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Show T I r ivarsel Tu r . ijkt i CtT - w Baby Boy Leads Diaper Derby A six pound, 11 ounce baby " J boy was borr. at 9 30 am Monday, Januaiy 1st at St. Marks Hoipitat, apparently the fust baby of the New Year for the ... 1 f , Funeral Held area Mugna-Hunt- I i i THE INFANTS parents, Mr and Mrs. Darrell Bell of 9118 West 3220 South, were so busy gating to ttie hospital and having their son they didnt have time to think about him being the first baby from this area or select a definite name. Dr. Kenneth Hill was the attending physician. The mother is the former Carol Bringhurst Pioud giandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Don Bnnghurat and Mr and Mrs C. F, Bell, all of Magna. Unless an eailier birth is the Bells will be showered with an array of gifts from Magna merchants. The second baby reported for the First Baby of the Year contest was also a boy who ai rived January 2nd, 8 39 a m at a Salt Lake City Hospital to Mr. and Mrs William Hayda of Magna He tipped the scales at 8 pounds, 2? ounces Mr and Mrs Hayda also have two other sons and one daughter MRS, NELLIE W, THOMAS Grandparents are Mr and Mis . , . Honored at service Frank Hayda and Mr. and Mis Julian Sadler of Magna Funeial rites were held SaturMerchants participating and their prizes for Mr. 1962 include day m the Hunter 4th LDS Ward thapel for Mrs. Nellie Walters $5 00 Gift Certificate fiom CyThomas, who died Tuesday at her prus Drug. home of natural causes. $5 00 of groceries fiom Falvor IGA Market. Bishop Gosta Berling was in $5 00 in cleaning fiom Perk charge and introduced the following funeral program numbers: Cleaners & Tailors. Plastic diaper pail fiom Magna postlude and prelude music, Mrs. Laura Lou Wilson; opening prayLumber and Hardware. Crib mattress from Huffakei er, Harold Thomas; speaker, Bishop Lawrence Doxey; vocal solo, Furniture. The Lords Prayer," by Mary $5 00 of Baby foods, Magna Sowby, accompanied by Marsha Safeway Store. $1,000 Insuiance Policy from Hendrickson; speaker, Bishop Dick Openshaw Insurance Agen- Harold T. Dangerfield, speaker, Normand Gibbons; remarks, cy. Deluxe Baby Bath from Cen- Bishop Bering; vocal solo, I Walked Where Jesus tal Lumber and Hardware. Today Walked, $5 00 of Baby items from Stanby Karen Fmlayson, dard Market. accompanied by Laura Lou WilBaby Blanket from J C. Pen- son; closing prayer, Theron Coon. Pallbearers were Ray Jensen, ney Company. Baby Novelty Gift from Mc- Fred Schroeder, Brent Hadley, Frank Davis, Donalds Flowers. Clyde Rydalch, Combination bottle warmer, John Lemmon. The grave at vapoiizer, food waimer from Elysian Burial Gardens was dediMartin Drug Center. cated by William Thomas. Inter$5 00 of cleaning from Bosh ment was under the direction of Cleaners. the Peel Funeral Home. $3 98 gift set to eveiy baby born in 1962 in this area from Befote you repeat, What is told to you. Dyches Rexall Drug. Crib set fiom Best Shop. Ask yourself Is it kind, Subscription to Magna Times from Copper Is it needful, Punting , Is it true? Company. For Magna HVC Lady Saturday rr i zwcza o REA D Yoar Forty-Fift- h Magna, Utah, Thursday, January 4, 1962 JcsSr(Srr. Out duct Building Oufloo!i Bright For 1962 - ? etJOn KWOJ! fCk.55. i' eati-mlaa- . . . anti-missi- le anti-missi- le missile. TESTS in Siberia and the Arctic . . . The purpose of the present testing by Russia is to missile. It make an would be impossible to make these tests underground. The big atomic and hydrogen bombs that Khrushchev talks about are only a bluff to take our minds off of what he is really doing. Of course, these missiles are very expensive. We are supposed to be carrying on our tests in the Pacific Ocean, defense under the system. The best offense and defense which the Russians would have would be to send up a number of decoys, since we would be unable thus far to tell one from the real missile, which could be launched from Poland. SOVIET anti-missi- le anti-missi- le Nike-Hercul- Russia's geographical . Russia does not want the United States in ruins; she wishes to capture us as a going concern. This is to get the benefit, not only of our factories but also of our climate and geography . . . Although Russia is double the area of the United States, yet she has much less land suitable for crops. A very large portion of Russia is too cold, too dry and too salty for agriculture. Almost all of the Soviet Union is farther north on the Canadian-U- . S. Border. Russia has no Florida. Even Yalta is as far north as Minnesota. All this means that Russia has a shorter growing . . season. I am an optimist I even believe that the present war scare will increase consumer buying. This is a special reason why I believe business will remain good. When retail trade is good, it boosts production and every other phase of business. YOU TRY to share with others the best that is in you, you strengthen yourself. The IF more a tree branches out the deeper the roots sink. And dont forget, you can never tell how far you may reach with a single kind word or deed. You may brighten someone's day. change a life, or even save soul For 1962 Yoar January Other Pertinent -- The principle is that Nike- -' Zeus would throw a beam into ' the air, and when it intercepts an incoming enemy plane it would explode it The Nike-Zewould not need to hit the incoming enemy airplane, the explosion would be enough to make its bomb useless. It would all ' happen within a few minutes. I The above Nike-Zeu- s may be ; able to protect us from Russia's fastest bombers, but success has not yet been achieved by any nation to intercept and destroy intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). They go too rapidly. Russia will not fire these ICBM missiles until she has a stock of ' practical sure-h- it missiles. Nations may talk about going to the moon or orbiting the earth, but they are working day and night to make an Kamo Heads Oquirrh Sets Conference 13-1- 4 The annual election of officers, Magna Community Council will be held next Tuesday, January 9th, 8 00 p. m. at the Magna Fire HalL A president, vice president and treasurer will be named, according to John A. Rokteh, executive secretary of the group. ,, i Council Will & ' AT THE present time most Americans seem to believe there will be a nuclear war and that Russian missile may fall on some United States city and absolutely . , . j destroy it To the contrary, I am. for tfie first time sure there wiU be he such war. , I suppose one reason why the people are now taking this so seriously is because their brothers and neighbors are being called into the service and are being transported to Berlin. Every magazine has pictures o' our soldiers in Berlin. Naturally, those with relatives over ther study these pictures. Here are two main reasons why we should not now expect such a World War HI. Need ot We have already made great missiles! progress on Nike-Zeu- s to intercept and destroy airplanes coming toward us. The fastest bombers go only from 1,000 to 2,000 miles an hour, hence it is fairly easy to prepare a missile that will catch and destroy them. Moreover,' our country is surrounded by a bank of radar installations. These are supposed to find any Russian planes flying through the radar banks and give our country at last twenty minutes notice of what to expect Number 29 IT'S A FINE PLAN Says Keith Barton of a design. A little further east. Vega Paris has new residence he is constructing west of Bieess started with M new homes. Hunter is also Drive in Magna. This split-levhome is one of having an encouraging building boom that is that will bo built in this area by Mr. Barton. explained in the adjoining article. Still going Just a block oast of that area. AUdredgo Conup, the home building in this area is expected struction has undertaken 38 new brick resi-o- f to sustain --or even speed up for IMA The various styles and architectural houses are modern and lovely. For the past few years, home glad they dont build em that 1962. building has increased for the way anymore." But, the differences between Magna area, but 1962 is expected quality and mediocre building Because a fact that its today to explode into the biggest boom materials still have to be sought for construction, chiefly in resi- a builder has better things to out by the buyer. better materials, dences, although a few commer- build with Magna builders say tha todays cial plans are in the offing, other better architectural designs and homes are functional adapted to comto better provide products than the huge qjtes being built current living needs. Every area, near Bacchus byNhe Hercules fortable living with minimum of wall window and door plays a work. -t Powder Company. n making the modern house The smaller and cheaper homes paSeveral men are now building comfortable hotae; .1 useful, p, homes and planning for con- of a generation or so Many Innovations had life. a short struction of more, to include Mr. Keith Barton, one of Mag- -' The larger remaining older Keith Barton, Alldredge Builders nas builders, believes that large in Mag- homes, built of somewhat better windows, and for example, open na and several miles east, B. A. materials, were constructed at a rooms to a view . . . bring the time when was domestic help Farnsworth is now excavating for outdoors inside . . . add charachomes just west of Lake Ridge readily available and less expen- ter, light and cheerfulness to The sewer line is being installed sive, when automatic equipment each room. and modern weatherproofing there. Mr. John E. Papamkolas says Out in Hunter, Arvle Nielson techniques and materials were that instead of the static closed of. unheard continues to construct, homes in of yesterdays living rooms his Merry Lane subdivision, Roomy. But Inconvenient homes, casual living today calls Hence, some are roomy and in- for open building at Amanda Acres confamily rooms" for entinues and Vem Breeze and Clar- convenient, large and sometimes tertaining, television, study and ence Lowder are completing more difficult and costly to heat These many group activities. older homes have a lot of wasted homes at Hunter Park. Mr. Claron Alldredge says: Most of these homes will be space and usually are way short The old problem of small bedof and wardrobe to from $10,000 up storage brick, ranging space by rooms that could not hold even as high as $25,000. present standards. the necessary furniture, has been Yet, quality homes built 30 or partially solved by installation of Today's Haases Bettor? Have you ever heard someone more years ago designed with high windows. These give added say ah -- n looking at a big, old the future in mind and construct- privacy, plus ample wall space ed the with best materials avail- for a wider choice in arrange)mue, They dont build em that able are still functional by to- ments not way anymore! possible before. Well, there are good things to days standards, remain strucMr. B. A. Farnsworth remarks: be said about some of the old turally sound and a secure in- The kitchen has been enlarged houses and there are bad things vestment to include laundry, ironing, sewThe problems of finding a qualthat can be said about some of ing, as well as all the work surthe houses )uilt today. ity home are the same today as rounding meal preparation . . . However, when you get hold they were a generation ago. enlarged to include these work of a builder who is eally out to Todays selection is larger and centers and their necessary applimodern give good values and there are building technology and ances in such a way that the such builders in the communities products afford tremendous ad- housewife will save steps and of Magna and Hunter youll be vantages in the home of 1961 or energy. ago-usuall- Cannon-Papanikol- centers, Day-Nit- e and Wash. Too, the Day-Nit- e now offers facilities to its patrons. The Magna Water Company reports they have applications for 38 new homes from Alldredge The Magna Post Office had a Construction; Keith Barton, 9; 7 per cent increase in over-a- ll postal receipts and also tallied g and incoming outgoing maiL Byron Huish, Magna postmaster, attributes this record-breakin- to the greatly increased tempo of business from the Hercules Powder Company at Bacchus. NEW MINISTER ARRIVES FOR MAGNA CHURCH Bank Business Up Reverend William Whisenhunt, daughter, The Magna First Security Bank his wife and has 350 more checking accounts Jody Lynne, arrived January 1st than in' 1960; an increase of at the First Baptist Community Church in Magna. $250,000 in deposits, and in general over-a- ll a business, reports Reverend Whisenhunt is a grarecord 1961 year. duate of the Berkeley Divinity Hercules Powder Companys College in California. He has fulBacchus Plant is the BIG NEWS filled minister positions in Orefor advancement in this area, gon and California, and will give now completing the $15,000,000 his first sermon on Sunday, JanAir Force Plant just south of uary 7th as the appointed Magna Mggna. It is also estimated there pastor. will be a 5,000 payroll at the pow Sunday School starts at 9 45 der concern. a.m., and the morning worship Practically all local businesses service is at 11:00 dim. The pub interviewed , report their sales lie is invited to attend. figures are up 10 to 15 per cent Reverend Whisenhunt and During the first part of 1961, family will occupy the parsonage Magna acquired two laundering in Magna. Other important business of the group includes discussion of the proposed ice skating rink near the Jackling Swimming Pool. McKay Burton, attorney for Granite District, has stated Granite does not have any legal objection to the rink. It is planned to operate the rink similar to that of the swimming pool and a committee from the Council plans to go to Ogden January 11th to look over a municipal rink, talk to the manager and get facts and figures, including expenses of operation. Such a proposed project in Magna will cost about $72,000. Life memberships and advanced ticket sales for the rink will be made. After the swimming pool committee makes the January payment on the pool, only $2500 remains to clear up the original indebtedness. Other Project In addition to construction of the ice skating rink, other projects planned for the 1962 year include the community curb and gutter project; further work on the Magna Community Park and Mait resurfacing of Magna Street A committee has contacted the State Road Commission to obtain temporary repair measures for the east end of Main ELDER S. DILWORTH YOUNG M Cmmcll d Savva ty Church ! Jvmia Christ SaIaH v fT Mmnbvf, latter-da- y Elder S Dilworth Young, a member of the First Council of Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, will be the featured speaker Saturday and Sunday, January during a quarterly conference of the Oquiirh Stake. 13-1- 4, Conducting the conference will be Stake President William B Martin. Sunday's general sessions, to which the public is invited, will be held at 10 a m. and 2 p.m , 8400 West 3100 South. Elder Young was a professional executive of the Boy Scouts of Afnerica" for 72 years before his church appointment in 1945. He had also served as a missionary and was president of the New England Mission from Street At the park, a process of con- He has traveled the church wided ly, encouraging priesthood and structing an area for is being made. It will be dug out mission activity. half the size of the tennis court, Saturday evening, special leadsmoothed off and a blacktop sur- ership and parents ' and youth face placed. Welfare workers are meetings will be held. employed cleaning the park and raking up leaves. Kennecott Copper Corporation CHAMBER MEETING will make a topographical survey of the park in the latter part of The monthly business-luncheo- n January and give the results to meeting of the Magna Chamber a landscape architect. of Commerce is set for Tuesday, A group of welfare workers 9th, 12.00 noon at the January wiU assist Salt Lake County Club. Lions workers next week to remove Luncheon will be served by the ' Christmas decorations and the Lady Lions and all Chamber Main Street. on lights members are urged to attend. 1947-195- ping-boar- , T v - 1. (Sypruo Pufecd Per ffeccih FcEdby Gvo Cyprus Pirates will meet the Tooele Buffaloes in the first basketball league game of the season this Friday evening, January 5th on the Pirate floor. The junior varsity game begins at 6 30 p. m. and the at 8 00 p. m. February 9 Cyprus at Jordan. February 16 Murray at Cyprus. February 23 Granger at Cyprus. March 2 Cyprus at Bingham. I main event starts HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. Leon Johnson( The public is invited to attend. and two sons, Morris and Wayne The balance of the league of Calgary, Alberta, v Canada, have returned to their home after schedule includes: spending the holidays with Mr.4 January 12 Jordan al Cyprus. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs." January 19 Cyprus at Murray. O. H. Johnson of Magna. January 26 Cyprus at Granger. January 30 Bingham at Cyprus. To a friends house, the road Ftbruary 2 Cyprus at Tooele. is never long. i Elk On Display Electronic Ranking Success In Lingua At State Ranch Utahs Hardware Ranch will again play host to thousands of visitors during the winter months ahead as they call to enjoy the attractions of this increasingly popular elk management area. Hardware Ranch is owned and operated "by the department of fish and game. Wild, or grass hay raised on the property each sumVega Park is ready to build 45 mer, is stored and then fed during with a project to include a total the season of heavy snows when of 132 homes at this site just several hundred elk gather there west of Lake Ridge. , during this period. , The ranch is situated some 17 Magna Water Improvements miles up Blacksmiths Fork CanA big year of progress has yon east of Hyrum in Cache Valbeen reported by the Magna ley. Water and Sewer Improvement Department spokesmen said tO District. They had 2,256 accounts day that though some elk are or customers at the start of 1961 already on the property, visitors and now report a few over 2,300. can expect to see more of these animals as later winter snowfall Arthur Marsh, chairman of the causes them to move to the ranch board, reports that in 1961 a new feed lot. main line on S800 West Since weekends are usually was replaced lot the old, inade- crowded, they advise visiting durline from 3000 to ing week days whenever possi quate 2700 South. ble, with the welcome sign al scenic The Water concern also con- ways out at the unique area. nected the Barton wells into the system and erected protective housing over the Barton well and YEAR'S SOCIAL the control valves at the original NEW Haynes water location. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ridge attended a festive New Years 1962 Plans Given party at the home of Mrs. Clinton A great many improvements to Burt in Salt Lake City, sponsored the water system in 1962 are by the Press Women for their planned. Extension program No. partners. Holiday gifts were ex3 will include replacing lines on changed and a buffet supper 9200 Wast and 8000 West, a Served. The rooms were bright booster station, reservoir at 4100 with holiday decorations. South and 8400 West and greater Mary Marker. Deseret News pressure in the south and higher columnist, and other writers portion of the Magna area. spoke briefly. rJlac-- a Pnrmo G3vo Duonnoco GDpcbTCO Da Voac 3 flQCfl A vary encouraging upsurge in business is reported by a number of Magna firms for the year of 1961 all denoting progress and advancement for the community and indicating future growth. Business scenic-wildli- fe 5 ALMOST HUMAN Thus says Tess Mamales seated in front of a computer machine al the Magna First Security Bank. The only manual work that is dona at this machine is feeding Customers of the Magna First Security Bank are now enjoying the benefits of electronic banking equipment which is as revolutionary as when banks began using adding machines In place of human figuring. Already our customers are telling us about many new they have found through electronic handling of their check and loan payments, the checks into it. Everything else is automatic, says L. O. Larson, standing, manager. Palsy Dea, another employe, marvels at this modern-da- y said L. O. Larson, ager. banking innovation. Magna man- First Security Bank's Magna pait of the electronic computer area now serving the banks customers from Logan on the north to Provo on the south, and from Tooele on the west to Salt Lakes east bench. office is Many Accounts The electronic computer machines have taken over the proc essing of some 2.400 checking ao counts and 1,600 loan payments: every month. To launch the new program, First Security issued new type checks to customers. Checks for every customer carry an Identical code number which is different from that of any other customer. The symbols, which resemble a Turkish alphabet, are printed on the checkj With magnetic ink. (Continued on Last Page) t |