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Show 1 Telephone Crew Begin Work Of I'ON A 1 AV I S col MV. I rA 1 Eliza E. B. Manfull . IA..UAKV .0. !G1 North Davis lo Bountiful o Be Kavsville Builds Elderlv Resident Dance at Gold Mod cu n lomes Advertised By Burying Cable Dies at Farmington 1' lfteen And C ireen Ball Streamlined Sinn banned i ! 1 I lipper Reaches Building Reports Ialt C cuitury Mark Shown I or Davis C 1 Same' kiblisher 1 further advance in highvvav justification Tuesday was under with the next step taken in eh minating telephone poles from the highway No. 91. 5,;t Starting at Farmington junction, prkmen began, the task of splicing tfderground cables of the Northtoll circuit lyvt between that point and Ogden. I he removal of 24 poles between junction and the northern city Jitnits of Lay'on, will be the first la be taken down and connections completed, according to James L. JIcKillan, cable foreman for the (jmpany. Working north from Lay-jr- , the next section to he complet- includes that from Layton to 1 i lien liii;g..s Mrs i,o an. li.-- 1 I.ake-Ogde- n I.ake-Pocatel- iu al sers M.in'u,, one oil Oa'i' counts s o! lest lesidents, who died nda ut Cs p m :rom a stroke sintered ednesdav at her home ini Farmington, were hell Tuesday at 12 p. m. at the Farmington ward n K Walsh chapel, with bishop conducting. Interment was m Farm ington cemetery. Horn in W icken, Cambridgeshire, Lngland. Decemhtr 9, 1850. She w as a daughter of Jacob and Sophia llarvcv Hoigus. Leaving Fngland with a sister anil her parents, lather md s'ltt r died aboard ship. Mother and child, settled in the eastern t'art of the Line States, phe came lo Fanning ton 35 ears ago, and had since resided thete. She had been a teacher in the F Lot socu-tami armmgton ward other chuich work tor 35 years. On December 122, Sr g. si)c hji1 married to lohn llenrv Manfull m Winona, Minn, lie dud 5' ears 1 lo lu-- r n.,D : : ' v t i. t s lean rp L r O.t !, tuit I e i t:.e 'i oo.soi now Imptoit n t n t ' lax ton to! . ot t i the o, ill. ut j t rsnli n. -, e- new homes i itl o' dt ini h steel ssndaid, ainml Lit. '!.! D. Mmr, general x t r Hie lima", o' t and I' e Mi'll o;il plant will it a; pi.-xateli lao thirds ol r i x pi n sc i lie dial mg i'll- a 'a t. . e k 1'Hl mldmg m ' lie conn' v n .her 31. show 1 w ri.ir. i t ' i e ull.pli 'e.l w It'l Honing 1'gttres: new i v hollies homes Lax Ion seven i. i 1! ; 1 1m I ,nv t't Bn Pi i t itx ! 0 t 'in iiital; , Syra- - ''id o-- x i ! I I ll-(- i . ! i i 1 x 'la. . e 1 latin. l 1 i e- 1 1 x ' , ' 1 . i 1 ; 1 . lh u . old iii he I 'tali ln er an I a! lax ton, and re. at kat si i He cits Ol-- e m 1 stake organization. The KramI march Mil! he le.! hv stake PrcMvient Arnold D MhUi and Mrs. Miller, From ei! t waid VM.i queens, jii loose t !u Id p r 'Ut queen of th h I hv rn ami otm. .1 in a e towns .at; Um t. .a mg .. i ' tour o' i tor a north tight t kjmi,!, lull ing to es i a h lisli the' field, 10 in t,itv, with three rural 9 frame lonsirmpon. lhee low I Umt ol A number ol homes iii each town put up the buildings w hn h t, t imi lilnexx ot model it d" tilings ea. h loiit.un I x i. x same af ii'id xxas tic ei d.'Ilai milv xxete remodeled duriug tom looms, hath and gaiage, all ,,m , : r i i aim ,1 In t e " 'Mil t Ka'sxille, one apartment . Inlci t. al! i ai ftei rut and attiac "tm - ha i 1, .. uise I he Ogden. llii ha hollies in abo mo h ied. Layton "as ! ' e i m ' s i i a mu! ate upir. Following this, the crew- will lit. till a. I1 ! Its t a M ha i im nt ti d a in " mum. al building tie t as O Mi t.i't ate n'l ,i' 1C I'Ll l s (cables between l'arm-lto- n , I t ec s w Iu. h 'll ..Is fioni the south lot Imbulmg ' ton s.nd iip'th tune the U'" ' e ' e l .1 loi junction and Salt Lake City, he "as Dai is ih'tiiit and Sunset apptoxi-m.iti- !' i .I "lilt u' the Himtue i Huiwell, Rac i' i , it.oiig 'ions p J mu c i i iii II i n a I i i t c Uth splicing and lowering of poles DO ne" hollies weie stiii' Conhtig ue " as pur . W -t 1. n ton, l ,u m.i Ddddc. ' .V et b ,i .oi U ' t t c b i alk ., !l e late Ihslgip Moke r " ti u. ted in Da is loiinty during the railing later in the summer and K S r.n iM', e Is ' Sw.,-II I oni-I West " .Wilcox, i'e "ill hi utg lie till, Mr. McMillan, said. Work is .Mi t'li i ot m 1 n I os s (he t t i ' eai t 'l la 111 hi .1 Ehar-t1omt. aRea Moiitcoiiii i bn scheduled to be entirely completed ago. pl.ii e .i t ."l. i o " hei e t i I moil V oi t Per v Beth III' Id, latl t Nrah ampin hr sie n u ill h fctm Ogden to Salt Lake City by Entil live years ago when she was a good ai lanital n mno ation toi tins e.o 's .,11 ehi .i i i 14 stricken with influenza she did all' Valent. Mil, m h h g w a c t ei t e ! and fin October 1. all that a Is, ate to liae of her ow nhousework. '' flu' pnxent site "as p m w ith pi opei 'king ax an e'ioit in tlic gland 8t it ting at S p. m. A hue; ml the pi ext nt two 'Im a pi m.u c!i. biat-nit s i ei ei ted will he held omplrtiiui, Iwo 'lam e numbers. Uhapsoi'y m tin ) m I lie editor did i bores 'itul First "aid recrea-Ht- r for his m '.(mill ami Ciern. and, "Vjrsaii hoard the lor the lust twenty xrars so, A x,rice station, the t lutsidp Inn a fire Uii'ctlmg, Willemu',' both loiupositionx iii t a 'A itli a i harui ter memhersii public w ill lie held in of he Conk! establish the paper as there 1,11 U. S. highway 40 in Parleys liam O Kobmson ot alt I ake C'ltv !a he public is im ited 33 fitmlcnts. the Ihnis high school "as not enough rr'enue bom the iiainon, was destroyed by fire Wed- Markh and Mipenisrd Miss Mac Mi Wuii Mated minor rifle club had been gi anted a papei to pay the expenses ot the nesdav night, causing an estimated 'In compliment to Rulon Haacke Four-da- y ham, Daix igh school dance dit ommittri men who I'.we assistr.l i h.n ,n ter b the National K Itlie .i s ne'er had a ' a. ation damage of from $l,0fd to $3,0X). .is s.orn . J South Bountiful, who leaves rector, will he features of the floor in the proieet a el v a day nit. in Bountiful so. the or w i todlr ot Woods Cross Lions national lation, aie, for mission a go'etnmg show iicrtlv for Brazil on x u Meik 1. W. bod fhe 11 C Ij.' Midi ot a members, i.ix Christensen, always "as opeiator of the station. taigil shooting In i n Thomas Jefferson Brandon, 82, tie LDS church. Miss Jenny Cox Murdock and Merrill H ulBt k at W ashintoii, t he tust was i ausi-.and m he bobby was u lung ;inmniiH by a short will entertain Louise Hart of Centerville, died .Wednesday at l jjd a Miss Jd V ccex. llaiold D. Muir and Ver- im nt mm b o e li s The ti t,( liraltuai tn mi mt iu a sm ill power plant in i'Mif, gc( dinner party, Friday evening 9 p. m. from pneumonia at a Salt M non Cair, American legion post, 't a "i iti i iiM'd to rule lus bicycle the sirxii r station which was used t m a mi iiiHiiilnis .ue, sister, Lake hospital following an illness f the home of the formers Boun-L&aiound Jelf the nullity 55 miles in a day to provide ileitrnity fur t he station Halev Alvin ami coMoe lent Hens, all esi. Moss, pi Sandall, cxi of four davs. ,lrs. Clinton Mills at South the Bountiful City cufi'e ollnei, Stanley Stiinghani, to gather lust hand news from the and an adioming building. with, operating Born December 2, lS.sS at Cencouncil and John S (ail (blob, station attendant said Ledingham, secretarx W h Ixohwei, fitoige different towns of the fount v only The dining room will he gaily ter' ille. he was a son of Thomas ot th emumcipal depart. Miles and W h Hecrs, of (lie missing ten tiipx in 2t eais. Other the gennatmg unit had proved manage! and white blue, Jefferson and Mary Cherry BranZfcorated in red, ment. limes not a line wax copied fiom troublesome the previous night anil si liool s teat lung staff ,ate elul) (V colors of the American flag. don. In addition the sci x u e clubs are. other publication. The result that the lights went foff Wednesday any of white .fevered1 with a cloth linen, He married Georgiana McMillan mam mg and installing within 30 in "hx that we had as many snhscrih-e- i night shortly before the fire illeen also was enrolled aie guls farewell testimonial tor Kulon't ('it serving table will hold a feral on December 1, 1892. She died, s mi South Wilier as we had in noticed at about 7:15 p. in. ,, Hanking high among the blue literpiece of red, white and eight years later. On January 20, Haacke of South bountiful, x' ho Hex en bundled gallons of o s is laik Pettit with a store of bout It Bountiful and a like nunihir gasoline in a low bowl. 1902, he married Leila Barker Bow lca es within a short time for . feet peas, arranged in all of the towns in the in 1 1u re underground tanks did not all ciossioads oil the new and old 4 out of a I'ossihle 1(H), while county 1 lace cards for the ten guests, who en, who South America and the Brazilian passed a wav in 1934. making it truly a county paper. An explode despite the fact that fire highways, leading to the city ,ae- mily Miles seoied 92 out of 100. tin attend, are imprinted Brazil of his life was LDS mission field, will he held Sun lording to Mr. Muir Hoads to he .'greater part tally day loinmen lal club found It' tied the station. of 7 both spent in Montana as a rancher. For dav at p. m. in the South Bounti- m.iiked fault with the editor that he did not tits, flying minature flags Batkin turn-- , .lumlnm ate. Efazil and the United States. a number of years Jie served as ful LDS ward chapil. boost his home town mote than the off .south ul Bountiful, .Sessions, Mr. Haacke, who is a son of Mr. ; Jduring the evening, the jtuest of sheriff of a Montana otlu r pl.o es Hf Ihe county hut he county. He Who, Is Cross road ami a'ciiue, f ir.or will be presented with bon had been retired '. R. Ila.uke of South l since 1934. Mr. and Mrs ' oi.iih Ninth street, all intersecting! lypheil it is a fount v paper amt is The public is espuiaHy I the new high" av $age letters to be read during his Brandon's father was, for several HiiuntifuL is a graduate of imbed xai t of the suppuiU'il by subscription by all the i . years, a nearly day probate judge high school at Kaysyillc. Jtaa trip. old one. .A min ker ill also he plac - 0 Houth Bountiful Mutual Tuesday different towns alike. he New York City, Embarking at i in Davis county history. Our paHT 'was in the county ed at Pages lane, noith of Bountiful ' cniiiK. Mrs. Bertha L- Aluir is go- Surviving are two sons, Lee will sail for Rio de Janeiro on the ling to talk to the Special Interest fourteen tears, before any other Davis high school Millet, Wayne Brandon of Santa Paula, Cal.; Lew- S. S. Argentina in approximately 2 on ediicatonal opportunities paper slatted up and while we were coach, Wednesday announced be group x eeks. is J. Brandon of Trovo; one daughof our slate and count v. Mrs. Muir alone, we reduud the rate of legal will shift Lyman Gaik, second The following program will he ter, Mrs. l'ern Caddy of Raddero-burg- , is a member of the state education adx ertisements one-hal- f so we did team member and sophomore, to committee. Your evening will he not hold any one up when we had a the first team in basketball, for a Mont.; two brothers, George heard: Song, congregation; invocaB. Brandon of well spent so let's go to Mutual and monoplv on the publishing business. weeks tryout and practice. Playing Walter tion; guitar selections by Mrs. Coy Starting at Layton on February Lee Brandon ofMiami, Ariz.;Cal.; violin 'and Hayward: saxophone We did some pioneering too. We forward. Goacb Millet said, Clark two Oakland, support the YM A' MIA. Fevutive 9 5 7, from a. m. until p. m., potato sisters, Jessie C. Brandon of Santa duet, Milford and Leslie Haacke, claim the the distinction of having bad looked good. Interest officers, Special group Improvement meetings Stave been At a meeting uf the Fine Arts leader and Mrs. Muir. Belle Facertta Mrs. AVilford Haacke, accompanist; Mrs. the first Cal.; Monica, gasoline engine in Utah; Losing last weeks game to GrantAeduled throughout Davis county of Mrs. Soulshv Barrett has return- first linotype in the county and the ite by one point, the Davis coach Hollywood, Calif, and three reading, Margaret Wilson; Immigra- Guild held Friday at Bountiful, oft further encourage farmers to im- tion ward girls sextette. Elva Cot- ficers of the Utah State Federation ed, from the LDS hospital and is re- second in the state, outside of Salt will stress foul pitching grandchildren. during prac Funeral (services will be conduct- tle, accompanist; vocal duet, Louise of Womens' clubs were 'jti atten- covering from her ferious case of Lake and Ogden, l.ehi had one; tice hours this week. The team had Gove production methods and their The practices. meetings we are heliexed to he the first in the been good 2 p. m. at the Union Hart and Jenny Cox, Mary Alice dance. Addressing the group were, double pneumonia. prior to the last game, he five been arranged by DeLore ed Saturday atBountiful F.akle at the piano; remarks South Mrs. J. II. lYikmpaugh of Ogden, The Ml.A officers entertained world to set type from a dictaphone. said. ! at Bishop by mortuary Islchols, county agricultural agent. H. Duncan of Centerville Davis stake President Thomas E. president of the Utah federation, Wednesday night at a farewell party I lie news was dictated into the ma- With a slight change in time, the Ijcal residents and the state agri-ltur- Leroy ward. Burial vill be in Cen- AVinegar; vocal duet, Lela Grant Mrs. Loiin D. W heelwright of Og- honoring Rulon Haacke who is de- bine and then it would talk it baik Davis quint meets Grantsville on First in at cooper college Logan Lee and Conway Grant, accompanden. hoard director of the Utah parting in the near future for the to the typesetter. Friday. First team plays at 8:15 tfion with the Union Pacific rail- - terville cemetery.call The editor was at the first meet- p. m., while the Second team starts Friends mav Friday after- ied by Mrs. .Afton Affleck; remarks Women's Legislative council; Mrs. mission field. The Qtnmittee for en noon and Saturday at the mortuary Bishop Walter S. Moss; response, Warren Keate of Salt Lake City, tertainment was, ,Mr. Dorus F.akle ing called to organize the Utah at 7 p. m. missionary, followed by benediction president of the Salt ILake district and Mr. Otto Ruflin and refresh- - Press association which was held The sophomore team, handled by until time of services. 4-Federation, and Mrs. F. W. Milner Intent committee was, Mrs. Arch there the year the first sugar fac- Golden Adams, coach, will clash ( of Salt Lake City, vice president of Boulton and Mrs. James Hunter. tory was built in Utah which was with Jordan at that school on Thurs the Salt Lake district federation. Rulcn was 'presented with a lovely at .1 ehi. day. For these many years we have Aocal selections sung by Mar-gurit- e missionary Bible. A fine baby girl, 7 Vi Snclair was a feature of the !s. was been gradually improving our plant program, The group met at the horn to Mr. and Mrs.Lee R. Atkin- until now we are well equipped to son early Tuesday morning, Jan. 21 print the paper and do job printing. home of Mrs. J. ( Bangerter. It has been a strenuous life but license automobile Mother and baby doing fine. Forty-on- e Mrs. Newel will issued 1941 work. return were Monda at for pleasant Snyder ges Tuesday Farmington plates 4-from at house a three weeks visit to court five of one Sunday Davis out the at Adams county Bell Evans Mrs. Elizabeth Sleeted her daughter and son and families had registered for the 61, wife of Isaac Adams of Layton, Farmington in two and one-hal- f Last Tuesday Evening at the in Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack nion Pacific scholarship award for died travelEldon 1 hours Bountiful First ward Mutual serv-- i Slaughter, m. by at her at p. Saturday Gleaton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H, Miss Ellen ex. a large audience was treated illness. ing examining officer for the state Agren, county home following a three-yea- r me demonstration agent said. Snyder. to one of the finest dramas seen in Mrs. Adams was born November licence department. One commercial Mr. and Mrs. Jaik Gleaton of The $100 scholarship is awarded 6. 1879, at Kavsville, a Bountiful for .many years. This prodaughter of vehicle application was also register h year Roosevelt, but formerly of Woods The Closed Door, duction, was by the Union Pacific. Thomas and Sarah Campkin Evans. ed. Cards have bem mailed out at Cross .are the proud parents of a es are. the entrant must have(c;he to During the same hours, following Bountiful the extremely ad jve(j jn Layton and vicin- up entertaining staling tnat dog taxes are son born Jan. 15th at Roosevelt. fed three years H licenses club work; be ity her entire life. She was married driving tests, 14 drivers Layton American I.rginn auxiliary last curtain, and excellent perforable. due now and pax Don't miss the show at West held a membership tea ieat 16 years of age; a junior or to Mr. Adams, November 12, 1895. were issued in the same building by after mances were turned in by every Delinquency starts February 15, Bountiful amusement hall next Mon noon at the town hall. Friday f.ior at high school, and if a girl, Mrs. She had been an active member a second officer. Ruby member of the cast. Our congratuist he a student in home econom- of Two other days, scheduled before and all dogs, whet! er kept inside or day exening at 8 p. m. In Old Mis- Layton president presented and lations to Mr. J. Lverctt Nelson for Layton ward particularly in Reof homes, will be taken up souri, news and Three Stoog com- conducted a ic, A boy must be registered in lief society affairs. short business meeting Ins fine directing job. Some very the February 28 deadline, for pur- outside and destroyed, i rovided taves are edy make an extra good show. seat and the introduced 4pri:uiture. The winner is required the following state good musical and vocal numbers at county Surviving are her husband of Lay chasing plates WilHell of Gilmer, and district officers who Mrs. Blanche attend the Utah Agricultural col-s- e ton; seven sons and daughters, are February 10 and February 24, not paid by that time Wifred spoke from Davis high school musicians, said. Barry Texas, is here visiting with her recorder, liams, city 12 on m. Mrs. under the direction of Jack Stacey interests: a. 9:30 m. at briefly to p. auxiliary Logan. Okeath. Quincy, Lloyd, Donald and from tk marshal ,has been in- daughter, son in law and family, Ora There will be one winner only, Afton Adams and Mrs. Sam Scorounded out the evening. Bundy, Drivers licenses, which are also Wride, city the department president; structed by city council to carry Mr. and Mrs. Lee Atkinson. Mrs. Next Tuesday, February 4th, :t an alternate will be named by field of Olsen, department secre and Mrs. Lorin issued on Mondays, alternate weeks out this recent ruling. Layton Mrs. Amass R. Howard, who has t.e judges. classes will again be held, and an Mrs. chairstate Rich, tary; poppy Bachman of Ogden;, the following will be given on these dates and i been ill for the past month, is re- man; Mrs. Frank I). zAnderson, entertaining assembly program has ) Minners are to be announced by brothers and 'sisters; Mrs. David during these hours. covering. D Mate Agricultural college heads Green. Elmer and John Evans of state welfare chairman; Mrs. Rock- been arranged. Join your friends at V Fors-gree- n well, district president; Mrs. Fenste 7.30 for Mutual. Layton, and Mrs. William maker, president of Ogden unit. of Willard; also 24 grandchilis improving. s (were read by Mrs. James hut dren and tone Mrs. Sadie Clark who is pendinMorgan. Two musical numbers Funeral services were conducted the Mrs. winter with her sons, KenBertha arrived ing F. Salt Stallings 36, a Beard, cluded number Miss loan Lake; Floyd by Tuesday at 2 p. m. in Layton Davis county Bonnie the fend to neth week home this after Just Bounreported Whitney, in Los Angeles having spent Warby Bingham, 25, Craig accompanied by Mrs. Bosh chapel by Bishop William A. Dawat Farmington tiful. a few months with a daughter and and an accordion solo health remains about the her sheriff's writes department Bee Men Miss by son. 'Burial in Kaysville-Laytosame but sends greetings to her Mo. Mrs. Whitesides. Kansas jn was the theft of a bull dozer for a Blaine IE. Mckeall, 24, family City, Fort, morial park. caterpillar tractor valued at $10, Douglas; Bonnie Brenda Shirley, 20 Stallings makes her home with her Luncheon was served buffet style friends at home. ! Dell of Jost The officers and directors bf the from the fruit orchard and daughter, Mr. and from a long table spring like in apSalt Lake. at Kavsville, according to Calvin Max C'heirrett. 21, Fort Douglas; Mrs. DeLore Nichols, while here. pearance, being covered with a blue Union Pacific Old Timers club of j he LDS northern statas mission 4 Mrs. A. L. Clark will entertain silk cloth arid centered with a Salt Lake City and visiting guests G. Roberts, chief deputy. The own- Charlotte 1 arl, 20. Salt Lake. 'resent the program to be Deer said it disappeared prior to Michael Petrov, 33, Fort the over Peter Literary club at her purple bowl holding daffodils, pur- from Los Angeles, Las Vagus, Polpadcast the Columbia j Church of the Air home afternoon. nation-wid- e cember 20. Friday Mildred Aivian Chandler, ple Iris and yellow acacias and at catello, Ogden and Preston will be Douglas; Mr. and Mrs. Herald Moon en- either end were silver candle hold- entertained at noon luncheon at the Dt x"rk Sunday, 'February 2. !7. Salt Lake. Lfco J. Muir Davis county nen are undergoGlen Jone, 33, Malad, Ida.; Ora tertained at a family dinner party ing three yellow candles. Mrs. Leo Farmington hotel, this Saturday, H. .northern states mis-- .' Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Moons Green and Mrs. John Stevenson J. Sessions president of the Salt AYilhams, 35, Samaria, Idaho. resident, will speak, and the ing examinations for the selective UiEMon choir will sing on the radio service call on February 17, accordJohn Gilbert McKenna, 24, Fort birthday at their borne in North poured, Mrs. Gretta Bone, luncheon Lake club will be in charge. A mus ? kfam which will originate from ing to Dr. D. Keith Barnes of Kays chairman, was assited by Mrs. Ruby ical and dancing program will also Douglas; Edna Ilelenea Miller, 24, Farmington. 1 Golden J. Barton, who has been Weaver, Mrs. Carol B.ayton, Mrs. he rendered by Golden J. Barton, examiner. ton AYJR in 'medical chief Salt ville, Mich. Detroit, Parents of South Davis high c church of the The county's quota in this call Joe G. Raso, 2( , Salt Lake; Nellie in the hospital the past three weeks Bertha Adams and Mrs. Lucile Wal Jr. and his sister, Diana, 'together air program students residing in Farmschool reis improving very satisfactorily. final the due to 22 be will men, ladies were in with Mrs. Lloyd Hess and her three 20, Salt Lake, Salarzar, quist. Thirty-eigh- t the wards were regular ! Te,preCfded by 11 in the ington and Orchard d Mrs. Mr Calvin of .and the daughters. This luncheon was specout Sessions, of two AA Bountiful The tabernacle choir program jection attendance. Lynn Riley Jenkins, 20, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sessions attendhundred names special guests of the schoolin ially arranged to honor the visiting 18, 30 to 11 a. m. .which will last quota. Four Holt, Syracuse. Dorothy t.e at a luncheon and f- sis35 needed for of ed AValter the serxices funeral their returned Mrs. the guests who were here to attend the to sifted Jennings were AAelling get AYayne Burnett, 21, Ogtrom station KSL. The Y'.Vdte class rooms. said. Mrs. Samantha Sessions Smith home Thursday from the hospital Old Timers banquet at the Hotel Barnes ter. Dr. 2: J .Anna 18, examinations. Jean Shreck, 11 den; Ogden. the to be will from program Y PT.A meeting was held in j a in Sunday. They were ac- "here she had undergone an of era- - Utah. Usistm? Dr. Barnes through tnc mountain standard time for the parents of all stuafternoon Boun of C. Stocks hv their brothers, sis- tion for appendicitis Dr. Graff was of Waldo J. AntoSan Mr'. companied week, i dents. Mrs. Joseph F. Naylor, pres- nio, 'I nxas. Successful tests of a method of from Bountiful medical examiner. and relatives Mrs. Ivy Pace entertained ters to assistant tiful complained police ' rnsaked the home of E. i ided conducted the meeting, which - that burglars brake drum and rim temSalt Their I Lake an! lowering club ' at Oklahoma tasister, bridge Ugden. AVedncsday. stolen all her city, and ernon teaturrd f a talk on character educa- hie cloths and napkins and also had Mrs. Pattv Scott of Rock Springs, for trucks and buses have Dr. Mrs. Mr. Kav and owned son of peratures Steed, by Bulldog valuables lying around by' David Gourley. state school a A lost tion been conducted Mrs. n.'c! byr a leading tire ML, Smith H. with been o.. of calls ii., home atc John has bued. Salisbury. that increased untouched. The only thing Richard' numbers by the nude telephone ie him a lo'fktr an nvj'ic rra st for 1 few infection a dud Lnda. throat company. days bill $29 a "ax ,an : an orchestra. pumpkin pie. freshly tG?n oneCTO hi Har ay. - an In 1940 111. S C g p. m .tt t1 C 1 hi K Ku sv W w i s s' i.ip 1 M Up Ur I gt a o .1 s !' tVt I a t1! tv' ,M I i It M kk,N Lcoruui kdMon, pi iUn g! !'o m!1 Miller. Becaiwe Countv 1 , -- i ! . i 11 ! I aw "ip-eens- Missionary To Be ave Ignored er- - ecr i . Service Station Razed By Fire Dies Following Illness It Davis Students korm Rifle Club i Thomas J. Brandon At Party I 1 - I M . . j it N i ,M-- , Rulon Haacke .To Leave Soon For South America t 'en. ron d. ' l ! 1 , , . 1 lit - i 1 VOORS (zliOSS an Lyman Clark To Play First Team x - Potato Meetings Are Scheduled Federation Group Attends Meeting -- al i Td' Judges Select Resident Winner In Union Layton H i i Pacific Contest V Davis Residents ' Buy Car Licenses Dies Saturday Mutual Witnesses Services Held . Play Tuesday Night Yes, All Dogs Are Really Going Lead a Dogs Life H State and District Officers Entertained Layton Auxiliary 4-- .. Leo J. Muir WiH 4 Speak On Radio Program Sunday Marriage Licenses Davis County Kaysville Man great-grandchil- d. d Reports Theft By-law- son-in-la- Davis Men Undergo Draft Examination J FARMINGTON , South Davis Hears David Gourley $-'- I I -- A 1 w |