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Show VOLUME SIXTEEN AVTON, DAVIS COUNTY. John Wiltord Steed Tlyinff Colors Television New Features Dies at His Home At The State Fair In Farmington 5 ex in rm.i a l p! Uil.H ki '..lining, a exhibit It at . thi- - f,-.- t year will i.urt.iinment e - ; g. n lld'l I'tHll Mate t'-- -- ; et atui all u aC-i- :vl, l Transmission Dine to Intereonueet i:i ii t Ftah-ldah- SrmYrs Held For dm-VHBESTI.D OK Starln! o some S M : I 011 NOT AUUESTED nt i ful Woman On Wednesday : tan an.! 14 unit; lor eight NUMIHI' DNE W-- t.) I' t -- -- 1.' - 'ii t r All. SEITEMRLK THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE 'iii' n V !m,H- - lie ig ibutes. Until arc n.acnitii 1c attention i a- t - to Moth enter-- locatcil in ,u n t !! t i,u o! IS he xx i nt n. Montana w i i - certain to win the approx al he "a- - einjloxed a- - a fiaglier iair-g.u- r. ( hi hi- - n turn to Lai u nmton. i He new attractions are embod-- w.i- - later iiuploxed by railway eonT in the presentation as a grand-j- t p.niie- - m and aiound '.o irmcton un-j- . oi l show oi "Living Color-- , C tne in ci ic .m! religion- - ,,i the foremo-- t ot the tor man v xe.o- - in i tionably anemgn.n. g w.i- - a high pm-- t fl.oon s outiloi'r stage show in the Doming nt am po--- e- 1 I t. : i ii . : iirv I . T i life-lon- I .it -- m s.i!t spect.i-includin- eight circus act-- , ton ward. -- how of the K. C. A. Telex in F.irm-ingtocrxing a- - xx aterma-tiin telex actual oper-juottering e.u- -. lor man he t'ea-f with fair visitors, exhibit a- the "peacc-nukc- r ft res, anil many special fair attrac- cause ot hi- ability to sitth-pute- s tions providing the televised suh- oxer water right-- , Mr. Steed xa- - a ' hunting offers more in and Plying Colors enthu-ia-- t. At o.. ,d I.I- -- t - ake I i ( v n g - w one time lolloxxing Iris exentieth birthdax. he shot and killed a bear oil a hunting trip with two grand soils up larmington canxon. a iii lam tni e lie Min ami d.itightei , Chi December 2S, l,4o7, he marI1 en U do il I'le, tin- in. ii h.i and Jn,m Mm k, all of lie Ida ried Ann Jenkins in the old Salt powii i.'inpanie- in Montana, aw Ml. bm iitil :l, .uni one Innther and txxn ime and Ini ami I tab aie i ngaged lomtlx m l ake City Endowment llou-e- . She, In- tii-. di Ii ic mu' I'd win Miur, Mr-- . a n e ci Klea pimlnit the died September J, IT'S, piogiam No v wa- - made 'a- - i t and .uie-I'.lanehe Ji he d hue ti piosi-eon-, are two he lie w pa ti all of Salt ake ("itv. exeii j tectac1es using elephants and F. Sr.rxixing 1th Steed ot inppei i.ildes opeiat anada, and - m l!miiitiiu! In mv lit up a i I'miial di aide in iltOther trained animals musical com Dax id M. Steedoolford. 77 cemetery ing at Ud.ltOil .stutih of Cardston, Canunder the duet tint! of the Union at the iiuimil nuetmg cv that brings to the stage some mile- - tioin An.n nml.i. Mont, wheir four ElizaMrs. ada; t I'. Mm daughter lam tuai itx at nmintiltil. of singing land ilex Wendell Of the foremost it tap- - the all eadx dexeloped pnw A'AuQOW 7 ,S beth Walker. Mrs. Alice Soule and n i! .i ml il th " A OH lAT 20 TV t 11, S me .dancing groups, teams and individ- Mrs. .on! ei ,i pool ysv thigiai Margaret Hess, all of FarmChtva'M ft it Mr m - e ag n OffiftO m.i in e mie t M.. m .ilia uals circus acts replete xvith aerial a u ni mi- tii.ii r l,., Two Ml KVS Of 1UATftu TxlM Rose Weidner of Mrs. and ington t and ual ah.im-'that Idls vaudeville thrills peddl.nand ground Il '11.1 Ini, while the Ut.d. Mil (xS Salt l.ake City: grandchildren o n the nei i mini'll d P features famous comediians and artelll pni'l who d'dnn bak To Be main ii ade-utists in acts new to the ktage. This and 56 n i milm mil v the itli ti ie do Funeral services Sundae at 5 .hi gi'do-- , "i "Flying Colors utihtie- -' intfii-.i- t led iiatimi.il dclrn e e by far the great pimbiif, etc. to the l armington niward a 'e ami that Ml I'.angeitei Ime-. everT' of performers to haxe ample power icadx. tst aggregation iltmtMeinbei- - of the Bountiful city ill be Conducted by Llsll- I hapcl mill Ii light tn drlncr pin. line to Mr. ti.idshv said the date Ini brought to a state fair production, cumnil Wednesday evening orderTlie body is at - doe- - the birad man j Some idea of the magnitude of op John R. Wal-ot the piojctt has been set the pileed the installation ot a street light in the Union bountiful. I " Mr. Ilamnmml fmlher adxi.ed mortuary lor Januarv 1, 14 lying Colors may he obtained the coiner ol North Main anil that some mie- - had tiled to liccn-- e at Cfrom the fact that the production he piojcct xxa- - seen bv the T i mi t h Ninth long head - Ii liumi to emploxment exen the bakiixm.m and that while zra t". Knowlton. requires the use of a Charges hy Ihi- - i or ner. alter nearby busi( he chief engineer for the .Stage, takes more than txvo hours tate road tailed me rts Miild at I.mmtiftil dm mg the eai lx inter month- - ami 1,1 some tate- sin h kind ot a - considerness liou-c- are i e a in aetixities of had lieen upheld, the year at the othei ed commi-siofor its presentation, and uses the topper mining indu-ti- y of ' that some department D. y datk, dangi city officials conducted mi Wednes the intei mountain stall1- tate- the imut- - had held that a of more than 40 beautiful "sliiped up in its duty (,f main- daxt atmeeting said. S thiIn the Mrs. home of p. ill. at en e lie a cited between 4(H) and 5(H) it had no light to .girls in musical comedy and spectfollow taining highways Tlmr-da- v A second light will lie placed on Nearly ed bountiful, mm ill lie einploxed fiom noxv k in ot cuinmeri e. acle scenes. The case reads like a traftic signs in Dax is llmaie Higgs in WY-- t W,st tenter street, ju-- t west of xxitli MrJ. W. iMmdoik in charge ami the fiiNo, - it tmn- - out. the wives of the of the veal to "Whos who of the theatre and Daughters of Utah Pioneers camps conntv need repair and that n railroad track-- , a Rambciger '1 he in Javis county will attend their "Modern mi-- ti in timi and so far a- the i ii u li il It il i an believe their cc t ion in xxhiih new program suhieit, lanes near schools he .Mu-i- e "tigI top homes are 16 and at Its Apprei iation, was,,llN ;(11)r U;u that they xvrie imt ane-tglamour and adventure annual convention, September repainted. (,,,amed ;auf, elected. bring Mr-an anged bv Mrs. ifda lratt min the Farmington wardl Such conditions. l,e .,id ami Mis Ranget ti r can m art th- - fair visitor's as they cross tali, Idaho and Montana. A in is- ed the threshold of the fair grounds chapel, according to Mrs. Fred R.lare reported by the tiaffic tHl ee inilli. ai hex cl tli.it In oximati h' afetv ai land, music chairman. Childs Lucille u were, M aiiUarturers building to the I. Riley, president eM county camps wide a in. Air', fit e gin. of ot i ail Montana by and acted upon engineer's pounds upper tioin xiiy Activities will begin xvith a gen- - immediately hy the traffic mainten- - lligg.--, colnratuta foiirano of Salt ami I tali mines will be utilized in U. A. television studio and receiv-- ; l ake I. City; elan liurnham, West the construction theieliy extending eral program, which is to he folloxv ance department, as there is no set lnc sets. Within these mirarle-surMi-- luiiintiliil tend, work in charge jtime for inspecting signs and Muna employment to woikeis in the cupTC mded quarters they may witness ed hy departmental pedes Higgs, soprano, and Mi.-- s Janet per mining imlu-titrian lanes in the county. .the union of sight and sound as pre of county officers. ami accompanlie Ann Roberts Dustin camp, Members will study the organiza A stop ign at the North Farm- lligg-- , piano sol. sented by the pioneers of television Mr. (i.idshy explained the talked of Daughteis of the Utah pioneers at and the corporation that has made tion's history, draft plans for a ington junction, where four high- ist. Mr-- . Jack Rangei oi the new line is not to bountiful, will hold the first meetthe greatest of advances in this, the membership drive and receive their ways and one road comirge, has current events in the music xxoild. poxxer resources in Utah ami he study of modern music, ait, it xxas hern torn from its of the season when members ing but to outstanding achievement of today's yearly study assignments, the ami left on Idaho, entile post and poem will be the theme nti rmiiuntain-No- l strengthen announced. thvx est giid sxs- the ground, scientific offsprings. To i ate for increased municipal meet at the home of Mrs. Belle S. leaning against the plaxs for the year's program, Mis. Mur- ti in s Officers from Salt Lake City post. on Friday, Sept. 13 at 2 With the cooperation of radio iower needs, at bountiful, the new dock of the announced. aims on will with Vera F. Day will talk m. Mrs. KDYI-p. speak , camps, said of plants Station lie the Damaged school signs at the recently poxxer engine Lomniittce chairmen are: Mrs. linked xxitli a multiplicity South bountiful school drew the the Utah State Fair association of organization. nctwoik of modem ordcicd bv the Roiuititul city coun- on the subject, Mills and Millers "the television show, a main televiattention of the commission. School Viola Iratt Mi arland, modern high xoltage tiansiiiission cil, has arrived and is being install- Mrs. Myrtle W. Nelson will give a Mrmu-i- c and it's appreciation; d sezone are mmc sion studio will be located on the the much until signs system ed, ai eoiding to John l.rdingham, paper on the life of Ann Roberts S. only W alter n model Holbrook, Manufacturers of the enfloor half o is visible. It cure against sabotage or even the warning ground manager i it v electrical department. Dustin, her grandmother for whom Mr-- . Wendell Hammond, the camp was named, xxas Inflow attack and stabilizes the "building. It will contain the lanes emy reported pedestrian engine, xxhiih weighs more 15 modern Mis. cun James Mrs. Dustin was the mother of urns, art; camera and four receiving mobilizareDavis of for industrial f than J6 and through county needed tons, has been aniient ami modern poetry tionpoxxer Thcsc conditions should have to any point in the exten-ix- e ed on a heavy comrrte base in the late Brigham H. Young and Sxts for showing the finished prod-current a ea. Ikmgcrter, been remedied before school open- Mrs. Jack The thirteenth civil service t televised sound pictures. Txvo xxhiih N) cubic yards of material was very active in this locality durex cuts, to be tied in xxitli eai li sub"1 he privately operate sets will be in operation 'trkt at Denver Thursday had ed, Mr. Knowlton said, adding an Pas been used. The fly wheel alone ing pioneer times. power and Mrs. J. C. tied R. William 'Adams, labor agent inspection and any necessary re- ject when t!ic secol1l fRcr of Oregon, Washington Ibalanr cs the scales at 4,500 pounds, who has planned a companies social, 'for and be names will Davis counyt, that given ami Montana alicady are thorough - m inding the engine, exhaust silen pairs would be made immediately. ( hristmas S Cl ' Fvcrv fair party, and the installa- ly interi onneited in a strong inte - iier ami muffler, the total weight is of county residents seek- n :ar. opportunity to be televised to jaddre--e- s Shrubbery lining the Salt of tion new officers on June 11 at Air Hill the and 'ing employment at highway is being trimmed t tie limit of studio equipment grated system of large i apai it y 1X7, (XX) yund-- , or 43 and onc-Davis county andjto prevent its hiding reflector guide the biennium party. Vdcction of J tine. Youth and womens activities 'field, Clearfield, with many plants at widely Matter- - tons, ill be held in March. asses:. a.(.Yfn the livestock will be te'c' the Ogden ordnance depot at lie from mutori-tWith the a n - it il of this nexv jed points fi eding into the pool," Hi added appropriation of $2,100 Television contests will feat-b- e set, xvill be received at the Ogden. said. t j Ur. Had-b- y 375 k. w. powered bv Na i the outlined. "Jin- - plan f j H e the show. .Ml in all, the exhihi-;al- e po-- t office until 5 p. m. Thursday. the Despite an inten-ifie- d junior trat" Intel onnei ting tut al gas, Bountiful poixcr "ill be 1HH) fur opriatlons at Hill Air field J learfield, a: The names of applicants, Mr. Ad f ic police program indorsed by ti n of the scientific marvel of the the Nmt li - adcniatf ly lived for approximate probably "ill result in pxstems wjtli tho-etioti of at least live new w est adds the plant- - noxe .yrnen: sj.v will provide fun, excitement, ams said, 'will be forwarded to theiSheriff Joseph Holbrook, operated !y fur ear-- , Air. .edingham stat- - i',i'-tMii- . oflice for by tions through t bools l.v the Idaho ami Utah pow er co;n-- j elementary on the ti ills and education for Utahns, Hiniug the pa-- t xear, jinw er buddings, Maior K. I,. Hasting-- , cmi-t- i civil service commission. Fc- - (rex ealed - who action quartermaster, show the still students Safecrackerthe 'i television labored Lis will 14 hard straggle Each stabilize the the pow-and j has imiea-e- d xis.ig,-day panies. y the at new cause cted. the vain witha applicants in and break li of employment some to 'along Uni oustanding highways New and rr output homes long unproti ni plants attempt igretbe: present per u nt. 'Ihi following buildings will be safe in the I'.ixis high i lino of '.out restricting the potmtial maiket building-- , with an ineiea-e- d e of andOgdcn office have been exhausted d e.v ft '.Hires, In addition, persons Dax is for: Air corps reclamation Weber v clon e when applicants. 'powided needed of county e to new heard KDAL'by fc,r futMe is tier, respoii-ildT?pciilfc doji,,r ajipliam es, f'.tips will regularly gain aing asi1 residents xvill be mailed ap countv the builduigr, was were hunted turn ingine test building, en-the m the present' publicly of ridlc, new the area, ..grams unit plant piuiha-power ctors. lol-- 1 t d y tho-L'"'e lx ed Hi. riff tc.adcasts that have won them plications from Denver, lie n pot t h la m ii will hiiilding, equipment reitn r,'I,ai.r by Mr. Ledineham. JclITl ;retap n- ilexi loped ill connection with Prominent ;ed. a brook. , it v has airplane repair build- in $' di widespread fame. another gas J'air a A freak for the air corps cra-:u,l labored with a ter fHgl'ole and women will be televised. and enhuged it t - engine am! four die-involving twoj The ir.ul-- " engines, c ow- - g.ition e .ml of Iriatus m the two uinbined with the ne.v unit, tltev itrueks, a sedan and a parked auto- - ledge amii brief, the scientific miraelejhat OwilCFS lv. SI 5t 1'1.,,1S an' t seeing a sign tales. T'-.Her, apparent. pected to arrive xvith the sensation of the New A ork 'mobile, resulted in almo-- t er, ami are gixe 1335 hoi airead-:- ! a- -. uueks, at wlti-l- i 'J he utility pnident d time bids on the fe, which Fan Francisco Fxpostiions will j,? i.iodm nig a total of S7S ln. upon I'lau.age to the vehicles and i atter-- 1 be oiiened. t mox "To open a turn handle. fd a load of pearh.es on the Salt of 1 unfolded to public gaze with the ion otiq.li ;,tts i,.,,. f,,r natural migrationt ex- - the l wil ?amuil Mf.i. n, principal. thwt Intel mountain-Nrrv feature that mav add to cud water line- - ate now being hud ighway tele-a Hed ami he supplied xxitli one ot the most',,, ,1(, ff mile south ot tainment values. All the orter s lane. It is expecte.I DflViS JlUlIOr ,m,T ,m,t. 'The accident occurred Monday contains no u.oi.ey, only sihool rec oii.ph tely intf-- onm-- ted I f - cm show will be free to lair i,e ready for e in' in the lountry, tapable of utilizing 'trt0 weeks. of 11 residents out cf aftirnoon as a sedan, loaded witlLords. B 1 YtorScIlOOl SllOWS :. he atteii;o the wide diversity of po.xer avail-- . robbery was xhihits ot L tah products and If on Soitth Second West street 'peaches and driven by Clarence! women at Bountiful, were presented AVed I lope of Rexburg, Idaho, was fol- cox ered at 7 a t" ? handicraft of its men, Thursday by D. able in the streams of tht entire f ol custodian. Registration at South Davis jun-i4" youth will go on viexr in all nesday at a meeting of the Bounti - lowed by a panel truck driven byjll. Sanders, Northwist, o supporting irriga .12 high school at Bountiful for the 1 fir multiplicity of departmental ful City council for annexation to James Fliner Magensen and a Sheri f Holdbr k said the tracks tion developini nt- - and proxinr an I. tall term shows 520 students. Recto Bountiful City. market for steam plants To large trailer truck driven by Ro - jmen first entered' the- machine shop- jncrea-inplays. Theres every reason ords show this to be a substantial This gives a great majority nec - daml C. Standefer. o.uildins, back i ast of state fair exhibits. Alwav Imrning Utali coal, whiili now The Bountiful l ir- ward Nirkel-odiathe tin best imrease, J. A. Taylor, high school the for entrance to the city, Wil breaking a window. There they form a part of the Utah W'aynard J. Bennett, state high-b- y ey represent 20th. Children Sept. 4ate's productive resources and fred Williams, City Recorder, stat- way patrolman, said the sedan slow took two sledge hammers and a 'I he entire investment for the come atIriday, 3 fur every principal, stated Thursday. in. Mr. 'Baylor also said there is a the projei t will be made be put forth, ed to pass a parked automobile and pinclibar. They hen entered 1 is year will tell no different story ed. An effort will xith private one at 5 p.m. supper p. 4- - to main a to each out turned increase in some of the truck qualthe by the have this extent to greater to building pass, breaking and property panel plus capital variety, releasing however, scope (One half hour programs at 0 45, 4; ity. grades than there are in others, demand- - fur public monies winch 7 :30 and X 15 sedan, but was forced back willingly sign before ,0'vr.er u4 this annexation is made, he said hole was knocked in the front are now so indicate a rising needed for jtween the setUn and the large truck The livestock department No admi--io- n chare but there is 'whirl) seemsin toBountiful. 4 Mr. the automobile. of the safe, in which blasting pow- national defense, Mr. Gad-b- y in said. under an now exhibit ar nans population oncoming are ay by onejby offers a new in4 when to you get buy W ork is er mof a showing of purebred propertv holder to open very soon, Magensen struck the sedan as he per wa- - placed. The safe was not All the companies involved in this everything going along smoothly, side. 41 600 he of the sheriff side said. the said, back the of to the are A? from various counties of the Ja right Many lyceuin numbers opened, I swung approximately intergration parts project a for to eat want 4 you have been scheduled for the year, fate. It aims to show what Utahjyards south of Five Points, and road, scattering peaches over the Dmuigfc exeninjg William A. Electric Bond "& Share Company nil Anxthing 4 k s cret both educational and entertaining. it was said. iM'rri.h agent from group. 4 are doing in raising the running west to highway No. xerv one invited. addressed members A i rial survejs of the into the panel ,,lt lake g here are to be announced soon. To avoid j tml,crs of the tf t'vvlard of dairy and beef cattle city council will Ka-in the .Inn- route began in J 'm- and wire Widni-dfi r club wcrvcl vxith taH 5 4 t. Tiered Mr. cu Ntand' n tee truck Rotary to otter atternoi on .i Saturday itvcct by many 4 e t hop, tru Ipdioxxcd by grand r oriiMis-aiA canxa-- of the town fipr future prosperity. ,pe t,xx ner to plan details of the 'c'SaIt t:.C :i..u l.iii'l he tit ioll S' ey s Ill'll xxtre Ji 4 4 More, only la.inby ion plet'd. ' ft fishing features than any a: traction ever presented at a Utah '.State l'air. A cast of more than "0 participates in the various stage offerings a combined spectacle, nuts Jcal comedy, vaudeville and circus puformance that includes all the je-- t features of each amusement at-- j, ! -- -- i 1. i 1. -- -- -- i -- lo.-ep- A i, I li i It- XS inll-ldel- l C x nn-id- i -- xi lie-hoin- . I -- id xx a- ei i I 1 -- t'1 : i . i -- ; , i x Laxity Charged Bountiful Fine Arts In Koad Signs (iuild Holds First Maintenance Meeting Wednesday - xx h. w -I Officers Plan i -- -- a- mn-plrti- -- 1 v I U. P. Session -- xx d, n-- n. i oii-l- lu-- -- I xx -. 1 -- S'di-t-hea- -- i po-sil- i, X -- a- ha-ti- ll -t x - o lo-e- -- pedc--tria- - a- . a- -- P- Installed i a- xx 1 270-fo- Strict Lights i I 1- -- x . 1 -- l- 1 i . rd Bioneer Camp To Meet Friday -t e- Municipal Bower 1 Engine Arrives For Bountiful y. -, -- -- loi-ha- i l e pui-iio-- tt-- ie 1 I Ses-ion- 1 e line-mak- Will Mail Blanks tele-TTi-i- U. To Job Applicants es -. twi-te- play-right- al-- s; - I one-hal- g tra-tin- 1.11 1 l noti-he6t- lr pre-ente- d, vi-it- or l.ake-Clgde- . 1 Sun-jjgh- xx ts -' i, i vi-id. Davis Thus Bull Boner de-- ' J -- -- in I i - , tali-Idah- o -- of 1 1 exi-itin- iive-a',in- ' g sa''J-th- -- u-- . 11 j u-- j Utah-Idali- I0lCll hur-da- ; Ji.-ip- h 1 o par-'ii,- ,. xx u-- -- -- 1 -- u-- ' -- po-te- -- j one-tont- A c. ). -- h Soiltll 1 u-- HlIl di--- J : dmission Free al-- 1 j i I j . -- f 1 - el bla-tin- -- Bresent Betition For Annexation 1 t con-ervati- BrOpCfty s e n-- h, I m c e i 31-5- -i t-.- g - 1 Nickelodian g -- "r -t n j sx-te- xxin-thejt- be-blo- pre--ing- I B-tdc- ly 1. . 1 cra-hm- - - i. ii i ,1 4t Teleplione Executive 4 4 i 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 i V h - and c be t ' it to- - t I, c d.o the e 7' i It o ! : : i u i t pro w-- e e of It- - an be e ex erv - cre.it r canine and x ".mo b:ggc-- t of al fair Cog trv list- - - cert ant. t Tow managers predict tu.ooded animal- - th.at : t , . t i : n- 5: a : 'f - af'i r. ' . i.;' c i V S' it raft, -- - a -- tand ; .iT.i1 ni. i. a - -u re - .int . b I'ta' ixe ftaturi- crc 1 UTAH STATE FAIR SALT LAlvE CITY SEPTEMBER 14-2- 1 an 40 i n , ..i Ii i n ii.za, id xx x , 5 mih c J id v m J. a - ri gihe-- e 1 'i- - Tax t '('I po-.- il - t a i l .1 "1 ' ill bv o' ' lat"n ii Lake Woman Wins Acquittal fur luaring the s of in the ease ot Utah vs. Mr.-- . Gen- "I t'. x of Nalt Lake City, i i " -t rnd ge Lester A. Wale inji. struct. t' e .mry to bring in a ver-- b di-of i.t .X I.,...: t f r. 1 guilty, canvas- 'ihe defendant "'as accused of the t'" n NoproNaClv vx ill be , mpieted xx iti in parking her car on highway near 7, on estimated , day-(H, week D. i lle 193', It) nr 'a September county i I i oiinected to the Bountiful. It was chargexl this neg ll town xxas being line won! I charged about $1.50 ligence caused another car to crash 1" ..ird oi ii ial- - a nioiit b. into the Roderick machine. Layton Board To Boll Town on Sewer System Broposal I an - i b. Lions flub (Just e lei i 4 4 4 4 4 ; i t 1 n trnn-ini-sio- j -- X. in-ta- vuu.'-u'- - -- lu-tri'- uint'-ila- ..-- y, |