Show CITY COUNCIL mayor baskins bask ina gave fell in the city council chamber at tuesday march 8 the following councilmen were in attendance rich folland Fol Jand horn heiss heins beardsley evans Bi St ewing lawson hardy loofbourow bell and moran absent karrick after nearly thirty pages of type written minutes of the previous meet fag had been read and approved approve i d the following PETITIONS were read and referred as specified below george duffin buffi n asked for the privilege to maintain a candy and fruit stand near the corner of east and south temple streets Bt committee on streets william and john A groesbeck Gro eibeck asked permission to pile building material in front of and south douth main street committee on streets the young ladles ladies aid society asked exclusive privileges of erecting and maintaining a t stand at liberty park public grounds wm colton asked to be allowed to resign from from franks patrol system granted angus mckellar asked that second east street be put in passable condition from third to ninth south committee on streets street fred trimmer represented that he was desirous of expending 2000 in improvements prove ments on capitol hill and asked I 1 lands ads from the city covering that amount committee on streets thomas watson and others asked for an extension of Water malus on past east seventh south street committee on waterworks water works fred trimmer asked that no electric light or telephone poles be erected in we the center of north state street committee on streets J B walden asked for 75 on account of salary paid george M bowen oscar Gr et al asked that frank peterson be allowed to stand an express wagon on second south street committee on streets W cwilliams HW illiams asked for free license as produce peddler committee on license J M Beine Reine emar asked that the city canal be repaired where it passes passe through his property committee on irrigation J H mullen asked permission to open green street committee on ets eta abraham lewis et al asked that third west street between nineth and tenth south streets tsi be opened city engineer mr mn B R asked ked that a roa road be from capitol grounds to city areek canyon committee on streets street P F brooks asked that retaining walls walla be built in front of his property corner of state and first north streets corn com on streets 7 busch brewing company and others asked apat that third north street between second and fifth west streets be put in a passable condition committee on streets wm julian and others asked for an inc increase in the number of electric lights in the fifth and sixth wards committee on improvements W H sherman asked that he be refunded or have water mains extended on lincoln avenue committee on waterworks water works francis williams asked an extension of uwe time in which tor tar pay water taxes committee on waterworks water works W H lawrence and others of the fourth ward asked that certain streets be opened in the part of the city in which they live referred to the city engineer RECEIVED AND FILED the report of health commissioner hall hal was read received and filed 0 TIRE THE COVERED CONDUIT the city engineer submitted an estimate of the cost of extending the covered conduit on north temple street between state and east temple streets the entire distance will be feet of which feet will be street and feet in front of the abutting property the cost will approximate 10 per linear foot for the entire length or in addition to this it will be necessary to provide gates and pipes for distributing water for irrigation which will cost about more or for the complete work committee on streets CEMENT C SIDEWALKS the following report from the city engineer was also received and filed the city engineer submitted the following estimates of costs coats for cement sido wark pavements eight feet wide on the east side of west temple street between fourth aud and sixth south streets abutters abutter Is proportion faur inoh inch cement including grading per square foot 2112 city cites it proportion six bix hundred and forty square feet per foot cost per square foot abutters proportion four luch inch cement sidewalks sidewalk eight feet wide HE WANTS MORIC HOSE chief stanton of the fire do department r ament asked that the cou council nell burega purchase 1 e e additional feet of hose committee 0 on n fire are department extensions the same committee recommended that the petition of john H bailey and others for an extension of water mains on en third south street between west went temple and first west be granted so ordered the same committee recommended that the petition of mrs J robbins bobbins aud others for A extension on ninth east street between fifth and sixth south be granted under certain restrictions so ordered the same recommended that the petition of M J hamilton end and others asking for exten extension siou 0 41 water maina mains on eighth west street from seventh sauth to fifth south be adopted adopted the same committee recommended that the petition of G B R Bith well and others for an extension of water mains in city park addition from a point on eighth west street be granted provided that the assessment cover three fourths of the cost of laying the extension adopted A SPASM OP OF ECONOMY the special committee appointed to inquire into the cost of maintains main taing the various departments of the c ty and report in the interest of retrenchment and reform submitted the following which was laid on the table lor for one week city auditors office one official 1800 per year city recorders office five employed emp loyes per year city treasurers Treasur ers department three employed emp loyes per year sewer department nine employed emp loyes per annum Weight masters department one em aloye per annum Water masters department six em loyes aloyes fire department forty eight em aloyes por annum assessor and collectors department four employed emp loyes per annum city engineers department thirteen employee emp loyes per annum street department eight employed emp loyes city cemetery fourteen employed emp loyes per annum water tax collector two employed emp loyes 2400 per annum police department forty four em aloyes per der annum waterworks Water works department twenty one e employed emp loyes per annum city attorneys department two em aloyes per annum police justice two employee emp loyes per annum board of public works six employed emp loyes per annum board of health seven employed emp loyes 3 25 per annum the committee makes the following recommendations that the clerk of the recorder at and the assistant jailer at per annum bo dropped that at one emp employ loyto in the city engineers department at per annum he be arold dropped T that tl the e guards for prison labor be discharged tor for the present that the city assessor and collector be required to report at as early a date as possible any ret retrenchments retrench rench ments mento possible to be made in this department that the city sextons Sex tons office offlie be made a fee office thereby saving the city per ann annum urn that the duties of engineer of construction of sewers at 85 5 per day and his assistant at per day be performed by the permanent per maneno employed emp loyes in the city engineers department that there no be created the office of water and land commissioner at a salary per r annum fixed by the council whose ape ales duties shall be to grotem protem the cites rights and titles to land and water jwied by the city and shall also perform the duties now dow performed by the said water and land commissioner to be a allowed I 1 one clerk at a salary notto not to exceed per er annum and one deputy y for each precinct precinct as provided lu it the water masters department now that the office of ft sanitary inspector be mase maeve a salaried office salary to be fixed by Oon council noil that tle the city council fix the cost coit to the citizen for removing each dead animal each load of garbage and for clean ng each closet enot and cesspool KNOW IT WAS SOLD in the matter of the petition of mrs L M ayera byera the conj committee cittee on claims claim reported that the petitioner in 1899 1890 purchased a certain piece of property on which the taxes were unpaid and due the city that on february 16 15 1892 the property was sold for delinquent taxes it appears the petitioner was not aware of these facts facto and learned them only after the sale had been the petitioner now asked that the collector be authorized to receive the taxes from her the committee recommended that this be done and a quit claim deed be issued to her CAN TAKE SAND the committee on streets reported favorably on the petition of J needham and J for permission to take sand from jordan river adopted TO REPAIR SEVENTH SOUTH STREET the committee on streets recommended that the street supervisor be instructed to notify the rapid transit company to repair seventh south street in accordance with the conditions of its franchise adopted BE christened the name of sutphen street was changed to st louis avenue on recommendation ommen emmen dation of the committee on streets collection DEF DEFERRED ERRED the committee on street tg reported as an follows in the matter of the petition of auerbach Auerba cb bros for relief of payment of sidewalk taxes that the petitioners petition ers will commence building operations on may let the committee therefore recommended that collection be de gerred adopted STREET CROSSINGS the committee on streets becom cendej that the action heretofore taken by the council concerning the repairing of street crossings by steam and street car companies bendor sed and the street supervisor be instructed to report to the council the cam where repairs are needed and which the railroad companies refuse to make adopted TO LINE THE CONDUIT the irrigation committee recommended that the parleys canyon con duit be repaired by lining with galvanized iron RELATING TO LICENSES loofbourow presented the following which was adopted Raol resolved ved that hereafter all applications ap pi for license upon being filed with the recorder shall by that officer be at once placed in the hands of the committee on licenses to be considered and reported by that oom commatee comm mitlee itee to the next following meeting ot of the council TO IMPROVE rich offered the following which was as also adopted whereas salt lake city has about feet frontage on north temple street between fourth and sixth west unimproved and at present useless resolved that the city engineer be authorized to estimate the cost of extending the viaduct between fourth and sixth west streets on north temple and placing bridge on alith wet west street PRISON LAMP LABOR the following by heiss heine was referred to the committee on pil pris oue soup resolved that prison labor can be used to the best advantage to the cites interest by making the necessary arrangements with some railroad comp company ya that has hag sufficient land alongside its line so that a stockade could be built where rock could be hauled in by the railroad company and broken up by prisoners to be used in macadamizing macada mizing streets such arrangements could undoubtedly be made arrana with I 1 the denver and rio grande western company who have large blocks of vacant lands on their lands in the southwestern part of the city WHAT 18 RED BED TAPE councilman offered the following resolution which was re berred to the committee on municipal laws I 1 resolved that the committee on municipal laws with the city attorney associated be requested to consider the present sidewalk ordinance and report a new ordinance eliminating as far as possible the red tape with which the present ordinance seems to be burdened councilman rich asked what was meant by the words red tape pa the question was unanswered and reference refer guc made to the committee above name named PLATS AND MAPS the salt lake abstract title guarantee and trust company submitted a hid bid to furnish maps and abstracts of we city for or with a complete set of plats plate for idoo the security abstract company submitted bids for the same work at ani and respectively referred ANOTHER sprinkling DISTRICT V M C silva and others asked that a new sprinkling district be created covering the territory territory terri tor bounded as follows on the west by the west side elde of tenth east street from north ride aide of brigham street to south side of second south street east baat on north side aide of brigham street to east baet side ride of thir tenth east street south on OB thirteenth best street bam et east side bide to te filth fifth south west on OB second south street south ode to tenth east also pint first street from first east street to 8 street to special commatee ROAD BOAD TO MORGAN i offered t the A e following resolved that a special committee of three be sip appointed pointed by the mayor to report upon the advantages and estimated cost coat of com completing plating the wagon road via city creek and hardscrabble canyons to the town of morgan adopted THE LIBERAL colonizers evans that the vote by which the old silk aft I 1 factory had been ordered ordure d removed be reconsidered ad here ehfe were two families living in it they heated the building from the city the mayor we cannot tear the structure down over the heads heade of our own tenants rich 1 I am very sorry that my friend evans has brought this thia matter up as ae thereto there ia an ugly stamp upon it it need not be stated for what purpose tho biAll building ding was rented that Is generally known khow n Refe reference tence to the fact that it WAS a rendezvous for hobos who went there early in january to remain until a given time and perform a certain tin work is quite sufficient jf if the matter is pushed further I 1 shall demand full fall In gation and ask aek that be explained in open council Co anoil I 1 am informed that the present tenants rent the pro property r y from the chief of the fire department r et the be matter matte was disposed on a motion of to refer it tu to the committee committe on streets and public grounds I 1 appropriation 8 J 0 dowling 12 00 F C 61 50 salt lake power light and heating company aw 50 salt lake gas company 00 george Thae krab lr lie 00 hyrum Kinio all 32 26 25 R 0 G showell 20 total 40 40 adjourned |