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Show Support Davis County Merchants and Industry An Aaron Burr Trick and he ht li ne th 1" " i V It :m , III 1 1 K i H l.i :i nll.tr tli.iti ( i nt iili'il ,il!i il liv a in mil ii 'ii ii i tin ll iv t .1 V C 1 1, tin- Im r. ii i M 'I i il Mil iii in'-- ll.uk (IMS II l.l Ilk U I I ft I i.i'l 'i '111 i buMne-- t -- 1 i l c rin s v In in .III .i ,n ii -- t i inMi.i'l, i.tti tin- t I lie "tl ir limim s -- was THE P0CKETB00K of KNOWLEDGE II- -t Hardware and Auto Accessories Electrical Appliances and 111 i v foi the nnpiiiv enu nt "I our standards of living; it auoidnig to leading authoiities m the indils-ti- v only the thieHiohl has hi en ii." lied, (of in the fiituie lie im-li- ii a - ill able iirpi ,i ennui s both ill Inghwavs and m eipiipmeiit. Aiioitling to Kov A. ltmliauf, an iMilitive ol the organization w liu h lias mtiodm et the new M.nuh ss stiil i ol u ii it la tiaihr to t n the tiend IK ail IngbwaVs, ilit st modi iii matt i i.i s, will In .ii i i It i alt d tapidly dumig the w m vt vi. us, dm to the glowing mid lot ,"li ipiatc fatihtus to meet the tspanding t ( pin elm lit s "I I'olll Hit I. e ami "ill pi e pa d lies s plo-ria- BOUNTm, "ll'-l- l 111 '1 I" Illl ( i I 1 V d ( I i ia-lt"- ! 1 LAYTON. UTAH CROSS. Member of Fedetal Fj IN st; lawl t SERVICE LlxCn rn THOMAS Pep Gasoline and I 25 Frosted Malts Vico Motor Oils Soft Diaking nd st Beer and Short OujA Se Tires, Tubes and Greasing. I The SiMrt of Gliding, net net essai uli spoils ilv d. hum roils, of mod- Sti ak liu ti e noil monkey conpnt 11 a Mi w mg $25 , II v Pumping Water From Well In Morgan (Jets , . Test Case in Court : theNNtbtr River liter v entii ui bv 1 the firt girl in the clan in 10 generations. The infant is the daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Iaul l.erti judge ai kla., had Mrs. Naomi Still, a speit, itor, from the i oui troom bv a bailiff because she was wearing sinks. ( a. NN.iter Rights -- I i 1 Mm-g.- N m I vv d I Good brick home. Inquire of William L. Rigby, Cen27-2- 8 WANTED Typing, careful and efficient service. Reasonable. Small jobs welcome. A. Cockran, 203 So, 2nd bast, Bountiful. FOR SATE Choice building lot located on west of South, Bountiful Second ward chapel, $300. 20- Phone Bountiful 110-- : 1 n 1 v ( NN v i 1 v v oue-ha- 1 New Stainless Steel new-materia- l Pmntairi Named Firestone ll 3E Sales Manager n U IN IQs'? TODAY M 6 bSOOO MACX. IN AUTOWCP.ll.ES THE WORMNG - F. Informa- Smith, A. D MORE DAYS 25, 1940. Foote & Dawson, Attorneys, Lay-toUtah or 504 Walker Bank 0 Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. n, 31 The Christian Science Monitor hoadquai tors at Akron. Ohio. Mr. Tompkins lotned (he r.e y ear Company twenty ago ami has served in various sales cap.it ittes including general line lalesnian and special truck tire In F.m5 he became representative. aales manager for the Firoston Compam of California, which tb.e (.even Western states e:ts Mr. i'. M. Fsirnes, for siveral fears Mr. Tompkins' assistant, and recently rone manaeir for th Southwest has been named to succeed Mr. TjmpkiM In California. Fir-;on- e territory, Vhat t .ittle Complete Banking Scachj A Good Bank in a Good ,vhat Does Jntilc ckdo six w AT KAYSVILLE soidie iew IUnoi! stock ig ci1 3of Fishing tackle, U films, novelaties, jewArboi . . esota carwiThe the luggage, stationery, gone Cafe and Fountain No, LLOYD W. PARKIN t co1 Low Prices Consistent ' Quality. Utah Oil Service Station Fifteen Years Experience Gives You Honest and Dependable Service Bountiful, Utah Phone 2 2 1 MOMS PLACE MILLER FLORAL COMPANY We Assure You of Quality Flowers for All Occasions Reasonably Priced Telephone 38 FARMINGTON, WOODS CROSS MERCANTILE 5 The Red & White Std Fresh Vegetables Meats, Groceries, Coal Phone Bountiful & 71 tg0 C0UI BARLOW MOTf CLEARHELD AUTO SB PljTnouth and Desoto1 Shell Service CLEARHELD Body and Fender V: Painting Motor tune up UTAH STEEDS SERVl and Gas, oil Special Tires Lublication, CLOVER-CLU- B Accessories. POTATO CHIPS KAYSVILLE, UTAH Fresh, Crisp, Delicious Phone Kaysville 2 Hod CO-O- P Sanders, Mgr SHOE SHOP Modem machinery, skilled workmen insures you of HAROLD CALDER t nerict 85-J- 1 BOUNTIFUL, UTAH McIntyre Building, Salt Lake City BOUNTIFUL 261 Phone Steak Sandwitch. Home made Ice Cream of a Frosted Malt. Cold beer and soft drinks IS HAVING THE BEST YEAR IN ITS HISTORY. WHY DONT YOU BUY A BUICK? SEE OR PHONE THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER IN DAVIS COUNTY. t BOUNTIFUL STCi! Cube An Infenutiouj! Dily NtU'tptper r ublubei by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts 11. P Tompkins as sales manager 1 Presic WHITES Home of good food. Drive in for our Famous BUICK i: It How 1 of Federal DaS Insurance Corporate 46-5- 3C H Buy Where Satisfielow Customers Buy" i also CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM D. Tonipkins R. Mr. I., Jackson, vice president tn charge of sales of The Ftrosum Tire & Rubber Coir. puny, has announced the appointment of Mr. R1 A Member Spirit of Progress Get the worlds good news daily through 702 Phone Kaysville Phone Ogden 52 1 2 In Keeping with JUNE NEWMAN, Administratrix of the estate of avin E. Smith, also known as Lavin France Smtih, deceased. Date of first publication July DONT FORGET! Clearfield known as Lavin France Smith, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Centerville, Utah on or before the 28th day of September, A. D., 1940. I today Fine Foods at a Saving Regular reading of The Christian Science Monitor is considered by many a liberal education. Ita clean, unbiased news and editorial features, including the VeeLIy Magazine Section, make the Monitor the ideal newspaper for the home. The price are: 12 00 1 year t months 18 00 3 months 13 00 t month 11 00 Saturday Issue, Including Magaslne Section: 1 year $3 60, t Issues 35c and the paper is obtainable at the following locataoni U Wt TuftN OUT bstate of Lavin in BOUNTIFUL Notice to Creditors n- - vv n i WtS'E GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk and Respec& tive Signers for Further tion. votir film Ilountiful Drug v N tee-eeiie- d r)on PROBATE i I 35c Bring BARLOWS LEGAL NOTICES d v Finishing Service. A roll of film brought in at 9 a. m. is developed and printed for you bv 6 p. m. for only 49-2- 1- e NN sk 235 O One-Da- FOR RENT terville. YES, ITS TRUE The Bountiful Drug has started a new Rapid y Photo CLASSIFIED ADS i't-orte- Rttlit t Killv tefused to pay a onunittee, a lepiesenting molt than 00 wmkm.m who had t leaned the wall per cent ot Weber met useis, was paper in three looms in the wtong hou-- c lu might Tni'sdav m a law suit in in Alton. Ill volving I' II llinnpheivs, state against J C. Kittle ot limning pigeon belonging to John ox ot Totiington, Conn, he tii.il, hit It was lommeincd it turned to him alter being m Mot g.in. July 25 will be eontm-ueit h.ised June 4, 1(27, at Port Uninl. iv at ( 'gtleii M it hig an. llie suit w.i' bionght t" ifstiam on, the ileleinlent limn pmupttlg for ( anadi.m stientisis have disoov-tuu ligation, vv.itet Horn a will locathow tt make tiout grow main ed m u eber i i t r in Mmgm It is alb dgetl by the state eugmetr tin.ts tasttr by keeping the vvattr ami the w.itei usei - lommittei that at an avtiage of 50 degrees 1'ahren-lit limn the time of hatching. watei supplvmg the well is a tnb- u t .ii elu !.t and that the tiver JNTESESTING FACTS dt'Hiidant has ill mil tin water in violation ol m th s ol (he st ,ti lie statin ot lllt'I t !s at tunes when ad tilt it Id in 1SSM. elni inei thuv is appi opi l.it ed Nil vv.iteis of the liver w ei e tie here are more than SO'J arit t 1027 ill a geiieial nliudna-tioi leeil in ot mistletoe, suit lhe t ast will test the l he av ei age man eats .ind diinks lights m land Oiuieis to inteiiept i umlei gi iiuml water whnh tliam m about live and pounds of solids ami liquids d ulv channels ui iv he statin of Milo is feet. Heat, light and ileitucitv ti av el ot 70, P.is.nUni Nnueiit bduisou, mile at the late of lSo,2(H) h.al tilteu told tiieid he tal, hit oiltl. A recent improvement in the pro would like to die while darning to the stiauis ot Idu Flue Danube, duction o stainless steel, the A NATIONAL NUISANCE leeentlv slumped to the lloor and which has become so use; ha a been hit of t'l usadiiig (Jiutt ful in many industries, is found to done with a view to doing awav dieil ot a he. nt utt.iik while waltzbe of patticular value in highway with tlu banicadt's of billboards ing the pun e Idle I.eiti tanuly in Chelshiie. transpoi tation, because it combines which mar the bcautv of our naturthe two great essential qualities of al sccneiv, but in spite ot some pio- ( Hardy plants' to make your home more beautiful and Visit our Display Gardens N I. Murray, federal N I ul-- The North Branch airport New olle City was built at a cost of $2S.(H)0,000. ( CLEARFIELD BOUNTIFUL three inches tall. No.., V FURNITURE NURSERY 1 1 Eighth nclose W. S. BARLOC; KIRKLAND a Daniel of Jclm-toil. b, bought a used ear for 50 i eiits, and when lie latir took it ap. ut Imind a lady's pin e contain Nlbeit u Ii. (bat ol ylidiiu;, vdiiili than lias become iuci easinyl v popular :n t ecetU INTERESTING NEWS FROM years. Ilie plidcr, as is vt known, is HERE AND THERE a Iiplit f in rf matbine without mo he tots, wlmse opeiator keeps it in the oi d Muter Company used air for varying peiiods, .sometiim s 12,01 I, (1(10 pounds of soy he, Ills m several houis, by taking advantage l'27 m the m, mill." tine of auto of the natural air cm rents. The stait paint ami foi nthci pm posts in the of the plider fioin the yioiind has nnlusti been thus di sci ibed New Voik City's s, hool system Ten or 12 men run ay.rin'-- t the pupils and wind with a loR ruhbet cable at- vi lii h has 1,100,000 lici s is the hugest single 28,000 teat tached to the plider, while otheis .57 per cent) st liool svstem in tin vvoild and its manager or tealtor ti at lift s the best paid. Mi etched, and then It t po. The is similar tt that of getting PONTIAC NEWS r. kite into the an. lie plnhr is cut tomphte pit tin c of the averloose by the pilot when the dcsiitd age lontuc pmchaser is piovnlcd altitude is i eat lied bv a survey leeentlv londuitcd hv (diders an nsuallv laumhed fioin Pontiac Muter Division in 10 piin-tipthe top of a lull, so that the beginto D.U titles, aecoitlmg ner may take a pradu.il descent in- Iatluitk, general sales manager. to the valley below. With proper As iev ealeil by tin suney one ot instructions, plidinp can be leatned the most lomplctc e'er eomhu ted with little risk, as the fiist flights bv "a muter mannfaetmer- - the avr-agare made at heights of only 10 to Pontiac put chaser 12 feet. At one plidct school moi e Is between the ages of 25 ami 40 than 800 flights woe made in a veais 52 02 per cent I tear without niiiuv to a single stu 2 ill is median age is 2o at 2 is av ei age nuometan bt as low (lent. Besides the atti ,n tiv negs of as $125 00 per month. .11 av an avetage manthlv gliding as a mete spoit, it is a most 4 lit w of $22 28 on an IS installment desiiable puliminaiv to learning the operation of motored ail planes. month couti act Some air transpoit companies re- 5 lit tinned in a Pontiac (42 pei vvliith was 2 veais old (20 per quire their pilots to have glider li- cent) on his new Pontiac and tent censes in addition to those for the in allow tiade an aveiage opeiation of airplanes. am e of $201.72, is dog, sevt'.il cats m. a full glow" ho l. l.u'i ponies, I I bit "f tlie must tluilliny, thotiyh Kansas t'tty was housing a zoo, polite discovered in hei home two owls, a goat, hie half of the people spiakillg the uglisli language live in the 'lilted Mates. LTV KAYSVILLE, WOODS CROSS, UTAH 1 M.uv Piatt Do MAX CLEVELAND 1 v panl IT Courteous Sonic, i is -'' STA- Insurance Corpoutj ta-ila- v WOODS LAYTON SUGAR CO. i I 'v BANK Manufactured by Ill'll' ll.lllk 1111' all. it lias In t ii ,n it (I mi Hilt i lit Mi la till i' in all sti i ( ad imiis tin let loi mt "i(ii'iid Initial Hall, tin fnM n. n lla i ( 111 a vihiit t""k tin jj t liat tl.lt t is ". till ns Ill idt lit. llus is tl lie foi ev ei y t t unit v in ht suit titasniv. Niui in a while the eiu i o.n h men t s jlotv tin- site " If ai"ii Hiiii and lus asset utts the outdom ad i tisei s have l to the u tiavihr In i n pMimtlid to have mu i sti it ted could leek tlir si ( He teda tliry " oil Id niainl at tin din lop oil till lurhuavs the dev elopmi ills sw.iv llillbo.ud- - in lot atioiis vvhitll lias itsiiltid fieiii tin ii in lomiueici.il viliuhs ale a las-- i nude! t h i in ot tensive an ui it. itmg incut t It t r sc lit tut lei "I1 ninp a li.ink mating unlit .t t i n ol mi national NN illl. t li.it It i mi Stkeia, 11, of t'hieago, pi "gl I SS d aiie-teIni lueaking 51 of liis it c I.mr ,i s tin set end picsi - of he an sihoidhiuise man lungtit lit "f tlir I ' windows, esjdained: td States, lmt was vv II avtiage I I u iii es. foul tj otie didn't like tin pinnipal's looks. ig . about (liiven Item public lit o III liyiatc alttr be killtd Alcvandcr l.itinlton The I'l csidelit of the I'niteil Investigating a eoinpl lint that in a tint foitcd upon liim by l.iin mu e Mis Matt s of mouth. ( FARMERS Mountain Brand Sugar : 1oj Billiards and ('a! Always a good g!,is oi UTAH , 1 1 .y 0 BOUNTIFUL, l r,v Bicyles State, lountv and till authoitlie-i.o- i aid in the niovemiut verv matin ill y, how ei but it is ofti tl dif tion. An e in ult to spm them to ample of t iiinim inl.ibh utivity ill tlu fight again-- t nghniss is si en m tieoigia, while the i minty lommiv snmers nt niton County, in which Nt la nt a is s n ., d, oi di led the ri in oval ot all ihiis and hillboaids along the highways under their Jin sdn lion. J he ineinbei wlio spoil Miied this me.isuie sanl hei i is a pi oper plat e for (Viiything iniluding adv el (lui lughvv.iys aie di signed to give tmUMs and Atlanta niotm its the i i net y is In mg rum most n'.t n ed hv the evil Illl .King nil lit r of bdllioai d s and sig ns. A Good Place AME AND Tlie Friendly Store I I'l.i- - nun h y - Iiiisiiii s litr them Appeals to M In a Util uni II t and h v I ot (lit ai e gi in illy futile I V lui lir I.nir iMitmttmy tin mi nyayt in "tlit i intts'-.ii- in tli aw ini ri'liltd a cilusc In I I Ill'll t'l "I't. Illl ,1 ll.lllk ill) "I 1m 111 . i .I ;i u.tlti wt ' 1111-- I GAMBLE STORES I till r .it tin v units spill nupiowd si i v ii e 'in none ill the di III I I of all kinds ( pi" lui vi.o. A ,H "11 dm ts. n Ini mu i Motor ti anspoi tation has done 'M il I 't tin- I I At tin' lime tin I't It .1 tin y i on ill t Hill. lit. Ill ll liu lie e. tl. In mi d k iiiiliii. ail out il nut-- . on t 1 tin- - mu- - am e is to In v fi v i ah.it i d it inu-- t hi do"e 1 i -i s 1 th.it g h (onvimiug ad v tin n pal t in pi i pi tuatmg it is hid i ini 71 I. i I ll' 'f 111. I .1 V t t t ( In hilt and s III. id i'll iglit liauh s, ha v mg found re h w a of this inatfl-la- l lh.it tin ' ail h the II tlu v tall save t hi i e iil,il ti I s ot ,1 t"ll "I Hit. It Ml Villi' le weight, Use for have lain spiiilvmp It "i the gem tal in w i n o ( nt. pullin' thisi advaiucs in the ih sign and inateiials "1 Inrhvvav tiailol-tatioi- i vv i i I the best thats to be in shoe repairing. BOUNTIFUL had Chicken steak and T5VQ! 12 miles Anm bt Located of Bountiful on old Phone Bountiful 79Jr 1 1 Reservation |