Show NEW ORDER OF brotherhood it is now announced that the bishop of london bas as sanctioned the formation of a lay brotherhood of st to work within the metropolitan diocese and to be co unrolled nt ut rolled by a warden who will be under the jurisdiction of the bishop himself there is to be a sub warden and a chaplain while the rest of the community are to be divided into brothers brother probationers and serving brot brothers bers the duties of the brothers l will be to lead a disciplined cip lined devotional bommon common life separated from secular pursuits and wholly dedicated to the service of the church in connection with the parochial clergy the walden warden will tie he appointed by the bishop to whom alone he will be responsible in all things lawful awful he will preside at all meals and all meetings of the community ni and he will take care that the discipline and order of the community are strictly observed he will encourage advise and if necessary admonish the brothers his decision willbe will be final unless the majority of the brothers bring the matter before the bishop otherwise they must individually and as a body follow strictly the rules regulating their studies devotions meals habits and conversa tion within the house they me are bound to say the daily prayer for the brotherhood on oia rising rifling aud and retiring to rest they will be admitted for six mouths as probationers tio ners and then as brothers brot bers ing to remain for oue year at the expiration of that year they may renew for another and at the end of the second year they may either bind themselves for five years or indefinitely y adopt the plan of annual renewal the brothers will contribute to the expenses of the community in proportion to their means the amount of contri aution to be arranged hy by the warden and not in any case cam to be made known to the other members of the oommen ity thus rich members and their poorer brethren will live in every respect on terms of equality in summet summer they will rise at 6 have morning prayer at 6 breakfast at 8 and study wid and meditation from 10 to nearly 12 at noon there will be a service and dinner will be served at 1 outside work will be discharged from 2 to 6 5 evensong will take place at and supper tit at 6 after which comes three hours of indoor work every wednesday there will be three hours and a aalfs recreation recitation 11 and one evening of the week will 4 be allotted for receiving visits or going to see outside friends it is curious that nothing is said aid in the rules of the new community as to peculiar dress that will be a suppose for the discretion of the warden who will probably not insist on s tonsorial head bead a robe with hood bood and girdle and bare feet with sandals these properties are too medie medi eval seval and add romanist t to suit suii modern english ideas the likelihood however is that these lay monks will wear something marking them out from the common rule of secular English englishmen meD the obligation they make on entering the brotherhood is clear enough as regards detara tion from the ordinary affairs of the world each man mad on entering will repeat and sign the follow following I 1 ng pledge 1 I 1 in the faith and I 1 ve of guil god the father fabier the son and the holy ghost desirous of dedicating and devoting my life to the service of the church of christ without let or hindrance do hereby solemnly promise that for the space of one year I 1 will adopt as the rule role of my d illy life the rule of the brotherhood of st pauls and do here by pledge myself to abstain from all gordly occupations in accordance with the said rule anti and to yield obedi ence to the warden of the brotherhood in all things lawful so help we me god are monasteries monas tries or brotherhoods brothe practicable among us today some signs of the times seem to favor this reaction the writings of john ruskin buskin therl perhaps P the most influential voice of the e day are one long trumpet blast blant against those who see in railway factories and free trade the consummation ot of all that to is beautiful and good we find more over that our most successful latter day religionists are as closely linked to gether by concerted prayers and strict discipline as any order of the older church the poetry of wordsworth too is day by day more of a power and he perpetually preached retirement and urged men to find happi happiness far from th the e madding crowd 22 then our men of light and learnia learning g have told us that our charity must be organized organize dand and that we must give to the poor not money alone but time and thought dally daily service and personal love in this way many tendencies of the epoch unite to make practical and acceptable the revival of brotherhoods brothe in ID a church which seems ready to borrow from rome some of the splendor of its altars and much of the wisdom of its methods tested by time and adapted to the needs of the day london daily telegraph 7 ele graph |