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Show SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1931 THE JOURNAL Page 11 WOMAN'S WORLD SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS Give Wedding Details Careful Attention Shirtwaister Versatile, Smart By Ertta Haley PERHAPS youve wondered, . . If Slimming Pique going to be a bride, or have had anything to do with weddings, Just why there are so many rules connected with them. A wedding is a really big occasion for the bride and groom, of course, but for families and friends as well. The rules are strict, but designed for the sake of thoughtfulness and (theyre for all involved. are divided be- two tween the immediate families involved, possibly more for the brides family than for the grooms, but that is probably due to the fact I that the groom must assume more I responsibilities economically than 1 the bride. What kind of wedding to have really depends upon individual pref- erences, and the bride and groom f should decide this for themselves, i"; As they think of the wedding in later years, it should be the kind of wedding they wanted rather than out-of-tow- 5 J anyone else. ft , j ; n one-hal- ! . Budget has a lot to do with wed- dings, and even the simplest kind may make a serious dent in fi-- f nances. The size of both families white pique dress thats smart, cool and lovely for summer is this white pique Inwith the waistline-slimmin- g set of white organdy. The only trimming on this simple frock is the appliqued banding of white cotton lace. Worn with a simple pearl choker and bracelet, in keeping with the simplicity of the dress, this is a fashion that is bound to please those who want to look smart. ; Weddings reguire planning . . . cians and other helpers and church expenses with the exception of the clergymans fee are also handled by the brides family. If no one else offers to entertain, the brides family usually gives the bridal dinner before the rehearsal. The brides family will also speplan to house any cial guests for the wedding and pay for transportation to and from the church and the wedding reception for the bridal party. The responsibilities of the groom include the wedding ring, the marriage license, the bridal bouquet, boutonnieres for the men of the wedding party as well as for corsages to both mothers and grandmothers. The groom usually plans to give several gifts, and these are for the bride, the best man and the ushers. For a formal wedding, he presents matching ties and gloves to the men and gives a dinner (bachelor), if he wants to have one. The groom will also handle the clergymans fee and the wedding trip expenses. Gifts Dictated by Wedding Type Showers before the wedding are in perfect order for all types of weddings no matter how simple they may be, but the brides or bridegrooms immediate family should never give one of these. If either of the families want to give a party, it must be clearly understood that no gifts are expected from those attending. When showers are given, the bride is expected to write thank-yo- u notes not only to the hostess who gave the shower, but also to all who gave gifts. If desired by the bride, she and her mother may give what is called a trousseau tea a week or so before the wedding, after the invitations have been sent. Invitations to this are usually by an informal, written note. The guest of honor at the tea is the grooms mother who usually pours. Bridal attendants and close friends usually assist with pouring during the 'latter part of the after- type, as do the number of friends and relatives you want to include. Weddings should always be in conformity with your station and that of the familys. It should never be an affair that has any tinge of keeping up with the family next door or a friend'. , 1 There are six types from which to choose: First, the large formal . , wedding at a church, followed by a reception at home, hotel or club, where everyone is invited. Type of Wedding . Determines Guests With the formal, semiformal or Informal church or chapel wedding, followed by a small reception at home or a club, only families of i I, the bride and groom and intimate are invited. A third type I "friends 1 of wedding is a small one held at church or home, with a small reception at a club includes only a few friends and the two immediate ; families. This is followed by a large reception to which all friends . fare invited. Another type of wedding which ?jis simple yet ideal from the point .4 jof view of the reception is that Jheld at home, and possibly in the garden. This is followed by a re-- ; ception at the same place to which everyone is invited, Then theres the small chapel j i,,., wedding which is very simple, too, held in a small chapel to which a few friends are invited. The I I bridal couple usually receive in the foyer of the chapel. ; I The last type is the military wed-- i ding which is usually formal. Its I ; held at a military post, at the U chapel there and is followed by a reception at home or at the club on the post. j Responsibilities of Families Are Defintely Listed All types of invitations and anI nouncements are paid for and ; handled by the brides family, but the complete list to whom they are sent are made out by both families I or the bride and the groom. The brides trousseau, wedding ' I ensemble, wedding decorations, noon. J bridesmaids The bouquets, gifts to musi- Pre-Weddi- , i ; ! ( ! j ? j- out-of-to- ng farewell Whether you aim for n of the the or the dinner expert time smiles of your family, your best guarantee of success is the balanced double action of Clabber Girl Baking Powder. blue-ribbo- Tailored Shirtwaist QOFTLY tailored shirtwaist style thats suitable for almost all occasions all summer long. Rows of narrow lace or ruffling make an effective trim for waist front and sleeves. A 1 Buy U.S. Defense Bonds! sit-dow- , ' bridal party is part of the big formal wedding, and usually takes place a few days before the big event. Attendants gifts are usually presented at this affair. The bridal dinner either precedes or follows the rehearsal, and includes the complete wedding party, as well as important guests. This may be done in buffet n style, or it may be a formal affair. Invitations are by personal notes or by word of mouth by the brides mother. The bachelor dinner is held at the preference of the groom, and he plays the host. His friends may also give it in his honor. Gifts to best man and ushers are presented at this time. Procedure Given For Wedding At any formal wedding, music f hour before the begins ceremony. Vocal solos should be scheduled during the last few minutes of this time, just before the ceremony begins. Pattern No. 8677 Is a rated pattern in sizes 42, 44, 40. Size 34, 4 sew-rlt- e perfo 32. 34, 30, 38, 40, yards of 3Vj yards trimming. Dont miss the Spring and Summei STYLIST. Its filled with ideas for a to the minutest smart, wearable summer wardrobe; details. cial features: gift patterns side the book. 25 cents. spe- in printed Candles are lighted by the sexSEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. ton a few minutes before the guests 867 West Adams St.. Chicago 6, 111. arrive, unless a traditional candleEnclose 30c in coin for each pattern. Add 5c for 1st Class Mall U lighting ceremony has been scheddesired. uled during the service. Size Pattern No Reserved pews number ten to Name (Please Print) twenty, depending upon the size of the wedding and number of guests. Street Address or P.O. Box No. Guests present pew cards to the usher if they are to sit in the reState City served section. Five minutes before the ceremony, the bridegrooms mother is They Still Do escorted to her place, the first pew A writer says that it was foron the right side. The bridegrooms the practice of surgeons to father follows her and is seated merly bleed their patients for the slightnext to her. est ailment. Why formerly? One minute before the ceremony begins, the brides mother is ushered in and takes her place in the first pew on the left side. Seating , of all the other guests follows this. Home weddings are much simpler than the procedure outlined above, as guests are welcomed by the brides mother and they usually stand during the ceremony. tky ms Guaranteed by f vAv kGood Housekeeping ' imrinuo , BtdLAcrHG 09 I ai' f v.v.v..$.Y.v;v:v comp; m3 am trm urtiiD i wwwa gEetPE wrm leepsmmmsr t Senior winner. Grand National Baking Contest, Waldorf-AstoriMrs. Paul W. Strebel, Hannibal, Missouri. ' f1' a. Fashion Flashes Fabric hats are smart for summer, and one of the coolest and nicest is pique, shady-eye- d designed into a sailor. r buttercrust flake-apart- s Grossgrain trims the base of the crown and ties into a crisp bow at the front; it also edges the hat for smartness. What could be nicer for business use than a shirt dress in black and white checked cotton, spiked with red? The touch of red is slight, just at the neck and cuffs, and just enough to add interest. When you buy shoes for the beach, or for tramping about the yard, one of the smartest choices which you can make is the fabric shoe. These come in interesting combinations, with both wide and narrow straps whichever fit the foot best. If you want to cover up the bare shoulders of a strapless dress, and still be cool and casual about it, choose one of those brief boleros, with tiny sleeves and collar. Off To The Moon Scientists estimate that it would take about 94 hours for a rocket trip luncheon for the to the moon. These light, tender rolls separate easily into e pieces. hey Iook fancy are easily made. BAKE at 400 F. far 15 to 20 minute. MAKES 2 dozen roll,. bite-siz- bt 2 .2 packa8c A've Dry Yeast (or cakes of compressed u yeast ) water (no i0 115 F) cmL- -CUD warm bu,,erm,,k' cadcd in double boUcrT cup sugar, I cup soft butter 2 in teaspoons salt; cool to lukewarm. Blend the dissolved yeast. Sift ud, Pi,,,bMr'r' together 4 u Be Enriched ,teaspoon sodo, add milk e and mix until well blended. Place In greased bowl and cover. Let (iS to 90 F ) u"li doISt in buT I hour. Roll out on floured flour mix-tur- Sf board to thickness. Cut Into strips 2 inches wide. Brush with melted buttor. Stack five strips together and cut into Mncb each s,ack in 8rcased cuTr down. Brush with melted ef r,se P,.rbulk, about in ln arm place until 30 minutes. Bake In mod-eratcly hoi oven (400 F.) 15 to 20 minutes. you usc Pillsburys Best Enriched Flour, omit salt. If desired, dough be refrigerated up to two days lf compressed yeast is used, dissolve in lukewarm water. Self-Risi- ng |