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Show THE LAYTON JOURNAL, LAYTON, UTAH, NOVEMBER 28, 1940 Clark was in the EDS where she had undergone hospital aserious operation and scarcely any hope wai lud for her recovery, even the doctors doubted that she could get well, hut she has fully recovered. Stoker School News READING BOOKS M the hbiaty loom .mi Mailing Smoky. It tells how l lint the niok ami Inoin taints how Siiitiky .ots wlit u tluie is think some otlu i I't'huii ooim, it is the fonitli lust hook hae re ail. I 111 hu-tn- I VI I 1. HKVSt ) WINTER SKETCHES we are lit Miss Meiers room making winter sketches. When we will he ifiy et through, thev T he will houses with putty. hey mow all aroumi. g SidDire CTSfiffil More (IiJive N, htli nz M CD QD IPennmeys " , N1 W CD 8 hv Mori Now as never before you can select a beautiful array of gifts early enough to insure a good selection I.l'ANA SMHH.hY, 5th RED CROSS BOXES and shop in comfort. The merchandise is much fresher now too. ladies Monday morning two came to net the Christmas hoses we fixed for the children in England. We found it would he sent to London. We brought pennies to huy things for the boxes. Some of the other rooms brought toys. I hope they enjoy the boxes. INEZ IOY, 6th P. T. A. SPONSORS SHOW 1'iiday, Nov. 29, 1940 the Stoker school 1TA is sponsoring a show called "Tom Browns School Days The school will get a percentage of the money to huy a movie projector Mr. Tolman said the room that sold the most tickets would get a trip and the president of the IT A said they might get a peanut bust on every floor beside the trip. There will also he a matinee at 2 oclock, Friday. All the Stoker children who are going will get out at that time. hope our room wins! MARY HOLBROOK, 6th For Men It will not be so hard to find Exquisite a suitable gift for him here. please. Silk hose all silk in boxes, 3 pairs Lined gloves Bill folds Traveling sets KAYSVILLE of Porka Hoods $1.49 Many Varieties 79c Wool Gloves 49 98 90 98 98 Rayon Rayon P. J, 98 with long Satin Robes Mens (sport shirts Panda Bear Muff Santa Claus Red Boot $J.98 Suede House coats .... $3-9- 8 Satin Slips $1.49 Infant Christening set Rayon Lounging robe Leather Jackets .. Tea Aprons Suede Jackets ... Lined gloves 59 Boys Hats Beautiful sheer prints, Quinn House Shoes A $4-9- in a gift trip tij Los Angeles where they went to meet their son, Walker P. Mabey, who landed in Los Angeles from his mission to Australia and returned with his parents, brother and sister. He is scheduled for a talk in the tabernacle Sunday evening, Dec. 8th. Phillip A. Snell and family of Salt Lake City Tuesday moved into their new home at 174 East, Second South. L. G. Amodt and family move to 459 Third Avenue in Salt Lake City Monday. Norris E. Brown and Marjorie La Belle Brown who were married November 16, are at home to their friends in the Stocks apartments. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Givans recently moved into their nice new home on Fourth East near Kifth South. Mr. and Mrs. Knewell Rushforth moved into one of the A. J. Mercer homes, Monday. Bishop Amby Briggs of the Bountiful Third ward was the of a birthday surprise party Thursday night. He had retired for the night when a group of twenty-si- x friends arrived. The evening was spent in jolly games and dainty refreshments were served. S. R. Brough left this week for St. George where he will spend the winter doing temple work. Richard L. Evans of the council the seventy will be the speaker in special fast meeting at 7 oclock the Bountiful Third ward to be held on Dec. 8. Officers and visiting teachers of the Relief society are urged to attend a meeting to be held at 6 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Solsby Barrett left y this week on a business trip to Portland, Oregon. Edward G. Robinson in Brother Orchid and also a comedy will play in the West Bountiful amusement next Monday evening. The Primary board workers will hold a convention next Thursday at the Granite stake tabernacle in Salt if.Lake City, at 12:30 p. m. Officers and teachers of the Boun tit ill Third ward primary will meet toj this evening in a social at the home of Mrs. Ardella Day who will he assisted in entertaining by Margie Coston. The program will consist of a discussion of teacher training iven by Mrs. William R. Smith, lames will he played and refreshments served. Mmu me mu here I an El rint n I Mmu CHRISTMAS GIFte: SUGGESTIONS Biii-- jread ar paid or jcconde For Smart People Who Shop EarliLj1;, I tc . Electric Waffle Iron Electric Radio Elects ei Electric Percolate Electric Clock Toaster Electric Study Lamp .. Electric Mixer an Electric Sun Lamp .. $0tmei Electric Floor Lamp Electric Vacuum Cleaner grap' Electric Egg Cooker - Electric Iron Electric Ironer fro Electric j " Electric Pad Eltc. Kurt Popcorn Popper Heating Electric Curling Iron trie Razor Electric Electric Bottle Washer Efe. ,ton,tn Space Heater Electric Coffee Maker trie Roaster Electric lotion Washer Electric Stoker Electric Water jschool Heater Electric Range Electric Refrigerator i P EUctricd gifts tm ht pnrebsssi on tonasment, .te "r a box. Leather Jacket wonderful gift. Wool Jacket 1,4 gS $5-$2-7- 0 Ttigh" tssj forms AT UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. STORES The Utah Power and Light Company continues to id tor eve r lamp, toasters, waffle irons, and other small appliaaca c.tl0n The same fine selection of small Electrical appliaaca ton i4S n awaits your inspection, and, as ever, may be purchnd on convenient terms. Electrical Dealers in our tern- Pwer-tor- y also offer equally attractive terms and sell ill Wh types of appliances. ; Student - g 79 98 98 49 Sport shirts $2-9- $7.90 apron packed 5 ten-da- For Boys Towncraft pajamas ... $1.49 Leather Dress gloves.. $1.98 Mr. and Mrs. David Mabcy, son, Melvin and daughter, Sarah, arrivtheir ed home last Sunday from nt Satin Blouses, Xmas box 98c Leather House shoe.... $1.98 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Randall, Mrs. George Wilcox of Kayxville, Harold Wilcox of Wyoming; Miss I Tel cn White of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barber and daughter of Centerville were guests of Mrs. Jensen in Salt Lake 'llmisdav Mrs. Amos Bishop has been veiy ill at her home this week. Mr. and Mis. John Baiker Sr. and Mr. and Mis. Hank Williams spent lie holidays with Mi. and M 1. Rulon Williams in Ogdon. The infant bahv of Mr. and Mrs. Harold I Vi kins died Wednesday of pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wiedetman and Boh lattillo ot Salt Lake wcie guests id Mrs. Robeit lattillo Sunday. Mrs. Alice Todd and Mrs. Joe Hai bcitson of Ogdon and Mrs. Wil liam Young of .avion wore Innch- - beautiful gift suede jat New for Xmas sleeves, gift boxed .... The school board was supposed to come to our school yesterday. They had apple pie all ready for them but they didnt come so the teachers are going to fat it tonight. 1 hope they have a nice time eating. CAROL LUNDCiRKN 6th WOOL 90 Bedjackets A 98 $2-9- 8 Guest Logs 98 90 90 .. for her. Ear muff real Iset and mittens to match.. gift Toilet sets $1.00 .will A that gifts For Girls Hammered Aluminum $1.98 1 THE SCHOOL BOARD For The Ladies BOUNTIFUL ! SEE YOUR board DEALER OlST UTAH POWER & LIGHT (o'K given, 1 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCK eon guests ot Mi, llcinv Giulum Tuesday. Nathan Reeves and Miss Mnuel Reeves were guests at the home ef Items'll Hales in Salt l ake Sunday and attended the farewell for their son in the evening who left Thm sday for the South Anuii- Mis. REX THEATRE LAYTON, UTAH can mission. Mr. and Mrs, II. D. Thomas weie guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kav laia-moiin S.dt Lake Sunday. he l iist ward piimary preparation meeting was held at the home of ,Mrv Inland Bennett Monday evening, with Mrs. Clarence I.av ton How aid Thomas assisting. Mrs. gave the lesson. Mrs. laul Thomassen returned to her home in Long Beach, Calif, hiidav alter a weeks Lit here with datives and friends. uncial services for Mrs. James Ball were held Ftiday. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Gailev entertained at a dinner at their home the Saturday evening announcing coming matriage of their daughter. Miss (icncvieve Gailev, who will he married to Dine Dunn, son of Mis. Crandall Dunn, of Montpelier, Idaho in the Salt l ake temple, l ri dav morning. 1 lie iollowing parties weie given in her honor, Saturday evening, .Misses lav Robins anil Jomo Steuait cntei tained at the Robins home and l iiday Dorothy Sessions and Helen Moore entertained at the Sessions home in Bountind ami Tuesday evening Miss Ruth Bow man cntci tained for e "1 1 Saturday and Sunday BROTHER ORCHID Saturday and Sunday GOODBYE MR. CHIPS SATURDAY and SUNDAY her. King of the Lumber Jacks SATURDAY and SUNDAY Betty Davis in All This and Heven Too lank Proudtot of Take Unit lormei Iv of Kavsv illef died at his home in Salt 1 as hui ied in Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Carl And erson of ligpiling, Idaho, were guests at a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jarman. Thursday. Mrs. W. B Coll ett and family ac eompanied Mrs. L. A. Walker to lrovo to spend the holidays. FARMINGTON SATURDAY and SUNDAY curb and gutter gang numbering upwards of twenty men are scheduled to finish their work this week, it is understood, for the remainder of the year. Mr. and Mrs. R. C Healey returned Sunday from about a weeks trip to southern California. School principal G. Q. Knowlton :s recovering very satisfactorily at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 1.. W Robinson. Mr and Mrs. I'd Farl and children visited at Malta, Idaho, over hanksgiv mg Karl Hinman i' home from Somers, Mont, wh etc he had spent the past few month "otk-ttwith his brot'-cWall.iie human. Mr. and Mrs 1 l:n Biown and Mr, and Mis. Dale Sehulthies spent lhaiiNsCiving at Banero't, Idaho, with t datives. Mr and Mis W. O. V m ieit uesdav by motor d lie Wizard Of Oz SATURDAY and SUNDAY South of Pago Pago Saturday and Sunday Lady of the Tropics Turnabout . 1 . 1 1 KIT CARSON 1 'i ncis ml .,: - atives and fiiends. has been appoint Trank Oil substitute earlier for Gustave ndeison who has been united tiom the postal service on pension on account of ill health, he having served as itual earlier for twenty-eigh- t s tears. Miss La Rue Anderson returned to her homo in lreston. Sunday after having spent the past five weeks here with her grandmother, Mrs. Sadie Claik. Mrs. Ivy Pace has so far recovered from her recent illness to he able to get out of doors for short periods of time. armington ward is planning a two day festival for December 13th and 14th. The work is progressing very favorahlv in the installation of tloor coverings and other furnishings in the new chapel. The ward has recently teorganied the ward choir and rehearsals are conducted each W edm si'.ay evening The mem hei ship of the choir has selected on misMonaty call method. Postmisti es Jeanette Smith who had been ill tor several weeks, had so far recovered t lie middle of the week to resume her wotk in the po'toftiee. Mrs. Monroe Sill is in the LDS hospital recovering from a major operation. here is an extra good line up of shows for December in the h armington ward. Thursday, Dec. 5 Ci. Robinson in Brother Orchid. Dee. 13, Too Many Husbands Dee. JU Deana Durbin in Hirst love. Dee. Jo Nancy Drew Stair Case. Next month. Jan. 2 Doctor lakes a Wife. Jan. 9 Deana Durbin in Its Date. Mrs. 1, h. Brenner, who had spent the last five months here with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Jennings and family, d uesdav returned to her home in Kansas City, Kansas. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. J. J. Greeninger. who had been isiting in San Francis, and atter a few d.avs visit here, continued her journey on home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Clark who spent Thanksgiving here and the week-enreturned to their home in Los Angeles, Sunday. Their mother, Mrs. Sadie Clark, accompanied them home, to spend the "inter recuperating from her recent 1 B'd-wa- illness. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Nevada were here recently visiting with Mrs. Clarks sister, Mrs. Ccorgc Spaekman and family and with Iter sister, Mrs. Willis A. ot alo a brother and sister in Morgan. While here, they were honored with a nice par-t- v given by Mr. and Mrs. Spaek- man which was attended by about twenty datives and fiiends, games "ere enwed and dainty refrcsit-u';i-t- s o: L mi 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o i s.i;; c x 0 1. It will be remember-- 1 ago. th.it Mrs. '7"OUYE got to have what it takes if you hope to be a standout in this mans country I on every gallon of gas as much as 10Tc to 15 more miles on each gal Ion! Lots of men and lots of cars have looked the part and talked the part but just werent there when the chips were down. The wallop that swings you up the hills without ever touching the gearshift, that lets you throttle down in traffic to creep-speethen lift away J- - Thats why you find Buick has dodged special devices and short-cut- s in its 1941 line of cars. great Thats why we went right to the heart of the matter and packed a bigger than-eve- r wallop in that husky Dyna flash power plant. d, that wallop thats making Buick the value champion all over the coun-tr- y today. The wallop that lets you travel farther ld; Its an exclusively Buick wallop the wallop of Fireball design and Compound Carburetion, available in no other car on the market I r were kidding about what these Its jc bft n And if you think -- lli lie again still in high. two things do, were ready to show you with cold-turke- y onstration any time you say. li- u BUICK PRICES ui begin at Hie jSy. dem- for the L,', Business Coup delivered ot Mich. State o I It. tte4 jord too- - tional equtpmm Off accessories Prices subject notice XL'lithout o o o tXEMPLAJ O CENEIAi tie latant I Harold Calder, Manager n BULK COMP i 9 105 1 o 00000000 281 I F I Wilt BUILD THEM t 2! I South First West O Telephone Bountiful WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK rerea- the MOTOIS VALUE 1 o 1 t'-e- t rd regu o o 18 Eri th oeococ11 |