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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH fane are up In arms are warning the club owners net to hire Billy Evans as busineas manager. This Is net because they have anything persons! against the former umpire, whs la such a pal of tha National leagues president. They merely think that Mr. Evans failed so completely In his home town of Cleveland when ho had oodles of money te spend on the Indians that he could not posalbly be a success In strange and straltener surroundThallus, champion char-ling. driver In the reign of Emperor I'V,: Vtj 0 Titus of Rome, was one of the biggest of all tim dough boys of sports. Ho competed before hundreds of thousands of people, won. more than 1,300 races and plied up Naw Tarli Port WNU Barrio, more than three million sesterces In puree. Sesterces was the word the Romnas had for dollar. Sports writers, long accustomed to such Inane tactics, are chuckling at the newest evidence of masterful thinking displayed by the Middle AtI7HILE striving manfully to dig lantic States conhi way out of tha mall that ference At the ' probably should have been attended meeting of these to daya ago your reporter haa unbetter minds, covered two letters unadorned by P e n ns athletic lolly wreaths and pictures of Santa press agent was Claus. Just to prova that anything the lecturer o a can happen If you wait long enough College Relations tor It, one of th letters Is from With the Press. tha secretary of th Baseball WriAll this in spite of ter' Association of America. In It the fact even the ha reveals that organised baseball diligent camp compllcators at Navy laa at last been convinced that and Princeton are not as adept at soma alight gesture should be made antagonizing reporters as la the towarda honoring thos players Penn publicity chore boy. . , , who havo lived so long In memory. Frankie Frisch and Jimmy Wilson, 8o ho presents a list of 32 players sworn enemies as late as last Sepwho havt starred from 1900 to th tember, lunched together In Chicapresent date, and requests that go recently. Frisch, by the way, your reporter Join with other base- picked up the check. . , . There, ball Writers In voting upon th ten are 34 members of the Johnston beat of that group. family headed by James J the Since the lucky winners of this matchmaker. A prominent alumnus will tell you balloting are to have tablets erected In their honor that. If he wants it, Fred Swan, In the proposed Temple line coach, can have that a baseball hall of Lafayette football Job. . . . In with no chances fame, your reportthey take er was at first dis- their hockey officials. Before the game posed to reply starts the goal Judges are locked. with a letter of In a wlro cage so narrow that they , v. 'JcV Potest. In It he can barely stand upright In It. . . ; ' was going to sug- - Also, unless there la snow on the ground, Montreal fane will, not pie who pay are hockey games. , .' , Although the real Judges of 15 years ago the Geographic board the men who have decided that the Civil war battleJohnson. merited such dis field should be spelled Keruiesaw and so Mountain, Judge' Landle, who was tinction, should be permitted to do the vot- named after the spot, still sticks to ing. On second thought, though, one N. . . . The Chicago stadium he hns desisted from another vain now la Imitating New York and attempt to persuade the club own- Philadelphia by offering ers to behave like reasonable hu- basketball attraction. De Paul, the man beings. Instead he Is append- northside college team which hae ing here a list of players such as1 won 36 of Its last 37 games. Is feathe secretary of the B. B. W. A. of tured. A. (Incidentally, he also Is the pub" licity agent for the American Coaches Praise System league) evidently desires. of Dean Prep Acadenjy The Hat Is divided Into two sections of ten each. One section la College football coaches have B composed of players who were frequently observed by your reporter lot of faith In the Integrity of during the specified years. No doubt Danny Sullivan, director of atfilPt-- .' he saw aoma of them so frequently, les at Dean academy. They say that personal liking enters Into the that, when a coach goes to the matter. The other section Is of trouble of Bending- - a promising players who either were through young football player to Dean, or wera far past tholr prime by the Danny makes sure that when he time ha waa able to taka a mature Is ready for college the boy enInterest In the game. Tha list, with ters his sponsor's fountain of highThis, the coaches-claim- , asterisks designating tha men er learning. unusuAI since many prep Is whose names are not on the ballot school officials will turn their stars and without any maudlin aympa-pathfor athlete who betrayed the over only to the highest bidder. sport which had done ao much for French papers, once enthusUstlo them? about him, have stopped printing pieces about Danno O'Mahoneya-maPFRSONAL He wrestles too successes. HEARSAY OriNION often and the cable tolls are too high. One of tho eigne of the time In Canada Is a womens hockey league composed of four very good teams. BROOKLYN OUR COMIC SECTION .. . . Crocheted Potholders fy QMIDMOTHU CLARK Keep the temperature of the room W kU8e PHnta are grown at no or Co degrees. They do not thrive In a room that Is too warm. - Events in the Lives of Little' Mefi ; ... 1J . Sprinkle a cake with cornatarch cfore Icing to prevent Icing running off. , ot To cleans , .. whife fur carriage robe the oven and when very hot ryb weir Into the "fur. Sev- cral applications may be necessary before It is cltan. Bfush In the, open ar until all the sawdust Is heat sawdust fb . , Potholders are necessary In every kitchen so why not make them attractive when you dto make them? These potholders pre crocheted with bwtvy siring crochet cotton forming Jap lanterns anjJ In colors red, grfeen, same on yellow. The design Is tile all three but the celofs are "reversed, giving a very attractive and plpaslng effect. The finished holders measure 6 Inches each. No padding. Is required If made wltti heavy cottoif. The Instructions for making this set, for 40 No. T32, will he mailed cents. Instructions WPlr material will be mailed for 40 cents. Address, llome Craft Co., Dept B, . Loui Ave., St. Nineteenth and .oulp, JJo. Inclose, a, stamped addressed envelope for reply whep writing for any Informtitlon. to-yo- u ' , ", a- i . Beforfe washing colored Jiandker-- , chiefs fprHid flpst time soak theta for ten minutes In a. .basin tf oold . wajer to which a tablespoon of tuN Tenllne has Can-ad- FINNEY OF THE FORCE By Tad C By Niwiif data ' SEND A OFFICER NON0 THERE AuVf Mo TbUCBMANS 'ROUND HERE -- THE BAD BO is BROtfs MV A POLICE 4 To Remember Him OlwiUla VmIm Come on-m- ye ?ot f'CcWER UP FER. some VJINDER VHUt MAN S,QIICK ; SHLEEpiH HIS BEAT ON vAnT flat Foot at-te- DOUBT JO li . Weeks Siipply of Postum Free ' Itead the offer made by the Postupi Cotnpany in another part of this "pa- per. They will send a full week buk ply Qf health giving Posthm free to anyope who writes for Adr, : it .. , , " i . , big-tim- e, i 44 vjhY heY should BB nAN PASSIN' HAvnrt A LoT O'TteUBBtE VMT' These TIP WEZ. VS We.x BS BO NWS BEAT? LEAS-TTex know tonT i I SEE A ) poUCENANS SEE HIM t WOULD HOUR AT NEVER DO COMPLAIN TTH COP ON EVER NERY THIS DOOR Cop? SHOULD I TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH Him? r Round " pole. HOTEL ?an take your choice, Prisoner Ill take the youf. honor. The Real Test Little Horace- - was wearing his first "pair of real" pants. He felt that at hist he. was a man- among men. lie strutte,d rp and down and finally. he went up to his mo'ther ond a.sked: MuvVer, can 1 call pa Bill now?" Pathfinder. Dana ,.2r- I 4 GlUMl-CHE- f 1 . 6 LAD Rumor Explains Trade of Young Johnny Allen BE ITS OUT-N-OW FOR(ET Efc THINGS the box ecore forgot to ABOUT IT up i Unkind persons say that Johnny Allen waa traded by the Yankees because ho couldnt get along with Lou Gehrig. One reason why Madison Square garden still seeks nn opponent for Jim Braddock la y i that Colonel patrick REMINDS OH-TH- AT VVAiT 'TILL tell You ABOUT THE LADY i who Round A HAIR IN A TAR OP HONEY AND WHEN SHE- - fEAH TNE JROCER sa,2L HAVE IT MUST COME FR PM 1HE COMB WELL THE DENTiST PULLED A GooD TODAY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You can also appreciate why t a it's a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hoatelry ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mgr. QUITE PROPER . Why, .officer? Because his father Is mayor, his brother Is chief of police, and Tm to marry his sister. Stray Stories. You allowed that young man to kiss you. That was very Indiscreet Not at all I had looked up hla. financial standing. No SeS ? TeLL ME WHAT WAS the one here next To the BAD one THAT I WANTED ouT Kil- kept Max Schmellng waiting too long in hla anteroom on the day the German visit. Bill ed him. . Tilden. the old cared cat, will take his first air- plane lie ride soon, Joe Louis Is Immune from, this tendency to draw the color line and to fight only white men. Football firsts (supplied by h Pennsylvania reader who atill le too modest): Chicago To organize a letter club (1904); to use numbers on tho backs of players (1913). Franklin and Marshal T utethepushlng form of wedge (1833). Harvard To build a stadium ,(1903); to use goal posts (1874) ; to charge admission to game (1874); to play an International contest (1874) against McGill university; to use tho flying wedge; to win a game that was being broadcast In Eng land (tho Yal gams In 1930); to Introduc football Into th United States In tho form In which It now oxieta (1870). Illinois To employ th huddle constantly. Michigan To win a Rote Bowl game (from Stanford In 1901). will fly from A resident of White Haven, Gng California to New land, recently wrote to Joe Jacobs York so that he requesting, of all may play In the pro tennis tourna things, the automenL . . , Joe Medwlck's correct graph of Tony name la Modlewoc. . Although . . . Babe SL Francis (of Brooklyn) Is not In Ruth always looks the big gate football class the carefully nt any did well for themselves last sheet of paper he falL Between the halves Indian Is requested to auTablok, the coach, fed them lumps tograph. That is r brandy to make sure that of sugar dipped In so that they might be Inspired to no wise gay has greater deeds. slipped n check or Th American league will send something of the out sleuths to track down those sort underneath 1L who pirate descrip, . , . Similarly Jack tlons of baseball garnet for the ra- Dempsey always autographs at the dio next aummer. This, of course, extreme top of the page so that no applies only to the parks In which writing may be placed above hla signature. broadcasting le banned. Ga-lent- ath-let- pre-wa- play-by-pla- y ee Regrets Tm sorry I quite forgot your of the strangest things In sports Is the complex leading negso boxers have about performing against members of their own race. Not even the usually very sensible Biting Humor WELL-Y- OU SHOULD . LOOK UNUSUALLY MY-T- oil 1110 Hotel Temple Square has m highly Jnirablt friendly fttmos pliere.You will always find it Immao ulate supremely comfortable and thoroughly agrecpble.You can there fore understand why this hotel las , Guilty, Without a Douht ( had the right of way, yet you say ,1 was to blame for this smashup. You certainly were. One li Hla PEAR Rates $1.50 to $3.00 . . . THE FEATHERHEADS . Temple Square money, t New paper Onr lobby U delightfully Sir cooled daring the sammer months Radio tor Every Room 2 OO Rooms 200 Botka y , hfre; ever Wiai.n SAIT LAKES' KEWEST HOSTEIRT . u ty the other evening I Oh, weren't- you" Stories Magazine. - . Tra! there? iymG LEYS, wam'RWm GUM1 Th PERFECT 30TZ1B01 KHEWffiKIDIUSE ' IHKfDINtfTL e Distinctive Residence An Abode. ..renowned Throughout the West Salt Lahe9s Most Hospitable HOTEL Invites You RATES SINGLE $2.00 to $4.00 double $2.50to$4.50 400 Roam 400 Baths TDE Elolell IxIewEioase General Manager CnAUNCEY W. WEST Assist. Gen. Manager W. E. SUTTON, . . o i Jetter Choice "" " -- . Longitude Defined Tomny, my .son what; Is 'longitude? A clothes line, "daddy." How do your make that out? Beoause It stretches from pole Judge-Yo- ,. . . $10 or len days. . o ; . . Add .cranberry Juice 4o lemon, make It. a dep rpdeelo'r. , Add while gelatine Is In liquid form. , Associated Newspapers: W.(j & twice, , : . goJatin&-t- making a blunder? td , , , .- . Truth at Last Film Star Yes, I said I wanted a home with at least ten children Friend My dear, what makes' you say such- - fodlish things? ., Film Star Thf publicity department. Film Fun. , . The cut 8 nr face, Wmoi wjll remove marks made,of,a u , matches. by pirtnted walls.. - A Mystery . . Why would, the average man' rath-- ' erbe charged' with malice than with ' , been-adde- . OoarrM,W.N.O.I " . . d, Here Are Two All Star Teams Tough to Beat . 1 par- Stray , . ,. . |