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Show THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS, LAYTON, UTAH Leigh! The girl was Leigh, his future wife ! But In front of the Intelligentsia he forced himself under control. In fact no one had ever seen him so amusing or so. absurd. It seemed to Leigh and Moi THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE. -- 86 den that the unexpected Identification of the- - Panglos girl left him, By COSMO HAMILTON NwpPr by ueClu.r WNU Bervlc PUIIXISOPHER,' asserted John rut, waving- his hand in the air, "Is a man rewho has achieved the art ot troubles the at maining undisturbed of his friends. All the Uttle clever people round his table laughed. I see," said Morden Roden, who was regarded as a failure by them because his novels Bold; but when trouble stalks Into his own house and takes the easy chair, what price put your philosopher then?" He Venthis question because Christina ning had Just read from that days as tightly paper a paragraph packed with TNT. with trouble as a bomb conIt words In leeringly suggestive the news Panglos, that veyed the had. left notorious beevery cent of hia money to his be Pitt Would loved Hyacinth." art the case own his to able to apply of undisturbance when It was disclosed that the mysterious legatee was the girl who was to be tats wife? Pitt replied to Mordens question from the Modernist point of view. "Trouble among the Intelligeijsia, he said, "has no place. Passions, prejudices, principles and pity, the Ingredients of four which trouble Is made up, are quite unknown to us. We regard life as a mere experiment, a fairly amusing adventure, during which wp leave all primitive sensations to the We refuse to be Normal Herd. made to feel. Everything serious bores us. Our motto Is Nothing matters, and so Life Is as funny as Ieath, and all we want to do is to be witty and raise a laugh. There was a round of applause. - woman-hunte- against the matter drop. When, however, he looked at the lovely Leigh Slonford, fhe future Mrs. Pitt,' there vfas .an, expression of such rebellious challenge, on her face that the .tragld figure of. trouble seemed already to have grrlved. rftowPAcEAMT or miica A. R?e Photo He liked and vtas sorry for Plft. He Oil Well in U.5., 1859 CPlMTiftYj YALI UNlVglWT rq greatly admired Leigh Stoperd. By ELMO SCOTT WATSON oien In the New world a refuge for men of his Franklin was launched upon Its stormy career, And nq it happened Panglos had been hls most Intimate friend. HE beginning of a new year Is a own faith, the Roman Catholics, who were then September 24 Zachary Taylor, officer In th and In the war War of Black . the drama In the fact that time for looking forward and suffering persecution 1812, There England, Under the llayk of to had Calvert he Seminole Old ehnrter and the was Ready war, the to how Rough granted tnnko the heat fie larger powers planning only person present who use of the 12 months, the 52 than had yet been granted to any colony settling the Mexican war and twelfth iTesldent of the. knew of vfhat he had called the - Virbeautiful friendship of .Panglos and weeks, the 305 days which will In America and thus there was Introduced here United Stntes, was bony In Orungq county,the this.-girA been has commission by he ours during the coming year. a new form of government, kpmvn as the proappointed ginia. During Jhe lakt few It Is also a time for looking back- prietary system. present governor of Virginia to arrange for a years bT his lift? he Jiad hared .a But Calvert died before the SPgningef thevhnr-tecelebration of this evfnt lq house svith Morden, and jit was to ward over the past year und the ' i his Cecil and 1934. the Lord besftcond son, Calvert, room In whldh he other years tlint hae gone the ! of a. like, October 29 Robert. fore to take stock of our accom- Baltimore, received the grant. Opposition, from wrote hid plajs flint, Leigh had press Inventors', wlo revojutlqnlml tlie slipped .unnoticed fiver'y afternoon, plishments and to benefit by our Virginia made It advisable for Will to remain In to so . his In bis flowery way , Panglos-haEngland rights, protect henijimlnjetl his newspaper business, was, born of Hoes In Leexperience. . One evidence of aur pride In the Am,,iltnn brother, Leonard Calvert, as lieutenant-genera- l icestershire, England, failed her "a fa i tin a reliance) a ref, , tradition is the custom 6f observing In one way of the colony Which had tnop given live name , Deeefnher 60 Stejdien It. Lorvg, Arti'crtcan. uge," hnd had treated tips secret or another the anniversaries of cerlnln events of Maryland, n hftnor of King Charles Vntholld army engineer and explore,, dfsixverir of Imgs friendship, with a sort of reverenee. which proved to be significant tn our national queen, Henrietta Marlin-- , , peak In Oolifrndiv vns born. In ,Hopklnton,,N. 11.. U was only nowv, n$ Mordn watched' , Eve-titof 1 SOS whR;h rgcall that On 1633. years her and, two 22. November the Ark and t ships, the she Intended got development Taking Century, 100 years, as . the unit of time which Indicates antiquity and the I'ove, left Cowes hearing horfi V.altlnfores ago I on. . to soy that shy add the beloved Hya corresponding reverence for .those things two brothers, Leonard and George Culvert, "with January 19 Edgar llan Poe, great Amorlcqrv acinth were ne and th,e same, thaf "which must he good because they arq old" we very nearly twenty (gentlemen of very good fash- poet was horp In Bostdn. reluctant Query as to the pore have fallen luto the custom of pausing In the ion," most of whom were tlitfwlles, and about . February Ilncolfl was horn, ill beauty of that friendship 'Jiang be-- , midst of the busy present and ouf plans for the threeWnndvt-- laboring men well provided In nil Kentucky. . .fore Ms eyes. , . future to hark hack to tlif pivd and recall lt$ things, tlie majority of whom were Protestants. 1J Oyjru MuGofuilek. lavefitor fit Just ns tlie Inquisitive Christina February ' On March 25, 1034, the colonists landed on &n the reaper, was bohn lr Walnut prove, Va. , events. about U'.flre a question Leigh , . t of tlus at Island Jifnctloit Potomac In .the rlve and fhe officer Price, not We do this September sprn.llg (o hqr feet, ran. her arm only eft We on hundredth whlfft theyaVo tlie name of. Mexlf&n waf, goviVnov. of Missouri and general to hay Chepajvenke which we call the through. Mnrdens .and with, an odd anniversary,, centennial, but Print also upon the anniversary of multiples and frac- St Clements Island, whene for the first time In In the (Confederate army. ,vt a ,s bora smile, at. Pitt went out into the party of Erytlish Cajhollew eelebratpd Eifward coinfy, Virginia. son. ., .. soici,,"Y(ni Are psMngyoflr tions of that period of time. Thus we frequently history tf .why I suppress the fact thnt 1 Deoemter 2t Kit tticsdn, famous , trapper, celebrate the tVwty. fifth, thp fiftieth and the mass. Finding thls tstaiWl (oe swisi hip tl site of a guide and sirout,.sra botr la. AJadiso'n. county, ani llynflntlu You think I .hifve seventy-fiftanniversary of evynts rather than little kitef the celonl?g ,snjle,d Kentucky. . settlenvent, ometfilng to hide from Jact..wh.ich wait for the one hundredth annfver-yir, . , we , Bjvt ff are fcven more pleased Inohr feelliigof htjnorlng dowp the river lyitll they eftme ta rtie mouth of During tlie Couilng ea wllj mocks tfitf.ceiv. had SetteY remain untold. a stream, to Ahlch they ghve- the name KiveySf. tennlal o these evenler . yo Imagine that my relallons with . we when , celebrate the cencaq antiquity aesqu George. Aseeudlng this a.Httlo gy they came like those of other Vungloe wer tennial (one hundred flfrith, tfie March- 20 Chivies Y. Elliott, fidmtfltor, to an Indian vlllnuff; amf purclwised ffenj them d famous girls, 'why do you sldq with me flow of Harvard unlverslty (two bumVedUiJ of the (three vent ( American hisrocy. for some n.es, hatching mf several ynrd eflve-oo- t Shelf pf, lkok," wns burpJft Bost'on. find want to make Jackhunyin by hundredth), nf 'aohi Im As the year 19.1 openq in examfnatlorr of of cloth the 'site of the first permanent Mnrah geologist, sbL telf8.hlm .the fru&'i?'No. Wely Maryland, to wivlj fee glfeu tJte name a nor a tfit American hlsfofy.flll show that Wp .wfl hjve of jmJndrepder. GrutKl the of the director clairvoyant j gnyofi, dler.'exploref . bote a woman's Intuition. and feel , , Unlt-ooccasion for a umuU'F of these rvltfiiriftfons ff of St Mary's. States- GeffTogU-nl- ' stijvey, Jivindlr, a ill iBipevLeiit dnts? In' MatvN25. Although that of , we choose. youre my friegid. Ajisver my tie Bargaw of American IVst director quad ciiitejmf.M (four hunof dred fh) annUetvary pf ny hnmftanoe Is that of Maryland histoid, tV rlnvtpaf hftvu Y. at Mount qiesioiV Morris, ty w,as pase!" ,. , li UVtl ithe Mapj'lanjl, he field - wrfter "Ja-qused Co he a fisienf of said Tje CliSiiU's ;i famous2(1 F. voyage the I'renohnwfn. Browne, Fartler, Jacqurs April ,tho n imie 20, fC32.thitt uniier. devtvteil to you." o am whoMn 1551 passed NVwfoimdhmd n dlscov- - on JuW 20, slieie It Tjfye and4 the name o "Arfeigu Ward, was, born was i;ranitt Tift elartef 'hj fixing, Baltimore Lord . . Gulf St. of the I.awmic. , In Waterferd, Mnjne. prod !o spYte of yoflr suspfeions?" i aril more favorable weatlrpr fm the A diaries Two event! of Kit affoed of . 5 the mlnintl.iKfdeV dead(oV party, May "fn spite, df every tiling." ifnmviiiatty rail In Ifi hg Man Ljne expected Jhkreh. and plane ere alrendv tvhe paee filrqa- - prateful.hand. ejshlp of Nnfhaniel ,J. Wyejli left UbenwMrt, The year U34 lcnl n? ontstftntllT-- avmgs such 'fitg luiaf Uiljt Fort IlalLMaho, vvfiere J ueded this," she said. Tea Michigan come.s the .under way the West, ,.Ittbrig word Ihnt ft Mfirtlirao IslaM tt.tte fark com- as Ijife two 1ft t f, t prot&e tte ocdrslon rta Amerluan fi:jg Vas frrst flov.n pvdr that part. to the:cssroads.. Im ntt g nit Vcy an iwlehrat'aneef born els tg mission. la prFjiurin Swenleiiarf ledehratton of theVsiuntry, and wstablislieda cqlonj nejjr thf ?ng to niqrry a min whose creed ! nr oJlqwinj h add Just runv without pijttlng hi:i qrr that, Island next ptmmicf nf he voyag o a tore- altfiough the I toterthy present Vlte . j Frentdpnan, dean Nicolef, upoft ahora ihe nmntU 'dates In tAal'isvif? .the.gvifrt Fre!ufimi,n wfio t, tlje test. Jf Im hot, to be taken tMay of Fhimuol.dg Hhaiapla:, twtplorcf owwrd.the January ailndelpfila nuvin Vndependefifie, ,dlefr helped establish si,.yslv Ihrf not to be taken, at tfi ' ItJuker .afij "Financier ofi ;be MUMolu- west, bad Mien. duly li'!! ftuadet. accompanied by seven Ifurnn Indian, sef w from' Hon was born Jet f.multslilre, lulanV , Afarch 'l9 Thoiftqs .MVixeaq, member, vtf Q Three Itlvers.on he 54 fAWjrnc, rlver went vrot to Ceerlwn .vy, pij. First Continental congress, signer f tlu Jndeiiendence and prt"tfent,of "the north shore f (,ake, d.led ht8tcnn(?e oloni Huron t,o SauJt St. Mafic, vnise,l Centlrtental the .Eighth eingreis,,wa bofp la Flies Strait of Macklhftc nd was the flrit wtdtq Man ter couqty, tWinsflvanliC , , that night She sai?, the this gliftvt lndusir.v hr this ijountrJ. to gar.e upon, Lake Peter Tenger, Colonial starting Noveniju-Inoiw vhn and famdus'autl dlaiK-6 Irvlry; Bncheller, bqgan, lmjklng at Sepfember for ipany years .ftefwtird it'll l.aLe- - ? the prlutor anil edttof of tW New York Weekly u with biTrn Vi Plerrejiont, "N. Y. Id 1,S.St (Jrtfewt, sudden cunning sniil, . Illinois. dourtfal. strrested , Gw efalts?, seandaloys, malione'ert whs cun olve till man established the Hpfeg.the he , flri nevvspgie(t cious and seditious libels ffgnlast.tha rojTtl giw ago) Continuing dowj ilw In the Tomitfy. Heras the man who shaded ?!; , Syndisutes Michigan, Niegfetnd bis. Compaeimis entered ernor of New York. .Qift of this arresk cane the Octohef 16 Tohn IJtaovva .took possession of a Rouse with Hanging, knew alf his Green Hay and landed, Ihere te isg greeted by yial and acqulttar.of yep get which marked an the arsenal al Hari-erFerry, was lateri esf ,04ien mhV of course yvaswell, ae- ' a In of tltf of Indian step Winnebago Important w.tb whera he party establislilngt principle junrnted. with the beloved Ml.!,, tured, tried for treason and executed on Lecem-heA'iserlea. made an agreement tlqit they should ne thf-itlTf freedom ofNhfirgss embattled tlu forces vth. 2, gtvlng.to Heccmber 17'lIllam Floytf, sa slgfier of the an dnunortal ong John Browns Body Lies furs to the French pos(n giuttm Kt, Ijvwrenee to To J.eiShs delfght and astonish-if'iiof kidciH'ndenee. and g nft'njfier of trade. He pushed on to visit, other tribes, ns ln The Grave.. Htt was Interested. Me sid, cended.the Fcx river to fhe ccrntrirl pait of Wis- every ContInental,.chngre fropt 775 to 17b2. Vhe T he year 1934,wlll mark ytlftfu aaalver. A's, come on lilordeu, spring ij. consin and spent the q inter .there, retufalife to whs Worn In Brookhaven N. Y. S Fell . who she Is." of these events ot 1SS4: sary l Events pf 178J whlJh fiat.q Quebec In 1635 to report .t5 C)m.t,nplql'n. as I do. well , as 'You her know 2S survivors even of mera June 22 ltescye pf The other tercentenary Celefiratldii which ft slgivificanco: i room. first .In the met her my laidv Franklin the of Ray polar expedition. Iters already under way but which wlifl fench Its cliJune 2 Legislature fir North Vnrollna retied "including Its pohimandei A. W. Gree)y (now dfc timq yiu saw her she wore a litte max during the coming year I? that of the found-ln- to tlie congress of the Vnlted Slates the hluy hntv You wrote a' sonnet about D. J BralTiard (now a generfll) title, of the colony of Maryland from which grew w'hlch that st.nte posws.sed o lands west of the' admiral), SorgL t which was rather nicely dime." S led Winfield by CapL the rescue party luclng the state of that name. , . lending to the .holding of a conven Alleghunles, In famous the later Everyone could see that, joining In 1032 King Charles I of England granted to tlon (August 23) at tloneshorijugh wljere the Schley, his fog of Indifference and war. "ut4of George Calvert, Lord BaltIiuor,a largenract of westerners decided to organise a gov4 Grover ITett-lanwas elected umlfsturhatice. Pitt threw back his November north of the Potomac river and south ernment and a second convention st Jonesbor-ougland lying President of the UtPlted States, the first thoughts, ft was no more difficult of the Plymouth colonys boundaries. Calverts (rK'ceuvtier 17) at which a iempornry to Iwlpinto the mechanics of his 28 In President years. motive In seeking this grunt was a deslrfe to was adopted andthv new state (ff I C by Wtom Nwppr Ualoa. tairrtn than those of an open clock. Firat Edqar Taylor. l r sesqul-centennla- l' book-line- d Hoe,-first- d 1- -5 saw-tha- -- AHi-tfliai- d . w-- n Hp-Stecll- ng 111 e . h - iresf-det- it 24-Jo- Pow-el- l, hn - -- Thr-onl- y EQi-tyvlqg- y, cHet-ruMo- k ccle-bcn'tld- n fot-tb- '! j , IV-rfv- LV-R- opetl uur-chan- t, , . ! .Mft-ftfgnji- , r r lue Mi-w- -- fp -- s r ! r anti-slaver- y t W1 sesqwl-oontenula- - g Spivnlsh-America- n . sef-Srat- d h Pemo-iwratl- c " questionnaire distributed to who have tried, most of the alleged approaches to the source of happiness would doubtless reveal the conclusion that about the most rella-bl- e hope for It lie's In love of one work. Yet how many people "know eeal love of their work? How many are fortunate enough to have work that they do because they want to and not because they have to? How many are led In their youth which Is the Important time to choose of find work that will be their Interest How many Instead of their Job? ns "my tools their workers regard o their as than rather signs Jewels slavery? , Your work may- - be of the kind Ifiul Is quirkly amenable to vlsibfe sut cess. It may he rlcji in financial toward. Then It may or may not bring you more or less content and tappV pess. Ontthfi other hand yon may have chosen 9 medium of expression that Is slow to show results, that ic meager In Worldly 'return, fnti may kqow osly labor without cewarfi. may experience poverty, ridicnle. And be among fortunes fajet you mayeflte of the efirth. Yow the vored. know real content ami fiappl may are man or ness. -- That Is, if woman wW can say from your hear? ahouf ynirr tools or the medium ff youf labors, .They fire my jewels.' -- it" ' C. o - BojI Syndicate. she said, Tve He seized . Country. Head COLP Undee all conditions, sap, yours?. WXVI Serelc - nr crazy, playing the silly ass or going or; with my job., I love yoif and-adrew her, to him and the month. . Ounce of Frevoatlcnb , Unless much time and effort air devoted to the children who have nof Ueevi Infected, w,ith tubetculfisls, they will afford a constant stream Irrigattte field' of tuberculosis. To Wighf tuberculosis, coptro) this stream. It Is tlie ounce of prevention that protects the child, fv. J. A. Myers suggests In Hygeiu Magazine as a solution .to an Important part of the tuberculosis problem of thi vtas breathless. "Why do you know? Youvq never want- 3p(l t know anything about me .befare. You dwnt cflm" - She threw .back her head aijd laughed. .Revelling In the marvelous recovery, this 'unexpected breakdown, she made up .hec'mlnd that veuery sticl ami stond of his affectation should ' fajl about his oar's.' , . . He backed away from, that lnugk-tet "J ttfl you that I love you, fie said, "and that my .reSpect find admiration have grown Shout your feet like-- , the great stones ef She Proof? pew-pi- u e plijith. "I dont believe It," seen no proof of lt.1 plant, happiness. A Ks chest ,and kissed her her wrist, kissed her, cm t Put Mentholatunt 4i .the nostril to relieve she safd to hefself, fo that was what she wantod. Proof Js always needed, daily, hourly proof. Aj to what I was to Janglos, proved his lofie, you have nothing whatever, to say. This Is yeur.houge bnt my room) and If you don't jget out Ill cry for fielp ami have yofl flqng dowpstiylrs S1k said this onfiehhlf of avery llv. lng woman and p.ushed Jack FJtt owt. And If she' hadnt been convinced already of his complete and absolute cure what he then proceeded tt do must l bane tlinchod that gxvrgeous fact, . Lawn, rbnycilon and deaf -- the breathing passage 1 -- Tf Ton U&t RANGE OR .WORK HORSES. COLTS, bmkn or nnhroke MULES fur tale.wrltn - Lhiiriton, low AKLU CUAKDLCJ& - After Five Years' s I - Ic honestly, healthily and with the Iftirt passion o the normal man. much tjiat she nearly heb so svrenmed with Joy. "What. were you to Panglos? . Qome on,out with want-t- step-childre- o Hope, excitement delight, rushed to her head like wine. "Why should I tell you? YoO are absolutely noth,' ing to me." He to shouted the yob? "Nothing words. "I own you. Yourd mine. You belong to me." He drew ler let nnd be hungry, but he Is not one of naOn the contrary, he Is one of fortunes favored. So are any other men and women-whknow that their tools are their Jewels. For they have within, theta selves the seeds of that usually exoS ture's he hurt her or not (Neither did she.) There was Joy In her heart Now then," he said. What now, were you to Panglos? Go on, out with It I" And he shook her so that her hair fell over her forehead like that of a foreign pianist In a moment of ecstacy. d d "They are my Jewels,." he saldl cannot work without them. That mail may be homeless, he may;' free from the affectations of the modernist's gang. The test had failed. She would break off her engagement and never see him again. Some one opened the door. "What do you want?" she asked. Pitt shut the door and locked It Her heart leaped at the- sight of his face. It was white with rage. There was nothing of the modernist in his expression. In the angle of his Jaw, the honest set of his shoulders, he was the simple primitive; not John Pitt, fhe fake philosopher, but the man John Pitt who strode across to where she stood and seized her by the arm and who didnt give a d n as to whether r, r stood-guar- Later, up In her room, Leigh sat for over an hour watching the lights go out like tired eyes In the valley far below. Her heart was heavy snd her gplrlts at zero point She felt that she had been an unwilling ,wltness to the suicide of one who had been when she loved him first, normal warm-heartegenerous and This to Morden was a ghastly-anpoisonous creed.' The spirit of the age had not got under his skin. But he realized the absurdity of argument with the 'young "philoso- pher Evicted fropi his cheap flat- - fc of rept, a young inven--toover his tools for 3t. or sleep. No food hours without until g, neighbor gave safe storage- to 'his preckus Implements would he nourlsla-menf- . give thought to shelter of non-payme- after the first great shock, with As little decent feeling as he had had before. Was he too far gone? Was his Intelligent neutrality to emotion an accomplished fact? Sjndlcate. u MAN WHO HAS FOUND JOY . IN LIFES WORK . . Like thk typical '.$nffering.)afld- - Cmbtirrassnieni- - bn whom he.-ma-n - ' . .. had poured such scorn, tlje bait dowh haclf chtsted primitives who . trees witfi axeg to ejear the under , , g?owthSue redwhen rnqved to rage . we all y spread ifd Jealousy, demand purfty of tjieir and finally frtomy hair., It wfls la 'wive and sweethearts And thrll t fry scales Jhat would reappear as ftysl sentiment, he whipped gr gun fron; asfemoved and ly hair fhfi out. hi jwket find held It Jo his hip.,, eaj "were very red and I lost ftiuc6 j!!ie )adored fhetslght of It.) jNow slt-efrom odnstant Irrttatkin. b tfin." Blmijshot hft eyeg wew and could Hardly keep fromseratchifiS, lit If you don't Ml olcq hofirsA After ftvq. years of suffering, ati ; me Ahat fop were ,toPaggo! and I read- - about Cut lmt you did In his rotgni thlls ,euVafrgssgient nra .Soap and Oififcment and sa ffte wd you find me., Co pie in." a After ,a few ar ffr 1ie 1 tdamteed aeviT to telL'' plications ,1. began t fe1 greatl. breast) IVs rpllewed so I bought more,and afte!, 4nr Ivas cold on h The an ubsqlule secret, sle nsiBgjthvoe cakes of Soip nd. two iMi'V Quivered oveY her heart ., , was healed. of Olntiflent I'll ffnlfl "Soft fie the truth II. Mrs. Bertha (SigtfedJ Whitakdt,t lit. 3? Nevada, Iowsf, Feb. 10, 1933. t and pu tha guli in my moutb. tHewas my father" he said. ,( Soap 25c. Ointment 25c and 50c The gun was pitched throhgh the, talcurg 25c. Proprietors: Pottta' , And with a bruff &, Chemical ,Corp (iw1ow wfith'a crasfi, Maldc Mass . AdT. A jvty that ws heardfi the vfilley he . , Jiossagspd her lijs. , I II t I she yaid, fchlle hef (ears ,fvU I badly needed that,) - he Cuticura Healed ... V ri'-cze- p - fred-sabpl- ' ' e. h 1 in-'-- -' Even Cosmetic ,tt ' 41ay J"ruck sleeping rjousl ,, fray trucks trips between Imperial Valley 4and Angeles do not stop for such a lux. ut ury as sleep fqrthe drivers, continue for 24 hours per day, ajfs the lifis Angeles Times. A thjck and trailer piled sky Msh with, baled no pface for a sleeping fiay, fta fiuin on top. Some h.ve tried this precarious perch to their sorrow! The latest Is a "dog house" built ver the, cnb of the truck In which tfie relic men get In several hours of sound sleep while the trick ols tanking rapid progress with Its load. By changing off, the men get their rest while jhe truck piles up the cant do this! , ls mllfts. 0 m,,,, FREE ocauDir Am r LE CARFIELO TSA CO. jJrwwBlyn, ee Konfre. creams and powders ot complexion bli mtshps. Tin dun's get at one of Us freqn, nst i pal IBB. Tlua' tl canses bowels wit U tiartteld Tea and n yourself of the wastes tbat oftrr, cl,' pores and result In blotefy ! Varfe NU-- W erupted eompieiiomAweekoftbif Internal beauty treatment" wll astonish you BeylnuimyllUPein wm M bows, at your drop star 5i- - |