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Show lui juUknaL, UX1UN, im. A St. Emiift busine-- The Layton Journal s house sells So. Boun-- t Mrs. Dons Zcistl of Cleveland. T. Sorensen. 166'V 2nd her O, filed suit for divorce against he if ul. husband kn the grounds that EOK SALE. One steel couch; when they had Ii.ei.t to sleep one one table, one stand table; one and Kan stand of Lttle wash one Charles Detective dresser, Elli-- s 15 N. fl. Call was he as ( itv, Kan. when kerosene stove. heard that eating onions insured Earmington made to order with any shade of yolk that the customer .V fed nut determines the olor. George Costas, cafe owner of lie Idnirge. Va , rejrtrtl to poke that $750 disappeared mroiu his started eating three i ash register one rvit.iug, but was longevity, lie of 65, neatly stacked on t register when a dav. and now, at the age 54.50. konsumed s fas he folc simatc fie ir u,t tlie i.e opened low mg morning. Through 5 years Mrs. August S is , uu, 7o, of Stevens loint, cake tier iiaby irrd wedding treas had Ian. i. ovmgton ot Detroit ol two cents m Ins po, ket. hut keeling it under is glass, untouched. i n ken eggs I de-ire- s. c Ptffi ASSOCWnOM UIAB SIAJE 13, 1941 UTAH,' FEBRUARY -- I . weekly Newspaper publiaheei Utah, tn tTt inKreal t of Davis County and Colonies formed hy former residents of the county. A ltou, n-t- a 1 SALE EOK Guernsey-Jerse- terville, Utah, on day fl April, A. DAVID r.r t.j I). Vm5' A Administrator ci Samuel A. Backn a, arenzin Backman. Date of first pull, 7th. A. D 1941, 1C,. r L.. y Notice to milch cow just freshened with first calf. William I.awson. 2nd house south of Bamberger .station, Boun- i. , ( Uarch ! I CLASSIFIED ADS 2-- JR- - JOHN STA1H.E, Office Telephone -- Editor N-W 23. A, D., 3941, It pI t 4 l! I t H 11 I .1 ' Kii rf th.it of alla tli i nit I II k 'll M to maintain and l miicnt in all its l an. it h at ion s But to ollci t these for this pur ass ssinents, neie-sar- v nor "ise neither logical it is post, .n'O'iil gm r tin- - lint v, oh! ape pi nsums mi. i., sales tax ami othir ucltalc aids su!)se,U( ntlv made vu' toi niulaii'd, l.n and adminotirrd It pioicd wmtliv and di'piti the tosts of mi, ill pood has m-- . 1 Ins tax, thow e cr. wax 1 d 1 1 ! e Utah's Jlut now, sonic of ' 52-1-- ice ilv a ''"d ' dud ug ..ii Ji-- .r 11 4 1 lin r, ip hi M RING K T If ) oil .. ( Mb Hir si bool is snap Look on the I PHI I 1 ; ( nude tin t c T M , hill In Mr Mills room we weir s t u SCHOOL PAPER mg about I liom.is dison and some other imentuiN I',,, lav it is Thomas ilisoiis birthday, Mr is a very Stoker is putting out an edition nun li it weren't for hint we for ahntme. It will be produced great Mtting jilovv n." woulilnt have the electric lights, or l iida The editorial staff is Sixth These men have decided that a the (phonograph or many others grade cditois Bonnie J llart, Ratax on all services based cm a price things. mon 1 tcld . Fifth grade editors or fee basis would be a fine bud HILLY BOWLES, 5th Verna Ballard, VMlan Jensen; just assessment. Editors Rhea Sports George, This tax would be about as popuSCHOOL ORCHESTRA John Ilaaeke; jArt Editors Inez lar as a kmallpox epidemic and boy, Gene Lewis; Room Report-f- s fully as useless. Every barber who Next Thursday Mr. Hoganxcn Romaine James, Dean Thomas shaves a face would be subject and is going to let the Bruce orchestra Bowidge, Marie Brough, play forced to make a record of each for the Parent Teachers Richard Riley, Carter Bangerter, meeting. transaction; Every ''helped wanted'' I am going to day the drum in it. Bevctlv Dav. Melvin Hill, Al Norin Utah ad v d 1 -- c 1 Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 In the Matter of the of located S. 923 ft. and E. 50S7 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec. 19, T. 2 N R. 1 E., SLB&M, and used hy ceased. The petition of James Holbrook Moses L. Holbrook, applicant's praying for the issuance to Leo predecessor in interest to water Moss of Letters of Administration 25.36 acres of land located in the in the estate of Jonathan Holbrook, iof said Sec. 19 and for g deceased, has been set for hearing incidental purposes, Water Gn Saturday the 15 day of February as set out in d A. D 1941, at ten oclock A. M., at Claim No. 2059. It is now proposed the County Court House, in the to use the water from this well Court Room of said Court in Farm- during each entire year for domestic and municipal purposes at Bountington, Davis County, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said Court, iful, Utah. The total annual diversion with the tSeal thereof affixed this will not exceed 30 ac. ft. 4th day of February, A. D 1941 Protests resisting the granting of ' R BRUCE MAJOR; Clerk. said Application, with reasons therei Seal for, made in affidavit form, must be By Wanda Coombs, Deputy Clerk filed with T. H. Humpherys, State Engineer, 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, with one extra copy and $1.00 filing fee on or before April 6, 1941. T. H. HUMPHERYS Estates of Samuel A. Hackman ! State Engineer and Margaret Farenzin Backman, Date of first publication February deceased. 7, 1941. Creditors will present claims with Date of lasr publication March 6 vouchers to the undersigned at Cen- - 1941 i VIRGINIA BARLOW, 6th stock-waterin- Notice To Creditors pi-no- V alen! .nt- - is fun, 1U Ki 1 i Iont ion' M I fl k H E2&"1 If) ' i-- ivaiVi W oodl Mrs. Ma the Phil the Mahc route (ring il M r. who i it Operat Or. A. S tit tree p R yoPi Bornir haded. Ih Clea feectio fu dow, Sicram k Ttan wai dr and arfield , thtir !a Few k-- V h fred.l,. I fhc cot fre i Feb te. urn; hr ii, rn n V) IT.;.. V'!, 'Fr.a,- 11 v , 5, ane cle and I 5;h l v S'j Mr, and iaW rece Under-groun- ' lv De- NENEi VALENTINE BOX i l.UY, Estate JONATHAN HOLBROOK, ear. pic-tin- A SCRAP BOOK Bountiful, Utah, a municipal corporation, has filed Application No. to change the place a it purpose of use ol 0.78 sec. ft. of underground water (3.50 g.p m.) iir Davis County, Utah. It js repr- THE DISTRICT COURT, esented that said water has heretTROBATE DIVISION IN ofore been diverted from April to AND )FOR DAVIS COUNTY, November 1, incl. of each 3 ear from a pump well 255 ft. deep at a point STATE DF UTAH 1 6th 6 IN - 1 Users Jrs. 2-- NOTICE Tlie girls in Miss Whites room are nuking a Valentine box. They an- 'nuking it out of red and white SCRAP BOOKS paper. think it is good, kir school lias entered a contest MAURICE CALL, 5th in which kv e luve to have a scrap hook. This biHk must contain difVALENTINE ;BOX ferent scenes or industries in the Intel mountain West. All the (kir alcntiue box is a bright red schools of Utah that want to can with white hearts on it. Now Sve enter. We luve a veiv nice collec- cun put our Valentines in tlie tion of pictures. If we wm we will putt i red box and on Valentines put the Ilomv on our moving e day we it the List out of machine. We all hope' that we 'i boo! also we can give the Valen"ill Kit a piie tines out to the i ' cu. think OK Notice to Water P. O. Address: 420 Reason (Building . ! 1 3-- WILLIAM G. SHELTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. ton, George Gunn, Wayne Tutman Richard Dodd, Kay Williams, Billy Bowles and leanene Moss, I hope it fri ill be a good paper. This will be the second paper we have done this school year, and last year we did one at the end of the ( t: af . Is I gchool -- ( v decorated Valentine box i!a' es. They are very pretty after are finished. J. C. Penney gavethey us the Liens hat boxes for our Valentine boxes. e take out the last fifty live inmutes to distribute the Valentines that are in the boxe. I enioy alentnes dav very much BARBAK BANGERTER, 6th Slit-ru- l. c arc 3 ! I All the rooms in Stoker ' v 1 VALENTINE BOXES l. u lh; N 1 , newspapers printed would be charged the tax. Every plumber who repairs a tap would be required to report. Every doctor who binds a finger .every nurse w ho bathes a baby, every shoemaker who repairs a heel, every preach rr who saves a soul, every undertaker who buries a body, every tourist who stops in Utah, every OCpenter who planes a board, every tailor who mends a suit, tv erv mechanic who tightens a nut in fact, every man 'who sells or dues a service for a price or a fee (tor money would be subject to I the tax. In short, this tax would be placed upon the sei vices kf every citizen in the state of I tali a disguised sales tax, levied tinder an assumed name, collected in a more lticonven ient manner and with a great deal more tumble to tv erv one and for w bat 5 W e aheadv have a xales tax. Gov trnor llcibut U Maw, both bcioie and alter lei tion, s.nd we did not nci ' .uld't.onal taxation lie sped In i'l!v v.itcd tb it the s.,s tax was lW 1, lull n ol Mini, utt to t'a thc-- e w t' i vvt1' in ;i i nt pci suimI'v have conriixc.1 and yveu hiit'i to an alias sales tax, w'kIi tin be siv w mc'd, nut f," .a Him or other and needs, but liiinetclv Mlelv lor revenue tor the wilt it e tic pa i tim nt. Somethin! ilocsnt add here someone - wrong and tp we do not believe it s ! e Ccvuiur. t a r star. If the citizens ct tb idly bv and do l.ot ill some manner protcM to t' cir d. lv !i cud ux u ibev sintativ i then it is will be made to suiftr this tax bourlv m crdcr tb..t tbev be reminded ol I'u' dor mar t and mauiinate inten-- t :n ..f.u:s c; gov eminent. in d twentv-secone- HISTORY covi; SUMMONS 1 . 1. ii I I r LEGAL NOTICES I 1 tlu'!r jiirnisii' sat. rtf-sTRS the)"'"1 ch V" tioa teffle ; TY. to-wi- 11 1 Muc p,j;ccnth - going make a nlrrmountain West We will put pii'tmrs of .seen HEALTH eiv and mdustiic's unit We are going to trv and wm one of the prizes t ie gi am are giving Miss llrpwolths loom tluv the T rilnmesc rap hook. for tlie vast away have a health iliait, T hr room is GER 1.1 ) PIEROTT1, 5th div nlrd in two parts 'I In y luve a rate for taking baths, washing, A PATRIOTIC MONTH their hands, be foie meals and going to hnl At thr end of the weik tli (teacher adds them up to an s xtra eventful t In nary is see whiih guile wniili. month. It is the Inrthdav of WashHkt'CE HOW Hi 5th ington, incoln, and of T homas Alva dison. Today is Edison's, is Abraham kincoln's, and FOURTH GRADE l tlie is (ieoige Wash In thr fourth grade 'thry ate mak- ington's lui (Inlay. There is also a called Valentines day that all mine box, ing a hrv are go holiday Ichrated for the kind man who mg to have u piogiani cm Valtn-tiiu- . is did mi many good deeds for US, l o Hi.t on, (,th who is St. Valentine. IM7. EOY, 6th , ART BASKET BALL GAME In ait we ate nuking hatchets I ast 1' ''on i an design tin m it MU want inlay we played basketball but ,l am going to leave mi with Junior high They won by ten li.itc lift, plain bin aiise asliington points, but they said we surely list'll a plain hate bet win n he cliop-- t placed a good game. At llie Hist ot dow n the i In i the Iganic the gills said that we tier llHHGl. s Jl NSI wouldnt make one basket but e 5t, Mnatois have conmied in tin ir mi npinative minds a new tax A tax that would make the sales tax seem like a little thorn in n fmgtr, when "team pared with this new potcupmc-ijinllecushion tax these men are piepanng for the public to take ' S iraJmg V'd VERNON SNYDI k FOR SALE Choice building lots VS. GEO. G. ARMs'i , sill on First South and Second East ministrator of the Ex.. e C 0j Re'i 151, Phone street. Amby Briggs. phec o' M. Brown, Deceased, irrii Bountiful. rted M.K.d To be sold at edk' 15th Eebr". the of day FOR RENT One and a half Jr. 1'd of 12 oclock hour the 0 Einf'-aacres of good garden land in Farm north front door of i'1 '1 Dale of ,meit' Schulthies, ington. Inquire County Court House at .ad Mr, s last house going south on street ton, Davis County, St.i'c Mr aml west of court house. Inquire at Clip the following described r i''U. Syriiuw " ' 48-per office. lthtb"M'h Commencing at a pi n t Jfr ami 10 feet South and L) in ,'T: ISnnd.iV dinr of the Northwest corner of t5e Hr. and Northwest quarter o' S PROBATE & GUARDIANSHIP alt NOTICES 20, Township 2 North, Mr- Pot 1 East, Salt Lake M IVasl iiic ton, Consult County Clerk and Respecrunning thence South 2 rvfs borne ot he tive Signers for Further Informafeet 6 inches; thence West vr, Mr am' tion. 422H feet; thence North D nl Ha rods 6 feet 6 inches, thence Yah "tinier East 422 J 3 feet to pYe of vijnt at t containii g 425 beginning; g In the District Court of the Secacres, more or less, lv,g kind Mi ond Judicial District in and for being situate in the Northwest ' fliant I Davis County, State bf Utah. of Section 20, Town, quarter eri ftr Irene Michaels, Plaintiff, vs. Earl i ship and Range aforesaid. William Michaels. Defendant. Also 5 shares of the cap.taj G Mrs jid The State ef Utah to the said stock of Bountiful Stone Mr and defendant: and g Company V vere T You are hereby summoned to apshares of the capital stock of Jiatari Han within pear Twenty Days after the South Davis Canal Company. Mr and service of this Summons upon you, Together with all wahr rights, Vveral dav if served within the county in privileges, hereditaments and kofhf-in-which this action is brought; otherthereunto bappurtenances Irs. Willia within wise, Thirty Days after elonging or in any uLe appa-- . Aef rdati service, and defend the above entaining, Wrvil Si titled action; and Jn case of your Dated and issued at E.m.ig:oi, HlacVoot, failure so to do, judgment will be Davis County, State of Utah, this Mt am! rendered against you according to 23rd dav of January, 1941 Tgden "cr the demand of the complaint which JOSEPH HOLBRdOK. Hr Mu has been been filed with the Clerk Dav 'is Uotin'v, Mrs. Thom Sheriff, of said Court. Mt and By CALVIN G. ROBERTS, This action is brought to recover Sheriff Si idisrer Deputy a judgment dissolving the bonds of Date of first publication Lnazr Hall daugl matrimony and contract of mar- 24. 1941. hr. T riage heretofore and now existing Date of last publication Februa rests wen between the plaintiff and the de- 14. 1941. hard M fendant. nie be-foi- e and still is erv upopular, Milch hii.uise of the comnued annul. nice and tioiilde con-he small amount it causes. proh-a!by eaili imlnidiial.is never thought of or mentioned lint the inconvenience of the con-u t ion has been the pieatest souiie of criticism ever heaped upon a administration, Utah political which, ot necessity, tosteicd it I vcr tune a pet son is called upon to pay or receive some f this 'Mood money", new vehemence is gun to many an old adjective It is lievond doubt the most i suited tax ever plait'd upon the shoulders of an unsuspecting public. Hut Mr. John J. I iticn ploddingly iiiciplcil the hmdtn. believ-iithe pood of the tax far ont-t ip bed the ev il I nit 52- - Centerville. call the Uefepli one ( nit e to antagonize the payee.. u m e.is apn it ii.is loiiiiil will hr n i i ss.ii to l.use in li funds to M nit m l tin mst oi nc di mamlx hi tin lople upon 'the goviinment I IN THE DISTRICT ( THE STATEOP U FOR RENT Six room modern OND JUDICIAL house with full basement in CenIN AND TOR DA terville. Inquire of Athon Rollins at know if )ou un listings, atlililional listings or ailvertiaing. T lie next telephone ilireetnry closes soon. C VI in, .in '.iiilc to tic los,s! f Mil ll gi A Clllllll lit it I, .I"D h'kt al to .isviiim fli.it tail should he rqnitahU admimsti clll G cn. r 51-R- xjhm1 to move, if oil want an) tlianos in jour present Let tunUiliutc 4 ',p ' ,41 U (ik Wlu SHERIFFSSALE fitting .iii'l w lui iiiii U n 1 JutlU t1 k M ern TAX 1 Fift EOK RENT Three room modFoote & Dawson, A: :nGi A $12 per ton. Utah. home and garage 2 Bountiful. C. Reed, Seth month. yellow EOR SALE Certified sweet Spanish onion seed. Jesse H. Argyle, Woods Cross, Utah. ITione ANOTHER NUISANCE c , ! u' U. St ti 4 1 a, 1,1 : tic v 1 8, 1879. -- 1' Mo' Creditor, Estate of Norm c, tiful. deceased. Creditors will pren . EOR SALE One good young w i ii tnkiip men Mopped him he to the m vouchers ten P. Parrish, work horse. Parley I'ss!id .lint landid Il a hospitalhe on or ! c Utah, Layton. m terv illc, pruiples," general touglit ' One of SALE A. March, practically day held l'()k t to being explained. "I objt An apartment fur CLAY RENT n' nc w heatrola only $12.50. See A. J. EOR up." Administrator of p e nished or unfurnished. Mrs. RichBountiful. Phone Norma Gladys Ada ard Stringham, Date ol first public' H4 or v5. Subscription price 51.25 t year. matter at Entered as secmo-crain- i Act of the under Layton, Utah, Dtx IV wo : lilte - t A 1 h in. 8 - on- i- k-- Coal, like e luii-ai- uc i MODERN MOTORS, INC. dress, is more 'ce BOUNTIFUL UTAH con-sfantl- Stoker School News VALENTINES In the hindeigamn have two valentine boxes. One tor He morning section and the other foi the aftermvn scctuin. t v aie going to bait thtir tarty on Thui eiav and pa-- s ont tic valentines on 1 ridav. hope thev have tun HI El N lil ONDIN. th ' KING COAL. like Utah lire especially prepared for every use. L Order a load .. King STOVE Coal For Furnaces . King LUMP Coal For Heaters 1 TV. For Ranges . . King For firepace$ King NUT LUMP Coal QSJOaEffl SHOW rcsXV) Coal 'I. G iV For AS Stokers ..King STOKER CoaJ of every 1 HENRY ARMSTRNG Bountiful, Utah Phone 1 -- 23-- J tirst grade the clnldren art making things for valentine The ilul 'inn in tin morning .ue making a Valentine box to look like a boust. Then m the aitcrnoon they are (making Valentmts to put in the box. 1 think both of tlcm 1 ko ODsna-tDlla- D ruk KING COAL la Produced Oaly By Tie Tatted State Fuel Company 103 South First West n 4 ... rv; t 1 ,;V Dc U)t CsaMer Telephone -- V, , make Valentines In The First Grade In C! - t'-c- y today! Pk . Theres a ; j HORACE P. BEESLEV. Manager useful if it fits. Thats one reason )Oull e 261 .. . V . 3 at- -' 3H ' |