Show P creciat TO THE DESE deseret RET NEWS HOUSE NEW yore york 16 the investigation ined in the city affairs shows the expenditures of the city and bounly for the pasi past eleven years to be nearly seven hun dred millions mrs horace greeley has recovered from herup pored posed incurable complaint and will soon return to america commodore vanderbilt is ill it its is jiow now reported that the tho ring thieves hia fia e consented to compromise by b I 1 ap raving paying in four millions but bat that the reab reformers r e rs re require aire six millions probably four foun illions millions will be agreed upon HALIFAX 17 A dispatch says the steamship new york experienced terrible weather on her voyage from bremen her boats were carried away and her bridge broken captain was wab knocked about on deck and badly cut in the face one of the sailors fell from aloft on the deck and was lif killed fied the heaviest snow storm of the season in central illinois fell yesterday the snow enow falling failing to the depth of ten inches at springfield and jacksonville dispatches from sioux city say 12 persons persona pers ons are known to have been frozen to death in the terrible storm last monday in dixon city nebraska man many head of stock perished pe perished and it was bearz feared that there was more moro loss of human life than as yet reported A washington special says that the post donnee office q effice department has been in constant receipt lately of protests from business interests in the country be cause of the interruption of the california malls mails on the union pacific R R by reason of the snow snow blockade beveral parties in the territories have made propositions to the post omee onee depart ment meat to transfer the malls from the delayed trains by wagons to points accas to railroad communication for reasonable compensation and one of these propositions met mt with much favor on the part of the postal authorities who were about to take up with it when prevented through the influence of oakes ames amea who argued that such a course on the part of the postal depart ment would be an official declaration that the road was not a reliable through mall route NEW nev YORK yore 18 the judiciary committee which beins begins tomorrow to morrow the investigation of the charges against judges cardoza barnard ingraham Ingra ham bam and mccunn mccann have agreed upon la a specific and tolerably correct gramme pro as to how the investigation ii to be conducted it seems seema to have been the alif first st desire of the bar associates to omit the name of judge mccunn from the list of the accused in order to use him as states evidence against the others the opposition of many of the bar association became however so strong that this intention was abandoned and judge mccunn mccann is to be included with the others who are accused one of the charges against him being that when acting as rec receiver elveron on binnegar Bin neger bankruptcy case he used money in his charge seventy thousand dollars in putting up buildings washington INGTON 19 it is understood the majority of the judiciary committee will re report porta a resolution referring to the question involving the transfer of land grants to the kansas pacific the central branch of the tho union pacific and the st joseph and denver city cos cob back to the department of internal revenue for the reason that the house did not authorize the committee to send for persons and papers the minority will recommend the passage of a rego resolution lution that the assignment of the hannibal and st joe co to tho central branch of the union pacific is not binding on the united states and that the latter company are not entitled to any of the lands claimed by it andthil and that thit the denver ve r city co Is ia entitled to a protection of the lands which it claims A new york special reports the discovery in broome county of a vein of gold very pure by workmen engaged in sinking a coal shaft abaft A now york special says bays private ad vices from rome says that at the con of the boman noman catholic church to be held at the vatican this month at least twelve or fifteen new cardl cardi cardinals cardino nO will be elected and there is very little doubt that arc are archbishop mccloskey will be one of them and eleven names are mentioned of expectant recipients of the red hat prominent among them are archbishop manning and the archbishop of munich cologne michlin dechamps posen and theyo theRo the patriarch of libbon lisbon who makes aa an ex claim to the dignity by virtue of a privilege accorded by clement eleventh to these are added the names il at four high officials to the former papal government brundl randl prefect of if police negroni minister of the interior vitel dischi and denerson De archbishop spaulding of baltimore would no doubt have been made a cardinal but for his death that increases mcclos keys chances his friends here regard his election as unquestionable A washington special states that the bill reported by the senate finance committee for the relief of chicago was not as stated in the associated press Pross dispatches the ferry bill provid liktor a money subsidy but a bill naming the special arti articles oies oles to be admitted bitted free of duty such as aa marble marbie lumber nails white lead and anet other materials nate rials used fon for FOisEl CW LONDON 16 the cabe caSe submitted to the geneva board of arbitration by the counsel for great Br britain Itald with regard to the alabama claims has bag been beon laid isid laid isid before parliament and is published the document is divided into ten parts part first remarks that no definite or complete statement of the american claims haer haef over been furnished the treaty of washington and the previous correspondence will supply however a general definition of the demands by the united states rule 2 of article 6 of the treaty of washington Is ia quoted aa follows A neutral government is bound ngi to permit or bummer summer either belligerent beli gerent to make use of its ports or waters as aa a base of naval operations against the other or for the purpose of a renewal or augmentation of military supplies or arms or recruitment of men thib thab rule Is ia interpreted as ag prohibiting hi the supply or of a war waging vessel from neutral ports but is not prohibitory of the sale of arms or munitions of war in the ordinary course ol of commerce the claims iams submitted are for damages growing out ot of the bets acts of vessels respecting which the united states allege that great britain failed in her international duty the tribunal must determine the quentio question a of failure of duty if it decides there has been such failure then it must accord a grobs gross ras sum bum for damages or define the limit of liability for the guidance of the assessors of said damages the circum ea of the sailing of the steamers alabama Pr procida orida georgia and shenandoah were materially dissimilar but great britain maintains that in id respect to none of them has bhe she failed of her inter international nik nii lionil obligations or rendered herself justly liable part two rives gives the history of the civil war in the united baates showing that the course of england and the maritime powers wab wits one of vigilant and scrupulous ne part three makes makis a statement of international rights and the duties of great britain and the united states bearin bearing g thereon and of the performance and execution thereof by great britain during the war parts five I 1 sik bix seven and aud eight respectively ively present the facts re relative to the steamers Ft florida orida ata Ala alabama bamat georgia and shenandoah part nine sets beta forth foith that the sted steamers merb merw georgia and shenandoah were never equipped for war in the british dominion her Maje government was only informed respecting these vessels after their departure that the ala bama and lionida even did not receive their armaments in british waters the peculiar circumstances of the Alaba alabama mals escape are recited and anu En glands lant jant endeavors to prevent her sailing bailing part ten fen claims the disadvantages under which great britain labors jabors in meeting an unprecedented case the document concludes while england regrets the departure of the rebel cruis cruls ers from her ports she cannot pahn acknowledge 0 wh eltie the justice of tha th claims against her r for pecuniary demands for their act the united bistes states must solidly establish the fact of En glands negligence and england is redy ready to accept thea theaward i ward of the tribu tribunal nalof of ar arbitration whether favorable or not knol she ithe debi deki desires res reb only that it shall be just tele TIIE IN TRIALS 11 S district attorney bates of utah has arrived in lir town to consult with the president and attorney general with regard to farther legal proceedings against the cormons mormons Mor mons mr bates solution of the polygamy problem is as follows he lle recommends that the attorney general shail bhail direct that all the indictments now pending under the territorial statute for lewd and iasci lase cohabitation be abandoned and no further farther prosecutions instituted for past offenses omm off eases but that the mormons cormons be given to understand that any person who in future contracts a polygamous marriage shall bo be punished the murder cases he thinks should be prosecuted he also favors the immediate passage by congress of a law authorizing the he appeal of criminal cases from the supreme supreme court of utah to the supreme C court ourt of the united states if this were done ile he bays says brigham young would at once plead guilty to the chargo charge vf of violating the statute in int question abid and a case could up and a decision had from the supreme court during the present term mr bates does doek not think the leading mormons cormons are dis disposed poseA to accept hettling delegate Hoo hoopers perta perys plan nor for settling the difficulty namely that babon on beon teon of being admitted as a state they voluntarily renounce polygamy aa ail far as future marriages are concerned they talk of polygamy as aa a divine ordinance which they are not free to give up without sinning against their religion even if they should accept of mr hoopers compromise it lit is doubtful if congress would carry out its part of the bargain apart from the disinclination to 9 give IV 0 t to 0 the cormons mormons the powers of a state government there is very strong objection made to admitting any more states that have not P population opu lation sufficient for one member of congress the views of U S attorney bates will doubtless have little effect upon the administration for reasons which now appear insurmountable no law exists fo for r the payment on the part of the united states of expenses attending criminal prosecutions in the territories the expenses in the utah trials thus far have reached the sum of which the controller refuses to tb pass on i the ground of illegality of the expenditure the expenses for grand jury witnesses and outlays of this char character doter aeter are chargeable to the territorial government ern ment the people being to 0 be willing to pay these bums bumb to preserve the law but bat in this thib case the people do not sustain the case cue and the thia trials cannot therefore go on unless congress appropriates appropriate a money for the purpose washington corres correspondence pon dence of Y Y tribune jan 24 PAYING FOR THE q PROSE brose prose brose washington jan 25 the condition of affairs I 1 in n utah as connected with the judicial machinery of that territory I 1 1 were this morning presented to the ho house use and senate committees on territories by george U bates the united states district attorney it if appears p s from his statement that the at t V teney y general is powerless by the decision of the comptroller of the treasury not to pay the expenses of the criminal trials and that the territorial legislature of course will not provide the means to prosecute themselves for polygamy he represents that there are some twenty prisoners now confined at camp douglas at great expense the government having no 0 jail in which to keep its prisoners riso ners and he intimates that as gjere there is a question as to the legality of the composition of the grand jury which found the inglet indictments upon which they were arrested which la Is now being considered by the united states supreme court an action for trespass sg may hereafter bo be brought he represents that on december 4 1871 w when hen he entered on the discharge of his duties he found several beveral prisoners to be tried before a united states court and jury upon a territorial law and that no means could be obtained to defray the expenses of their trial triai that he by permission of the attorney general eral had the cases postponed until the second monday in mareb march arch ito fro in order orden that he may present the facts to congress mr batea bates sums up his memorial by baj saying ing lug the attorney general of df the united states is forbidden to pay tay the expenses of these prosecutions the comptroller of the treasur treasury 7 has refused to allow them and declares that they can only be paid by the territorial legislature and the legislature of utah will not appropriate money to punish themselves for lewd and lascivious cohabitation so the question now i is will congress furnish the means meads to pay witnesses jurors and other expenses of these criminal prosecutions or order them dismissed and abandoned he makes the pertinent inquiry in concluding his memorial whether orime crime must go unpunished because utah authorities ties will not do their duty and the united states ca cannot I 1 washington correspondence of A berald Terald resolutions OP OF RESPECT for and sym gym pathy pashk with the family of the late richard golightly by the members of capt M U Crox alls ails bandor bandoff band baud of which ho he was a member There reasi asit having pleased providence to call from us ua our friend and fellow bandsman richard golightly from respect to h his is memo ry and the tho warm f friendship ri end p w we e entertain for him and for his many excel lent qualities of hand and heart be it Se Be resolved solved that we hereby express our sincere sorrow at being called upon to part with a good man endeared to us by long years of I 1 close association while sensible that he has passed to a better and brighter sphere resolved Be solved that we extend our most heartfelt sympathies to his hia family in this their great bereavement beso reso luedy ived that a copy of these resolutions be e forwarded to the deseret beselt niwo NEWS and salt galt lake kerald herard tor for publication signed X M on behalf of the band more mone or OP trem theu some more non pay ment of liquor license cases before judge clinton today loday to lo today day |