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Show Minutes of Meeting Dr. Madsen ? ; V; 9 4 v Warns-:-- leaders;. Complete;. ' - Nw: Muscat Instrument Asparagus Grower Complete Their Training Course . At State School Of School Board Mrs. Mary Willey Organization - r Mother of Attys. Ti- - promote bettor market eon-- f it y Dealer in poultry who edl at After trainintensive rations, asparagus growers of this : district formed an association at a poultry premises to Toad cockerels ing course at the Utah State AgriId bens for the market may be cultural college 13? o meeting hold Monday in the YVe:t e.lub loadi Bountiful ward ehapot. According for introducing disease ers and extension workers from 22 . to Daniel A Tong lifa tt Church A tegular meeting of the hoard responsible director, activity f education was held at th office if proper precaution are not ob- counties of the state' returned to Named as a board of directors arul community service ended with , In tha court tnus a Farmington, served, according to Dr. D. E. Mad their homes- Saturday.wore Mr. Loo, (Joorgo B. Mann, he death of Mts. Mary A. Barlow. Kuben fall, David Kerr, arj Burn-- i Willey, 5, formerly of Bountiful Utah, on Monday, March 2, 1936, sen, animal pathologist for the A detailed program" beginning With nil the five !iV'ribers. the the Utah Experiment station,". ' at S a. m. February 24 'was tarbam, James S. Smedley, Glen and a resident, of Salt Lake City' ' fllerk and the Hatch and John Jackson. Tho new for the past "Before any hauling vrates are ried through morning. Afternoon years. superintendent presMrs. Willey died at 3:20 a. m. At board will meet Monday to select ent and President R. W. Adama in priced in a chicken bouse they and evening to February 29, under a president, vice president and the home of her daughter; Mrs. A. the chair, should be cleaned find the direction of D. P, Murray and secretary-treasureJ. Holt. 1350 Thoritton'rA venue, of The minute of the meeting of dirinfected. thoroughly Miss The extra effort is not .Myrtle Davidson, state dub The organization purposrs to infirmities incident .to advanced February IT were read and unn- - usually observed . . . . . . leaders, .' , ' by the . trucker contact all asparagus raised in Age. fmously approved, behooves and it the to Special was the to training Davis One given suffurnish to and poultryman of a first members of the clerk The the . minty presented the tegular ; leaders in clothing, foods; homej lieient amount for the operation of Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Mrs.. monthly accumulation of bills exercise authority in this matter the Woods Dross Canning company Willey was active in the 'Session! which were examined an t approved if he wishes to protect his poultry management, poultry, sheep, awlnel iv Mr. Lee paid. Farmt'c of Plain camp at Bountiful most' of her life. .. fcy the members and. r, motion of investment from possible introduc. beef, dairying, forestry and crops.: When. 14 years' of age' she be., Mr. Van Fleet the bills represent tion of disease with the disastrous In addition, lecturers appeared be City will later ho asked to Join in the cooperative movement. fame a member of the Relief sodby Vouchers numbered 5530c to consequences which so often follow fore the general session to In former years, contracts for ciety hoard in Bourttiful and sfcrv- snd including 55351 were passed "The filth i' roiu dirty crates ulate the leaders with discussion the vegetable were held by the cd diligently with :this. organiza- . ' nd ordered paid. of time! yand helpful topics to.as-- J " Woods Cross Canning vompany. tion until the time of her death. ' Clarence C. Smedley, Jtanrar C. should not be cleaned on the premsist in ises since thru-Wwl 1 clubs such These expired last year, material may be The daughter nf Israel and' Eliza- conducting. Hansen and G6ld'W. Williams, out. tracked the state. Tresi-included into beth Haven Barlow, carlyr settlers . t They poultry quarters, and representing the resident and' "4'h solfiw, a new musical instrument invented by Mans Kuultivrsch of Utah, Mrsi. Willey was bora 'school patrons of Syracuse, met would be a constant source of dang dent Elmfer G. Teterson, Director November 13, 1850' at Bountiful. At . Berlin, Is tier Shown. tt can be operated either by blowing through with the board to urge the pur cr, A trucker or anyone else com- William Peterson, Dr. E. A. Jac . D'1 flu a bellows. ope timii she was a member of tha lll r sol to (a The Intended chase of additional land for tht ing on poultry premises With by IV. V. rM,r H'endersoii VV, tsppljr Month in 7 Years oWn,Dr, " Davis county stake hoard of Young to musical tnaUumeat 'school, which can now be purchased j P(j crates ouu' . lo'Tricod (or home, Owens and members, of the, be immediately and was well known for her immediately east of the achool Wa H. Wood Ladles. ordered away by ..the proprietor staff. ' work1 in the Sunday school departproperty for 1400.00 per acre. . . In the closing session of the . ; ment of thtf Bountiful ward. Mr, Van Fleet moved that A unil a dean crate is presented. course Director Fcterson is im! Mrs. Willey .was the mother, of . .outlined Cleaning committee be appointed to work probably more was the wettest month February with this citizens committee in portant than disinfection. Disin- the qualifications , of .leadership.' 'f. the past 7 years, according to eleven children, five of whonv ' William II. Blood, veteran Kays-v.ill- fl e.-They are, Mrs, A. J. Holt and to 5 persuading the communiy to pur fection solution applied over a This address was designed to stimJed Willev, both of Salt Lake City; weather recorder. ha.e some more land adjoining thick layer of filth is. of no value, ulate the club loaders in carrying The nionth'a peorlpitation reach- 1. O. Willey, Jr., and Haven Wiltheir present holding to connect fn order to further protect out thelr work when they returned against to ed a total of 4.36 inches, with ley, both of' Washington, D. C, and. the two pieces in one, the board disease their respective communities. by foreign snow falling on 23 of the 29 days. Clarence Willey bf Hollywood, Cal.. to increase the school holding to crates itintroduction "Leaders arc born and rot necis desirable not to allow With a precipitation of 3.82 inches She is also survived by 25 grandsecondsix acres, The motion wt3 Fnul Brown', son of for January. year-bld .developed. . Vour loaders ' Approximately 36 .'Inches of '8.18 inches of mois-i.u- children, and 14 ed, discussed and carried, and Mr. crates to bt brought into the poul- essarily should . . .be - . ! chosen i M. Ebem as and of water of snow be tn but feet said. have $arab leave try such, rather stored fallen Brdwn,. Cook and the superintendent pquarters, them during the past ' funeral two If Completed arrangements arc asa outside the died of on a the leader result Davis en watersheds yoil mo.nths, all the the door committee. or Layton, outside truly county breaking, the pointed yoij precipita- have not . ' been announced, have a. love and fellowship The superintendent reported that chicken run. above 7,000 feet elevation accord- fractured skull suffered when he tion records for several years. . Blood Mr, the the W. P. A, has released $1,000.00 that stated DiBridge-lan'comrads and associates. You ing to a report just released by fell from an automobile at .These heavy are especially your fail presages a rec- -to be used on the project for re- applicableprecautions To Be Duchesne county five weeks rain and mow the early sum- are willing to give to them some rector Heed W, Bailey of the Inter during ord crop in Davis. county for 193(5. pairing things needing fixing, in mer when Cockerals are being .mar- of your effort or else you are rot mountain Forest and Range xperi-ment ago.'- . ." . nv of the schools, Blaectf on Bt. Tab. ' The accident occurred, relatives station. The enow is CmusuaD Mr. Pelton met with the hoard keted and at which time poultry a true leader. You will be willing Airs, Mary Walker And suggested that $750.00 of the traffic will be particularly heavy, to tolerate people impartially.' You ly dense, And well packed for- thia said, .when the hoy opened the rear . . 15, . 1936 ' Avance precautions may save will not select this person' as time of year and, should insure an door of the. ear In which he was money might be used at the West; Resident Bountiful Bountiful school in making the poultry producers heavy financial against this other one, You will excellent water supply for that riding, and fell to Die side of the The daughters of tho Utah Pin loss the from mortality, Dr, Modson measure them for what they are part rf the .county supplied by road before other occupants of the eontempleted playroom 15 up; Dies in S L. ' oneers of Davis county will place-- a floor. in.' noticed car his stream and . flo warned. per worth from the adjacent actions, you will have that 'marker'. on .the Bountiful tabThe board decided that It will ' terest and fellowship which S'u watershed.. Faul has! been living with his .tie better to' write another project Mrs. Mary Walker, who lived in ernacle, March 15, 1936. A good are willing to give f your effort '.The importance of this Source of grefidparents, Mr. and Mrs; Alex for the play room and to use this Bountiful all of her life except the program has been prepared, Mrs. Policemen and time to help them all. .. is emphasized by the fact Murphey''cf Bridgcland,' since the t5 i schools Cordeliil Lund of the state central supply at various ghe resided in Salt. Lak appropriation If you are a true leader you will that the present snow f over Above death of his mother.; five yeafs Cityyears . to make needed repairs. passed away Wednesday even committee will be present and Levi Jn a recent booklet issued by the find satisfaction in' attainment; you 7.000 feet contains. mora tban twice ago. He. was .born' at ..Woodland, rig at 11:30 at a Salt Lake hos- Edgar Young will talk on Western On motion' of' Mr. Cool It was ' there will be other decided to have a new project for Department of pital in that city after a lingering .Colonjz&tipn; 'well.-TheAgriculture it is want to do something. You will as mueh moisture as is produced Utah, numbers as ' . the play-rpopresentation frid to use this one stated that' there are'thre.e schools find satisfaction in having done, by the average annual partlcipa and .are iliriess, his father . Surviving of the and and Mr. Felton of . ns . designated, acceptance unveiling .She horn was the in' January 1883; tho'entire and 22, will tion. the have desire a following grandparents, valley, yet thought with respect to the ; re- something; you with the the new the write to together of '.barker,; project. up the late George and agreed attainment. That is an element 30 inches of water has acoumulat- -' brothers and .sisters: Mrs. David daughter The superintendent read a letter lationship the. 'government should ,fprtrue Burton, and is survived by musical numbers will take place, .I Mary ftiva 1 ed and Ruth of Octohor in since the have Richards, If with are Ogden; period you leadership. business; One is to leave JP from Mr. Hart recommending that. two son's and a daughter, Thoma? on thd. steps of Ihe tabernacle. inasmuch as the gymnasium appl- business' alone; another' is' to do true IClA n you will have eourage last .year, It is this excessive pre- Broyn of Layton; Scivcl, Willis, A. Leo of Centerville, William Lee - The ptiblic is invit'j-- . The piication. has been cancelled, it will be something about it, and still an- to face ingratitude.. Dont worry cipitation in the high .fliotintpins, Norman, .Ranch and Junior Brown, and Gladys. Walker of Salt Lake, oneers are among the honor guests. ' well to importune ur congressman other is (hat the government should about tha.for people are alow to largely. in the form of snow, over all of Layton. elevent grandchildren, one. sister, It is dosirotis that all captains have ' to work for a law .establishing an-- , act as a policeman. Funetal services and burial, will Mrs.' Sarah Kendall from Bountiful their pioqeer? present at 1:45 p.m. ' show appreciation. There is a goal that jn adjacent valleys that make other such benefit. One communiCalfb Burto'n'.of Salt Lata, George Exercise to- commence at 2 p. m. out there komewhe're we are try- them so important as water supply be in Woodland. . The departments view, as indiwas sent. cation' and William Burton of Cleveland ing, to obtain And get people to. ob- sources. cated ' The superintendent reported that the by its own publication, favors tain. A and Downey, Idaho respectively.. Centerville .Town out further is 'a that leader offendtrue, never Bailey' points policeman idea, which was the outh junior high school and the 38 Her father wns a stone cutter . . from the Davis high are quite thoroughly exemplified under ed; he hasnt time, e may fail in large part of the present moisture . .9th and worked for fourteen years on grade to Accept ' .'participating in' the state junior the AAA, and would prevail under an attemp but if. he is a truq lead- supply will run off prior, to June-Thirty:cight .years ; ago., .events thp Salt Lake temple, er he will recoup his forces and when it is of comparatively little were, moving rapidly toward, that She was active in the L. D. S. high school athletie tournament. "he. proposed new farm act. ' U; S. Consession He authorized- the use of a bus, If this idea be adopted as a per- attack the problem . in Another value for erpp production. The wa- short but spirited struggle ' known Southgate 'ward' vhere she . spent Mr. Burton repprted having at manent the last fifteen years of her Ijfe;. policy, it can be judged way. He will accomplish what he ter which becomes so valuable dur- to 'history as the Spa'nish-Ametended the National convention of rom Centerville has received the first ' 'Mrs.' Walker was very patient is summer . to hot the the months starts out do. He must have a ing earvWari .which freed Cubp,'Jdr'to arid past experience that it. would Installment sweet' superintendents at St. Louis dur- cad to pf its and illness her government ever increasing control of vision; he must, have .a plan. If portion' that .is intercepted by the Rico and Ihe. Fhilippincs. front had1 been aduring kind and grant ing the past two weeks. He met moper, amounting to $1,500 very loving ' many noted people and heard sub- - all farm operations by an army of wa are going somewhere we should porous plant litter and inumle soil Spanish Misrule. for. use ora culinary waterworks mother to her children. know where we are gcring'tnd wh.y to be stored in tha deep rock crcy-ice- s ' American Feeling- was..' running . will 'be.' held pro ieqts, services jects of much interest discussed. government policemen.'. The Poof the mountain, reservoir. It bjgh' against Spanish atrocities jft Sunday at 1 p. r at the Southgate This amount,. Mr. Cleveland-He felt well paid for having attend tato Control Act Is a sample ' of and what We expert to get. is this water that keeps streams d. In company with. others from how far this' police' of the Town board, says, Cuba, when the battleship Maine ward fchrtpvl at 27 south' and main resident power wo'uld ' the state, he visited schools at be does not Ynuqh more than cover and pro- was. blown mature to Salt Lake and burial erops flowing street, City extended if .fhe bureaucrats irt Havana in harbor . : up . Kansas City on the way going and could have will 'take place ih the Bountiful tjie preliminary costs. It does, how. vides culinary water to homes dur 2Gfl oftheir way. 15,' February at Denver on the way back. Pne of In urider' the direction of ever, make it possible for the city Is It the summer, long dry ing ficers anj men.. On April 11 Pres- cemetery, spite' of the temporary beneto begin work as soon as the bonds . . thfe Deseret Mortuary.' . ' 'the most interesting visits was at ' Ferhaps mAny crcdulpus persons therefore of extreme importance ident McKinley told Congress that -- ' taken' pp and the money re A work- school whprg a woman was fits which have' accrued to certain ' .' leased. The town expects to get the principal and was the moving land owners under the 'police sys are now watching for a verification, that these areas be So managed in the pameof humanity Schmidt . started at the actual work within tem, wise farmers must have real- of their weather predictions,, based so that here will be sufficient plant zation the . war .'being, wage , .spirit of the school, the next three .or four weeks, as ,' The superintendent reported ized alt the time that auch fcenAf on .whether the 'ground .hog saw cover litter and humie soil to pro- against 'the Cubans .by. the. Span . Bountiful Resident it will be'tbaut .that long before . that from the bus driver, Mr, Gar fits could not be continued for more his shadow in' ihelr localities on mote maximum absorption and iards must stop. Or April 19 Conthe ground can bd worked to adner, who talked with the bqys oft than a very limited time. Ground Ilog Day, February 2, And prevent waste of valuable water gress 'demanded ' that Spain with' Lake Dies . the way back to school,-hlearned . . vantage. . run:off. even rapid if their predictions are flot through draw fxQin Cuba', and authorized The 'government also 4,made the meet- -' The capable and industrious, farm the boys went away-froverified, they; will doubtless offer the use pf American land and sea but we have- not acIng with a very good attitude. He er does not need nor want a policeforces .to accomplish this reuslt: . John Christian' Schmjdt, C3, for- cepted it in regards to the drouth thinks the meeting will result in man standing over him with a club soni$ sort of alibi for. that vencr Home . . . . . much good. . War officially began, on' April 2f. mer. Resident , of Bountiful, dibd relief well. The price was reduced . telling him w.hat he must or must able forecaster. ' in a Salt Lake hospital of from' $2,400 to $1,500, but tho not do'. We have' too many gov Then, about March 21 these', sarhe Meeting adjourned Regular Army and Natioha' Monday biood pressure. Town wants board' reduced it even . high ernment policemen now, and their folks, will watch for the Guard 'at 'mobilized troops werq ' Figure., tompljed by pne of the He was borp in. Aug. lower, ' storm is which to : be Southern sho.uld show other M.obile drastically Tampa', supposed ; pnd largest insurance. companies The beer license for the town 7, 1867 butr had lived in Bountiful County dyoed, instead, of being. iOcreased, t oc.cu-- about 'the "ti.me when the sun that acrideats.in and about homes points; Deweys fleet was ordered and Salt Lfrke'ahout a half century was fixed at $75 for a combination ... . cause more than 25,000 deaths and from Ilong Kpng to .destroy the Called ' crosse? thie ljne.one' , 'Surviving ar& his widow, Mrs. of draft and bottled beer. Of course, nf with any know .three million injuries in the United Spanish fleet at Manila; Sampsoii Margaret J. McNeil Schmidt; three And r .A Size, 's sons,; Peter C. pf Midvale, .Frank edge of .meteorology pays, any. at- States every year. Of these deaths and . to meet i - A of aU. of meeting dairymen of Sat Lake tention to either of thos'p ancieht about 8,060 Spanish fleet which was on A'.. and Grin- SCh'midt are'eapsed by falls; Mustapha Kemal, president and;, Davis county has been bailed 'at Mrs. Expose. I. M. in daughter, but the to City;a West superstitions, its waters Indiah , scalds and expopular t way virtual dictator of Turkey, has rul , the cflflrt house for March 1?, JDe-of three. .'brothers, Hunter; ' they cling with grim tenacity plosions; 3, COO frorA asphyxiation, from Cape Verde Islands . Lore Nichols, county agpnt, am hand since Neb., ed with a rather cls Schmidt Bills mind to the erratic 'habits, of and ' Owning end the . of saw The . thus' April .flounced.; 2,000 from poisoning; Schmidt of Goldfield, . Nev. he rose to power in 192JJ, and his Peter' the wpathe, any kipd of prediction Yo avoid such .accidents, the Na- stage set for action. On May 1 and a brother, residing in Denmark official record would Gfeorge .Q. Bat'bman and A. J. , , , i, ".. . hardly indithe true Utah of but Agriculture Moryis occasionally, Council recommends Dewey easily defeated the Spanish and tional cate much sentiment in his nature, the with memory, Safety Markjrig yoyr scientific obserVers; tell us that in the oIlepe will be the principal sepak Funeral services services will although his regime has been mark fleet in Manila Bay; on July 1 the .following precautions: following facts may block many a the know-edg- e held in the Fifteenth ward ed state , ers. They will discuss problems con bogus-bi- ll be human qf main assault on Santiago by Shapresent lave, mgs bn polished floors oft Ihq way to your wal-lby many salutary reforms. . fronting Utah milk men. and interment wilj be in is . it t to chapel impossible . tters 3 rubber-line. . d predict Army began; on July That he has a kindly heart bepr Immediately following the meet-in, Bountiful the cemetery. weather'1 conditions .more than fleet was destroyed while neath his rough exterior is evidenKeep stairway properly lighted, Jersey cattle breeders of. the Writing inthe issued utAmbri- few ahead.. y to dayq vej; from har form' to which an organ- cap, Detective Magazihe, .Dean S. one might trying free of objects on escape Santiago , county will meet ced, however, by his solicitude for-t- hc JTorn the record? of the last. 50 stumble, with treads and hand- bor, and the Spanish land forces at Mayor H. Sessions -' ization for 1936:, 4t f.welfare of children, six of Jenningk. gives a list, of .the most . ' . . conunoh characteristiqs.qf counter.-ei- t years, kept by the United tats rails in good repair. Santiago surrendered to Shafter oh whom he has adopted, five girle Weather Bureau, jt is shown that Appoints R. Udy and a boy. Keep Bharp instruments, such as July 17, Aside from minor engage currqpcy, ,. .KaysYille Women . at than other scissors, ad- equinoctial pferiods Remember these .points, pins and need- ments in Porto Rico, the fall of boy was tending sheep in Aid in The As times of the year. In fact, the most les out. of reach of young thildren. Santiago virtually ended Spains vises Mr. .Jennings. the hills when the dictator ran Have all medicines, washing resistance, hostilities being form 1. silk destructive of all Storms western In genuine' money across him and was struck by tornadoes and West Indian hurriended by the protocol of Aug. anSessions and insecticides Heber other J. ally threads Into Mayor the are powders, woven intelligent face, and alstv. paper, cane occur F!ans have been completed for nounces the appointment of J. R by the fact that the lad appeared principally in the sum household articles containing poi- 13th. annusl Relief not glued on. the. ninety-fourt- h Peace was declared through the Udy as city superintendent of undernourished. 2. Portraits on real currency mer and fall, at periods farthest son properly albeled and kept in a society dinner and homecoming, For the present this removed from the equinoxes. Treaty of Paris, signed on Decem- waterworks. safe place. Kemal took him In charge, sent , scheduled March 18, according to are clear, bold, never hazy as in include that of city also will work old But die ber and ratified later 10, 1898, .Mrs. J. R. Webb, president. superstitions hard, all fires by to a hospital to be cared for most counterfeits. him screened, ogen Keep marshal as no decision has as yet and those concerning the weather at noon both nations, . Festivities will begin all cleaned and Spain whereby 3. Genuine two has chimneys heating adopted him, gave him his name been reached, to seperate the currency with a chicken dinner at the amuse parchment-lik- e are among the most persistent. Cubas condition. acknowledged in safe independence and arranged for his education. coun Most apparatus positions. 'feel' ment hall. A musical revue and a ceded Porto Rico to the Unitet enwaterworks WPA automobile projallow an The Thus a poor shepherd boy may Never city terfeit too tears is thin, paper comedy skit will be presented at Notwithstanding the fact that and received twenty million ect will be completed this month, one day rise to high position in hia States door to the with run gine garage 3 dance easily. From 5 a 2 p.m. to p. m., about the least popular person one Bidowalks dollars for the Philippines. according to present expectations, native land, because a mighty 'dic4. Counterfeit bills are usually can for the children of the ward will think of is the one who tells closed. Keep steps and The dog licensing project has been tator and a Turk at that had There in are the ice. and snow high held. of clear spots a trifle smaller. he to Mayor I told you so, you brief but dramatic war which hac very successfulisaccording He and She, a drama, will be now almost com heart. and Sessions for felete. consequences A wise paragragner says: presented at 8 p. m., under the di If As a rule the fellow who is alFerris Barks of Muskogee, Okla Money was made to spend, but. rectirn of Mrs. Floyd MiBett. is alive after being shot through you have half an hour to spare, ways a littl esuspicious of every many millions of people and estab is wise to be careful how you it Sewir.g booths and refreshments the lished the United as a States to grea Watch for the opening of the left chest because hia heart is dont spend it with some one who new project that is presented booth will be conducted by the SO' it. spend world Tues. and power. Rex Theatre on Monday him seldom gets caught. on the right side. hasnt. ciety. HeldMoriday . IlereV.a- D. six-da- 0.&I. E., Dies 4-- H la-0- , - - ,.'. - qi-- r. . . . 4-- - . February Wettest de-W- soil-shou- ld a States Fall From Auto Year Proves Fatal surviv- Lay ton. Youth -- -- great-grandchildr- re d, Marker - . . . March - of years -- . . Farm . J m - . , . . . - . Years Ago Refuses - . ri ' - - Weather Myths . 1898,-killin- ''.. .FiJ-ncra- l , g - : . . J. C atid-ciyil- V e ! Former . in Salt Dangers in The ' Davis Dairy Conference ' e . a a .,' t.- D-- re-I- . Feel' Portraits . . . r Schley-prepared- , Kindly Dictator Ceif-vera- - 5,-4- 00 Gru-jaug- h- from-burn- ; Counterfeit ..-. ' vill-eofn- '., g. :'.. et Cer-vera- . B . J. J. ice-pick- Water s, Plan Celebration . t, . -- ' 4r mark,' al far-reachi- ; |