Show BY TELEGRAPH PM fill UNION tt USE AM F atto R I 1 C A AX N NEW HAVEN conn 14 A horrible story comes from reports say that a colored woman living near pond Mill wishing to call her husband closed her baby up in the oven to aft if t warm the fire being nearly out t while she was away her husband came I 1 home homeland and being unaware orthe of the whereabouts of th achild built up a i hot fire the woman oman noticed smoke coming from the chimney and hurried home but arrived too late aa the child was found literacy roasted I 1 blise 14 A most dreape alac aident was nar rowl averted by a quick witted engineer this thia morning T the he northbound north borth bound express on the aa york and long mand island railroad was filled with prominent new york business men doming offices near matawan and lust just before reaching the bridge feet long the cars were derailed by a broken frog the clars cars after dropping on the ties ran across the bridge snapping the steel ralls rails into bits and tearing the wooden structure into splinters the rear coach lost its truck and was drawn a long distance on its ita floor beam george Cb eckner engineer finding it impossible to sto stop p his engine 1 which was te tearing axing along at a rate of thirty miles an hour saw that the only hope was ao in inc tease the speed he threw open the throttle and thus ts prevented the cars from top plina I 1 I 1 no over the bridge the cars swayed ir from 0 af side to side but t they hey were satel bately carried out of danger the casseh passengers gars were all more orless shaken up but nobody was wao hurt I 1 LUWELL 14 A veo the man that confessed to with L p president re mcneil of the Lauc lancaster aeter bank banh at clinton arclinton in robbing the bank has retracted lis his confession con feston he now nelson and himself were ere alarmed aba about ut the property left lathe the umble marble jos cole office when they got an inkling of the tae acts la 14 the case but bat fearing arrest I 1 tor being accessory to ps crime if they took the satchel back to q tao ho bank caused taj them to hide the property HUNTERS I 1 I 14 at port washington bay adjoining this town the oyster have santi large shins in laying out and pi planting oyster beds the town claimed ownership and levied rentals against the farmers which the latter declined to pay L I 1 1411 stews has just been received here that most of the oe scallop fleet et at Promised Laul 1 gar diners baywerd Bay ba were wrecked wreck wre eked ad on robbins bobbins island duria q na lage the he late storm among the vessels were weft the schooners ners swen seven brothers name crazy jane sappho hempstead ano and calef the names of a number of sloops s ardies sharpies shar pies and schooners ners haven have not yet been ascertained the crews axe are all safe so far as known but they suffered greatly from cold chicag CHICAGO 14 at a Inbe ting of 22 leading barbed wire manufacturers of held here today to ayi day lt was decided el to form f rin r a national association A temporary organization was effected and a meeting was called in this city for january when a permanent organization was effected the following schedule df prices was adopt adopted edi galvanized Galvani sed wire in fifty ton lots 5 cents a pound in smaller lots rm 5 cents painted fainted wire in alfy tou ton lots 4 cents a pound in smaller lots VZ 1 cents thick set wire in fifty ton lots lota ax 4 cents la in smaller lotsi lots 4 cents ST louis 15 charles charies wilson allson colored was hanged this morning for the murder of a river steamer mate some time ago he remained calm to the last protesting his innocence wilson killed mate of df the steamer fannie jul july 31 1885 b bv h hitting him on the head with a rock il I 1 ad been aiB charged and ordered away from the steamer returning to get some money he claimed was owing him after the trap had been sprung the body for a moment remained motionless and there was enacted a scene mue ol of horror which chilled the blood of all who witnessed it two doctors one ou on either side were each holding a wrist when violent contor eions qi of the hanging i figure egure shook them asi aside leand and before befar e they could regain their hold upon the man whose actions showed he was in ill possession of all that was wa s going ou on made frantic struggles straggles to release himself his right hand shot up clutched the rope cope and held it firmly it seemed as it if the mao man must die by slow degrees from frodi istran galation gu lation but aut one ot of the doctors Joc tors succeeded ac ju ati disengaging the hand an and V in a short time the body hoa lifeless corpse CLEVELAND 13 15 the situation so far as the water famine is concerned remained unchanged until ten this adorning when it was found that the witter water was entering the tunnel and an engine was started at the pumping station this is still working slowly and the indications are more bhore favorable than for many hours areat majori lyof the manufacturing establishments w which I 1 h depend upon the city for water have shUtdown shut down nearly aalthe courts have I 1 been adjourned as the steam heating facilities are frozen up hundreds of teams are engaged in hauling i water from the lake with which to supply thirsty families should toe the present favo favorable ruble condition of affairs congiu afe ufe another engine will be put in operation at the one pumping station as soon as practicable SAN PRA yisco 15 the japan oa zette sette bayst several He veral otter hun hunting Lini ves se sels s are reported to tb have been captured by v the and sent to ainsa aka the vessels were english aud and german germain tho the codean govern sending some officials dils to the united stants slants to ta watch the move and other refugees the officials will be disguised as simple travellers trav ellers CHATHAM mass 15 A Al quantity 0 of wreckage has drifted ashore on mon omy beach marked julia A brown pr thu the bark ottlia A brown was of gross tonnage and was built in boston in 1874 struck on some shoal in vineyard sound daring the late isto gale and went to pieces washington 15 the republican Sana tors met in caucus at half past ten this morning and adjourned at half past one their purpose was to compare views with regard to the right ol of tile the senate to information as to the Pra reasons for making removals from office the fact was stated that many of the inquiries addressed to the heads of ef departments by of committees remain unanswered but up to this time indi cate cateno no seto refuse to give this information no formal proposition was wade and no action was taken while a wide variety of opinions found expression with regard to the propriety of bising a formal issue with the adminis ti aaion at the present time upon this question the majority were of the opinion that thai should the information bought not dot ultimately be forthcoming for tle the republicans will in justice just to the men who have been suspended or beuic removed ived for supposed sup suppose poseA c cause f use be required to take some formal action in tue senate to secure secure information or in an avowal by theT resident that he will not give his reasons for making removals covals Is there was unanimous concurrence euri enbe in the opinion that the re officials a know whether aney were removed f for or political reasons or of their trusts trust sand a that it i is s the senators tors duty to secure the if possible Dos sible t toe tae hoyse hous committee on rivers and harbors today to day resolved to limit tile the total amoust of appropriation for im P r 0 v 04 rivers and harbors to eleven in 1 11 io dollars tho the sums recommended jor for appropriation will in no case be public in advance of the r report ort of the bill I 1 ahe the postoffice Post office department has received a letter from the dl rector beneral of posts urging the united states government to send abend an officer of the department to germany to personally inspect and study the parcel post se service gerylee rylee of that country with a view to joining the international ter national parcel post the meeting me etine of the rouse house naval affairs committee took a 4 sensational turn today to day the boutelle resolution inquiring about the dismissal 0 01 ex VIA unload soldiers and sailors from the nor 0 41 kanavy yard and the appointment of ex confederates in their place abom and as to the statement instatement that lc le ertain inscriptions commemorative of th the e victories over the confederates had been defaced de faced was called up and led to a heated poll political discussion wise of virginia made a speech denouncing the resolution and impugning laing the motives of ito ita mover he fulling Fu insinuated that the resolution was introduced trod geed frobig from desire to make party capital atal and depressed the opinion that it so as a 4 general investigation into the conduct of the navy yards he urged that the mere newspaper report was the sole foundation for foe the proposed inquiry and not becoming the dignity of congress to heed such stories boutelle vigorously defended the resolution he said he had been assured by a brother member that the i publication was substantially correct B he e wanted the matter investigated thomas thomao pointed out that tho the rosolia tion was not for an was lor a simple inquiry and if the story was without foundation the navy department could easily prick the bubble mcadoo contended that the investigation should be general reau republicans li had been discharged from other navy yards on the eastern coast and way not at norfolk hewitt inquired if it would be contended that the victors were not entitled to the spoils thomas acquiesced in that assume tion but said in hi the case under consideration it was a question not of poll lic tie snot a republican had been displaced by a democrat but whether the statute giving pie preference ference to union soldiers had been violated he wanted to know whether union soldiers had been discharged to make way for rebel soldiers and whether the memorial stones cammen commemorating aerating union victories had been obliterated hewitt inquired if tile the gentleman would have tolerated a confederate monument commemorating a victory of bull run thomas replied that he be would have it pulled down fortunately I 1 the rebels failed in altheir koole object ct ege he was not ashamed of having fought for the union other members of the committee expressed themselves in strong language and the session ended without action on the rp resolution solution which will dome come at ap for coil consideration at the next meeting the secretary of the Interior has ihas requested the Atto attorney rhey general to institute suits against the lacoma cattle company in the western part of nebraska to recover the value of timber alleged to have been cut by them from the public lands also a similar suit against A M and J H wetherbee to recover the value of timber cut cat from the public lands in mississippi I 1 of the united states at santa do de cuba reports to the department of state the existence of large quantities of guano on the south coast of the island of cuba the guano Is deposited in eaves caves one of which was visited hv by the consul and it is estimated to contain from to tons the facilities for working these deposits are reported as being excellent the department of state has been officially advised that the king of the belgians has proposed an annual prize of francs for the purpose of of en of the mind therom the competition pet tion to be open to all nations and goibe decided by a jury appointed by the king of the belgians el gians to 10 consist of seyen seven members of three will be belgians and the rest foreigners the prize forming the object of the third mixed international competition will be adjudged in 1889 to the best work on the progress of electricity as a motive power as a means of illumination etc 1 SAN 15 the steamer arrived this morning with hong kong dates of december and yokohama of the it is rumored in yokohama that owing to the failure of the japanese government to raise a loan in england there is a plan under consideration to borrow borrow the money in the united I 1 states the shanghai says the new loan to the chinese government of i is s being 11 negotiated with witha i local bunk i 1 1 tien tsin advices advises say that the scheme for the introduction of railways into china has been postponed inu but the final decision is ig only deferred I 1 until sir robert kart chief of the cus torn tom ter a establishing railway administration advices advises from yokohama to the he associated socia ted press say that an important change has just been effected in thre the lorm form and constitution of the japanese government hitherto there have been three principal offices the prime minister prime Prinie minister of the left and prime minister of the right which ranked in the order nat named ned the council of state only existed in n name it had no responsibility and no power apart from the three prime ministers as a consequence the heads beads of the executive departments were nt not n t personally responsible s p for fok the 06 administration of th the e trusts iu in their ch charge the new defor reform in consists in the abolition to n of the council of state and the offices of the three prime 1 ministers and the formation of a responsible cabinet several other changes have been anade the principal one being the abolition of the department of public works and the creation of the department of communications controlling posts railways and telegraphs the corean government has decided to td construct a telegraph line from seoul to fusan busana IL distance of 00 miles connecting at the latter point with the cable to nagasaki japan DENVER 15 A report reached here this evening from ne baaska that two settlers fohr and ba bekka burns a who left there a week ago monday on a huu hunting trip 0 on n the and middle fork of the republican were found frozen to death eight attempted to retura return home after a blizzard came up but became lost in a blinding snow storm fohr had stuck the muzzle of his bis gun in the ground and laid down near it and died burns managed to get yards flir ther on before he was overcome both were under large drifts of snow and would not have been found but for the gunstock gun stock sticking up out of the snow silda A teamster and herder wera found near and were taken to town akron on the eastern line of colorado reports several persons frozen in the same storm they are supposed to have been homesteaders living a great reat ways apart they settled on fand land late last foil fall and were wholly unprepared for severe weather some of toe a bo bodies es when found showed that they had been attempting empting 9 tt to reach a neighboring ranch when overcome never in the ine history of the west have so many persons perished from the cold as in this storm topeka aKs Ks 15 reports have been received today to day of the finding of the bodies of three more men in the southwestern portion of the state the victims of the recent storm this makes twenty four bodies in all that have been found i NEW YORK 15 mall mail advises advices from panama of atie ath last contain the following at t J on the morn indof december lath the spanish city Ania Awa a town of inhabitants situated twenty five miles south of guatemala was shaken by frequent shocks of earthquake which continued all day curtil p in when a very heavy shock was felt and at in m the heaviest shock came throwing down many walls and houses already assured by bi the ea early ay iy shocks people were thrown down and the air was filled with dust from the fallen houses shock followed upon shock and the frightened people rushed to the large plaza in front of the church san juan and dragged th the image of their guardian saint outside e the building and |