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Show College of Computing, Integrated Engineering & Technology KADE BURR-- As a candidate for senator, are there many things that I would like to see accomplished I feel that it is very important to get the students involved m the many programs that are out m the real world that will help us become moie profession ll m our future careers Therefore I believe it is necessary that Burr there are progiams within the college itself that will provide real world experience for us as students As a student studying in the Construction have seen a few things Management program field and within the this those in that could help Two specific things of this college otherprograms I would push for are to establish more student chapters of organizations such as the AGC (The Associated Geneial Contractois of America), and the NAI1B (National Association of Home Builders) I feel that programs such as these will allow SUU giaduates to get into the field sooner, as employers will lealize they can count on SUU as a continuous bank for high quality and highly skilled employees will always be able to come to me and hav e the will put bill written promptly and proficiently on an incredible locus week which everyone on I campus will notice Throughout tins year have been working as the Professional Development Delegate m the Assembly which gives me the 1 expenence needed to be MA1LE llSON -Over the past year I have served as one ot the Senators repiesentmg the of School Computing, Integrated Engineering and was Technology, at times, the sole Senator from the CIET College During this time, I have met with Dean Boimiaev and have developed a woiking relationship with him I have also become very familial with the structure and procedural arrangement of SUUSA student 2007-200- 8 CIET government As one of your I use this will familiarity, knowledge Senators, and these relationships to assure that students of our college are well repiesented and consistently supported throughout the upcoming year a great senator College of Humanities Social Sciences & - ANTHONY BROSKEY Our school is in desperate need of more NCAA athletic piograms Many students would support that fact I plan to petition in sight of creating more NCAA teams at our college I will piopose legitimate funding propositions to support my and various campaign issue such as public dances activities to raise money for these programs I believe the school could use a senator that will embrace the students interests and open up to opportunities for them It would be my honor have you vote for me m this election ANDREW LeCI IEM1NAN T Students at Southern Utah University have a nght to know what their school is doing to make their education the best it can be Student senators are there to make sure students are taken care of, and have access to help that is offered Personally, I never knew what was available to me as a student until recently, and I want to show others what they can LeCheminant be a part of as well I want to keep students informed, answer their questions, get feedback on issues and activities so I can take that information back to the Senate, and work so that necessary changes can be made to make SUU the best school it cau possibly be Lets make the voice of the student body heardi RACHEL SIMMONS -No platform available at press time iimmons 1 - ALEXANDER BLAKE I have been around the school for some time As a sophomore and junior I had no clue what was going on in my college, I leally didn t know how to get mv oh ed Then I found out myself how things worked and got involved My goal now is to educate the students in my college on how to be heard and involved I want them to know where their money is going and how their money can be used to better benefit them and their department I also want to help students get better jobs by introducing more companies to the students And that is how the cookie crumbles Beverley Taylor KIERSTEN GRAY -Honestly, I am running to be an education senator so I can make change Right now the SUUSA Senate seems to be a body that just allocates funds As an Education Senator I will truly be a voice for the College of Education Helping new initiate programs, holding myself responsible to the students, and continually being proactive instead of reactive are just a few of my goals Leadership has always been a part of my life and I have been able to balance many duties and responsibilities at once For example, this past year I served on student government am a Resident Assistant, member of LDSSA council, Alpha Phi member and President of Students in Fiee Enterprise With my desire, ambition, dedicaUon, and leadership skills, I can assure you that with me as an Education Senator you will see positive change for the College of Education NAIAL1E NEW BOLD I believe the most important function ot the senate is the power to approve the allocation of student fees within SUUSA and defend tlie interests of Southern Utah University students on how to best use these funds As Education Senatoi I will try my best to use my power to ensure that student funds for tlie School of Education ate being used honestly wisely, and evenly This insures that the students aie not paying lor fees that are not being used I plan to involve the student body in legislative decisions by making it as easy as possible for the students to w'ork w rth their senators so that together they can make decisions on what the College of Education's needs are and sponsoi a bill to meet those needs As a senator, I will try to communicate as effectively as possible with the students m the College of Education how funding is being allotted and recent changes occurring m the college in the form of a monthly new slettet JOSH SNOW I will make sure the students voices will be heard I want to get input from students on the new teacher education building to make sure the students needs are met m the building If fit ere is a bill which needs to be wntten, the students always beneficial for the almighy application It can sometimes be a little confusing when trying to uiuleistand the student governments budget had a far from equal and previous ludgets distribution of funding If electeJ 1 intend to use all means within my power to make sure the College of Science is recognized I also plan to make suie science students receive their fair share of the budget to make sure their needs are met EMILY SMOLKA There are many who woik hard m this school, and I want to show it by sharing what the arts has to offer by stepping up publicity (How many of you have made it to the art gallery lately7 How many knew about it7) SUU wants to put us a step ahead unfortunately, in a diverse and constantly changing aiea of study, we need a variety of professional workshops, both here and at conferences, available to students to teach us new' tecluuques and perspectives As a representative of CPVA I would express your opinions to the senate so that your money goes to giving students like you the e opportunities that inspire, teach, and gi the best education available By lighting the fire m our minds and hearts we can make our ed ication the expenence of a lifetime JAMES T THORNE -As someone who has been at SUU for a number of years now I believe m our school and its students SUU is a great place to go to college and like many of you I know how hard it is to be a full time Greek, student, employee, athlete, and even a full time soldier If elected I intend to do what is necessary to make it possible for students not to have to worry about making extra money because student fees continue to rise I believe in a decrease m student feesi I say let the students decide how to spend their money I take the opinions of my fellow students senously and will diligently woik towards solutions to our college's concerns to make our goals become a reality as a senatoi Sorenson College of Education & Human Development - Page 7 University Journal Monday, Mai cli 26, 200 College of Performing & Visual Arts - KATIE ANDERSON Hey Im Katie Anderson, running for a CPVA Senator Im a small town girl with big dreams Many students dont realize the power has student government I am fully at this college aware and capable of the responsibility it takes to be I have a senator at SUU served m many leadership positions and Im excited to serve you I understand the issues that need improvement at SUU These issues include problems with public safety, tlie high cost of student fees, and uniting the art departments I plan to implement new ideas and work with other senators to solve these problems My top priority is to lower the cost of student fees Ive seen the talent m our department and its foolish not to use it By having activities and art shows we can build funds that will lower our student fees School of Business JON McNAUGHTON -I believe that the purpose of the scn.ile is to bung some powei of c ui student government to file spte fie I know that the colleges Bu ol continues sines College to move loiwail v rth tew I only w Hi to help piogiams m tius piogicss College of Science - JOSH WILLIAMS We wall hold the senate student and government accountable We will be true lobbyist for the n gilts of all SUU students Student fees should be kept at a moderate and affordable level We believe that the opportunity to become educated in a fine establishment of higher education such as SUU is an extraordinary blessing We will not be dogmatic, however, our voices will resonate a firm resolution and dedication to the marvelous student populace of SUU TAYLOR HUTCHINS -- The Science Department of SUU is one of tlie states finest, and I will work to improve on its success The need pre health piograms to be additionally funded to allow new opportunities for students As Science Senatoi I will focus on the input of the students for using student fees in ways that will most benefit them The Senate was able to get funding and supplies to start up a dental chmc which will greatly benefit SUU students and I wall assure that this program continues, and more like it will be created JOSH DEKKER -The majonty of the students whose major is within the College of Science are seeking to further their educati on in the field of health care It is for tins reason that if elected as science senator, I will work with students, clubs and faculty to furthei extend the opportunities that are available to the students within the science Some of these department include helping opportunities students gain the an understanding of their desired piolession and through community service job shadowing, like also would care to them patient exposing to implement more classes that will allow students to further their knowledge, so that they will be prepared for their necessary entrance exams and the subjects that they will be studying in graduate school McMaughton ANDREW We and will L hold Om -the senate 1 student government accountable We will be true lobbv ist for the rights or all SUU students Student fees should be kept at i modi rate We and affonlable lev el beluie that the oj portunrty to become educated in a fine cstablislun at of hiehei such a0 SI U is blcssins oidn aiy We will not be dogmatic, however our voices will lesonate a firmiesolution and dedication to the maivelous student populace of SUU edu ration ail e'ti SII UJN WARBY We will hold tlie senate and stuuent gov emnient accountable We will be true lobby st for the rights of all SUU students Student fees should be kept at a moderate We and affordable level believe that the opportunity to become educated m a t his ei fine establishment education such as SUU is an extraordinary blessing We will not be dogmatic, however, our voices vv ill resonate a firm resolution and dedication to tlie marvelous student populace of SUU JUSTIN WESTWOOD -As business senator, I intend to do my best to make sure each business organization has better opportunities to do extracurricular activities, which will allow them to show the qu llity of the business college at SUU I recently joined DEX, SUUs maiketmg club and realized file quality' of bm ness students we have here at SLTU With more finances supporting our business college business students m different clubs can show how gieat we really are at local and national competitions and events My job as senator will be to represent tlie business organizations the best I can so that I can earn as much money as possible to allow every worthy opportunity For moie opportunities and better representation, vote for Justin Westw'ood pre-heal- pre-heal- CARRIE COLTON -An artist has file power not only to save lives but souls The arts are the basis of our culture and way of life and have benefited our society in astounding ways are they Unfortunately quickly fading due to the entrance and overpowering As a effect of technology senator my first and foremost job that I want to accomplish Colton is to help preserve the arts the onginal American culture Getting a job m artistry is becoming nearly impossible not because of the overwhelming numbeis that enier into this piofessiun but tlie audience and patron numbers that are leaving tlus form of eiiteitaiimient As a senator of CPVA I w'ould bring m more professionals andor send students to them in older to expenence a deeper understanding of then choice ot occupancy - M AIT DICKERSON The 1 hree L s Exploie Tluough senatorial duties, we as a College will exploie new opportunities Expand As a senator I will expand tlie knowledge of the students m our College with regard to student government and the its vanous departments Engage I will eucouiage engagement within the departments the faculty file administration, including the dean forbettei communication and involvement TRISTAN KIYAN -I want to serve the students of the college of performing arts I want to be their voice would like in the senate to keep them informed on what is going on with the government I would like to alter parts of the government that may be unfair to them 1 - DIANNA HEATH Throughout the 2006 2007 school year, the science department has had the benefit of three confident, energetic senators serving it These senators have accomplished a variety of things, including money for appropnatmg such different programs as tlie SMILE pie dental program If I am elected, science majois can anticipate an equally successful year for next fall and spring during my tei m I w ill stnv e to allocate the optimum amount of funds for similar science and pie professional on campus activ i ties as is suitable One of my greatest concerns is that the student population is unawaie of the gieat things that will seek the senate can do for it As a senatoi out oppoitumUes for students to take advantage of expenences that will enhance education and better each individual These aie file kinds of opportunities students need r S 1 WILEY THUET -As a Science Senatoi, I would truly work for you am currently a third year biology major looking to apply to graduate school over fins summer and would like to spend my semor year representing SUUs science students I understand that most of the science majors at SUU plan to apply to a graduate program of some kmd and know that extra funding for extensive needs such as science and clinical exposure is almost I 1 Ki van M cK ENZI E ROM ERO UNIVERSIT Photos from the 2006 elections. 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