Show THE DEMOCRATS SWEEP THE DECK grover clevela cleveland nd will be the next of the united states president pre stevenson will be the next adlai E F vice president will heude of representative the democratic by a large majority and be dow democratic cratic by a small mall one the thus senate for the fi farat mgt time in thirty two tae government pawed entirely the years yearb democratic hands bands of the into the VI lt hy defeat of the republican party the r that it ft and far reaching to in so BO complete unprecedented it is ie bounto to a rout of the country and can history in the likened to the crushing be rn moat st fittingly overtook the french which di disaster mount st jean forces at party sets wisely democratic ift if the he with lease of power the now new it will use ase not for entrusted been cavich it has but for aggrandizement mere partisan 81 good to the greatest the greatest it will number of our people moderation in all things act in shape legislation legi elation that while and nd will so fulfilling the promises prom isea and acting up to the principles sciples of its platform nothing expert revolutionary or dangerously mental will be permitted after the fourth of next dext march the whole and not apart a part only of the responsibility for left undone what to ie done and what is will rest reet upon the democratic party and whether the trust reposed in it shall ball be continued after four years or cut cutoff oft and the republican or some other ether party placed in power depends entirely upon itself the hands bands that have made can unmake and the people have already shown hown that they are not afraid to act in a most moat decisive and peremptory manner when they feul feel called upon to do so BO |