Show THE POLITICAL POT both parties claim to be sure of the victory ten days more will bring the great national contest ot of november Nove moer 6 1888 bodib ot of the ireat patties are putting form their mole strength and boag both are equally confident of success so that the result ot of the issue cannot be to foretold retold with certainty this is a sample sampled hi the claims made by those dimmoc democrats rats believed to be best informed on the political olit icat situation including the Preal president dent himself washington oct 22 speaker and mrs carlisle and colonel blanton baucan daucan spent sunday afternoon in oak view the president Preside int expressed to the speaker sneaker the utmost confidence in the outlook in new york he said he did ool not believe he would have a plurality to overcome in the state larger than that given mr blaine the president does not think harrison will go to the Harlem RIver with over 60 plurality whereas blaine had and he be believes further that the democratic majority fin in new york city and brooklyn will be larger this ye yer r than in ID 1884 don M dickinson Dic kluson who has just returned from new york city says that the democrats at headquarters in making their calculations allowed the a plurality oi of up to the harlem river and with this big allowance felt confident of overcoming it in the city brooklyn and the county sad give we a good plara plurality lity to cleveland lor for twe the whole state they are perfectly confident of winning and a very prominent democrat who is in constant communication with the democratic executive committee said today that they were perfectly sure of new york indiana and new jerse jersey Y another man a new york business man a predicts a plurality of tor for nes eland in the vote of the whole state and said that he based this prediction upon the fact that the newark election and other things assure them of holding that part of the labor vote t they have heretofore counted on As tar far as any actual canvass of the state is concerned he says nothing reliable can be hao bad by either party on the other hand the republicans are equally sanguine as the following which is a good indication of the feelings in that party will show mr james shields the well known cop commercial mercial man who is fa in ia salt lake on business says that cleveland will carry indiana is almost almo beyond doubt and the way the being wa waged ed there is wag beyond de description i thre there is scarce scarcely a house in the city business or awe dwelling in g that does not in some way give tokens as to which way ill ift tenants prop proposed propos osei ej to cast their votes in the windows of all are to be seen the lithographed lithographer litho graphed features of their favorites and party feeling never before ran so high i in new jork york cleveland will oe be de heated and that by the tin bucket brigade the workingmen why in our factory alone where we employ several hundred men Blaine got I 1 less ess t than n votes four years ago now they have a republican club oi of and over the free trade light made by the republicans in the early part of the campaign has undoubtedly had bad its effect the indianapolis lad Express keeps standing the following notices we are authorized to announce that there is on deposit with the express the sum of 1000 to bet that benjamia Benja mib mth harrison receives a majority of the electoral votes over grover cleveland tor for president stakes to be deposited with national state bank we are authorized to announce that there is on deposit with the express a bill of sale of a stock of merchandise in the state of indiana ili invoicing voicing 1800 to bet against 1500 that benjamin harrison receives a majo majority rity of the electoral votes over grover cleveland for president the same offer is made that two northern states cannot be named which wiki cast their electoral votes tor for grover cleveland tor president in 12 mr J jacob acob lias t hyvo WO WO diets abts that harrison harri elected awaiting thiO takers the electoral vote as far as ican can be determined apart irom from party prejudices or affiliations now stands as follows democratic alabama alabaman 1 10 arkansas 7 delaware 3 florida 1 I 4 georgia 12 kentucky 13 louisiana fo 8 maryland Mary landH at a 8 mississippi 9 missouri 16 north carolina 11 south carolina 9 tennessee it 12 texas 1 ll 11 3 Virgin iii ht 12 west virginia 6 total republican PUBLICAN KB california 8 colorado 3 illinois 33 iowa 13 kansas ji 9 I 1 maine 6 massachusetts 14 michigan 13 minnesota 7 nebraska 5 nevada 3 new Hamp hampshire hire 4 ohio 23 oregon 3 pennsylvania 30 rhode island 4 vermont wisconsin 11 total DOUBTFUL connecticut 6 indiana 15 new jersey 1 I 9 new york 36 total 66 recapitulation for cleveland for harrison doubtful Doubt tal fal 66 total vote necessary to a choice all of the states classed as doubt ml ful id in this list cast their votes for cleveland in 1884 |