead and zinc to pro- the economy buys goods, tect the domestic industry from try. It pays wages, in low prices resulting from dump- pays taxes, or is reinvested he or new expanded industry, ing of cheaply produced foreign said. metals. On the other hand, while it is Rep. Dawsons reference to difficult to estimate how much of ghost towns in Utah was in an- every dollar paid for foreign swer to testimony given earlier by metals returns to this country, it Secretary of the Interior Douglas is safe to assume that it is far McKay, who said he doubted if use lower than in domestic purchases, of the term was justified. he added. Rep. Dawson quoted the Rev. Rep. Stringfellow said that inwho Park of Cullen Patrick City, come from production of raw mahad written, Park City looks terials is just as vital to the derelict a ghost town, a shadow economy of Utah, Montana or of its former self. Its a deserted Idaho, as it is to Peru, Africa or Mexico. If the American lead-zin- c village. In his testimony, Rep. Dawson industry is forced to quit out holds bill The the hope operations, fewer automobiles, said, of health to a sick and dying refrigerators, sewing machines, metal mining industry. But more television sets and other American important, this protection is need- made products wTill be sold in ed to maintain the productive states formerly producing the capacity of this nation. The pres- metals, he warned. The time for making plans to ent law offers no relief. out to assist the lead and zinc mining Rep. Stringfellow pointed dollar the committee that every industry is right now, Rep. present laws ns rather than such far reaching legislation as HR 4023 is the answer to the legitimate complaints of livestockmen. SCHOOL LUNCHES Parents need not be concerned about the economy programs effect upon the school lunch program. The House voted a cash appropriation of ;;i;r),ooo which with the addition of food surplus donations will bring federal contributions next year to This compares to $1 17,(n io,oo(). $ h,mk,ooo for ltK"2 and $133, loo,-H- ) 1 for the current year. WASHINGTON Washington basked under unseasonally blue skies and cool breezes this week which is news enough in itself. On the political front, however, Sen. Wallace F. Bennett remained more than busy in the capital. He voted early in the week for the Agricultural Reorganization plan submitted through Secy, of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson and voted against seating Sen. Wayne Morse (Ind. Ore.) on the committees taken away from him when the 83rd congress began in January. the Utahn debated fiscal policy with Senators Homer Capehart (R., Ind.), Robert Kerr (D., Okla.) and Hubert Humphrey (D., Minn.). The four lawmakers appeared on a TV show with Blair Moody (D., Mich.). His central theme and its not easy to stick to one against such a trio was that the nation must choose between a sound dollar with fluctuating interest rates and an inflated dollar with government-peggeinterest rates. Sen Bennett, of course, favored the first plan. Wednesday he introduced in the Senate a concurrent resolution authorizing the president to set aside June 7 to 14 as Aid to Korea week. In the meantime, Finance committee meetings are spotlighting the possible dissolution of the Reconstruction Finance Corp., Sen. Bennett reported. On Tuesday paid for domestically produced Stringfellow said. AdvertUemtt AfoAH Numskull From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh, PTA Gets Stung by GET "MAILED ON THIRD ease GZoBSBGCK. MO, SPRiMGPiELD WOULD DRUM , YOU CALL A EAR AlOAH MAJORETTE A 'BAND-AIDvJo TAMZOSM E vour pun To ''JoAW Postcard Ktnr Ff.turn gymllc.t. IMilribut.d 1 hy f The local PTA is feeling sheepish today. Seems they complained the youngsters werent learning enough. Said they couldnt even spell. So the kids challenged them to a spelling bee. I was captain of the PT Aers, Doc Brown told me. Both teams made the first round just fine. But on the second round Speedy Taylor went down on efficiency. Then his boy Chip, who happened to be next on the school team, rattled it right off. From then on it was murder! So now Doc says that the a "Bee" whole PTA is thinking of signing up for night school I From where I sit, it always pays to look and think before you leap to conclusions. Take those folks who would deny me a temperate glass of beer without a moments thought. They wouldnt want me to interfere with their personal preferences for, say, buttermilk. Its a good idea to think twice before you spell out rules for your neighbor. Copyright, 1953, United States Brewers Foundation , 1853. June is dairy month, and Reddy Kilowatt is proud of the increasing role he plays in bringing better milk to the home and greater savings to the dairyman. More and more dairymen in this area are using low cost electricity to operate milk coolers, milking machines, water heaters, sterilizers ventilators, cream separators, and for other chores. work-savin- g BUY FROM YOUR DEALER ex-Se- n. d |