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Show Mis. Joseph Willey is vety ill at Mrs. Keith Fames entertained the her home. Kaysville ait club at a Xmas party he Mutual Xmas catol patty at her home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Alton Barton and daughter was enjoyed by a large crowd lues There was 20 present. llene of Kaysville spent a few dayi day evening. Harold Wilcox was here from last week with Mrs, Dale Gray. Wyoming to spend the week-enMr. anl Mrs. Clarence Rune atMrs. Elizabeth Egbert and two tended the Utah trflic ilul pait) of Grace, Idaho spent daughters at the hotel Utah Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mis. Roy Kilfoyle entertained the last week-enWendell Adams and Joe Tanncl tluh ladies and their chil- Roy (irecn and Mrs. Garland rentrned home from lalo Alta, Cal. dren at a very delightful Xmas and daughter also of Grace, to spend the holidays. were guests of Mrs. (j. L. Nance Mr. and Mrs. ( litioid Smith of party at her home Wednesday. . Mrs. Joseph Jarman left Wednes- ovir tire Hountiful were quests of Mr. and Louis Weinhart Mrs. Lee (mn Sunday evening. returned home eve to day mug spend the holidays Jaek h'amptuli lia- heeii veiy ill vs ith her son W illiam and his fami- from the hospital Monday. w it h the tin ly in os Angeles. Miss Ruth Powinan Lite id Mr. and Mrs Bin entertained ' m hoiiot of Miss i la Palmer of u have moved hire t n ekr at ( ai Ison hall at the alt and are living mil the .timers Univeisitv in Salt I,tke Monday Ujliol) stole. Mr. and Mrs ( h.rrles and evtning. Thcie wire Jl) invited daughter liana. Mr an Mis John gllests. Init st and Set mid w.ud Relliillips, Mi, amt Mis. Miln.ii Phil in Mr Mis and and sin iety hil a Xmas patty tolips ll.ol Ud, all of Ueoii Idaho .tod Mr ami gether in the list watd tahnnacle Adams Mr. and Mis. Is n lutsday aftet noon. Jhete was a fils Ailam.s of litao, Idaho weie large attendance and a lovely here to attrnd the funeral mi vices ami refteshnients were served Uarold fiailey has accepted a pos Sunday of Mrs. Ul.iv Adams. A cantata was held at the N'oith it imt with the Kaysville, Layton Davis junior high si l.ool riday ev- Milling company. Cornell Jat man of California (hut ening, under the direition of Mr. Tracey and the school musical de- fotnietly of Kaysville) has heen It featured ouhestra, tiansieiied to San h ram Leo and partment. with a has moved his family there. (horns, solos ami Xmas earol seiviic. Mis Rulmi ( olh tt and family of Mr. and Mrs. 1.. M. Whitesides Midvale weie Sunday guests ut are leaving this Hick to spend the Mi s. W Collett. Mow, in homas returned home holidays in California Alollt ?0 people (lijoyed the West liuis, lay from a trio to Arizona. W ilcox deu Jensen, Mr-- . and Iayton Relit siwiety dimur held Janus (riddle aie on the sick list Tuesday. Mrs. PI aine Wlanis underwent the past week. W. L. oili-tan appendix opeiation at the Dee was here from Cali nia Monday to visit his family. toi hospital Monday evening. Mr. ami Mrs. 1.. 11. Scoffield left Alex Dawson has heen confined to his home .suffering with the flu. W eilnesilay to spend the holiday's in Mr. and Mrs. Ilyrum ay ton of Huntington park, Calif, with their Spark, Nevada visited lure Sunday daughter Mis. Howard Sedgwick Mrs. K. W. Adams is spending and husband Mrs. John Trimhlc this week in Pocatello, Idaho with entci tained Mr. and Mrs. Ulmer T' lint. the Sewing cluL at her home FriPill lot bridge, who is study ing day ttternoon. Miss music iu San Lramisro arrived Lillian Renter returned home this week to spend the holi- home last week fiom the mission field. days. The children of Dale Cray have Mr. and Mrs, Donald Thomas and the small pox. son t eturned to their home Sunday. LAYTON CLEAItFIELI) 1 KAYSVILLK d 1 week-end- - At the regular sacrament services held in the ward chapel last Sunday evening, Llder Hugh 15. Proven spoke on the subject, Divine Mission of Jesus Christ," Llder Brown, former British mission president, helped to evacuate the L. D. S. mis sionarics from that country at the outbreak of the present European war. Ten or twelve missionaries, who had labored under him, were present at the meeting. Musical selections, consisting of solos and I -- r r . i r l 1 J j 1 I I I l 1 pro-gta- I in-cml- 1 J I I t C , fiso KNIFE SET WITH G. E. MIXER Coal, Jike a dress, is more A Special Size Utah KING COAL Utah For Ft ery Purpose like KING COAL. There's a For Hcalers Kin9 For Furnaces For Ranges every use. Order a load King . . King for frepa(es King For Stokers today! . seven, of useful if it fits. Thats ono reason youll You get knife set with advertised mixer. for only 518 FREE 2 SERVI. FRAMES WITH WESTINGHOUSE Coal HENRY ARMSTRONG 23-- J SERVI-TRA- in 1 vt. ROASTER-OVE- N I fD' & Wt. fM lo ?r H. i -i mrd jTh t"T r i 0- - on klp porn inilli k & YCj&gTS ft" V ! ANTA rides the Rio Grande, his bag full i f gjfti and take to Trips to give . . Low Fares all the wav, Trips So plan a Trip to see the folks, or take a jollv jaunt With Rio Grandes best wishes for a Happy liday, 1 1 For information about Low Holiday Fares LAND. Agent J Phone E. C. 52-- Uh.WfcR k RIO GRAMM " K -. ,j 1MTD IROtf 3$nT'i ( l: OOO 15 nr. $24 SWAP SHOTS Y MODERM HOME WITH Ve . di servi-Jramesr- FREE M. I. A. will dance. Mr. and Mrs. Chh tended the funeral sir aunt, Mrs. Norma held in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilir.t r Clark Robinson have :c Meadow, Utah, where t: attend the funeral sum ative, Daniel Bushnr.ll. Do: Exceptional gift. Until Christmas you get 2 with this easy- - Coal ..King STOKER Coal Bountiful, Utah Phone a this nationally LUMP Coal NUT LUMP Jrtt matched STOVE Coal The u! Jm, Mrs. E.lmira Collins of Kansas City, Missouri is a house guest of her siter, Mrs. Lula Hagen. Calvin Reed has left for Redding-ton- , Calif., where he will be working for sometime. Mrs. Althea Carigan and baby of Morgan are visiting at the home of Mrs. Carigans parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Starks. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Adams and baby Annlvn were Friday visitors of Mrs. Adams parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mabey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William Mv Entire of Farr West were Sunday guests of Mr. McLntire's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. McFntire. The Relief society held its annual Christmas party in t he ward Belief society rooms last Tuesday afternoon, under the direction of its presidency. There was a Christmas program and the concluding chapters in the book review, "Adam Bede was given by Mrs. Hattie Sessions. Christmas candies were given to all members. 1 he Ladies Literary Guild members held their Christmas party last Monday evening in the Rainbow I- FREE n freshments of pit were served. n. 1 11 room at Ma and Tas Tavern. Mrs Virgil Hodson, Mrs. Lldon Barlow Mrs. Wilmer Barlow and Mrs. Alfor lan Taylor acted as hostesses the evening. Mrs. Robert Birkin of Kavsville gave a book review. The Clearfield Sunday school un der the direction of the superintend dency, Carl B. Green, Harold Weatherston and Wilmer Barlow honored the outgoing superintendent, Kay Nelson and 1st counselor Ivan I. Barlow with a party in the amusement hall last Tuesday evening beginning at 9 o'clock. Light ct I I ducts, both vocal and instrumental, ..vrc furnished by members of the Deseret Mortuary musicians. Perhaps the most beautiful was the last number, a n.eldy of Christmas songs, including, "Silient Night, Holy Night." O, Come All Ye Faithful" and Joy to the World, The Lord is Come. Bishop Melcouhselor vin G. Wood presided; Fredrick N. Clark conducted the exercises. A large crowd attended. The Clearfield Primary organization, under the direction of the presidency, Mrs. Lldon Bennett, and Mrs. Harold Weatherston, held their annual Christmas party in the ward amusement hall last Wednesday evening. A large crowd of children and thei rparents attended. An excellent program was given. The West Point ward gave a drama in the Clearfield hall last Thursday evening, Dec. 19th. T.nroute from Virginia to San Irancisco, Calif. First Lieutenant Joe Mabey, Jr. and Mrs. Mabey stopped over here for a few days visit with Mr. Mabey 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Mabey, Sr. Tlder Lyon, lately returned missionary from the Southern states an dhis father, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lllis Starks. Llder Lyon reports that one of Clearfields missionaries, Elder Gayle Starks, who is laboring in Alabama is progressing nicely in his work and is learning to be an excellent speaker. Mr. and Mrs. John Bugger of Salt Lake City were guests Friday ami Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reed. Mrs. Bugger and Mrs. Reed are sisters. Mrs. Margaret Mabey visited Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Adams of Lay-to- TOAST-O-MAT- IC TOASTER Gone are black looks at black toast! Instead, there will be smiles of joy when she sees these 2 $9LS grand gifts. KING COAL HEATER la Produced Only By Th Culled State Fiel Compaay AUTO RADIO Special Heres a winter 1R.C.A. comfort gift- - ful, clear. 513 5J- 4- SAFETY AT LOWEST COST fiV8$t Otl CONVOY TIRES s Guard against and skids, and deliver long mileage. Extra protection against blowoufs cord is provided by its patented body. side-slip- Gum-Dippe- d These Holiday Prices For Limited Time Only s jWITH WITH YOUR OLD TIRE cm :4 i TIRE ... . ; S i-- i '? j r 4 x LU ? .v i5v. a, Synthetic Rubber A new b, nozzle for gasoline h.. made ol synthetic rubber, is being manufactured by The 3. F. Goodrich Company, end is so b!e SKIPPY SLED j; Completely streamlined, , chrome bumpers, rubber handgrips, temp- - 55 S TRICYCLES SPEED CHIEF A smart looking, well-bui- bicycle h Wide range of sizes for growing $449 lt the youngsters. AS ILLUSTRATED 3- rf - constructed that it discharges static electricity by providing a ground and thus preventing any dangerous sparks The new nozzle has passed the tests of the National Board of Fire after a thorough investigation cf more than a vear Un.de--w-rite- $14.95 rs li .At Work on World s p Lg ICE SKATES ELECTRIC TRAINS Famous Lionel models NEW OVERSEAS WAVE BAND. Lets Furope 5 59 youngster. AS ILLUSTRATED $11 95 D:ese!-e!ectr;- c ft COME ID COMPLETE SEE OUR AND LINE OF CHRISTMAS TOYS AERIAL SYSTEM. P!ug in anywhere and play ! THE $4J TUBES FOR MONET. ELFCTRfC BUSH- - BUTTONS. HANDSOME WAL- NUT CABINET. U ..rt production met nods employed 24 hours a day m rushing com.pleion cf Atlantic Coast Line Railroad s 13 newt passenger locomotive units :r. time for the coming Fioriaa sea- - All styles to delight every AMERICAN N AND OVERSEAS MORE figure and hockey. WAGONS 7rJX: times easier, stronger and dearer. BUILT-I- to 52522 women's if' rans at Two forge it..,.eed we. der? typ.ty fast Mens and sensations! Thilco Jubilee Special . . . biggest value ever offered at the price! Largest Diesel Locomotive Order La Gran a e L m trom. h'ars but mode--- , V Come In AV -- Let Us -- A. rr--- Make a Record of Your Voice I Jv AmaZTTF I Surprise family or (trends. Only 10c. BOUNTIFUL, PIIONK 1.1 3 f ,s. - fce.n L-g- UNION FURNITURE COMPANY '&$ i jeiSSf ! (shoA-- , WL, Centerville Auto Repair Company CENTERVILLE TELEPHONE 79-R- 2 George Vi. Walker, Detroit industrial dc.a-e- r motor cars and accessories, points to the c is a feature cf cn. pad new t'.- -e pane! believed to be the first ever eL. - ! c. f. . v-c.--e '' . W 1 edc.neg.-- .- Pizf ,7 t&k deb r t t rew "s f r 'i : , " , ! '.C A |