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Show FARMINGTON i A Ji M ' rt t held Th Relief society focce''1,1 aPron rfcur v h, Mr5!t'rltr, clalK 1 Mr. ,!ui oi Mr. an re Ru,',!s uii ,i Riloxi k this Flllott, Urs. 3 N t w S. Camnn Ui-o- n ki Mrs with her ; aunt-- , York i visiting Mrs G. J. KiiowJuii an L- - 1 . . lr i. ' be i I rJace4 V" It i k i. t id lanvu i u M I K - M' I t! ' tl H lta. ( ii v the United Statts W measiirt mints i.m jcur1 "s,fr "s4 0 !tle 'ntllt' caninn tut1' m ' Wlir that comes iroin :spimK now or show its Him jjltinj. p ents indicate tl.t preiipita "rasIjj t'"' !)oltlun ul t,u intu "i 'lu 't t ;'i s. u TIPIS 0 n H t t region It has hein cunt' i, MuMs ear since tills slstllll r iveult- - a a leal el 0 foe installed Mtasuring dnuts i.i'l lore r ii lei 1, o,e a Ihui installed in larnsh c.m-J- j le'cr.im at the Uileiu r 't a at Inti t,rg ho aP die other canion soutli oi 1 in isi in l'umsh f system pillar monthK i tmg ol yt takes liuasiiri tin nts day tl Xauiimii' ear p 1M p mil !,( ,yor at the bon Mi- during t! 24 hours as 't N.enle 1, , i a 1st; 2 recoi mg divui is Ipe rated Ly at J ' 1, K 0 "Jpd " i t i erosion experts iro ctjB. y 0- - Know ltiin is in htalt'. 1 i" lit If t roving nica' jjjt "ater armington 1 It t nil . n m .. . , i , , , - CKXTERVII.I.K tit , 1 lt-.- 1, s ,e e 1 1 -- 1 e . ! , ! e ' ! l el e I e THl MAYFAIR 1 e p-- 1 S -- e I 1 1 e e Sessions mtu tamed club Wednesdac. leU West made a hurried trip eel here with his parents, Mrs. J. K. West and also Colo, where he Fort Collins, , ,i,i his wife and children V sited with i, bo art usiting with her parents. 00(tir. VVt is in the U. S. naal since SB d he had an eight dav lcace absence while his ship was tied Fm Francisco harbor, lie pin sj i v ft here Tuesday evening on Ins J ! 5 tri. turn v Too Many' Husbands is the pic-- t in Farmington this 1('C 19 First Loe, Dec. 26 ue and p'T r)re" ta'r Case, Jant ' sctor Takes a Wife, Jan. 9 It s A mrepU'ing - S r a pe. prs. Ida Clark is visiting at the jlgpieot her brother in American j dug g9 or. son was born last A (, ,n Sec" n,ng George Smith. Mrs. formerly Miss Trtssa rs- - 'nithvas l Friday to Bith. 0; Heltn Smith IS assisting in the post office since d Bowen resigned. rsnt alt Jennings had J their guest last week, Mrs. J. J. tieniager of Kansas City. Mrs. Innings mother, Mrs. J. E. her back to here she will spend 1SS cations, mother )e ,jtr Its. P. ,pv '. an(i r- - State s;at e of $1 - The armington P. T. A. has SrCTtd a copper statue of a fhe P ' American saddle horse which the room having the most tr ! out to meeting each time. N to attend next PTA meet-- t to that your childs room w ill well represented. Ihe next meeting of Farmington rA will be held on Dec Thursday, 1940. There will be a Christmas jgram presented by the 2nd and - grades. There will be a fine ical program and a social hour erwards. Make plans to attend I outstanding meeting. The room thers will assist in making this mod afternoon. 3ie Re d Cross yarn for sweaters arrived and will be made under direction of Mrs. Walt Jennings leal vest is home for a few parents Mr. and Mrs. r to1 and family. Neal is now ed at San Diego with the U. t. .;i I tevy, t'hitney Smith spent a few w eek with her daughter I last Mr. and Mrs. fcBcttilyon at Pocatello, Idaho Bs Mr a new Dais county submitted by Pope and Bur- Mu-in-la- l -- I p P elaiu M 1 t- t t n rs kt 1 h r tie k o CSSSisis i o ( (iold Wpildinjr iO.sc ,, - THE 4n iinij. an 1 Salt 1 ' -- i i n 1, etc aki n .,ii Johnson oi was the guest oi ( Mae ka " l h i .1 t i. w, ' - .11 ' ' ,,I It , ,1 " Ml 1 1 L H k - .1 1 1111! ii .1 auiiun ( ll .1 1 i i lOinnivsuMu - , I II .1 -- nil' "'' i 1, ' ' ' , W '' M ' . M 'Ill, n - I I - , U .1 t ui, ' , - ,i'i Mi ( n u. m ui I e 2 SERVI. FRAMES WITH WESTINGHOUSE ROASTER-OVE- N Exceptional gift. Until Christmas you get 2 with tbit easy- - try mat Roaster-Oven- . e A t e to-us- FREE SERVI -- TRAY WITH MODERN HOME TOAST-O-MATI- C TOASTER Gone are black, looks black toast! Instead, there will le smiles of joy when she sees these 2 Q95 grand gifts. -t comfort gift. $1- 3- KKFRIGURATORS t I Hotpoints, Leonards, Spartons Save $50-0to $80-0- WAFFLE BAKER Shell be proud of the 9 kh.B,bl" $ $32? A ROBES AUTO RADIO Special R.C.A. Heres a wi nter I I golden waffles $1- 4- Bulks out in Route territories will also want take advantage of this sale. If you desire you have delivery now and start paying in 1941. i HOME MODERN HEATER f - ...1 s ' litis, v -- ui ' lot .il- 1. iii(.ii 111.il - H HIS - burn - the 1 s ,1 -- lain; ,i llu hi - I'l. 'Si t.ifi ,rrv isi t tllan 20 vti -- j DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE $1- 8- tervi-framesre- Mi 1 advertised mixer. FR h u ui pi. s , linn lluis ip ml. Iis .iiul IK w k s .uni mspiitm lultin Kit.tin !mx multr luiiMilir Ku.nv ' I MIXER Jrtt a niece (bit nationally for only n, 11 i i , m- .t I 'iil.r "i I n 11 im - -I I - I ( - G ' t milk nit t M ' 'll t - I 11 ,1 I ii , '( 111 . ' ' ' I11 - ' i "1 i , t'l 'f I ' , , i t i., tin n ' i in, , , it, i ' u i 1,1 ' t, 1 11 I ! - Itt'! l'l ' ' t , It matched kitchen knife tec with 1 1 ,1,1., .,1 (l1 h KNIFE SET e n l I , Min, . bn, w I. Vu M1- O' u i , Mr C. it , , i G get j u " Ideal bedroom driw (iwynn, the wnk Mrs John so here for some time past to taking medical triatmmt If her physman thought she had recoi ered sufficient to he able to leaie, she was going to accompany her husband home Their daughter, Fdla, is a county nTse being a graduate form the Dee hospital, and is in the Tre m on ton district in Ro lder county. Mr Johnson while here isited the Cudahy Packing plant, as he worked here before he moved to Idaho, twenty-on- e years ago He found only fourme n working there now who were there when he work ed at Cudahy. Monday, Dec. 9 Too Manv Husbands, an extra funny comedy picture will be shown at the West Bountiful amusenunt ball, Mondai Dec. 16 Deana Durbin m First Foie Monday, Dec. 23 Nancy Drew Stair Case. Monday, Dec. 30. Doctor Takes a ile, Monday, Jan. 6, Deana Durbin "Its A Date" William H. Howard, formerly of South Bountiful but now ot Salt Fake, a brother of former Bishop S. C. Howard, was to have lett the hospital la- week, to return to his home in the city, after partially recovering from a hernia operation performed some days before. A strip of concrete sidewalk, mile long has been completed from Grant corner nea rthe West Bountiful chapel, to the home of Bishop Milton Nelson. Completed by V P A labor, the men have been transferred to Bountiful to widen and improve Tirst East street from South Fifth street to the creek. Un der construction is a simila project a 3.3 mile stretch of side walk, which will extend from the West Bountiful church to Cleverly crossing at the intersection of highway No. 91. Work is complete from tl e crossing to a point near the Woods Cross Mercantile store at Woods Cross. , - ' concealed tadio in base Idaho i lI'-- Beautiful lamp with WOODS CROSS 'lll- , I - -- ' ii( b Huh brown walnut plasiit lahmt-- i lubes, buillin loop antenna. Q9J Special Value LUMITONE LAMP RADIO ' ot , u b Mis 1m e'huu win t' t ilinin ,v gin sts of Mr anij hiul An-t.a'th Saturday, Wo three ionise dinner was need m thin inmiitaMe style. brother-in-law- 10 o in atteii - t in own or r , U'sid ale he p e 1 loci rs. H bri ce Pair 'Io Mark I I II J you e e 111 plllMlkM 1.1 il e ni-- noiN Tim. e eilli-e- V T A (i S M A to savings of A may $30-00- $10-0- trade in your Also . to old washer. RA DIOS All of our 1940 stock reduced more than Yt of the regular price. Your choice of 20 different cabinet and table model. Radios that sold for $50, now only $25. All brand new your chance to buy a radio at leas than cost. 0 Have delivery for Christmas and start paying in 1941. IfOTPOINT ELKCTItlC R A N (J E S Regular $180 00 You save $26 00. Special $154 00 Regular $139 95. You Save $30 00. Special . $109 95 1939 Range. Regular $139 95. Special . $80 00 Good reconditioned llotpoint Estate Monarch Westinghouse Ranges. Fully guaranteed. Prices start from $15 to $30 FLORENCE OIL BURNERS CHARTER OAK HEATERS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ANI) RANGES OGDEN, Utah SCHOSS-REA- D 355 24th Street Phone 307 1 - ELECTRIC STORE UP 1 SAFETY AT LOWEST COST Pit $tOnt CONVOY TIRES s and skids, and deliver Guard against long mileage. Extra protection against blowours side-slip- is provided by its patented Gum-Dippe- cord d boay. These Holiday Prices For Limited Tisve Only SKIPPT SLED TRICYCLES A SPEED CHIEF smart looking, well-bui- bicycle kind every boy will Like. Completely streamlined, chrome bump' fs, rv jbtr b handgrips, temp- - Sf95 A cred steel runr.trv TJ Wide range of sizes for growing $A49 lt the youngsters. AS ILLUSTRATED H9 ELECTRIC TRAINS Famous Lionel models $921 to $25 ioced ICE JU 95 SKATES Mens and women's figure and hockey. $42 mwmi WAGONS styles to delight every All youngster. AS ILLUSTRATED $11 95 COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS TOYS 5.00 MASSIVE MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES IN THE LOW-PRIC- TRUCK STYLING best-looki- FIELD E NEW making these new 1941 Chevrolet trucks the as trucks well as the in the entire lowest price field. ng best-performi- ng .05 NEW LONGER ladio NEW STANDARD ENGINE J.05 J.00 Dessert Tray Frozen Food Storage Double-Widt- ,A , I I BRAND th new model lowst pric0 ",arY for a Frigidair with features: 'A'ere Meter-Mise- r Uotcut Easy Quickube ! Trays h Cold Storage Tray Big. Sliding Hydrator F-l 14 Safe Refrigerant t, f Automatic Interior Light Satin - smooth Dulux exteriof finish and many othert union furniture company OIJNTIFUL, UTAH PHONE 15 GOODFELLOW TEXACO Service Station BOUNTIFUL PHONE 370 BALLBEARING GEAR greatly reduces steering effort brings true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. n&nf 1 RECIRCULATING STEERING m WHEELBASE NEW, MORE COMFORTABLE DRIVERS COMPARTMENT HEAVY DUTY with greatly increased leg room and better, form-fittiteat and back In cabs, giving much greater driver comfort. ENGINE "LOAD-MASTE- ng ... (Optional ot txtro colt on Hoo vy Dvty trvclu) ... 60 MODELS A ON COMPLETE LINE NINE LONGER WHEELBASES FOR ALL LINES OF (BnwHinMcDitcnin0 BOUNTIFUL, UTAH BUSINESS C TELEPHONE 80 o |