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Show ! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1931 THE JOURNAL Page 7 SPORTLIGHT FARM TOPICS Dempsey Views Boxing With Sore Eye By GRANTLAND RICE 1950 Crop Production Third Highest Recorded, USDA States When you are in your prime, at REALTOR, Fighting Back The United States department of your best eye and fist and brain hard at his new profession, with Gene After second work together. You see an opening agriculture reported crop producfight my was still willing to talk about his I and you punch at the same time, tion in 1950 was the third largest on the Mauler Tunney, continued, old. The name is Jack Dempsey, now a hustling real estate operator up decided later to find out just how the time youve thrown the punch record. This output exceeded the I was. I was younger than the other guy is out of range or has average of the previous eight years, and down the west good Louis is today. I first got in condi- the punch blocked. It was always the most productive period in coast. tion with road work and rope skip- easier to fight a big, American agriculture. g The felthe other and ping, a faster than bag punching fighter smaller, Farmers attained this result deManassa Maul er, a fighter uses. I took low who was so much harder to hit aids training reductions in acreage of sevstill no pushover on the ones first. Big fellows It was much easier to hit Firpo or spite softer eral important crops and a growfor anybody, looks who were not too to keep out Willard than it was to hit Greb, fast with a rather mor- of the ing season that had many unfavoraway who made bigger tar- Tunney or Gibbons. ble aspects. bid eye on the fight gets. I really got in shape. But I It might be recalled that The composite yield per acre in game of 1951, soon found things were not working Dempsey fought 35 rounds with 1950 was the second-bes- t I see where on record. too well. I could still punch. I could Tunney and Gibbons with only A prolonged fall season for maturJoe Louis fought still hurt you. But I was also getone knockdown recorded. He uch ,"'ProvJd ing and harvesting crops helped imI hit Granlland Rice should with have knocked down Willard and Firpo ting punches both quantity and quality. fight against Beducked. I was also missing openings a total of 16 times In the first prove 210 At Few said. Jack crops contributed record shore, I shouldnt have missed. round. Quite a difference. old his nearer was Louis pounds weight, but he is still too old CROP PRODUCTION and slow to ever reach championship form, in my opinion. It will be a miracle if he can 150 handle those old reflexes, which where I mean wreck you. really THE Is 230-POUN- D slow-movin- 140 you see an opening and are too late In d just a punching. Or you see a glove coming and are just a split-secolate in ducking. It works bad both ways that reflex action. I dont believe Louis can get back in shape to beat Charles, who is younger, faster and today a better boxer. Yes, I know Louis can hit. He can hit and hurt. But he got Beshore because Beshore waded In and asked for it. Hitting a moving target is something difsplit-secon- 130 murky one. the stark bulbs sending their light through the steaming windows of Joeu Diner relieved the darkness. Bill Owen lounged against the door wondering whether to go in. He the fingered lone nickel in his pocket. It would get him a cup of coffee anyway. Joe kidded. You here again? Whatll it be porterhouse? Bill grinned. Hand me a menu. I might want breast of guinea. Then he noticed the girl. She stood by the pinball machine watching the metal balls roll down as a fel low played. There was something about her that made Bill feel uneasy inside. The rain had pelted her wisps hair into thin honey-colore- d around her small face. She hugged her old polo coat about her. There was a searching look in her grey eyes as she scanned each face. They made him think of somebody. That was it! She reminded him of the way his kid sister, Kathy might have looked. Kathy had that same kind of hair and that same expectant look on her face, even at twelve when he left home. Kathy was probably quite a girl by now! It made him wince to think of home. He watched this one fingering the change in her cheap purse. It was but she selected only chicken-feed- , a nickel carefully and put it in the slot. Somehow her eyes were too bright as she followed the dancing balls down the incline. It looked as Ez-za- rd ferent. Weve got to wait around to see how a lot of things will come out, For example, they Jack said. seem to me to be hurrying Bob Murphy and Rex Layne. Young Murphy, a good puncher, looked hot in the east. But remember a fighter out here named Stevens outpointed Murphy and later knocked him out. And at the time Stevens didnt look too hot. Rex Layne from Utah is another. He whipped Joe Walcott, which doesnt prove too much. I know he has won 27 out of his 28 pro bouts but the fighters he met were not too good. Im not knocking Murphy, Layne, Stevens or anyone else. Im simply saying they havent proved much so far against any real class. Theres no use building up a young fighter too high. If Joe Louis, after the way he looked in two fights against Walcott and the one against Charles can reach the top again, it will be e an record. He was such a fine champion in his prime that he may make it. But I doubt it, knowing how tough it is to fight your way back. all-tim- if a lot depended upon whether or not she won. Bill slid off the stool and went over. No kid should look like that. He fished out his nickel. Here, kid. Its about due. Let me show you how. He whanged the lever down and gave the machine a little whack at the side. The nickels poured out. As he filled her hands with them, she gasped, But theyre yours. Na-ah- ! Gwan and take em, and then go across the street and get yourself a room at Ma Johnsons. Its no night for dames to be out alone, he added gruffly. She hurried out. An old softie, eh? Ke could have had a bed himself and a blueplate special. Fool! Cup o java, Joe. On the cuff Ill be in the chips again soon. Joe grinned. Yeah? Not if you play Sandy Claus to all the dames That ones been hanging about all evening giving every guy that came in the eye. Looking for some one, she said. THE door slammed and Bill looked Here she was back was She coming straight toagain. ward him. Well, he was through She neednt try any more tricks. She slid onto the stool beside him. Listen, mister, whats your name? she asked breathlessly. J. Pierpont Morgan. Whats yours Barbara Hutton? You remind No, seriously. of some I one. me didnt notice on set so was I at first winning at the pinbalL Could you be Bill a THE night was nd Owen? Yeah, I could. Why? StD0KTT5CP her curiosly. By JOE f MAHONEY CP ' ' ' NV v "& - ' ' ' Lm Ho fOOTBAU- - SESf Vj WASHINGTON AMERICAN LEAHr 57 SEASON WITH 20 V, game four times. '. Sr A I He eyed Because Ive been hunting you. Ive covered every joint like this, hoping I wouldnt find you in such a place, but knowing I would. You always had the crazy idea you could get rich the easy way, ever since you hit the jackpot the firs time you played when you were a kid. Well, where did it get you? She was out of breath now. Hey, how do you know so much? he demanded. Im Kathy, your sister Oh, Bill, Mons sick Kathy. and shes been asking for yon. Youve got to come home with me. Yeah? You are Kathy then! And theyd want me to come home even this way? Na-ah- ! Fe flicked at his ragged cuff. Sure. They knew you weren making good, or you'd have been back. They just want you to come home to make Mom better. Her big grey eyes were welling with tears and her hair hung down wispier than ever, but she was Kathy and his kid days and home all rolled into one. He slipped of; the stool and took her arm. Hed been playing out of luck, but at last hed hit the jackpot. Corge on, then, he said. Wha are we waiting for? quality alfalfa hay will furnish all the protein a cow needs to produce 30 pounds of 4 per cent milk. It will also furnish all the needed calcium and is the best source of carotene and vitamin D during the winter months. Alfalfa hay will provide both one pound of protein and 100 pounds of total digestible nutrients at lower cost than soybean oil meal, oats, or corn and cob meal. One pound of protein in alfalfa hay costs only eight cents, but it costs 11 cents in soybean oil meal, 22 cents in oats and 25 cents in corn and cob meal. Alfalfa will furnish 100 pounds of TDN for $2.50, but it costs $5.56 in soybean oil meal, $3.76 in oats and $3.13 in corn and cob meal. Bovine Type Tuberculosis Is Rare in United States In some major livestock producing countries, 25 to 50 per cent of 120 110 I 100 PER CENT v 923 y ,j4a 1949 1950 AVERAGE The above chart illustrates crop production for 1950 on U.S. farms. The agriculture department reported the output was the third highest on record. the cattle are tuberculous, and thousands of new cases of the bovine type of the disease in man are being reported annually, says Dr. A. K. Kuttler, in charge of brucellosis and tuberculosis eradication work by the U. S. department of agriculture. In this country the bovine type of tuberculosis in man is becoming very rare. New Pens outturns to this relatively large 1950 total only soybeans, sorghum grain, sugar beets and red clover seed. The corn crop of 3,131 million bushels slightly exceeded forecasts. Others in this class of very large crops are oats, all hay, rice, potatoes, popcorn, tobacco, cranberries and alfalfa and sweet clover seeds. Cotton and cotton seed, peaches, and apricots were relatively small crops, while rye, buckwheat, sorghum forage, dry peas, velvetbeans, broomcorn, sergo and sugar cane sirup were among those with small outturns. Dairymen Up Production By Feeding Good Legume number of dairymen are advising keeping your cows literally stuffed with good legume hay to step up milk production and cut feed costs. C. S. Rhode, of the University of Illinois, says 25 pounds of high- A The Chicago Stock Yards, which marked its 85tb year on Christmas day, 1950, moves ahead toward better service for the livestock fa:mer. Here is shown a row of galvanized steel pens that are replacing the old wooden pens at the yards. They f, are and their smooth edges prevent bruising of cattle. fire-proo- How tom SHARPENING SCISSORS rust-resista- nt BY HAROLD ARNETT MAKING SEVERAL CUTS THROUGH SAND PAPER WILL SHARPEN SCISSORS BV ABRASIVE ACTION. 1 |