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Show 'I THE JOURNAL P.4r, Page 7 cpnRTLlGHJ FARM TOPICS Is Like Box of Pretzels Game Jit ' SMART A ' resiliency of younger years and subject. The grouping to be for the RICE gjantund appear YOUNG MAN .rnandlnS energy of international Boxing - axe. waiting follows Television will wreck Summer rains can be "soil rob- will be a guide In adding the kind baseball, starting with the minor bers" that cause serious erosion losses unless farm land is protect- and amount of plant nutrients the leagues. ed by good conservation safe- soil needs. No. 2 Television will hurt the 3 Get the soil In condition so Ohio State University soils weaker clubs. It wont affect the guards, research men point out. crops can use the plant foods. This stronger clubs. A means building up the organic matstudy of erosion damNo. 3 Television will make little age at the Zanesville, Ohio experi- ter supply. Organic matter can be difference one way or another after ment station, showed that more added and soil tilth Improved by good weather and better baseball than 88 leper cent of the soil loss growing well-fearrive. to rainfall occurred In the six gumes such as alfalfa or sweet due No. 4 Television will help basesummer months. Farm soil Is clover In the rotation. When the soil ball in the long run. It brings the most vulnerable in summer be is well stocked with plant nutrients games to thousands of new homes. and organic matter, minerals are It will be even more help than released so that plant roots can radio was. more efficiently use them. As Larry MacPhail was the first to give radio a real trial, I asked the former Yankee owner, or one Five-Poiof them, how he felt about It. Program "I dont think it will make much he said. Baseball difference, doesnt televise well. Id rather hear a game called over radio. No. The Television Angle Back around the hazy year known as 1893 In Baltimore there was a " hSX. Ungl. move on the part of the ball club baseball writers out of the f 0 be twisted Into a to keepThe idea yras that people of knots than a park. to the park to find out come to had Lr$ medleyIsof pretzels. ame who won. Vi Here This suggestion was quickly Vvl without a heavy' out. Who would go to thrown . --weight who car ball game when be could sit fight, a snarl h home and hear every play ftt the stronger mid for no cost? Larry MacPhail dleweigbt division was one of the first to prove and two good fightthis' theory was Incorrect. Rand ers In Pep dio Was a big baseball boost. Saddler who want Now television comes nnder two mints for what idRlct is now getting to heavy fire. When you are able both to see and hear the game jubtful entertainment. Is something different. It In the S just one example. I have never head as many difworst two eight set the to ferent opinions expressed on one ire the ones elected even tackle i is about Good Care Gives Farm Tires as More Wear; Eight Rules Listed 1 10-ye- ar nt title LaMotta and much that j. 1 doubt very olild handle Ray Robinson, Robert champion, eight i or Laurent Dauthuille. ma and Vlllemaln are Dock above the LaMotta-n- o LaMotta average. the ,r the middleweight li he waa years ago g Robinson has dipped Graziano Kky i far. This was the divi-twas supposed to fea-I-I boxing programs for Or at least feature most m since the middle at i had has grabbed off the the lot in Robinson delphia how of as actual concerned, but there so far illemain la high-lace- of-- more stuff to involved. title Ian odd angle that a LaMotta fighter type should be a tie up the one good division ) a game that seems to be 1 in the dark. The two men have been tossed I and yet either is a better f than LaMotta is today. The dphia show is about as good fame can offer right now at it means in the way of nf Jake LaMotta is another LaMotta mneb and Graziano higher In the years ago. scale Neither could accused of being Benny Leonard or Bt In their and rowdy mw to be an-- t anoth-tVre- b- own way they effective, tove lost the reflexes and dicament to him and he shrugged Indifferently. Then Tracy flashed a $20 bill and he changed his mind. He took the twenty, and a promise of two more after a weeks work, and went away. He came back the next morning dressed up d in new boots, riding natives. a checked shirt and a we breeches, The reason He was were called in big hat. mighty proud, and looked the like pictures you see of was because Homer Live- northwoods guides. Well, sir, we started out We rmores wife bad lost $50,000 worth of gems, and neither she nor trekked through the woods for a Homer trusted or had faith in whole day. Then Bronco Pete led Eben Jackson, the local constable. us to a deserted shack. Outside Jackson met us at the station, we found a set of fresh footprints, and It wouldnt take a sleuth to the heels of which were marked see he was sore at the Livermores. with a common iron cleat "Chances are," said Eben, "If Ill show you what I alwe find the owner of these here ready found out, he told us s well have us the thief. briefly, then let yon smarties seen like that around the I tracks dope out the rest." lodge beneath the window." He took us up to the lodge and Pete set off through the brush showed where a ladder had been like a hound on the scent. Tracy placed against the house. Then he and I followed wearily. allowed the thief had probably Pete led us straight back to the taken his loot and skun off in the lodge, and there, sure enough, woods to hide. were marked footprints beneath Then Tracy had an idea. "If we the bedroom window. gotta ( browse around through the "The thing to do," Eben told bushes we ought to have a native ns, "Is for yon two nannies to guide." make yourselves comfortable Eben recommended Bronco Pete, In the shack, an nab the thief who a was it guide seemed, who, when he comes home.". didnt have enough money to buy WASNT a pleasant prospect, a license for himself, hence was IT it seemed like the only bet. out of work. We explained our pre- - So Tracy and I bought ourselves some supplies, and moved into the shack. JOE The third day, Eben dropped MAHONEY around to see how we were doing. We told him in no uncertain terms, and If he wanted to spell us for a day wed split the reward. "Mean It?" he said. "Sure we mean It You lay your hands on the thief, you get $2500 INVESTIGATED some queer but the Jewel robbery up at Rivers End Lodge topped them all. Tracy and I were dumb; were ready to admit that, but, after all, were city cops not primitive wilderness Mill since cause row crops during those months provide only a small amount of protection. High Intensity summer rains cause soil losses In two ways, the Ohio research men say. Largesized drops strike the earth with such force they break the surface soil into small particles that quickly fill all surface pores. This seals the soil surface into a hard crust that water cannot penetrate. Excessive runoff and erosion losses are the result. Also, high intensity rain beats down so fast that even unsealed earth cannot take it as rapidly as it comes. leThick stands of gumes and grasses will provide a cover that will enable the land to take high intensity rains In stride. To produce dense, leafy stands, the legumes must be well fed. That means liming, where needed. A program to "balance the soils needs and obtain maximum crop yields per acre at lowest production costs, was outlined by 0. T. Coleman, Missouri university extension soils specialist. Here are the steps Coleman sugclean-cultivatc- IVE sUpped a long, long has i. i deep-roote- d d boot-mark- d deep-roote- d soil-protecti- ng five-poi- nt gests: Keep water, plant nutrients and soil at home by conservation methods. Where needed, these may include terracing and contouring to reduce runoff and erosion losses on upland soils. 5 Follow a cropRotate pasture and ping system. green manure crops regularly with grains. Livestock is a "must to properly make use of pasture and roughage crops. Tests have shown that where a crop is pastured off, about 75 per cent of the organic matter is returned to the soil through manure. 4 well-balance- d Remodeled Farm Kitchen Saves 45 Miles Yearly Mrs. Georage C. Wheatcroft of Warren county, Kentucky, recently had a farm kitchen remodeled Into a saving an estimated 45 miles of walking a year. She says: "I can now prepare three meals and take only 250 to 300 steps where it did take 300 to 500, and that means a saving of 45 miles a year. Besides saving miles it saves time and is much more at-- I Provide plenty of plant food in available form for growing crops. 2 Have soil tests made to find out whether the plant food supply is in balance. Growing crops need a balanced ration the same as do humans and livestock. A soil test tractive. 1 cash." JST0RWIN8 IV. I 9 0 3. ' v? H &C MEN M HISTORY HAVE MADE CONSECU- SCORING A RUN. RECORD? Jt .H9 00,000 PIRATE BONUS T BABY, HURLED 6 THE $ NO-HIL GAMES IN HIS AND SANDLOT CAREER, 3 CF THEM COMING IN A ROW! HIGH-SCHOO- "Come with me," he said. He took us directly to the Jail and pointed through the bars at a prisoner. Bronco Pete. Well, sir, this was It: Bronco had committed the theft all right, bnt it didnt do him much good, becanse he coudnt Nor dispose of the Jewels. In cash $50 the could he spend hed swiped along the rocks, becanse he hadnt worked for months, and to do so would have aroused suspicion. Then we came along and advanced him $20 and he bought himself new outfit with It, including a new pair of hoots with cleat marks on the heels. Eben was suspicious because he cosr knew you couldn't buy s fancy tume like Pete had for less than ahead with $50. But Eben let us go of the the case, as per the request fed up; till. Livermores, till we got In fact, we offered to split the TAPE STENT BEAD OF A FENDER APPLY MASKING TO AVOID SPLITTING THE WHEN POUNDING OUT A DENT, TAPE ON THE BEAD NEAR THE DENT. USE FOUR LAYERS V4 IN. TAPE. |