Show THE ZANTE earthquakes we all understand that the earth ia i not a solid globe by roy any means those who have ever been in very deep mines will believe without argument that its interior is a molten maw mas at least that the heat beat in fit something incomparable a and n d the exudation of gase and vapors vapor s could not come from other than fluids of greater or less consistency but there are few if any whoop who really know where and to what extent the subterranean regions are and honeycombed we know there are outward openings to some of the cells and these we call caves cave we also known that these are generally rin thian and sometimes practically unfathomable but that is about all that there are many of these which do not have such outer openings to is ft a matter of course and when the downward pressure ure of the exterior through constant attraction from the center becomes too powerful for the crest to maintain its position there here to is ft a subsidence or a disturb disturber ar sometimes slight and again violent in accordance with the nether situation and this we call an earth earthquake aake A visitation of this kind has just befallen the island of Z emte inte zante is one of the ionian group in the mediterranean sea at its eastern border is about twelve miles westerly from the most moist northwesterly point of greece on which the town of gastonne Gas tonni is situated all of said islands belonging to greece it to is twenty four mires in length by about halt half that in width and cinta contains titis a population of some 40 the principal town bears the same name as the island and is situ abed on the harbor on the eastern coast it contains more than half the entire population the principal feature ot of the island Is its pitch wells wella the ac counts count of which extend away into antiquity as aa far in fact as the days or of herodotus we all know what Z into currents currants are and these are the chief product the yield and export being very great it is not a stranger tr t earthquakes having bad them from its earliest history bisto rj but the ones through which it has just pawed passed seem to have been considerably more severe than any of late year perhaps during this century the afflictions of the people and the destitution prevailing oreva iline are appalling it t to Is creditable in the highest higher t degree to the grecian government that it has taken prompt and effective steps to relieve the di distress as much as possible |