Show bj B y telegraph teleo raph AMERICAN laramie CITY cirr wy 25 while sheriff brophy and deputy fee pee were attempting to arrest the noto zious jious j desperadoes jack wadkins and his pal yesterday on a peace warrant they resisted the arrest and wadkins shot and seriously wounded the deputy sheriff anti and slightly wounded the sheri sherl sheriff fr and then jumped upon his hor bor horse seand abd aad escaped into tho the black hills a dollars reward is offered for wadkins pap capture ture and various hartles jp arnies arties are in in pursuit pursuits he is to have gone toward the northern mor thern forts providence II 11 I 1 25 the general assembly today to day elected henry lippett governor and menry T lisson Ij isson lt iut governor boston beston 25 the recent defalla eions of A jackson the mi missing sing lawyer have swelled to it is stated that he be is in vermont kut lut but bul it ibis is believed generally that he is on the tha way to europe no steps have baVe been taken to secure him washington 25 american hoise horse with his bis five followers returned to tremont house today to day lay NEW YORK 25 after receda porter continued las lla address to tg the jury he spoke of the extraordinary fact that a man like ilke moulton according to his hib own statements state statement menti delivered over bm his wife to the companionship c om panion ship of a man belkner he knew to bea hem be a hypocritical debauchee and that he hud bud a por t rit rid of this his adulterer banging in liis bli drawing loom room but moulton needed an explanation it was forthcoming and if no oth er wag was p possible i lie had bad a ready gorged lie ibb moulton swore that he af assumed no attitude of or hostility to beecher until the latter aecus edhem edi eds hiiva hilia of blackmail in his statement published on the of aud aug i 1874 yet jet the fact was waa developed that thau before this moulton re lusett used td let iet let lct beecher even see the t he ori orl gln gin ants in his lai possession and when general tracy ask ed edt for dir them for verifying the ther the copies moulton denied that he had bad permitted p ermitt fd tilton til ton to copy them although copies coples had already been published leroa broadcast 11 moulton foulton refused even to p ermili his own clerk to copy these papers on the plea that he was going to narragansett but when he left ho he took the papers papery it his pocket to show B F butler butier to be woven into the statement designed to crush beecher when lie he with this statement lie he fou ul a letter ietter from orom beecher asking permission to see the papers papery he ther then wrote hm him a letter or rather lather copied a letter ietter which butler wrote for him bim declining to jet him hee lee ulc RIC them on the ground that he be held iu hi trust he discussed the passages in tile the letter in detail as showing Moul moui tone tona steadfast deter defer not to coald aid ald Bite beecher elier in his ilis nt in order to cloak this design up to this time beeche beecher r had trusted to tho friendship and honor of moulon but when he received this letteri letter this man whom morris called a coward sent a response demanding the return of his private papers nueh nuch as letters from his hi brother bruther and brot brothers herd hers and bisters sisters he tild not go to nar consult a lawyer but answered the letter on the spur of the moment thinking he was waa writing ig to moulton not toj tod to lutler lutier this was not the conductor conduct of an adult adulterer eret bret in dealin dealing with a it man who knew his bis secret judge porter baid said that no one who heard the testimony could doubt that this was a case of blackmail As long as money was coming there was no charges they were ke kept pt i when money was wits nol not coming charges were brought forward if moulton believed in the truth of or the charge of adultery this was a blackmailing transaction he admits that he received money from beecher of course titon tilton know where it came from it would not have been respectable to know if he was wits cognizant that it wasted money for his wife if tilton and moulton know it was blackmail why were they afraid to b have ave it known referring Be ferning ferring to the letter of may aray 74 from tilton to beecher on the testimony of storrs in relation to tilton asking storrs what was the matter with claflin as he seem disposed to furnish furnis part patt lattof of the funds to establish a paper in new york which was to bring fame to beecher tilton moulton and carpenter when moulton told beecher that tilton threatened to publish the scandal unless bowen paid him moulton said he would kiy it out of his ills own pocket te to save beecher he wanted counsel to force the payment of this money out of beecher and his friends the original aim of moulton was to in get tilton back baek on the independent pen hent dent but the plans were changed as tilton wanted to be thought the most magnanimous man on earth in forgiving beecher major bluford wilson solicitor ot of the treasury department part ment arrived in this city from washington yesterday and will three or four days forthe for the purpose of giving legal advice to government officials who are ate investigating ti the whiskey frauds many discrepancies have been found whereby the government has beell beeri swindled and the officials have recently struck a new lead and intend examining the books of all the railroad ca companies m i banies leading from chicago for the purpose of learning the quantity of high wines and spirits they have carried away within the last four months the books of the lake shore rail rall railroad roid company and the star line have already been looked into and information criminating several wholesale dealers has haa been accumulated when the U S grand jury meets it is probable that two thirds or three fourths of bf the wholesale liquor dealers of this city will be indicted for defrauding the tile government the tribunes washington special says the examination of the stubs of the gaggers from one chicago house hoube furnishes an illustration of the method methods s 4 pursued te to defraud the government the contents of oa a certain number of packages sert sent from one chicago house to ao nerr Y york yirk irk according to the stamps were gallons gallon but when the stubs were examined they covered only gallon gallons si showing a clear swindle of gallons A comparison of ther stamps on another package of illi cit whiskey showed where a single stamp according to the tho stub cover cd ed only onix sixty gallons w bile hile the sta stamp mp in in reality covered eighty gallons i washington WASHING ton tox til 0 sioux indian delegation called today today taday to ta day on the president by appointment appoints ent cut accompanied compan compa nied iea lea by general dowen cowen acting secretary of or the interior and commissioner of indian affairs smith they were word received by the president in his private As the indiana entered each advanced to the president and boing being presented by the interpreter shook hands bands with him the indians then ar ranged themselves around the tile table spotted tail tall and red cloud having aromi prominent client positions A large number 0 ladies and gentlemen were present including governor pennington of dakota governor thayer of wyoming EX go GOV ilc mccook of colorado and aud sa senator r hamilton of texas th the e president t then thon through h wm fulder the interpreter ter preter abress addressed ed the P indians idian s as fol nol follows lowa iowa 1 I want to say to the indians today something about the objector object of bringing them here and a few words swords for them to reply to at present I 1 have always alwais been a friend to the indians and am very anxious to do what 1 I 1 think best beit tor for their good the country where they now rnea live as im they must be w well weli dil all aware is entirely incapable of supporting them should the government cease to fo give them hem aj aid by the treaty of or 1868 granted to thern them for thirty ye deais ais als and provisions for far only dive five years the tho food and provisions tl therefore which t ch have been given them the last two years have hilve lyden been gratuitous on the part of congress these may be taken from them at abu afe any time without an any y violation of teaty my interest now is to make some arrangement by which they and their children will be secure for the future several severa il indians expressed their approval of or these As isaid I 1 said sald in the beginning it must be evident to them thac thad if it the supplies of food be withdrawn by the government it will vui be imada 1 sible for them to live where they are another thing I 1 would call their attention to is this they mu must st aee fee that the white people outnumber about to 1 taking all the Inilla indians us wlter territory owned by the united states stabs this thia num number berof of whites is increasing so rapidly that before many years it will be impossible to fix any affy point within tile the line of our oun territory where you can prevent them going and it will become necessary ce sars sary that thai the white people shall go from one place to another whether occupied by Ind indians lans ians br not the same a as they go from one state to another for fon this reason it is vely very desirable that the should have here to after their interests they be situated where they be able to get support beyond any contingency I 1 do not propose to ask them without consent to leave their where they were born and raised but to point out to them the advantage to themselves abd and their children if they will accept such arrangements as may be proposed to them there is territory south of where they now live where the climate is much better where the tile grass is much better and the game more abundant including large game such as buffalo where there is good pasturage for animals and where teachers could be sent among the indians to io instruct them in art civilization self pre and support this year we have had great di difficulty in keeping the white people from going to the black hills rills in search of gold but so far wo ye have prevented them every year the same difficulty will be encountered until the right of the white people to go to that country is granted by the indians and may in the enal tl lead to hostilities between the white people and the thie indians indian i without any special fault on either elther side should such trouble troubie occur and become general it would woud necessarily adly anly lead to withholding for a time at least the supplies which the government has uben sending bending them thein all this ta wish to avoid I 1 want to see thum them thim well provided for and in such auh a way that the arrangements will have to bo be respected by my successors ft and other administrations for i the future I 1 want the andla indians asto to think of what I 1 have said I 1 dondt want them to sak today dav I 1 want thum them t to talk ashling themselves and be prepared to hear hean i from the secretary of the inte Interi interior alo oc r and the tho commissioner on lua Iha iari ann Aff annaire afna Afla aine alre ln who are to for me and will be elver giver governed by my ray advice this is all I 1 want vant to say to them after aften a brief conversation between the president and the rev mr hinman the president turned to the indians and said through the interpreter 1 t I will say to them thorn that what I 1 havo have said will bo be wiit wilt ten out and they will have tho the words repeated bated to them bythe by the interpreter ter preter ppeter 11 spotted woot soot ted tail tall then advanced toward fhe the president and looking ng towards the represent representatives atiles af of the press who talking and made a short explanation relative to the iho published statements 1 enta to 10 the effect that the indians had bad stigmatized the secretary of the i interior and the commissioner commissio Commis sio berof of indian affairs as liars he said such charges ivere were bof por made by him and whoever put them in ini the papers made them up u themselves as he did net not call hi his 4 strongest friends liars 1 the indians then tun withdrew evidently disappointed in not having an opportunity to reply to thea mhd president en f they wre wore in full fuli cor coA costume timex timer with a plentiful supply of paint and feathers lew your youk 20 11 J jewett preside president nt of ue the erie erle JR ailway allway was wa appointed the receiver of the company by the supreme court this morning in the beecher case this thih morn morning ling porter resumed his ai argument for foe the defenso defense se he eaid eald the first object of tilton and moulton was to reinstate the former on the independent aen pen dent dene and when that failed the golden age was and the friends frier friet ids of beecher were asked to contribute tha chaum sum of money needed to keep the ther paper afloat and a golden age article was prepared which brought brou glit not only money but in the language of tilton it brought spoils and iu in the meantime the two thousand had been got pot from henry ward beech er for bessie bessio turner school bills and nive five thousand lor por for the support of s family for which latter nuni auni beecher had bad to mortgage hi bi house the tho bacon letter ietter had then been published blushed 1 containing a garble garbled ed edicio edition n of the letter of apology and beecher thought it called foran for fon an investigation but moulton n said that would be a breach of faith and yet these the semen samen men wele were the parties who published the bacon letter and the letter of df apology were nvere tilse these the men to advise silence it was the policy to be observed by beecher Beeche rhad and broken by tilton and moulton if beecher was wh gully guilty and had debauched one of bf his own communicants if he had confessed to moulton and nd mrs lira moulton if it he had moulton II 11 oulton to tell judge morris and judge tracy or any other person why 1 did beecher beechen ue ceraso to sign me card cara prepared d for him by tilton tifton and to be read in his his bis own pulpit porter commenting upon the testimony of mrs moulton said baid her words were poisoned not by herself but by her husband it had been suggested by Be echers enemies that counsel had dealt discourteously with the perjured u red blackmailer but ho he would leave it to the jury they hail had heard the tile seventy severity with which morris had sp ken of his porters client and they would yet hear the deadly but polished shed abed eloquence of his learned friend who had yetto yet speak to them on the other side the counsel then reverted to mrs Moul tons testimony in which she urged beecher to go down to the church that ho he could never appear in the pulpit with this on his hia mind and beecher replied that she seemed to him like a section of the day of judgment was vas this latter iatter at ter an expression like beechert Beech no tto it was framed by the samell sameli same bame lips ps as ag the paroxysmal kiss and brink of moral niagara it was wag an expression pres slon sion of tilton for beecher never thought of splitting the day of f judgment into section sections there is a ingraiti of truth in her narrative it is true tria i there were conversations condei lations between th them cm but no one saw all as U another nother saw it bor nor nor hor could ally any two peir persons sons 1 give 6 the same account of anything tint has occurred which both bolli were would uld report ali all alike kereven even a boliver conversation ofin length after had taken place no two commanders ma oders gave guvo the pame famo account a battlo battle at which were present the counsel enlarged on the difficulty of remembering and repeating a |