Show gravel Is a very common and distressing disorder one that causes more pain to men than any other disease to which they are subject seven cases out of ten are caused by a deranged condition condit ioa loa of the kidneys for this distressing complaint there is fio nothing thing that can equal eqbal the potency of warners safe cure what an n in increase ase GRAND RAPIDS mich 14 1884 1 I suffered many years from chronic diarrhoea and was able to get only temporary relief my disease seemed to baffle medicine began to take warners safe cure and increased in weight from younds bounds to and have not had a sick spell this summer r whereas last summer I 1 was sick all t the he time M H WALBRIDGE mich school moderator D dr ISe uleys ley celery beef and iron the great nerve tonic will cure nervousness neuralgia rheumatism and builds up bro broken en down constitutions delicious Pe licious aud and nutritious sold by all brugg druggists ats and country dealers far b aj C X 1 dru 8 apo 01 04 ARNICA SALVE T the e BEST SALVE in the world for cuts ats bruises sores ulcers salt rheum fever sores soree tetter tetter ca chapped ed hands chilblains corns and all min skin F eruptions sand and positively cures piles or no pay pal required it is guaranteed to rive ve perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box FOR FOB SALE AT Z Q V M I 1 DRUG STORE As a cure for insomnia and nervousness there is nothing like dr henleys Hen leys elery beef and ard for sale by Z C M I 1 drug store and all druggists 1 thu groat ro 1 aw PUR PURELY ELY are you bilious tae taw regulator newer fails fail to ewe cle 1 I most cheerfully recommend i it to all 1 IW w wl suffer from bilious attacks or any caused by a disarranged state 4 ot it 1 the I he dt live v KANSAS CITY mo W B R do you want good digestion I 1 suffered ered intensely with etc A neighbor who ho had tola simmons liver Regulator told me we it was a sw cure formy for my trouble A t dose I 1 took r lieveld me very much and in one reevs time was in as strong and hearty as I 1 ever was it i the best medicine I 1 ever took fw for sia VA JT G W do you suffer from constipation testimony of WARNER chief jus tice flee of ga 11 1 I have used simmons li lives regulator for constipation of my my bowe bowell caused by a temporary Deranger derangement rient of th tb liver for the last three or four years i r e and always with decided benefit j have you malarial malaria 3 I 1 have had experience with simmons ra liver regulator Begu lator since sinae 1866 and regard it as the t greatest medicine times for d e v peculiar to malarial re jimm so good 0 d a medicine deserves universal com commendation BEV ber ar B cor car sec Sout hn baptist theological seminary ry safer and better than calomel calom I 1 I 1 have been subject to severe spells ot of V congestion est ou of the liver and have been in th the habit of taking from 15 to 20 grains of 0 generally laid me up for three I 1 or four days lately I 1 have been taking sim I 1 mons liver Regulator which gave me relief without ani interruption to ohio J HUGG j B Z i CO CD amm PI PRICE i |