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Show BIRTHS AS REPORTED FROM tHE SALT LAKE AREA HOSPITALS MONDAY . BOYS! , . Mr. and Mr. Ralph D. Wharton, 2190 Laka St.' J" r Mr. and Mrj. John R. Lyman, 1902 Maadow Dr. . Mr. and Mrs. Norrla E Tuftj, 509 N' 1st West. ' - Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Vaslda, 471 - 3rd Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Ted E, Miller, 1350 E. 4065 South. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swanger, 74 W. 5th South, Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Briggs, Syracuse, Davis Courtly.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bradshaw, 754 5th Ave. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Archuleta, Grantsvllie, Tooele County. Mr. and Mrs,, Don Danlelsen, 121 E. 4255 South. , , Mri and Mrs, Gary Hofhlne, 337 Denver St. Mr. and Mrs. William Ted Christensen, Herriman, Mr. and Mrs, Larry R. Staley, Grantsvllie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Alma Rlchlns, 2327 - 5th East. Mr. and Mrs, Jay Haymore, 1650 E. 3350 South Mr. and Mrs, dead P. Lovell, 0755 - 3rd East, Mldvaia. Mr. and Mr Jack Balling, 1955 Spring Creek, Bountiful. - - ' " - - OIRLSf Mr. and Mr, and Mr. and and . Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr, and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and .-- Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and ' Mrand Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Mr. and Ms. and Mr. and - Mr. and Mr. and f Ronald A. Perue, 232 N. 1st West. H. Galloway, 34t Marion St. 3343 South.-M- r. Cart G. getting, 3090-7- 9. Larry A. Johnson, 703 Lafayette Dr. 0. Lamar Barrus, 1539 Kappa Mrs. Gerald W. Johansen, 1441 E. 42nd South, - . " -Mrs. Egon Mommer, 1371 eth East Mrs. Wayne L. McArthur, 495 Mary Rosa Or. Mrs. Roger L. Velllette, 1901 - Sth EasL Elizabeth St. Mrs. Cecil S. Despain. 64-Mr. Lee M Peterson, 570 W. 2nd South. Mrj, Richard A. Brock, 3550 S. 3340 West, Granger. Mrs, Reid W. Anderson, 1002 Locust St., Sandy. Mrs, Kay Bridge, 3309 - 3130 East. Mrs. Jack H. Taylor.lOSft . T2th East Mrs. Ray D. Provost, 2934 Delta Dr. Mrs. Donald Jaramlllo, 401 - 1st Ave. East. Mrs, Donald J. Harsh, 5070-92- 0 Mrs. Galin Edwards, 2295 -- 9th East. K St. 50 Gall Mrs. Hawker. Mrs. Edward G. Bartllng, 3579 Hallmark Dr., Granger. Mrs. James M. Howells, 0723 - 9th East, Midvale. Mr Robert Madsen, 57 Locust. M'dvale. Mrs. Richard E. Kester, 305 Vine St Murray. Mrs. Mac N. Ray, 7275 - 2825 East. Mrs. Alan Wlscombe, 1537 Sigma Ave. Mrs. Jimmy Parker, 345 W. 10th North, Bountiful. Mrs, Mrs, Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. William stores full of merchandise must bo soldi After 14 years of doing business we hove LOST OUR LEASE. All furniture .and oppll-ancin our store MUST BEt LIQUID ATED IMMEDIATELY AT ABSOLUT! SACRIFICE! Because of the expense, trouble, and work Involved, we do not want to move these items into our now store, so weMiave cut prices to a bare fraction of actual worth and passed the savings on to you. Select from merchandise rarely offered at sale now marked dpwn without regard to original cost or value. Approximately 45 days have boon lost duo to bad weather conditloniduring March and April thus delaying the construction of our new store South State. CARLOADS OF MERCHANDISE ordered for our now store will be sacrificed at discount prices because being builtat-194- 8 of the delay.' Thre es I , SAVE UP TO A.F. Continues Probe Into Missile Failure H J. Alr Forces RIVER, 'Emery missile, the U-was contest into overland the missile, Investigation County second failure of the Athena tinuing here Monday. The ipissile was fired last and the UJ5. Army at Thursday Provo Residence White Sands missile range In NeW Mexico, In control of all safety on the range, destroyed the missile after if had been in flight for 6i seconds. .Veers Slightly pROVO Police Monday were White' Sands reported that the investigating die burning of a missile had veered slightly off wooden cross on the front lawn course, and so destroyed l the of a Negro family Sunday night ! bird. The three-foo- t high cross, soaked in kerosene, was ignited It was reported that another at the Curtis J. Brown residence, 15 seconds could have been alS30 N. 800 West, Sunday about lowed by the range safety offis 9 p.m. cer to determine if the flight - Mr. Brown ran from the resi- path could be corrected. dence and Saw a youth jump into The first missile fired in it sea car already occupied with ries of 77 U.S. Air Force tests what appeared to be two other on Feb. 10 went astray and young men.' They appeared to be landed near Durango, Colo., 350 about 17 to 23 years of age, he miles short of its Intended tarsaid. ' get. Mr. Brown is employed at the A full report on the flight last Veterans Administration Hospi- - Thursday Js expected ..by W tai in Salt Jake CityrThe family has lived in Provo for about Third Attempt ' . two years. Next firing of the missile has not definitely been set buf point to a third attempt to get the Athena to its desigI v nated area within The heart of the Athena test program is to gain data on reRaymond Norton, 24, 474 N. Redwood Rd. shot 'himself in entry phenomena. This materthe leg Sunday as he was prac- ial can be obtained only by missile firings. The Athena is an inticing fast drawing." expensively made missile and Mr. Norton was Wilting friend at 1196 W, 6th South when can simulate the same patterns the accident occurred about 7 of flight and the same a.m. He told officers he was characteristiesas more sophispracticing .drawing the gun ticated and more expensive misfrom its holster, and on one of siles. Therefore, the Athena is the draws the gun which he expected to return a fantastic "'had thought was unloaded yield of information at a relawent off before it cleared the tively low cost, according to a D.S. Air Force spokesmans holster. ' ' GREEN i : - f Electric Ranges n Gas Ranges GUARANTEED REFRIGERATOR FREEZER USED Men Burn Wood Cross Non-do- g WASHERS DRYERS RANGES i 100-lb.- K freezer 1 Matchless FREEZERS blend NATION ' broiIer burners REFRIGERATORS Mammoth heat . performance warranty Slidd-ou- t service Free broiler - Oven - Celd-lecl- c Infinite Convenient control magnetic door - , heat panel quality insulation Decorator cabinet r styling controls Bonus Porcelai Char-co- il - Finish Pfd broiler O dryer frea tarvka O ranting j capacity. Automotkjid gafpty ewitcK, ft. credit on-mspo- T warranty O O lndi-catio- Man Injured IrT'Fasf 7 And More FOOD ALLSALESFINAL NO EXCHANGES. two-week- NO PHONE CALLS NO REFUNDS re-ent- WASHER " 2 cycles Automatic lid safety Fully automatic switch transmission -warranty ear FREE SERVICE! Oldsters Fete Planned June 17 lii S.L Park it was announced Monday. , Pa--- brafedJune "This 89th celebrafimTof the - with a band concert, community annual event is expected to be Binging, a program, and dinner one of the liveliest over, accord-ing-Old Folks Day will be cele-- I k t! to acid indigestion? right away with TUMS antacid tablet. Today's good , lasting TUMS are lQrtified-speed soothing, high Hpotency excess 4 --- - PresidingBishopJohn H. Vandenberg of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day relief , neutralize acid . . release you from the d stomech grip of an -- completely, gently, on the that? Uke Wouldn't you spot. Quickly affective? High potency rtlitf 3 ran pack-- Saints,' chairman.""' - Every person over 70 years old, of all races and religions, is Invited to participate. Punch and ice cream will be furnished by the .central, Church groups are also preparing the meal. , com-mittee- . Front jl. .m.-unt- il noon the Salt Lake Municipal Band will present s --concert,- underth direction of Marvin H. Strong. Dinner will be served at noon, with the program at 1:30 p.m, ' Kenneth E Biurn$ 1781 Bryan Ave., (1557 South),,is secretcommittee and is ary!-the charge Of arrangements. ' i nnnnnnnnnnnnn ROOM COOLERS nfesiiltUflf.iMi , an Warranty Free Serviee Free Delivery.' Food Insurance Compact Design m . . n CONDITIONERS 2 1 - V |