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Show ivBCII i. 1 1930 THE JOURNAL JHE READER'S Page COURTROOM CLASSIFIED Sprained Ankle is an Occupational Hazard By If an Acrobat Spra'ns an Ankle, Is The Theater Ownrr Responsible? man-fis- t look A feature of a ravelling vaudein department store ville show was a One bout him. The floorwalker evening, at the end;irlof acrobat. her act, she lticed him wandering aimlessly started walking ofl the stage. Unhis rather and noticing in some out, fortunately, inexplicable a rubber manner, ball politely: had rolled Inquired abby suit, onto the platform. The girl, busy Are you looking for something smiling at the audience, stepped mens clothing, sir? on the ball, fell, and sprained her J curt-INol snapped Mr. Jones looking for aomething in wife. omens clothing-- my m I roosts with handy Cap Brush. Fumes rise, killing lice and feather mitcs.while chickens perch. One ounce treats 60 feet of roosts -- 90 chickens. Directions on package. Ask for Black Leaf 40, the dependable insecticide of many uses. slope Tobacco Corporation uy U.S. irmiB ion I Chemical Richmond, Vlrtlnlo Savings Bonds! 6R1OT ITS whlcl fc id BIS ccord large Thousands of modern men and women in all parts of America have turned to Natures Remedy, to Tab .lets for dependable, yet gentle relief, when a laxative is needed. They know that the idea is o right. They find an K? at night all-vegeta- ble produces thorough ' morning regularity with no perturbing effects. Its o kind to the system. Try Hi at our expense. 26 tablets only 25c. Buy a box at any drug store. Try uem. If not completely satisfied, return box with unused tablets to "lr 1 us. We will refund your money plus postage. ftrnell Kah, Rah, Rah federal parole. Thats what a fellow who called himself Jack Desmond learned. All he had done, believed Lawrence Hope, St Croix county sheriff, was to sell a registered bull calf he didnt own to Charles Reimer of Lakeland, Minn., for $75. By the time the FBI had finished routine checks Desmond was under $10,000 bail and authorities were arguing which charge to try him on. They said that Desmonds story started when he had just been released from the federal prison at Kas., and Fort Leavenworth, picked on the Hudson area as a good place to settle down. He got n a job at the dairy, about 15 miles from here. He met Mrs. Victor J. Bamum, a well to do 47 year old widow. Desmond, who is 36, said that he was 41. He courted and won Mrs. Barnum and quit his job. On Oct. 8 he was married. A few days later he sold the dairys prize calf to Reimer. A couple of days later he and his bride left on an extended western trip. A charge of selling the calf under false pretenses was gotten out against Desmond. The brides mother, Mrs. Victor Johnson, became suspicious over the repeated requests for money and war bonds she was receiving from the couple. Desmond and his wife returned here and he promptly demanded give him the that his mother-in-laShe key to their safety deposit box. courthouse refused. He Went to the to get a court order forcing her to give him the key. But Mrs. Johnson, the mother-in-lahad beaten him there. She voiced her suspicions to Dist. Atty. U. F. Gwin. Gwin was glad to know that Desmond was back in town. Houser-Interlache- at footbaii aroes is an cheering American ract,cOn November 13. 1889 w Rutgg ancj PrjncetQn unj. ld - sities met for the second inter-- , jegiate grid contest in U. S TkJ?! Pnncetn supporters Ungpower shouting an old in-on- f! oniederaie battle cry to urge eam on to victory. P. S. finceton won, 8-- 0. birds 9. Revelry 10. Fencing sword II. Italian poet DOWN K.pVnrA",r,M hfNT,STS PRAISE al-- ora ofdmijAV7??1!!!! major, arvlous !uii,ANo,hamful brushing dentures. Just place in minutes or over- f'tht rurantl.?5 tiobacco stains. ORA barci dentures. ORA ORA can pfMart6t.5;AUdru,rel,t,L HcKeMea toll Developed of farmers 2. River (Fr.) 3. Kettles 4. Vapor 5. Away 6. Court 7. Coin (It.) Tribunal 8. Mud At home 11. A Mexican Cutting tool 17. Bustle president 13. Temper 18. Turkish 16. Humor title 12. 14. 15. 20. Place where 19. Constella- grain is FOX 4 EeUto.be, STUDIOS. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds! for damages, she Insisted that his the dog gesture had provoked Into biting. However, the court made her pay for the delivery mans injury. The judge felt that any dog mean enough to bite the hand that feeds him should not be allowed to run loose at all. in U Chile (Scot.) 31. Bucket 32. Haunt 33. Millpond 35. Weirdly 36. A metal 39. Valued 42. Chap 44. Kilauea tion ground goddess A 6 T V vaporoo "Be Right from c e N N It lU R E oM T E ot KS O " I hours-evenMOC- while you sleep! WEEKS the AS a a 0N0 8 Only Vicks VapoRub gives you this special Penetrating-Stimulatin- g It on action when you rub throat, chest and back at bedtime: It penetrates to upper bronchial tubes with special medicinal vapors. It stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. And It keeps working for A E PJ as 47. By way of 48. Bitter vetch 50. Play on - ill' ri' words No. 40 C 23. depart 24. Cipher 26. Journeyed 28. Disease of n sheep 30. Macaw -- cov trv.- (Braz.) 31. Contributed to a common fund 34. Ship canal (N. Eur.) 37. Montana Hillings, DISTRESS 22. Skulk 25. Lubricates 27. Shower 29. River H ..! 'u - a1 Jewish month 38. Scorch 40. Born 41. Doctrine 43. Chart 45. Radium fit (sym.) 46..Depart 49. Lukewarm r 51. Mix 52. Jewish GnaraniMd bj Go4 Howkeepwf .o, N.'1 mmimi 5 month 53. Oceans 54. Refuse to grant ana Actor Destitute Despite Screen Fame ROME, ITALY An unknown ma- chinist who skyrocketed to fame as the male lead in the prizewinThe Bicycle Thief, ning film, was reported here to be penniless and with no early prospects of employment. According to a statement released by CARE relief officals here, Lamberto Maggiorani, had been unemployed for more than 10 e screen months, despite his fame. His three children, it was said, usually go to bed with only a glass of milk for supper. Maggiorani, whose fall from the peak of film stardom was as speedy worked for 18 years When Desmond showed up for his as his ascent, munitions Breda plant near court order the sheriff arrested in the Rome. In May, 1948, Italian direc him for the calf sale. w, Overnight Hervlee Prints, all sizes 25c. Itr.IMtlNTS 3e each. 8 High Gloss COUGHING 21. River 1. Association w fry MISCELLANEOUS 9 ANSWER 5. Nocturnal HUDSON, WIS. They don string you up any more for selling cattle you dont own. but you can get into a heap of trouble. Espe daily if youre wanted in three states for forgery and for violating AUrV$m8l Makes The Difference Spectator Wilson Ave.. Chicago 40. III. piece of candy. The animals response was to bite his hand! When the man later sued the dogs owmer LAST ACROSS I. Breaches no experience Mfr. Co., 12 ti type homework; needed. Write Knuiflt HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE A man got into legal difficulties with his partner. In the midst of the bitter court battle that followed, the man died. In his will, he left a substantial bequest to his son but only on the condition that the son would carry on the fight against the partner to the bitter end. As it happened, the son had no stomach for the controversy. So he went to court to test the validity of this grudge clause, arguing that it was against the public interest to perpetuate a quarrel in this way. But Stealing Cows - 5 a new trial. The upper court said that C Prize Calf Kicks Man Into Raft of Troubles far m ankle. Later she sued the theater owner for damages, claiming that he was responsible for keeping the stage clear of all obstacles. But the court turned down her claim. The judge said that the girl couldnt blame the management un less she could have proved that the ball had been lying there for some time long enough to attract the attention of the stage hands. Still Is Risky llmali r the man was awarded appeal, HELP WANTED WOMEN SEWERS , New cross-examinatio- v s AGUIAR It war arrested on a charge the judge disagreed and held that of beating his wife with a rolling the unusual proviso was quit lepin. At the trial, the defendant took gal. the witness stand to tell his side of the story. The judge didnt like the May a Dog Bite way things were going, and soon The Hand That Feeds Him? took over the n himself. He fired question after A woman had a collie which had at the man, all in a loud the nasty habit of nipping people. question and angry voice. Later the jury One day a delivery man, noticing a in brought guilty verdict, but on the dog on the sidewalk, held out a May a Person Carry a Grudge Beyond the Grave By Means of His Will? Apply Black Leaf 40 to man; A man was the judge's manner was improper, because it Indicated prejudice. ,0 migb DEPARTMENT WILL BERNARD, LL.B. Matter of Garb jMr. Jones had the usual 7 one-tim- tor Vittorio de Sica chose him for the starring role in the much her- liiiUftiiy iPiiiYitir, 5hu. iitE-i.i alded Bicycle Thief. When the picture was completed, WNU Maggiorani collected a total of $960 and returned to his machinist bench. He was laid off last spring when Breda dismissed nearly 65 per cent of its employees. I cannot say the film cost me my Job, CARE quoted Maggioran as saying, but I do think that if I had not started with the movie perhaps, after 18 years, Breda would have kept me on. Since the lay-of- f he has had two 15 temporary jobs days on a movie lot and a month and a half as bricklayer at about $2 a day. ifX3 t I 0950 W 601108 GD08MM VffiBliV filtt eSRJIi li ii. !v A1' .miw vvSrCr |