Show OBITUARY NOTES MOTES ELIZABETH WOOD mrs elizabeth wood was born june 28 1853 at sowe warwick shire england was baptized march 3 8 1865 and confirmed a member of the ibe church of jesus christ of latter dk day saints march 5 1865 emigrated to utah uta with her parents in the year 1868 located at bountiful davis dabis county utah she was married to daniel C wood on feb 8 1869 at the endowment howie houe salt lake aily chiy moved from bountiful to rockland oneida county idaho in company with her family in jane 1883 and from there to 10 star valley wyo in 1869 on feb 24 1895 she gave bir h to a girl which died and on feb 28 1895 she passed away from this stage of to A land of rest as promised to 10 he faithful for she was faithful and was a wife and mother she was always happy and cheerful she leaves a husband four sons and four daughters to mourn her loss lose she has buried two boys boy and one girl the funeral services of Si sister wood were hold held at auburn march 29 1895 presided over by bishop hemon hyde elder A V call was the first speaker he had been acquainted with the departed sister perhaps longer than any one present except her father and brother too much could not be said in her praise and eulogy she was a true saint we believe as a people in the resurrection our oar sister had but passed to another sphere to there continue her labors he prayed that the lord would eless bless th the e bereaved family and comfort and cheer them for lifes struggle elder W W burton was the next speaker and also offered words of consolation and instruction bishop J C dewey then addressed the meeting in a similar stra inciting the last words of sister wood father thy will bedone be done elder thomas of bountiful brober of the departed sister also alao addressed the meeting acknowledging the hand band of t the he lord in his provi dences elder george osmond president of the stake read from the book of mormon alma chapter of death and of the resurrection of the body of men he referred to the many virtues of the deceased and said eaid he knew she died the death of the righteous he urged those present to emulate her example of faithfulness and awaken to their duties bishop hemon hyde endorsed the remarks or of the previous speaker he said sister wood was indeed a good counselor a mother to old and young the services were then brought to a close communicated HANNAH M WRIGHT in memory of mrs hannah MW cwright M wright right who died on march ad 1895 1893 at her home in will mill creek ward salt sail lake county she was born in sheffield england englan march ath 1814 and was the daughter oi of george and ann watson she was the wife lie ot of elder joseph wright deceased wed W ed she leaves two sons three daughters twenty five grandchildren and eighteen great grandchildren ito to mourn her loss lose brother and slater sister wright emigrated to utah in the year 1849 located in salt lake city for a short time then moved to mill greek creek ward where she resided until her death sister wright was a faithful latter day saint she was all that constitute i i a true woman gentle ani kind in her domestic circle she wao wan a loving wife and mother possessing great faith caused her to withstand acute suffering in order that she might cleave unto her family as long as possible her hear parting was as peaceful as though quietly falling failing asleep she was surrounded by all her children and everything that loving hands could do for her was waft done she was member of the relief society altho agh unable to meet with her sisters be liberally donated to the poor and suffering she performed a noble work for the living and the dead in in the ibe st george temple bro wright was one ot of the first who was called to dixie dixe to settle that country and he obeyed the call taking a part of his family with him 1 the funeral was held in the mill creek ward bonge the services ser vicea being oon conducted ducted by bishop J C hamilton appropriate remarks were made by elders joseph E taylor daniel MoRa MoRn keddington and several of the acal 1 cal brethren which were verv consoling to the bereaved family il the he remains were followed to the ward cemetery by a concourse of loving loring relatives and friends to 10 pay their last respects to 10 the dear departed one WILLIAM in the NEWS of saturday evening last was published an announcement of the death of patriarch william mcbride Mo Bride who as stated departed this thia lite life at th home ot or his daughter in the fifteenth ward this city friday march ath at i i pm aged 88 years the deceased received the gospel 1 in the early rise of the church in thess thes at of ohio and afterwards gathered with the saints in nauvoo in the year 0 he endured the sufferings Buffe rings and priva L 1 during the driving of the saints froin fro nauvoo and left the latter place in id the th spring of 1846 he returned later to ip his family and was present at the lat last get engagement with the mob who n faulted the city leaving with his farally kamii ael in the fall of 1846 he arrived in insle salt lake valley with president willard willar Richard richards ss company in the autumn autura ln S 1848 residing in the old fort square dur of ing the first year and afterwards afier wards bettl D in the seventeenth ward of this city brother mcbride was called on a rais min slon sion to the sandwich islands in dera bentor her ber 1852 and labored there for corae sorn time but on account of ill health he to california and there returned con condred contin Dued nAd his mission returning to salt lake baket int the spring ot 01 1854 he afterwards afterward moved to grantsville Grants ville tooele thoele count counte and resided there until the gellers gener exodus of the saints south in the van 1857 when he moved with the main baw year of the saints he then took UP un lite hi home in santaquin San utah county aher where he be became of that bishop ward in he was ordained a patriarch under t the direction of president brigham 0 he afterwards moved to Rich fleiT sevier county and then to pima arizo 1 na where he resided until october 1890 laon his health having failed him he was waa persuaded by his friends to come to sal salt lake city where he resided until hla his death ISAAC HARRISON PLAIN CITY march brother brolio isaac harrison died at plain city march mari ath in his year he was burn born april an 18 1819 at belper beeper derbyshire eng evica land he and his wife w who 0 survival sur su vivel hin hain were the first to enter the waters of nf baptism there thus forming the ara first fruits of the gospel in the town where lie i first saw the light of day brother barri arri son was of a generous disposition keep keen ing open house tor for all the who happened that way for some year veara previous to his death he suffered a great cofta deal with dropsy but his end was peace elder eider william brewerton of willard willais box elder county initiated brother an aart a sister Slater harrison into the church on march mani 22 1848 and at i h hi 3 funeral he spoke of the honest integrity of the deceased brother harrison leaves a wife two sons three daughters twenty five grandchildren and three great grandchildren may they all imitate his bis noble easm 1 0 and be worthy to meet him in a hig hatcher gler sphere GEO C Millen millennial niaZ star please copy |