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Show Have you bought that "EXTRA" Bond for the Sixth War Loan? Zhe Centerville "Th ere may not be much to see in a small town, but what you hear makes up for it." ????? ????? Vol. 2, No. CENTERVILLE, DAVIS COUNTY, I MAY It THERE SOON BE UTAH December, 1944 min nDanalldly ! (ICtf) Wont you look my way long enough to see me waving and trysays Kurt Dale ing to say Hello son of Lt. Randall, Dale P. and Maxine Barber Randall. Also, Daddy, please notice Pm that giving you the V for Victory sign and I hope you will soon be home with Mother and me. Kurt was born August 1, 1944, and has not seen his father yet. YOUR CHANCE TO BE HEARD Shortly after the present M.I.A. season started, Mayor Wallace Walton, class leader of the Special Interest group, asked your editor to appear before the class and tell what he, as a lay citizen of this community, would like to see done in the future for the betterment of the town. This appearance was made, and several subsequent class periods were spent in discussion of these projects with the result that many class members felt that the whole citizenry should hear of them n in order that a good of opinion could be had. Any public undertaking requires a united effort on the part of a majority of the people, and sufficient people must be enthused or any project will fail. To present these ideas to you and to find how you feel about them, we herewith print them as your editor outlined them to the Mutual class, with an invitation to write your opinion (in 100 words or less) on any or all of the following projects. We will print your opinion in future issues of The Newsette. Lets hear from you pro or con! 1. A High School in Bountiful for South Davis County. Enrollment at Davis High has more than doubled in recent years. People who have recently settled in Bountiful and Centerville are not trancross-sectio- Photo by Vernon Carr At this usually gladsome time of year our thoughts are sobered with the realization that many of our boys and girls cannot have Christmas at home with those they love most of all. The lights we see in this picture of our Ward Chapel will not go on this year indeed, they will probably remain unlighted until those sons and daughters, those brothers and sisters and fathers who are away, return to us, and peace is once again upon the earth. May this happy condition soon come again, and may the spirit of Christ abide in the hearts of those who are in far-olands, and those who are in the service in this country but unable to be with their loved ones. This is our prayer this Christmastide. WARD CALENDAR WELCOME TO FOR DECEMBER CENTERVILLE . . . Ward Conference will be held sometime during the month of December. The date will be determined upon completion of the painting of the Chapel. The Choir will present a Cantata on Sunday, December 24; and the annual ward Christmas Party will be held Friday, December 22. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Harrison and family from Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Fay Piatt and family from Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Arvel W. Porter; and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wells and family. EXTRA BOND TODAY ff RELIEF SOCIETY RE-ORGANIZED The Relief Society has been reorganized with Ada T. Randall as president, Eva B. Cardall and Lola T. Barber, counselors, and Pearl P. Randall as secretary. Retiring officers are Evelyn S. Grant, who has served faithfully as president for six years, and Edith Smith, sients, but permanent residents. A high school would induce desirable people to build in Centerville and Bountiful. Our children would not have so far to travel to school. 2. A Kindergarten in Centerville during school year. 3. A Ward Recreation Hall in connection with Chapel. A place large enough and suitable for danc- es, shows, basketball, ward banquets, etc. Turn to page four |