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Show Monday March 3, 1986 T fie Thunderbird A tongue in check BY TRACY GIRDWOOD VP candidates are varied group (continued from page 3) that there is any need for change, just minor adjustments. We have had a successful year so far, and I think that if we pick up where we leave off and continue the way were going, we could be even more successful, he said. Rex, the write-i- n candidate for the academic vice president position, listed several previous leadership positions that he has held, such as ASSUSC Attorney General, ASSUSC Chief Justice, and director of the Student Center. The goals he said he would like to accomplish are to promote the guest lecture series more, increase student involvement in teacher evaluations, and of student fee allocations. begin a Candidates for the administrative vice presidential position are Chris Angelo, who is running independently of a party, and Mike Anderson for the Star Party. Angelo, a senior majoring in accounting, claims that his experience does not stem from the political side of leadership. I was in the Marine Corps for four years, and during that time I was a squad leader, he stated, adding that he is currently involved with VITA, or Voluntary Income Tax Association, a nationwide organization which does peoples tax forms for feel Bull not confined to biology department patronize v. 1. To treat in an offensively condescending way. condescend v. 1. To treat in a patronizing manner. all had to throw our weight around once or twice, havent When was last time you had to deal with an incompetent sales clerk? Or B.S. your way through an essay test? Or shine and dazzle through a job interview? The art of snowing is a valuable tool, and there are numerous opportunities for impressing someone. I believe the examples listed above are legit. But what about those characters who use dazzle, shine, and B.S. to their nauseating limits? I once thought that only public relations people dared to be so consistently boring. Ive since changed my mind. But B.S.ing can be sort of fun. Its challanging to see how much we can get away with. The facet of the B.S.er that irritates me to no end is the individual that finds his B.S.ing so intriguing that he assumes all others buy his dazzling little package every time. In simple, somewhat harsh terms, this person is a snob. In practical terms he is a patronizing, humorless, pompous ass. Hes pretty easy to spot. In a crowded room he is the one with a large group of passive onlookers passively looking on. Most of them are probably bored to tears. No one gets a word in edgewise, which is fine with him. He cares not who he talks to, only that he is talking. There are various levels to ones intelligence; it is my opinion that an ability to regurgitate a slew of facts, figures, and statistics is not one of them. If these people would isolate themselves in closets alone or with others like them it would please me very much. Too often I find myself cornered in an endless listening spree with someone who thinks he invented the slide rule. It looks like Im dealing with two problems here: how to avoid this boring, B.S.ing intellectual, and how to keep my temper when he talks to me like Im a child. The latter is of most interest to me, because everyone has the right to be both boring and an intellectual, but no one has the right to offend me in a condescending way. They insinuate themselves into all ephelons of society. Their presence in our classrooms cannot be overlooked. We have all had teachers who underestimate our intelligence. Unfortunately, often these teachers are unaware that effective teaching comes from stimulating a student; plugging the desire to learn into appropriate outlets. Not many of us enjoy a lecture although often they are necessary for the class material but a lecture in which the instuctor plays God with his material is even more aggravating. My bitch here is not with teachers, however. It is with those who think they can utilize the lecture format in social situations, oblivious to my input and opinion, and slap me in the face with a superior .holier than thou attitude. I am very conscious of it; the sting lingers. Any question I may have is scoffed at, their speech actually slows as if to accommodate my perceived mental inadequacy. What do you suppose motivates a person to treat another so shabbily? Perhaps they are insecure about their intelligence and sit at home with a box of trivia cards for use at social gatherings. Perhaps they have the need to be in constant control and therefore must dominate every conversation. Or perhaps this person is just a patronizing, humorless, pompous ass. I could attain much satisfaction in telling the next one a new way to use his slide rule, but that would not accomplish anything and might yield infection. Ill settle for a quick, nonchalant snub of the nose and leave you with a quote from a favorite professor of mine, who has the intelligence to consider even what he may disagree with: Small people talk about people. Average people talk about things. Large people talk about ideas. Put that in your slide rule and smoke it. Weve we? Ptuje 5 i3CT? f I. h M ...- -7 them for free. Angelo claims that he would like to see such activities as are already going on, and to keep moving in that direction. Angelo also said that he would like to hear what the students who don't like getting involved in these types of activities (dances, etc.) would like to do. I am really interested the proper allocation of funding for clubs, and see that money actually get put to use, he said. Anderson, a junior also majoring in accounting, has had many years of political leadership during his years of schooling here and in high school. In Cedar High School he was student body vice president, and since coming here he has been ASSUSC assistant director of clubs and organizations and is currently serving as the president of the Ambassadors Club. Anderson has also been involved in administering such activities as Homecoming, the Fall Fest, Winter Wonderland week, and the Centrum Grand Opening. I want to better serve the students through the executive council, claims Anderson, adding that he would like to have bigger and better activities and keep improving on present ones. We will have learned from our mistakes, he stated. r- j Hvvil i u LJ - fc H, ( (wow. !i 'C HERMIES TOO WORLD FAMOUS DEEP FRIED HERMIES DEPOT TP SKY MUSHROOMS ONLY With coupon Limit. 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