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Show TIIK JOl'KNAI. ION, 1 T Ml I ft n. -- mmiB, frcolkic r. VN WAUU DL ,esu - is SYNOPSIS i i ' r, atterndeChVt iv Knu n a blew d - i g h at bad po sited first to v,m leu 'e i that had ei vied il G i ox r Paget, sw e.t g w duly a'o it n, w M, a wea'h.erv me tn awl u W id 1 h.id left bo'h Ile il ups! i is Die dun figuie I had se'eti dut through Uie view i way had soi mod si gh'i-than ci'hi r It evidd not have bgen the k'lx.tn Fveult I' id it be n t k.i g In a b is. e t h d'vv av , f all W it I i p! in s di p i o the floor w i" a , I if n th. n h id v ai Su,! I, v 1 wanted to eot ' le tn SOI 'iv I' w s the lone.v w ti ( fl' t'u f t' e ov ei bin .Die I 1 as s t'w; ped at mv fl OV t I i o d treui'ors, of bh i I f M i g .1 a, f Allegra an ! e ii i f Uld llt e'O gOeKl rents, I' vv V I 0. I.i a t g i to the nt As i ', k, I v su lo, iso, an an i.se'd v , , r up e duil ork I hue' I In a tot. js milch boaid opviatnr in a nut k officious by Jlaitnent house, managed m m, Niw Tteie David moms w tn Htggma . Agatha Patel, a rrt led old la.tv, One and 'if! charming niece A lepra i talking with Higgins In the lobby. a piercing scream Dnid is alarmed byearn (tom t tie p.yul finds the sci not came tar from tie y, iii'er apartment, Panels The Ferriters Include I urn and sister, lone Fverett gyiictt and their a unealogist, is helping Agatha Paget er.te a hook about her blue blooded an-s'ors Inside the apartment ine find a black bearded man dead No weapon 11 The police anise can be found who actively dislikes David tn-- i fns him that he Is fired David is filled to the Paget apartment Agatha face! offtrs hlin a Job helping write hir (a nils history u hteh will uneaith a tew fa tlv skeletons He accepts the otter I'canwhtle, police suspect I. von Ferrt'er the murder Jerry Cochtane of the Pi ess offers David a Job helping solve e David accepts lie Is to muider ft on working for Miss Paget r etp p v id meets Gross enor Paget AlVgtas blotter Then, that night. David sees Cross enor prowl through the Fernter Yt r.' a f 1 g- V jt t - f 'e i.u.t; Is good covir Gie-vu- r u ei ran 1 a boy e 1 on no 1 v le ivv-Vrd a d like to v'v w you I l.uh s b .e i f t sw Sometm e, I collecti. i f are rathe r go, I almost U Id Then I n who had d h m I in r bored f v i i I id xoi n t! i m the dead n an lan bcfeie them, iv i -- -t 1 t s, . cmriru f ! ' v - ! I HIVI, M I I vx llli II- - 14 t P to I'll 11 I Pm lo I't IIN III Avf t i allf hi i I r i j ti No ii Ni f I oidriei Id n . Pit' ft In I i k 1r tf urn tn t A t V P n S. n t ft h vt Oil OV 11 c 2 tl'ViM Pi a ii it U VI V i grt r t to n lu r , ' fl,!ll ' t i"t ' she V. eat... economic al , . .healthful.., order, today, from your grocer. ill V 1 P ; her I I I i I V 111 I x V,, AROD NI) 11 Till- IIOUSK I I' ll h t ' r it ii le in I've I - I1 . inucd K its I 1 g Nhi t r ( nielli (tr niu itiiHi, then uimtiMO to Im m ,it eo to ileMitnt pMpi uptitoiY (iimp.ni) i lilhi months six '1 Imi k to the hc.itl t( the tn the ,1 toiler I nt, IhetnmpuiN s x I I 1 I I w t . i Ihom.is vs ii Never fio i ,i t v . i ,in iii m i i , ,1 i i 1 , J l ' i al ' i ', it v w !h , l if llU.iii l tn ev f ill'- bf located hotal r p 4 1 irAHAClMINI ai ii tn t oni puton 1000 $6 BATHS fwopiaoni 10ND0N DAN HOTEL ST. FRANCIS in 1, i a' la I tyicLHciical loryfttf and v)Q 0 BOOMS in ill ..tv i vv the i x a i San i x i , ; if p in i' - u !t i I . i ' , ut 1 i i ! , i it e ,t , I 11 1 i I i w h , ' i t i x 'Yv T S'?;, J j, hones lift v . t a In i I ' L u e ' ,iti r and ' i i I K j v : , mildews eaxilv e iii 1 i l ( 1 Hfilpicii' w ' i . i H ii i b i.jli li r ill a v ' l! avv.iv nr i i. j j Iv . I i, v ,il r i i'i ii iiii. iu tlimw i i I ' i' ,1 i li i, ,.i V i. i t . I ' .ii v .it i r li', w i i m , i 11,1 o'.ls ox s.i, it lit 1 i i i, ; i fi put - oml Mtxens. took .ui mithst In her, a ml when he he-- i itne to id of tin I cnstelle the.ih r in I U oil she tti nt long , If 1 ant a III ilttn (I Ai ti esq toiin, the iedit n ust he given to M r, M v ns, she it ht x no e ! . ; . feait-just heat and . . fet l tt ilnint tin v tu sonw-thin- WN?f i 1 H.g-gin- s f r Iuiuu', of t'u e .1 it p! .v i -n . SeVl'T. t of .i x ( r Mi- m Clii'i'i ti .uIut Piii'vt-'ft nut iii I'lhi'p, T.iV tin iu :t I r uult'i , 1 I pantry raids . U nrvv f dfchl n IV .ok 1 t mo r ih.m !K) m t ilts IV' t tt tv I1 in so'ir mi1 l.ul a t n I u lii a o g levs! t tv ei if h Ujot tM M II the rile s)-- , I 'i h TIUGIM Wntrn Nr KT11A e e t f,i r Gi) if iM e give' M ss Ag.dha irv new address left them talkn g as aid Ijt In !' d ejs.iy .jj. th, ugh the last tit. i tv odd l' ' heniis newer had happened o m I'w r trv a w too, m The events ef the i.nai s:y m David confine's Grovenor I'lioe You oi'i fiuv U,t m at all t'v cpaitment t'h the story. He U told to mud h.s hid sci an bled my m.nd They I 'tor si i o. an business ' had k,e he d e r what the. r.e s I had Jonv inti's eo it o Mir w built and n, w men ty ef A.legia, turned u;i about s t.ns 11 r ,p I h v al ami al.ant and fe ai fed, f, ught f u o h.id bi on si e d lid bv c Id 8 ngimst ihc elect, n ef new I was and w i" ,1 VaI w iti i d 1.x i otv . Grosvenor watched me as I hu k half v.iy to the corm r Inf, re I reHe w ,s s.i.e AeMi a' t! d wax gl ,d to see h m p y tankard. I thought he expected membered my suitcase still in ' basement flat, lie re w as hat s th x?" he axki ,1. n old ii pie to reach a foot for a brass rail definite to an to at do, cr blow froth on the floor. Perhaps anodyne dbe bodv" rny si, to do He was rud.ci'e fir the jitti rx It was another doubt that bothered At my quiMmn he Jinn. I forgot to wonder about it in give a gesadmiration of Miss Agatha. ture, half shrug, half shiver. I trailed Iv.ti Fi i liter from the She plunged her patrician nose . Your hall f, ice Into the foam and, after a brief inBabvlon," ho said wouldnt lot me wat in the voxti-tidstant, set down the vessel empty I wax neio'-the stieit whn With a contented sigh. She caught I suv you go down the nllar So my eye. w hi n v on e ano out, 1 " Beer," she said with nut ority, I giahhed x ,t aim s' "is a mass beverage, David Its s he st an a li le ue ped virtue lies in volume. People who getting la Id ef w i dx .p their beer also like afternoon Who came out ' id f ,r o tea or Wagner on a fiddle. No beer, d ati c' d if t, e repi Allegra? Ni b 'd.v cell, thThe girl sat close beside her In I If v, ud ordv groaned. en He peered Into his tankard. One I lu Lait he cut me watched, gan, r f her hands lay on his bowed shoulshort. der. I didnt have Listen," he hade. No, she said and sm.led, I'm to do, exci pt freeze chc ng anyth. too sleepy. No one came out if the basement Miss Agatha told me, Always, except you. Whats all the heat " podding toward her niece, the soul Save it, I told him and ran toof courtesy. How much of that maward the Morello My suitcase battt rial did you get through? tered my logs I swore nt it and All of it, I said. myself. If Cochrane were not misIt pleased her. taken, if the intrudi r who fled had not gone up to the street, he had Excellent, she exclaimed, with a tiny click of her teeth. .Then lurked in the area by the stairs untomorrow we can get to work, burntil after I had lift He might still both at ends. scandal be hiding in that black pit. the ing Beyond the Morello, a taxi swung Isnt it nice, the girl asked, into the cuib S, menne entered it end I thought her jauntmess was I saw, as I got to my knees, the The d 'or slammed and it sli away. that after all the family f reed, outer door open and a dim figWe were too far off to se the liWeldons, Mr. Mallory will drmk ure that fled. cense number or oven the passenger Vith you, Agatha? I and faced about bewilderment. clearly. Bah! Miss and said f Agatha Sometime," Cochrane asked poreached for the untouched tankard, went back to the Morello. David is The light was out before the base- litely, when youre not quite so acJust, I said as she paused, an ment door and the hallway beyond tive, you'll let me in on this-I told him, as well ns I could, for elevator man coming up in the was dark. I thought that ILpgins I was winded, what had happened me be That world. might asleep. stopped Who was it" Cochrane quern d The wr.nklcs came about her eye- for a moment. Asleep or awake. I I think," I answered, it was decided, there would be a squablids. She chuckled. of Seattle " Mr. Addison Sims now I it well as ble and face might That isn't what I was going to The wind boomed in the area I closed the door, felt for a match say. Since you are in New York we talked in huchod voices It while the went along and your people are in Nebraska, and, finding none, struck my sweating face like the hall black you may have more use for fami-be- s a cold shower bath. Cochof whitegush My fingers touched the as institutions than 1 have. Diswas rane washed panting, yet he shivi red. twice. once, stone, They tance makes relations more enduraI wondered he asked reLyon out a third and reached time ble to one another. Of course the should his first been it have why coiled. They had brushed rough republic is founded on the American a thought, as well as mine. was and underneath that cloth home answered, is Lyon Ferriter," There she goes, Allegra said in body, pressed tight and still against in Miss Pagets apartwall. upstairs the a loud aside to her brother. For a second, neither of us moved, ment. He couldnt have got down The family is the foundation of or breathed. Then I lurched forward, here ahead of me the nation, the old lady went on, Unless he took the hidden way arms spread wide. My hands grazed and I wonder if that isnt the troumurderer traveled, Cochrane the hold no found the harsh fabric but ble with things. I believe out stub inly, and his teeth I went me. pointed Something tripped The peal of the doorbell cut her down. A foot en my knuck- chattered. "Id like to know where stamped short. Grosvenor rose to answer it. les. I grabbed for it and missed, he is. this minute." If but its owner fell too, with a thud I turned toward the steps and Damn, said Miss Agatha. saidits that man Shannon again a of flat chime and a gasp and "I can go bick and find out if It was Lyon Ferriter. I admired metal on stone. I leaped up to stumMiss Pagets balance. ble once more over the thing that hes still upstairs I'd Ike to know, Cochrane reWell! she said warmly, as first had tripped me. I fell again, though a wish had been answered. this time upon it. An angle smote peated m a cold shaken voice, as Ccme in and revel. Grove, an- me in the midriff, driving out my he followed me upward. "If I'm other tankard. breath. I heard the quick sound of going to live to understand all this. Lycn checked the lad and smiled. retreating feet. I saw, as I got to I've got to get a taxi and a drink His eyes, moving easily from face my knees, the outer door open and fast. Find out if Ferriter is still to face, rested on mine an instant a dim figure that fled. Then I squat- upstairs and then But we had no need f r search and once more seemed puzzled. ted, blinking in a blaze of l.ght. I came out of the area, a lean As said bowed to he and Thanks, I shouldn't have infigure left the Morello vest.bule. CHAPTER VII Miss Agatha. Shoulders hunched against the wind, truded but they said downstairs that I Lyon Fernter strode past us. I w.th but that returned. could see I had came, glare. nothing you just I knew dimly that thought he recognized me, for he Captain Shannons permission, to get It hurt my eyes. some things from my flat and I my knees and my trampled hand locked hard and seemed about to wanted to thank you all of you ached. I squatted, half up, half check his pace and then pressed on. We watched him to the corner. an for your neighborliness. Theres down, for a lorg instant. The Cochrane odd word to use in New York, but haze thinned and Higgins red Anyone, gasped I can think of no better. You were face came through. through his rattling teeth, who can What, he asked and 1 thought he go without an overcoat on a night very good to my sister. Miss Pagl.ke this is a murderer or a suiet, he added more softly; I shant gloated, is all this, hey? cide. Hi, taxi! I I said was head fell. I tr.pped, forget it. Youve kept your As we bounced along toward the better than ar.y of us, during this stupidly. address he gave, his questions prodH.ggms chuckled. unpleasantness. he jeered ded me once again through the story So ye was tr.pped. My dear man, Miss Agatha said too bad? The some-- a of my struggle in the basement as lived n't a. that When New long youve crisply, It doesn't make sense, he mere murder can't one that tripped ye lays beside ye, as I have, Maybe it was somerne lone? lad. And me terrify you. than me, even some Forgotover colder ten-The obstacle I locked down. Better, Lyon replied in the der tone that always acccmpan.cd wh.ch I had twice fallen was my ten Man ducking in out of the wind He wasnt too numb to move Were ccmir.g own su.tcase. ILgg ns, in a last his mention of her. "And why I reminded him. left hall. the it had in of fast The back tomorrow. Babylon is flare spite, out area after the in he should and dust brushed men hang a I slowly got up hardly refuge. Newspaper Id flushed him, unless there still have found out where we were hid- from my sere knees. was in was someth.r.g m the basement I asked, Who else, ing. A policed mans Lfe is not a here?" The super. ntender.t chuck- that he needed" happy one. "True, Cochrane said. "Perhaps He stood in the doorway, a brown, led and anger helped me get hold of wanted to get his watch, or what w cm and he and spread myself. pleasant figure, h s hards. Nobody, ever you heard drop." Who else? he echoed. 1 heard it I said to M.ss Agatha: drop, I told him, "but ye fool but yourself and your clumIloiked. there. it wasn't "Its time 1 went or several sy feet. it but It was, bch.nd wasnt," he said the door locked hours after time." II ggms And there you have the bitterly. If," she answered and her eyes me. I stumbled up the steps. were merry, The wind stung my face. Its blast case in a few words, accomplice. you can stir that that decoration there" she nodded seemed to scatter my mind. S.mc I'm sorry we hired you. You keep I owe you t 'ward Grosvenor to an interest one had been in that basement hall- messing up the puzzle. on the for 1 had entered someone one. your tip though, n fs.rc when rg cr ar.y exerc.se, stay way I know was who don't -who found there, Babylon. who feared to be gcr " the or Ferriter s at Shannon effort rer off As I turned toward the der, Ly- had fought my clumsy I when I ran em 6 wn." ons exclamation halted me. capture I had touched, had heard heelno nr. ( i isl ed his had He lef he repeated Oh, by George, the intruder. 1 vi 1 I ' ! Hv I e ( tie I live didnt : r Was g od, I c rroctid That was two v,trs ago I was g'.id he fort'fied the h.ix'v lie I hid t 'd til STAGE! SCREEN RADIO 1 '' DArn ha .',ic. he that t i ued at thing Yim know he told the ethers, Ui.s lad Dally Bv For delicious ovrlooVin e UNION SQUARE op . , t 8 v , wulo-ovi- m . I I -- AC i 3 .vtH! i ,s,.i i LaU LS f 1 - daz-zl.n- g com-pla.r.e- 1 1 Fenc-lr.g,- " . , emm of the west i waited nir.ltie Dials hoilv ,, n , d dance fioi k, iu a swi little No. l..M .Send for design jacket. H, nnd make it ui' 1,1 line, slaii batiste, clulTon, pcoigitte ei if the cold wind sweeps thiough your bedroom ef chnllis or ulbotioss It will look ns though you had Mjunndci ed a shameful nmount of your clothes allowance, but it will in rcahiv eo; t ei y little. This is nn extiemelv (mv de1 1 1 i iAijft It v Whin your pantiy blulf contains Cie.un of the Wist breakfast worries vanish. Its ihhcious, it talus hut five minutes to cook and you provide the family with imjvortant nut nt ions r U merits Vitamin 11, Vitamin A, Phosphorus, and Calcium in their natural state. Too, it has a flavor nil its own nnd the oflcncr you cat it the better you will like it. sign to make- - the j.ukit is i ut in two J'leees and seamed on the1 .o mcht e Dquins shouldeis; two long n.iin, and a h w meilly i s gathi 1 1 e I . x Ask Yosir Grocer for . . . real lull lbv luxuiv, fi i elf and tl e in kv Ii n n.l i t lo w In on y ni i; e it t is I i n r J ein em! e i o n i mum , 'AM IKF'S M it Is ,1, n N.i P). hi, l'i 40 a ltd 4 host mt .isiiM iiuMts M. 34, Si o fi (,t4) nulMs 3fr 3M 40 ami 42 3'1 t a ai of lnrh m .iIm i! w it limit nap Jusi outl Uo amuni; the Iiibl to enjv H n li.u FU ni ( 'nr J1N mnnlh, then f MONTANA CEREAL CO. AKIHIK (J ,i . M lui Mu .in s )4 In SALT LAKE CITY rt e weeks were spent t! tiie: in filming it in Hattle.xhake canyon, miles fioin Tucson Participating in Uie star ede with the cattle were 150 P..j ,e'o Indians and 100 headed by Amiruan p uiiccrs, Jean Arthur ; n William Holden. 18 - d Kemcintur Ingrid Herman, who won so mans hearts when she made her one appr .trance on the American screen? 1 oull sec her again in Legacy, planned as one of Columbia's most important pictures of the year. It's being produced by Robert Sherwood, Metro has a new its railed for you; l ROOMS CAFETERIA n Shelton DINING ROOM J. MRS. BUFFET H. WATERS, Preudint Monagtr J. HOLMAN WATERSondW ROSS SUTTON Deliaven f used to s Carol Br.ii music sheets in the 5 and 10 Now shes on the a.r in lien Bcrmes show, a star in the Broadway musieale. Louisiana Purchase," and smgs every night after the theater at the As if that Waldorf Serf room. weren't enough to keep her busy, she's study eg dramatic art. Hack in (lie old days, I couldn't afford dramatic lessons, so I studied by inysi If, she remarked the other I stood in front of a mirror day. and made fans to go with the dialogue. She's getting ready to go to Hollywood aft r Christmas, to make a picture on the Universal lot. 400 400 BATHS Our $200,000.00 remodeling and refurnishing program ha made available the finest hotel accommodations in the West AT OUR SAME POPULAR PRICES. Com- and Ann Rutherford as the young couple who The cast includes keep con ij o v Ui idler and Gloria Virginia J.-- of thcDiscrimi noting Traveler Rates: 2.00 to 4.00 wilh Frank Morgan and pany, Irene Rich in the father and mother roks, and inmiL Choice jfu.isiH yt series under way Keeping BHHngs. Montana DANCE DINE The Beautiful MIRROR ROOM IVESr SATURDAY CVINING 11 Horace He A fully recognizes the necessity for encouraging talent within his band you know that if you listen to his "Pot o Gold" program. He eagerly introduces the sor.gs composed by Frankie Carle, the pianist, and hes delighted that the recordings made by Fred Low-trthe bands blind whistler, are so successful; the record of Tumbling Tumbleweeds has passed the 20,000 sale mark. 1 AD LSDS IDnrmnry Lone ij hrpukmf uiioy from the tram thet been purl of uith her utter I. anil util fretlunte. the uonlt to hute more time for rudto Hut you'll tee her utlh the olhert in "tour Molhert . . . Luna Turner, Judy Garland and lledy hate worrin rolet in 7 he Zieg. Gone M ith the If ind feld Girl be atuilihle frir general rebate at uill appronmah ly half iu road t him. prim early in January . . . Meliyn Douglut hat timed a new long term romrart utlh Metro, he't put fmtthed 7 hird Hund utlh Myrna l.oy linger, . . . And Jurh Oukte hat tigned la make three puluret tn a year uith I ox. ODDS . lh As You Walk Religion lies n.oie in walk in talk. Power to Do Desired Power When theres a log to lift, an old Grant me the power to say than things too simple and too sweet man will grunt and a young man for words. pick it up. YES, SIR, SLOW BURNING IS THE GOOD WORD IN tZ'H CIGARETTES. CAMELS lk ARE EXTRA All ID , Pfruvffm p.ji w I' THAT EXTRA FtAVOR IN CAMELS IS THE REAL THING 'y FOR STEADY SMOKING y rif '31 1 VN b t, ',4 - ' , 4hn:c '?& - EXTRA mildness EXTRA coolness EXTRA flavor it ' ffW In recent l.bofttorr ten. CAMELS burned 2! 1 5 other than the average of the brands of the largest sellmg of any than tested -s- lower the on means, That them. a smoking plus equal to PS t f 'll W --e lftr av-era- 5 GET THE "EXTRAS WITH SLOWER-BURNIN- G rcMe extra smokes PER PACK! rHE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS |