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Show Hie weekly sews Exmss. I uvmv trr,' wk Tbeji why. did yea nwee Uf I find hipj In the box eeeref . Sea Beats ITlepIianJ has teen "AVbf Well,, my oonscleftc NOT Tom . Wrtfand.P. Yiwkey Tie me Krtle." entiled "JtecaaM pew eexe tee iiT BJoody Duel to Death. bdrtlng f0 . magaatee, fcy, fhe.youthful again. , "That's my humbe. and clear." back I nev yr tg are urged being Hi and "If name If 4 at father addreee, you my y:, p fassengiTs Ravine the liner football lyagae . . . Tk cttltma eT cue. hoy Vfr " , 'at Boston told of death Red Bank, N Jn wr Inalstin Ua1 " "That clear ft. Theres you flfty do?lefa. oft battle the h!p bntwf-ea member of Mlke Jacdba beoofwe "And put it up t.Mit f ,. Thanks . a and. blppopotaiTiH plgmy- the city council r . . Cvet though "Your father didn't kit. k t Would yoil milnd leaving! tne 8 refrom .Jhe ' Belgian Congo. lophaq 1v him hie Dodger occaalosslly I know tt Roaru ceipt for that money? Barry asked. Barry a!ih i.j j Cad Stengel ha hot etlnor off fhe hlpitfipytamus find trump cause, know ample he wcut not.' to ft a. D.m. Certainly why the.elei!iant awakened rhe " been up In the air since 191 f. He foucLvre for h?i I like to i'.eally ?" a thfl ship passed through fxvsregi'rs team hla went up that time because "lie wen? out; te storm. I rpay Eight nutlve boys, trapped . pr.itt mdte dared hlr te make an sxhl. the that Jefferou on.: ,i , H.., four hourt after the The ducto hcddedi and went t hlpfiopfttamns bltlon airplane flight with Ruth "And the filed it." haeir slalfl. , the desk. elephant haij Law, then the world premiere avi. lie had to. The Barry was baited ty as escliata-tlon- . ,s the . Harria. play Jed atrltf . to. trong for Mm. n- j t,,. ened wae the violin artist WeekS Supply of Postum Free prbdaoer; "What Ta be aaked. Hoad the offfir lu'ade by Ihe Bostum struggling against tt for j., In a saloon operated by Bob fltl even . ; men f honet to politic, blm. turned doctor Ioihpany 1 another part qf this pa The almmentai heten to reason on.t,:u. u rt send q full wreek's sup"Thats.. the uas t saw !n The colors of Jotin J?ay Whittny per. They had father to." 1: of health giving Bastuci JVee to . street," he said. Belle v Vo: WNU SerYle will be seen .on metropolitan track e ply How Interesting !' the man. for It Adv. . . thats or not, with this time thefirst year fhr COPYRIGHT, CHANNING POLLOCK. Ii spite of the ! WNUSCRVKE . 1 Ih hfs hand was Barry newsparac. Singing- Wood likely to ho the . wrote the deeUioti. And. VofA Som'etKlny , with the picture of Judge , ,, Tlir per, best hot, commissioner' CMAPTEft v ing I atno the bltteret lb. wise Man xvhp hqs opinions did. Eveft more than ,i hie of those t similar' silks are, tt ! the one tehr gets. paid foe them. ivmmunleatloa Barry . had r. must sot Tat at once Burry The Globe had a il.rect i cuh I mothers Greentrre. At Able, except hoa to Yha proceeded Mm, this answered Jack's our father was frant. BARRT that a wlilttf cap goes along with the expecting, to find fii d, e ? nhether his. mother thought. fore midnight, lie , I cint be "Damn it," pljnk anti Mack liloime . . , Adolf, missal there. raged; !': got e, from Hie tohaccotiUr youve glad .p j,.,i . her for wafiting to protect went Tm going to draw do tuque llkvs Ien Mnynprd mot tea ii f.fj ?iaij written, 'and so blame to SItenti v, vee too straight a soon AYff? seaiosa And many t It fatlierl much 'Unit he wftulj own he Wn bucks, thought, aid. what Jeu'rv taking an interest In her, I lie told Kelly this r iu t Ifive, sire one as pitch no with hit ,. . invtenrj game. trotherly least the difference, I done for It? make ay. that 1. 1. an) hows Ive always been I Mu ruin Mm. deruin Might am? recent trto doings noting Vince Coll, the celebrated But Ernie Harwood had caw,;!,! rUt about 30U. And' It will help Bd go on loving her if shed com'or more than an hour, te p, e Dodger and Giant with M and ! ixf Mcr running murder . the contagron for mitted thq parted patmn sleuthing. jou, ton. nejp others withand argued. No ve. In baseball, as In other allied aria. still Is Mourned by . wi, The other papers have practl out in'lping fanj Once more, hs ssked Mnm-lourselves making lauiant. Your .father gasp t,t Mort ethr buimetset, there sold tlrkets to sport tlie callj dropped It, .he Said. Oka.i. fi racier. what right he had to asaunio that two o'clock, left Kell) hlUr.u,i e too many people eager to pat events. Wdll go op working quietly, and Jle used to pay bonuses for The real Jack Rlddpr answered either Bat or the Judge bad t fa tiled Ms decision next niorntu l.e u en the back with a knife. It In the house and then Hip we'll best turn the some. day tetter without prompting, and thing to do with that murder. Bac up the eto anyone knew that Kell) ., much moi pleaeant t See the boy the satesman fM lip . In adIts good any time. And I'm dead the fake jJCk Bidder posted tbetng the floor, be reviewed all bis fore no longer alter, Tim's a the and on In the the pen of tu.i. fanynj sure now the oops have got the utsw er. dition to being manager SELF.HEATIN3 isn't it?" magnjitri ahould know but alvaya .Turta Society Poorer club, At three Thursday afterndon, he dolus?" . wrong pafty. Whatre Kl Tfi em 1st So better ran to !) telltei It lor It plausible that J forget bring 1 William Anderson also 1 chairman was In bis rooms, preparing to quia Barry told him. Vina ImIiM fithliil trot, 1 would at the licly Association V. Ail tt gate. probably ft. to do U turn YtrxL ttrlko toy Kr York vnmtek New . tt the Lets see those phone humberi." the of reaBarry had nd ?) it liirhto Irfstantif You don t hm to tnoort ho dutch took) tho lrantibarno4 Anoro. ITuMiibtedly auch khowjedge sudtl-- j indoor. Standing over hlnv, Barry point- son to know the ways of Imposters. bioU In 4 Jiff.?: tondr cd greatly to Ty Oobbe stature as ed out that somebody had made The first caller was just that. for twa. Kntirt ironino avrfnco loqutfkty ever tour Europe tt to hontod with j0e hottoot fctolhUm tu hoot oomi foe point a ball player. So far as I know he I jj , two calls from Kellys within eleven custom-v.ltThe second applicant was waiting tho fiat obrJter, FVlUrly islf liMtinf. O pom too, fletly as a paying for kl on hour Yon do your Ironinr n opponent lnten- h lorn minutes after thft receipt of the by now in; lunch counter clerk o(TerCl, bl ,n0l,Kh Wen Ilfl In oitoHhlrd Iom tlmn Do mvm your post f rnorf, mean to i e cot.n that, a was Iron la tho fonutno lnatnntLlvhtinf Cotomon. bb tlmmiiy nd. off the field, message from Betty Barclay. Har- who'd run out of his place to see on continent. the jttr to .perform !(' tho Iron oroty xfman wqnu. Itan woodor father's career, youd kt th a b, y genial iltlren. Yet when he cdmft dough wood saw nothing remarkable about what the excitement wds about, roi timo nnd Inhnr ror nothing Uho It, Jb , but, having burned their Anger lAitoman la tbo oaay way to Iron. to the go ; gallows? It.t.i a baie with Mgteflung plkes that. But, Barry persisted, a ho but hadnt seen much. On his heels, mo MITOAia for Ihtl PsUm Ad M Ptoto.i fiasco. Mi Cuban in?lt winters wini I course. of VHC dont. COLCMAN AND LAMP tTOVK CO. was somebodyf Kelly didn't get came an exceptionally interesting glittering j on felt that be rpBr will take n more chances, I)pt Wtltll WlabiU, Im Khe turned to blm, t? !..ir?M- -t ed the Chiini . Kttostoiphto, home till 11, tbe Filipino cays. Mrs. Jehu. He was an M. D., be told as a retura?' f nemy. J manjgerj U ipnaiaa.ChUf. will Glanta of the out her of voice. Dannlng gone Marry In ho or In that In was hlcacltera Harlem. Who called so but Is business Im Kelly pies Barry, bad, he oaij finish one There no chance of that, and 5imptd the Tale Club, and tbe flat on RU out to make a little." stem) caused pulses. 'to bet that rot know It." In a foot raca vylth- all the catcher Wlii'ii jou read a nmh like & hok, A little business?" atruin faster. erslde drive? Barry asked. haaebalt. Me alio likes !e In "Theres always a clmt.ee." one syllable. Harwood sent tor b newspaper piny ?e In words-o"Well, I haven't hit anyone yet" It Is Just as tru8 Ilia! John Jo- - to Inforrft those who sneer at hi xtln-we face Well that come file. He was thirty-fivneatly dressed, would never have reph to It. that h beat the fleet Geergs . I thodght so," ?ie observed, 1.1s and wore glasses, and his English been ?hq. greatest speed In a special sprint last sum to face Davis It Weve now, I.? got was . finger on one of Its pages. pure and undeflled. Moreover, Betty t manage? . Tom Baker, the very good . . mer the And Why? pleaded. then, . Barclays tile dame Mri Kelly he had a aclentlflc Instinct for ob times If lie bad wlshee rl.-h-t t What bate young Dodger ,msslonately named when she was going to Ji-- . eervation. I saw the taxi," he said, acted like ,a Girl he that soma demand to unknown do reason) vie that (for you any. worce Kelly." and the woman step pff the curb. Kcout. ' Opponents h wa ' hlng? You don't even know thu puthpaws I knew the cab would hit her, and Batry whistled. were oppoijebts .to boy. That might explain Mrs. Kellys it Chi." T Get the number?" caljlftg, a lawyer named Hood. las?" Of The city editor glanced back at course," the visitor answered. doeii. no smftii part j 0f Francis' Ollillict "And you know tiltn. lies tte : Took It down ax the runaway the file. of lit fame came real John Clarke Bidder." crossed la front of me." . Especially since he was her J.i because', when enThat gave her pause. In 1T10, 1911, 1912 a K'an Mass, He produced a prescription pad. "Who. Ar You?" .tt Akd Curtly. yer. Glmpie tiiat big red book. gaged latfvlng bis chus'ctts youngster who once find tie la, he's got e wife Whoever O2017." , Barry obeyed. personal and.undl- evidence again; and reached a and a baby. I can't risk Ms life bee'n a caddy tried . Hood. Graduated from Tale, lie Barry wrote It la the sided attention to Hera r FooJ as to what to save It jcMisIofi indicated. or the Nahis luck Myself. you, Wasnt at borne,, so they tried to to which he had transferred tbe .o f t e n he a Fliulln feud, Piiortunltlefi will make s Idea Bat began. That brought him hack to the "If hes convicted tional Amateur get him' at his club. Law firm: number of Kelly lost latch-kewent far aflotil to assure the camp if one man and fool of abother. hero can as himself t of have wont Bats "I If bln go through folloMi-rally. Golf championHow did you happen to be 111 llaod & Lorlng, Gimme the tele- find the distant kinfolk make her see that,"- he said. "Shes that. If the Judge doesn't tell the 'Each time lux ships. lower avenue but "hour? book. Fifth 'at a that Just hunch, phone of Ida rimilty. Once, for Instance, And truth now, I will, to clean to tfunlify by .Come failed got fhough. Pressure! USE Ma Okay, The Riverside numbers the he asked. Chicago foes were In can I about When she her will. mouth a tell Mr becanis stroke. Bat's a algid, I some went down 'time s.lngle before' Horace Thn toothing, cuthioning, Home, of LOrlng. Somebody town for a acrlei. That was In the ' The noxt yeur. he Beggy, and mukV her. understand hard line. healing rad ttop naRging with a very singular, person, wanted legal advice that night, and and TD08 tmschull of glowing year thoa pretture; relieve "And- who'll hellev that tbe truth will clear that hoy scored ohe pf the )ou? she . wanted It bad. . ; Why do you say he wtfs slnfcu p.mful corns matantly. acre high anyhow. running fcelingi we can get together to asked. And then upsets In greatest lar?" Who?Writers baseball When the Chicago T can prove" the Judge. There might have the history of the lie acted strangely. At least, J r Use your imagination nrrtecd at tho Polo Grounds prejss a reasons of whole word s of been lot decent take bribed "Wholl the Prevent tore game, wlnidpg the "Mrs. Kelly." .. . thought so at the. time. I picked gate they aaw g nottfe joted there. toet, blitter. adieu-turarones fur his and n to branded that national going Kellys . In a tobaccQnlsts shop. a open Remove coma. Sure. She took the call from Mm up ' and It sUted simply that, starkly . Safe, aura. tho playolt xvltli. the , . few minutes before twelve oclock. night." .Betty Barclay?. of were J. order McGrnw, J. tjiey ' by . Evans. phoned at ten. Liston, Bflt Brltohs, famoua . Where do you want. to go? I asked "She didnt. . The butter took It. enter- The You listen. Ive warned you to not to be permllted to Vardon and Bay. Ive been having .dlginef with '.All right.' Then he gave It to blm, that ark , afternoon., Into our You affair! Is Ifrancls No Ills chauffeur.. stop name's prying Ills of home,' course, Kellys To drug store,'! he answered. .her, and she went wild. You want ' . this did hot serve any Oulmet lie- dyn't went right on... And now you the Perbap Evans lan. and one said, build"There the Flatiron la .the , know to Orientals cagey. why useful purpoiq n deciding events talk much. We got pretty thick scum of lie earth Well, thats why.. lies trying to ing. at B.roadway and Twenty-thirJerome D. Travecs, rated as onp lmad. Khe was her upon the field, but I am not ao sure losing tonight, though." shield Mrs. Kelly. Wbat youve street. Take me there. of the steadiest golfers of' all time, "Now you come Into My libnae about It. At leaat It convinced both "Suppose we start far home.n to go for a It seemed a lopg and as a man who rose to the heights got to do new Is .to check up on H with a story vlllifylng my father fan and player. that there wai Cuticura Ointment relieves . jthnt alibi.?, , drug stare, but I supposed he knety nine In the morning, Barry said. find threaten to fell It. If we don't pqthlng halfway about the famoua under fire; played the Sandwich Skin irritation and morel course In 74 on his last round They discussed ways and means.1 someone, of wanted a- special preBreclsely .at nine. the next mofn My aids healing action pro- like and 'dlallke. It Go ahead Is: te that m'anagera reply Also, they discussed Barrys otlrer scription. Anyway, It .was none of lng, he called. Bat and told her he the start of the British amateur tnuUt return of (inuoth, natural akin. And, an hour af;er you.. do, you'll For burning and Itching of eraemo. Grimes Is another who championship.. Tho next day, when - activities. Barry Showed Ernie his jny business, and I took him;- He was coming. .linpoy be arresled for Something the mails! Might he placed high. raihea, eruption and akin robbing re-- , the two llsjt fifty-cethe and upon me a a lie had .advertisement, tbe title play had started, condition dua to external eatuea. tip, and went tants happened," he said. gave ftthnr: each stood facing They of liflter.i of opposing uniforms. 90. There was no alibi. The same Alio Cuticura Soap for properly Into Ihe Broadway entrance. Fiv& sponses. Ilarwood was skeptical. Why not lunch with- - us? Tat and rieanaing comforting the skin. "That letter you opened' before Oftco Frankie FrJsc-- humped Into Ve might get the number. 6f the mlhutes ?at.rt while I was wonder, Ointment 26c. Bay suggested. thing had happened to him that Snap 268. 'uUh hunthe Willett'S tho letter BOTH at your druggiite TODAY. him when the pitcher lens covering could . taxi that killed the woman: What Were lucky If we. get . out by ing nhere to go next, I saw him happen to any duffer. For dred. dollar bill that wasnt ad- first base: It was an Incident similar OINTMIKT then? That Was two hours after walk out bf the door that opened two," .Barry told. her. ime only-tAnd any dressed to the first and perhaps the Barry Gilbert, was It? AND SOAP to the Van Mungo-DIcHartell the murder. And, If you have the' on Fifth' avenue. I started hack way, I want to see you alone.' In his the life great chnniploti . , Vo of , recent cause cctebre the taxi date, gopd fortune to get the Ill expect you at tfro," Bhe ald, Bat crossed the boom. had permitted his nerves to uptown. , . one that brought tne midnight call-- , I picked up Evans was waltlbg, and full bf About half themselves up to such a state that , whenever For after, 'Bald-year that, Bib sorry, sliq but jotf Beit Treatment er to Kellys, If there was s mid- a couple that wanted tb go to the his evening with Nolan. I didni he had been awake all night shiverwaa 100 It to Frisch fced Grimes, 1L" for disaster Is asked for medicine The night .caller hows the driver going Brevoort, on Eighth street I took dare ask a question," Evans report-enl-, over the prospect of makhig a ball would be first the thrown ing that on I take did, can't hut I your to know who his fare was? Jfo, and was making for Times ted, "lies the suspicious kind swer. can't because-Go- d help somewhere fn th'e neighborhood of poor showing. I sou ; thats s think the traffic when he drinks, though, and a fel square again lights Frankies head. By th earn token American league players arA com' me, Bht Im Id 'lQve with you." Barry defended himself. stopped me' at .Sixteenth., Then 1 low that drinks Is bound to loosen, It wa.s necessary for Burleigh to no of. She that their circuit la all cut hearing. gave sign plaining You. never' can toll whut youfe saw the wnman and tbe cab. Tbe tip some day.' , went on, take a few extra precaution when of balance. They claim that the an Im adventurer," hq golpg to get wfiole thing was over In a minute. go after .Ik "Buy him all he can hdld," Barry and you're a Iddy. The realest I arfiving In tht vicinity of second league ahould have loaned money to Harwood was searching for tbit The taxi struck her, went right up counseled. ever met Thats why you can't do bast, th 6L Louie Browne o that they Inevitable pipe. Conversation lapsed after that this." on thd pavement, smashed a lamp- The era already bad arrived when could have taken advantage of tome Youre enthusiastic,.", be coiri-- . post, and tefit going. But I got the Evans passenger was. rehearsing : No answer. the game was to overflow with of the Philadelphia offerings and that's. somatWng. number.' his part of the coming interview, minted,, "I continued, couldnt." sweetness and light ' So numerous Among other things Buddy Hasset Barry . Now, beat It." Then, of course, 1 Jumped out of Ill bet she knows now what It's "and I'm a fake gentleman. I want folks did their meddlesome best to la a croaa-worpuzxl fan. He smiled, almost as warmly and ny cab apd went to the Woman. about," he speculated. ed to. I wanted, to drop the whftle arrange treaty. , Alfred ajeace done. Young Winslow as had Gwynne Vanderbilt And she did. kindly KILLS INSECTS She x as beyond help, though. And, business. I told Willetts that aftet ao la be conscious that be nose news," a fof boxing Come got Youvq Bat a In," ' Invited, leading this had timet policeman And . me by last Friday.' Tinker and Evers . youd warned one of his two year olds FRUITS ON FLOWERS When I hired you, I Shld turned wenjt on. up, and I decided to move the way to the drawing room. done. A That isn't Willetts said, Brown Bomber . . . Dogs run truer were worth VEGETABLES SHRUIS Bat you'd, get a raise If you Indicated a A Sit there,' chair. smiled Hate Mutual on. He got certain responslbll Rtise on to form In races than do horses and she bade him. it, and fired If, you weren't Well, teams to avoid bhe constabulary, It's awfully warm gentlemans Demand original sealad has. That's a tradition ltles. lie neither the condition of the track I think you're worth a hundred a for June. bottlet, from you r dealer g you didn't give the cop that we are." than stronger Most other king term mleunder nor Week. much. the affects weather them , he "Bat" still standing, . Bat turned, at lagt began, license number?" standings gre ended aa quickly when "Thats ' swfell of you," T.arry Ive stumbled on something. Brief deacrlptlon of th foflorn uwoman was dead, YoIs funny, she said. The "This foe? What fqea are united In a mutu-a- l Athletics: WNU-- W 2036 "So I gathered," she observed glowed, but I dont see whsft Ive They look like money In some her cut short. Is Tt and arresting poor, scared funny," he cauae. Yet once there wae a feud ' done " And do I assume hasth to are bank" . . Horsemen that It , wasn't going to do her any with "Id like to behave like a loafer, which must confuse the theorist Wednesday Drought the desired your pet murder." the amount of atten, about to to back I'm to started and cant I my .1 all willing yo In th babble cab, .that best who SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY letter, froiq Bad Nauheim, and three good.whom should I to has It do father.' tlon to th with Electric Eye" at given your hump Into but Jail to save this 'boy and Im the sports life la destroyed by battling. She , more from gentlemen who hoped tb an) smiled. Is Jamaica. While this device being scum of the earth. You're a lady. I'd driven to the drug Oar lobby U delightfeEy air receive the reward. With th?'.chap was That was when Joe Tinker was at Installed th track la ao cluttered up I suppose youve discovered that How about He coming out of Sixstore. you?" cooled daring tbe sanoer aeaths Evera was and as with th'elr predecessors at that they have to break their gee these, Johnny short stop so lost In himself he killed Kelly." broke. me she. were It "If teenth 6treet, only . Harry Ynade appointments begin-ftlnbase for tbe Cuba. After geea from th first turn and then Radio lor C vary Room A "Ive discovered that he called on hadn't even noticed the "Your father's a gentleman. How second one another as they gallop them around the back stretch. 200 Room i 00 Bathe at ' at four o'clock Thursday. Mrs, that he Hello," that Kelly clawing night" I Bald. 'We seem . him? about crowd. a Bidders envelope over tbe clubhouse floor one 8uch antics, contained "Wonderful! Pat mocked. Who they say, greatly InterBefore she could reply, the don rolled be meeting a lot tonight decided that frequent fist fere with serious .check drawn to her order by tb? to "Who-artold they that?" you day, training. hie doors opened. youT he asked, curtly. rtd man, and endorsed simply "The . who drove him . fights could never settle the issue was towners arhla home who the took standing Although r Ilambldge Judge Tip Bidder." "Shes a good bus! downtown." between them. They agreed to quit soldier-like- . on store when a erect it and Bell a to there ranged Day drug "Berkeley Twenty, ness woman," Barry said to him you another. one to Carry related his adventure with he visited Austin with tbe pro tenhe said, speaking Mr. Street a couple of hours ago. Bat" Gilberts third right, self. Ironically, the errant medico. I release yon from your promise By all the copybook maxima this nis troupe the Texas net star has s 1 never saw you before In my It hadnt occurred to her to doubt Pat listened almost Indifferently to me. I can't hatred should have shattered secret sorrow. He envies that sort a made silent with It You've go through mistake, he ... the sender of that cablegram, or life. It was sheer chance," Barry con Im too tired, and 2 In this street and Tve them ae well aa th team. Instead, of fame which caused a sandwich to of full I live said. tbe he meant do eluded. with, to "I lm ,what of himself Idea hadnt each any outplayed Tinker day be named after William T. Tllden home all evening. You never lng." WlnslowU take it," Barry been taoney. pllcatlng your father. But now he HOTEL so that he might excel Ever. Johnny . . . Because he departed for home to Barry, me turned lie anywhere. squarely drove Is Implicated. You must see that new heights so that wKb 1300 worth of borrowed base , told Ieggy, and take bis retainer reach to strove own way, I said, about It "Youre Have your everything. right out of It. Then be can give up his I dont unless you Insist on About tower above hie unloved balls In hla valise tbe Braves cut Into my buggy. going to Kelly that night he might my check for the rest Winslows name and climbed him Into dragging It" me neighbor. It was then that th moat Pitcher Jack Scott'a salary $1,000 and tbe reason I went He let 1 wasnt mistaken, and neither will be on this check when Its re-- ' I Insist double-placombination In one season. Pat except In himself. We Retea $1.50 to a.z. cl, quarreled violently famoua M, 7ooi7n m.n.- V, to tbe old man, and, of a. turned Evers to to Tinker Chance, The average dog racing kennel So that he took a revol history, reco'DlMd ta M -- At th. The Hotel Temple Sraeo ba a course, thats all right" of on. .40.117 ver violently aM was born while the Cubs wero bat. contains from twelve to fourteen doelrablo, ttUmdlf .,u, desk his drawer of out hysterlcaL You'dve almost hiahly Innocent?" Whatll we do with Winslows got to various ptnnanta. will elweye fled tt tmmao; their way pbenuYoo him tling walked I racaccused of Then hand. doga. In th four states where murder. eomfortakUqad thought I'd eurremoly "What does your father stand to kept It In his check? ulate, c drat-tinot do advocate rose from his chair. Naturally I But you were bouse. la legal five kennels must be repout of the thoroughly doctor ing The Bet lose In know by telling the truth? We '. Start a bank account your foro ii nil meter-- why thm heeae measures yet It Is all too true resented In eaeli event . . When SJaybe Im doing that," he add-enow that Kelly was alive when wrong about Just one thing, Mr. ncoauuNDca name. Then Ill go to you when we highly two that they have been far too frequent he m wearing first long trousers There was a murder that Rogers left the bouse. Bm as Gilbert I left the bouse at You eaa alee apytmiete whet need funds, and tell yon what for. just silence when the of the moments in I around when left that Bend Kelly Francis It Mulberry street nre that be was alive when the o'clock, but Give tbla letter to Jack, and tell night, you know; ball parks has been broken only by tho fight publicist, waa efbiiSeaatW you know. lour ad Judge left But he must have been wasnt alive." blm It ought to make him ashamed But of course, m- the sighs of fans who felt that they prate agent for Albert Spalding, the BE fool CONTINUED) ERNEST C ROSSITKL, Krr. (TO didn't killed soon afterward. Weve got of himself." had spent tbelr money In vain. violinist. flor1 - un hajl K.-.- 'j fx-eallb- uv 400-iox- , CHANNING it-- POLLOCK.- - jr. v . - Itr Sit-teent- rt Ilam-bldge- T -- 9- - all Player FctitU An Always Sureto IV ale Tonic. - - ( . h la,' 'J v ctn-gle- , e. vr f , lads-wh- o ) I anj-tha- Colemnri te Nor-wegl- an Q Cob-ma- n reward-seekery- e Slx:-Sld- cppipe-tlfton- . . . -- 1 f two-thr- e - ; blg-tlm- f e e, . alt fight-hande- do.-"Si- Bljr Trbl. nce - note-boo- k 1 y. - SHOE am-len- - car taxi-driv- i . er ? - seShjgalbug d y - . - plrni-lva- , nt CUTICIMA k past-one- beet-top- 1 tm-yo- ... d has-name- taxl-dvlv- I er . old-tim- e - tqxl-ma- com-plainin- n fifty-doll- ar g taxi-ma- n taxi-driv- self-loat- fel h . v Temple Square n. - before I of. y , 1 d. ! |