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Show NUMBER TH1RT ONE CLEARFIELD NEWS Socictv room-- . now partially thi iuv. ammlnui tlupd a sister of the 'in ar,J 'lr' Smith thudien motored rccentlv to and Tooele. wheie they vimuM for several davs with relative. M,rs, Itu.vMll Goi mn oi Kaysv.lle visited heer thi utek uuii her mother. lnstiii.it ion eei em mice were held recently tor oMicci oi P. T A. Wasatch clemently m hoof at the Mldmc New ly ot t ttvre ar Bollschweiler, president; Mrs. Roy Sainsbury, 1st vice pmiupj! venie hamptou, 2nd vice president, secretary Mrs. Hawley Reed: treasurer, Mrs. Charley Bushnell. Last seasons oncers now retired are, Mrs. r Self interests class of Second ward M. I . A. motored to Salt Lake Citv last Wednesday on a temple excursion beginning at the 5 p. M sessions. As now organized offiers in charge of th class are, president Melvin Filfield; supervisor, Mrs. Clara Wallace; instructor, Y. R. Horen; and secretary, Mr. Lola Luck. During the past season, class members have enjoyed many special activity parties. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett of West Point weer guest speakers at Sunday evening services oft he Second ward held in the North Davis junior high school. The BenS. Barlow, Mrs. Lloyd O. Johnnetts returned some months ago L. D. S. son. Mrs. Joe Knight Gifts were from missions in the presented to them. In addition, Britaish mission. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. Stoker, Mrs. Barlow received the presileft by auto this past week on a dents pin. Mr. Hampton, a lapel button, and Mrs. Johnson, who trip to the West coast. They will leaves soon for Guam, a P. T . A. visit relatives in Los Vegas and pin for special somce rendered. Los Angeles. Mrs. Marie Aeschlimann, her Also honored was Mrs. Fame Clark son Bill Aeschlimann and his fam- teacher of the 2nd grade who was a book, for having the ily of Uintah and Mrs. Mattie presented bets attendance of parents in her Foutz and little sons of Ogden visit-liroom. Refreshments were served, Sunday at teh home of Mr. and and Supt. Elmer J. Hartvigsen preWilford Hamblin. Mrs. (jrs. Aeschlimann and Mrs. Foutz were sented a movie, Human Growth. The Wasatch school, a new buildiner guests. Committee members appointed ing of only a few years, is located on Center Street, near the main to plan the Second ward carnival business district of our town. Meetare; chairman, Don Lund, tickets, ings of P. T. A. hae been well Chemull. Rex entertainment, Wil- attended this past year, under the liam Ashby; prizes, Graydon Holt: able direction of Mrs. Barolw, who concessions, Ray Chidester; and has served in her office publicity, Edna Carr. The affair as the I. T. faithfully A. president. will be ehld this week at the new Mrs. Irma. was hostchapel, with proceeds to be used ess to membersCampbell of her club, Monto aid in its completion. The town board members held day evening. a business meeting, Wednesday evening at teh town hall on Center CENTERVILLE NEWS street. Various problems were preALICE C. CHENEY sented and discussed. Mayor Melwas Wood in G. vin charge. Davis stake quarterly conference An after Mother's day party was 28 and 29th Saturday session May of last week at given Thursday in the S. on U. Farmington ward chapel Mas and Pas highway 91, for priesthood leadership Saturday bv Kiwanis clubs of Roy and Clear-Free May 28 at 8 p.m. Sunday sessions field, A movie entilted. Enterprise in America. was pre- in Kaysville First ward tabernacle sented. There were also musical at 19 a.m. and 7 p.m. Music will numbers and speeches with Eldon be furnished by the Centerville Barlow acting as master of cere- Second ward choir for the mornmonies. Lady partners of the ing session and by the Kaysville Kiwanias were the special guests. First ward choir for the evening Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fowler at- session. Elder Milton R. Hunter of tend the funeral services of Mr. the first council of the seventy Fowler's aunt, Mrs. Mary Ann (Pol- will be the visiting brother. All ly) Richine held Saturday at 2 p.m. members as family units are urged in teh Henefer L. D. S. ward chapel to attend. Also attending the services from Sunday, May 22, Mr. and Mrs here were, Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Ses- Rulon H. Horrocks of Salt Lake sions. entertained at a three course Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Horne have City dinner in honor of Ivan V. Walton moved from their residence at the local Sunset mortuary, where Mr. Jr. and Rosalind Pack, whose wed ding day has been set for June 22. Horen was manager, to At their home on Sunnside Ave. They still retain their status as members of the Second the other guests were Mr. and Mrs ward, and return there for meet- Ivan V. Walton and Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Pack. The table center-piecing. was a delightful creation of Bride elect, June Bills, was honored at a bridal shower, Friday roses and spring flowers. evening of last week by her mother Friday, May 20th the Centerville MrsMrs. Rulon Bills, at teh family Second ward amusement room and home in Syracuse. Relatives from chapel were the scene of a fine Clearfield, North Ogden and Kane-svil- wedding reception for Elaine Ford were in attendance. a daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Rulon Relief society of the Second G. Ford and Leon Johnson a son ward held its last Literary lesson of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin V. Johnson of the season, Literature of the of Bountiful. The receiving lin Prophets Closing Years, at the was made up of the parents of the meeting Tuesday afternoon. North Davis stake Relief society board bride and groom, the bridal couple members present were, Mrs. Flor- - the maid of honor, Kathleen. Ford I presi-Oei.- Wil-me- V d Lake-Vie- i; launder '.allot bude. "ore she The matron honor. Mrs. Wallace Galley in of jol The brides Barlow, cousin ol l.ou Miss Fnmia the bnde, wore green taffeta, Miss Shirev Hess her gown was yellow tafiet.;, Miss Beverly Worsley s Il taffeta. gown was green Doreen Smoot was adorable in as her little velh.w talfeta formal colonial flower giil, all carried bonqin ts of yellow and green carnations. The brides bouquet was white bride rose buds, around a white orchid and ribbon bows and streamers. The nook where the line stood was backeif by cathe-dria- l canadalabra with white cai lies. The bride wore a beautiful white satin gown in train her Drtdal veil was held in place by Refreshi cornet of seed pearls. ments carrying out the green, yel-ocolor scheme were served bj Miss Norma Ford, Miss Faye Wors ey. Miss Aline Smoot and Miss Ann Rigby from a table covered by an Italian cut work lace cloth make in Italy, a family heirloom. The table centered by a wonderful Wedding cake, white trimmed in nale green and topped with a bridal couple. The bridt mother wore an Alice blue gown and the grooms mother pale blue; Miss Sheri Ann Srnshaw and Miss received nna Jean Hartvigsen . he gifts, which were many, bcau-ifulwere and useful and prepar'd for display by Misses Caroldyn Imoot and Emma Ford. The chapel nd stage from which an enter-lininprogram was wittily presid'd over by Newell Ford, brother f the bride as master of ceremonies, was made beautiful garden flowers. The groom reponded to a toast and the bride hrew her bouquet, and it was caught by Kathleen Ford who was maid of honor. Mrs. Imogene Wood ook care of the guest book. The evening was made complete with lancing. The bride and groom taking part. The marriage ceremony vas impressively performed in the alt Lake temple Friday evening his was followed by a beautifully appointed wedding dinner given by the grooms parents at Coveys 'n Salt Lake City. The justvveds left after the reception to honeymoon in southern Utah and Arizona. They will maky their home in Pocatello, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Ford have returned from Las Vegas. Mr. Ford is quite poorly. low taileta min-atur- e g . 1 TON. I TAIL MAY 2ti, 1949 Submarine Supremacy ' a. ns ot Ha! Between U. S. Toss-u- p Rea .4 a vies That the Russians m.n have the powerful subniutme ihvt m the world is a povsibiliu, mu cedes Fletcher Pratt, nav.i! expert in The Readers Digest tor Vpnl Then again, he sax, 'they ma not. In an article condensed from Harpers Magazine, Pratt says both the U. S. and Russian navies have the guppy type of submarine, capable of staying submerged lor esdays, of outrunning any small cort vessel used in World War II, and of attacking an enemy without sticking out its periscope At the ears end Russia grabbed more by than 60 of the guppies, known the Germans as Type XX m the most 1 svtm ami Ik jutg. f more submarines ate so in n h tu vuml those of the a re .'upin type UN to demand viMnn .J naval science, Pratt Gei man submarine being slates iievilijid dining wartime by an mviuter it. mid wither employed Diesel o lujnbmed with free oxyn adaptation of the gen as 1ml rocki t pimeiple to submarine wither engine promthe ised to u Id speeds that would put a suhmeiged submarine on a warships par with last surface however, was never fully assem bled during the war; Allied bomb ings tnterlered The Russians may have produced the Walther engine postwar. A number of the best German sub marine engineers and commanders have not been heard from since the Iron Curtain came down, Fratt and presumably are worksays, The Russians ing for new bosses i event tin' an jMti iitialitu-- i powrtm pro-pulsu- dy . arine - v ilvrlijMMM From where I sit ... it Every apring, Handy Ieiarsnn nd Easy Roberts patch up the tone will that separate their walk (dong talking on one aide, Handy on the Easy other picking up the fallen stones and putting them buck. Afterwards, over a friendly glasa of beer, Easy suys, "You . know, SATURDAY wall-mendin- g is a nice neigh- borly custom, but we really dont need that wall. Wo keep it up just because it happens to be there. Yes, says Handy, a lot of walla and fencqs and boundaries keep on separating people for no 28 Dance to the brilliant music of Trumpet and Orchestra (6 nights his dancing each week) NEW SAND BEACH . . . with water just at the edge of the STEWART GROW, His All-st- GIANT ... and RACER pom! res mn. Maybe we'd all b better off if some of them were torn down, instead of kept standing From where I sit, Handy said mouthful. Take the "walls of Intolerance" that people build up against each other. I like a temperate tftaxs of beer now and the, you may i refer buttermilk but thats no rejr n for me to criticize you, or you. me. l.t ;s live and let-lifriend tngthrr- - making i and ivictr "walls." ve Copyright, 194 9, United ar pavilion. Joe Marsh. Don't Fence Yourself In farm. They Summer Season OPENS- MAY were believed to have over 1000 tecr. Although the age limit Is 27. submarines in 1945, and these about 50 per cent of the enlisted) could have been converted to em-- , men and 20 per cent of the offl-bothe new principles developed cers cannot pass the stiff physical by the Germans. and psychiatrical examinations. Russian1 Those who do make the grade-submAgainst estimates of strength, ITwtt cities the known efficiency of the Amer- after tests in pressure chamber lean undersea service. IT. S Navy tests for submarine crews art, diving towers and landgoing mock more thorough and rigid than ups know the whole business, those of any other navy, Submarine personnel is entirely volun- - Iratt states Aboard U. S. ub- - Slain Brettn Foundation scores of other midway thrills. xU Memorial Day at gay Saltair . . GATE ADMISSION: 1 Sc per perten TRAIN - FARE: Children 15t Adultt 23c including edmitiion thru gale e e SEE THE HISTORIC EAST OR SCENIC WESTERN WONDERLANDS VIA UNION PACIFIC THIS SUMMER of course, that You know, m, APPLE PUS ARE KT No, alt Apple Pies are not alike even though they are made of real "Know apples. how" Any hour day or night and ex any season w perience 'make a tremendous winter, summer, spring, fall dif- electrJc ference! water heating gives you the same depend- Likewise, all paint is not alike even able though made of pure ingredients. icc when you want it We have Investigated many brands and unhesitatingly the Martin-Seno- ur same temperature hot water serv- - where you want it. Hot water service doesnt depend oi recommend line the weather wficn electricity heats the . with water. more than 70 years of research and "know how" behind it. Enjoy complete MARTIN-SENOU- R Paints and Enamels You cannot buy better paint et Available in a wide range of folors to please even the most discriminating decorator. ny price! Ce i tr X'J T) ;e(iS rJI'UjHuuI Orby j S i SUNSET, UTAH Telephone 2-89- 30 min- coach accommodations. Su 9wt Uoxt ticJtlC Aftt fat UUUU fjnatTi I5D from the ute you board your train until you arrive in spoctous, Pullman end '3C i (1 OIF relaxation UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD W ICdCKXlti&M Itvs 100 automatic. And k: costs you no more than old fashiontdL hit or miss methods of water heating- - ! $ |