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Show SATURDAY, Page THE JOURNAL FEBRUARY 24, 1951 WOMAN'S WORLD ' Elegance Will Dominate Spring Fashions By A .A . . X y. 'i''i V "y , . W'''' " si ' mw f; J f v '.w.'.y .v.', ..y.'.v.v.v.y.v V i. ' ' I s Ertta Haley OF US will find it hard to most seen for theres much from which to choose. Sculptured handling of inset fabric bands is used extensively. Many suits have delicate modeling of self bows or loops of fabric set into the jacket front. Braid and embroidery are seen on many dresses and range from just a touch of the trim on a pocket to a pattern covering the whole dress. Appliqued flowers are evident on bodices as well as under filmy overskirts. Jet is used lightly on the filmy fabrics. Rhinestone buttons have yielded way to those of turqoise, and give the scene an interesting change. Youll see sparkler buttons everywhere even on bathing suits. Ribbons,, banding on petticoats, looped through insertions are everywhere. Sashes, pleats and tucks, all bid for attention. Neckline Emphasis TO the elegance and luxury ' of the new Spring and Summer fashy y, a ions which have just been pre... V'' viewed. There are no economies 41 ' '' in styles or materials in practiced Cl the new fashions, and they appear to be as enticing and feminine as its possible to make clothes. This luxury applies whether the silhouette is ultra slim or superfull, for even if the dress or suit is slim, there are ways of using 11 material for luxury notes. o is dominant In the The fashion picture: two distinct silhouettes, already mentioned; two colors for every costume with the monotone ensemble a rare species; combinations of two fabrics contrasting each other, like the soft with the stiff, or the thin with the thick. TROPHY WINNER . . . Claire Doran, Cleveland, Ohio, showers You'll be seeing double in many her affection on the Helen Lee Doherty Challenge Cup which she as won by defeating Polly Reily, Fort Worth, 3 and 2 In the final collars Twin of the details, also. well as twin belts, double lapels, round of their match at the Miami country club recently. Miss Culinary Terms Inspire A lipstick bengaline suit with double sleeves, double hemlines, Doran outlasted the nations top women amateurs to capture High Fashion Colors collar a wide, If you cook, youll be familiar double brims on hats, double tiers the trophy. shows the latest fashion feamost in on capes and double flounces on new of colors the the with tures for Spring. The jacket is fashion scene, for they take their skirts are much evident. STAR DUST detailed with a cording of fabric adds foods. That from up are inspiration of interest below apparent Changes slit pockets and to colors good enough to eat, such in the new fashions. For example, the moulded waistline. Its linas iced coconut, banana, honey, butInterest has been drawn from the ing is shell pink sheer crepe. ter, strawberry ice, currant, white bosom to the hip in several ways. Suit skirt is pencil slim and wine, French vanilla, pumpkin and Shoulders are still seen without ultra smart. tobacco. padding, but they have been widDifferent shades of white are ened as to be more interesting by dresses are daringly bared By INEZ GERHARD new and fashionable. Among them means of cutting, collars and color. evening on the life of Hans at the back. , now heard on film based rose pOUNTER-SPYwhite be and will magwax, radiTheir associafind not do Anderson. Christian any Though you Most dresses will have no padThursdays at 9:30 p.m., EST, tion dates back to 1937. cal changes in skirt lengths, youll ding or only the most modest of nolia. This seasons navy Is a little light- on NBC, Is the first of the major padding that is just enough to give network programs to combine, on On the March 7th broadcast of a decent shoulder, but youll find er than most, and its first place is a entertainlively basis, permanent Portia Faces Life the woman of wide effects achieved with collars, of ment with reports the week to be saluted will be Miss yokes, flanges, big cape collars and the latest measures for national de- Jessie Binford, executive director extra deep or wide dolman sleeves. fense. In keeping with the recent of the Juvenile Protective AssociaElbow length sleeves are being national emergency edict, Phillips tion of Chicago. For more than 50 featured in many, many dresses H. Lord, the programs creator, she has fought the battles of years and suits for daytime. These are juvenile delinquents; officials estipuffed and are called by several mate that she has saved more than different names such as lantern, 75,000 youngsters from lives of parachute or cabochon. Some of crime and misery. them have small ties that you can to and your easily adjust carefully Humphrey Bogart and Lauren own comfort. in a tranwill Bacall of boleros The briefest and fullest scribed radio series, Bold Veare also used to give the widnture, beginning March 26. The ening effect at the shoulders. Then, titles the name of a boat. In a too, theres the paradox: the new scene already finished, Bogart cutaway shoulder that slants in alSuits for Spring art slim . . . listened to the explosive roar most like a halter. of the boats engines as enfullness. While have coats flowing Materials of Best hemlines be seeing that unpressed thusiastically supplied by the hold the spotlight. The puffed out Used this Season sound man and said, The way A great deal of the elegant look being given stiff competition by hemlines of the skirts are both new this boat speeds, people will called if Im Humphrey Bogart and interesting. Theyll be called in the new fashions is due to the steel blue. Blue tinged pinks as wonder are the harem skirt, the lantern skirt excellence of materials used to sherry orchid are seen, too, or Guy Lombardo. from tones best violet the clothes. the MacLAUGHLIN pale make ranging cut. DON Only the sometimes and marquise fabrics are used, and, as already mauve to wood violet. Jane Greer, star of RKOs The to mold the Two Types of Elegance You cannot do wrong with white made immediate plans mentioned, generously. half-hou- r drama toward a vigorous Company She Keeps, has gone in Seen in Fashions Youll be hearing a lot about and black combinations, either, for of the public to defense for painting plates, specializing in atmospheric. boldly massed blacks and whites awakening Don MacLaughlin Daytime clothes have an easy, fabrics that are conbold primitives of horses. The problems. casual elegance about them which This applies both to texture and to are seen in big doses. tinues to star as David Harding, group shes doing now will ornamakes for both pleasurable appear- tint. Youll know just why the term The ment the plate rail in the playroom chief of the U.S. counter-spieance and wear. This is contrasted is used when you see the tissue tafnew series will keep the public of her Brentwood home. with an elaborate, complicated and fetas, zepher woolens and even aware of the work of U.S. agents stately elegance seen in evening wool chiffon, all of which look like in foreign countries and also here. Juliet Colman, aged 6, recently clothes. been created out of the air. theyd her debut as an actress in have made suits Waistlines on daytime Unusual fabric combinations are Silks are of major importance in with of a candy cane, in a show role the Smiley Burnette, a moulded, though not constrained, the seasons picture of fashion. seen in some of the new ensemwestschool for girls. Columbia in Westlake at the waist which gives the wearer a good They run the full gamut from bles. Youd never dream of look- Charles Starret radio of Halls of Ivy a series the Her parents, look. The mohair and rich ribbed ottoman to ing for shantung combined with erns, has taped sculptured, 140 the of if its her first songs Colmans, wonder skirts on daytime clothes still look paper taffeta, chiffon, filmy silk velveteen, but its here in the form recordings of all will step on the road to fame. of an ensemble including dress of he has composed for them; he quite strict, but they do have a organdies and oriental gauze. with he used dozens record also back flips compromise in their Many of the heavy silk suitings the shantung teamed with a coat Gene Autry. or morning glory flares for walk- include such interesting fabrics as of velveteen. With Gordon MacRae, Jack Smith are and new Siam from on suits the silk ease. raw plaids Linings ing and Rosemary De Camp all on opreal will have Shore Dinah inof most como silk. the all the Italian among radio shows, shooting schedimportant If youre looking for well as weekly as for acting portunities silk a are to notes. the Colors fashion is return On Moonlight There print Spring ules on Warners tricate details of eighteenth century Pun-ki- n from Slick Aaron in singing with to contrast beautifully or Edwardian dressmaking, youll for daytime dresses. Designs used chosen Bay are tough to plan. MacRaes Creek, as a young widow on on Railroad Hour, Rosemary on see it in the evening clothes. There are abstracts and florals, with very suit shades, and so are materials. whose farm oil is discovered. She Dr. Faces will be framed in white for Smith on three a are the boned bodices, poufed over- little seen of the conversation prints. with comedian Alar week. Christian, is teamed two if fashion warm toward the weather pretrend The very using skirts, back buttons, petticoats, different types of fabrics continues views are any indication of the ac- Young and opera star Robert aMercrinolines and even hoops. derill, with whom she will sing g youll ceptance of new styles. Many party dresses are in the to hold sway. For the season, ODDS and ENDS . . . Jack Evans score composed by pointed twin collars as well lightful short length that so many like for be seeing combinations of organza who wrote Mona Baileys tour of 10 major cities and convenience and ease of keeping and satin, lace with taffeta, wool as the picture frame types are Lisa Livingston, with his Mutual Queen for a Day and To Each His Own. clean. These are seen with crino- with faille, jersey with taffeta and among the most popular. been set to start in April, with has Wear a hat that will show off your wool with taffeta lined full skirts. Six important roles in the Pine the troupe returning to Hollywood its Spring, dont be sur- - chignon, say the experts, if you Though . James Stewart has Hips, Necklines at the velvet trimming and want to have the latest look. Chig- Thomas Crosswinds, on location in May . . prised by Universal-InternationMake Fashion News which continue to hold in- nons are large, hats are simple, so at Homosassa, Fla., were awardee been signed in piping one of their biggest to star, The magnetic center of interest terest. Other materials which will the main impression is that of the to members of the Tampa, Fla., Little Theatre; other natives o forthcoming productions. The Bend in the silhouette has shifted from be popular include emof chignon you have. type story of the bosom to the hipline or the broidered linen, eyelet linen, the Tampa and nearby cities will rounc of the Snake, a dramatic All Hollywood the Northwest out the cast. back. Taut hips are particularly Spring flannels which are lighter Scrim Curtains these days, to be seems suit skin painting noticeable in the tight than winter ones, and year round on scrim insure To edges straight Nelson Gene so in joined in, but not skirts and dresses which actually cottons that look like wool. George Balanchine, famous down curtain fold each curtains, he started canvas dion back. painting his ballet circles, will originate and duck under the hips in the tothe and the 'center baste Vie edges home. rect the ballet sequences for Samue recently purchased Necklines have risen discreetly, Many Trimmings Remove before washing. Attention gether For the out into are backs Released by WNU Features coming but Goldwyns forthcoming technicolor would be hard to determine the basting after the curtains are It the E daytime open. cks and most which of the trimming tricks is ironed. dresse . MOST . , rule-of-tw- 1 face-frami- X s 45i ng V-li- ne Defense Is New Theme of NBCs ' Show 'Counter Spy mystery ur co-st- ar s. Fashion Flashes co-starr- ed well-groom- ed Face-flatterin- al all-ov- er ... . |