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Show Iff - I'S $ AMERICAN FORK LOCALS AND PERSONALS $ IbTIjiI ,rB "Vo I'omoroy was In Alpine Mklijl o)i n visit as the guest of Mrs. I. I. AL'l Robertson. Kgi Mrs. Jack Holt of Magna In spend. Ka lng Uio week lioro wltli Iter mother, Hfl Mrs. Nina Ico. HB Cnrpots, Hugn, Wall Papor and Fur H nituro will ell bo In Uio Dig Cut'Sa'lo Bb nt Chlpmnn'fl. 10 per cent off and H M Hj .Mr ! jfontella Tumor of I.ch'.-Jm. H Soariu'iand daughter Jonnte, of O2- flHS den woro in American Fork Thursday jH visiting with relatives. H A jolly crowd were ontortninod Inst HH night at th'o Highland school house BH by ,tho bcehlvo glrlB. Onmco, music, HR dancing nnd refreshments woro tho BHH fcntuicR of th'o evening. HEf Mrs. G. M. Curtis and children of HHBJ Salt lAke nro ponding ll13 wtok HH In American Fork, with Mrs. Curtis' P parents, Bishop nnd Mrs. John It. HB Hlndloy. IjB USED CAU FOR BALE In splendid K 'condition. For partlqulars Inqulro H nt'M. & I. Chlpman Millinery Store. LLHl 24-te H Mr. and Mrs. John rock of Clever H r.riived In Amorlcan Fork Wednesday H nnd will mako their homo in tha 1st IHH ward. Mr. and Mrs. Peck have pur. HH chnsod tho Madson homo. H DIdJa over warm up the flivver BHHI und take th'o family out for "A Day's HHH Pleasure" So has Charlie Chnplia. HKH Sec tho result In his newest million SIH dollar production hero Tuesday at H the REALART. HE Mrs. Thomas Hanson and children HB itro spending tho ond of the week at BH Pleasant Grove, visiting Mra. Han-H Han-H , nen's parents, Mr. and Mra. tloM-eo Hf Barton. HjHf ''Announcement la made of 'U10 roar. Br tfiago'of MIsb Elvn M, Wright, daugh- Bf, itor'of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wright IHij rnd J. II. Stewart of Low I. The wed- HH jllng will tnko plnco In tho Salt I.ako K- Tcmplo on June 2nd. LHw j HjHj Enroll now for c summer coursb lu KR 'mviHlc with Prof. C. Hopkins. Eight BHB years In Amciicnn Fork and vicinity. HB "In American Fork TucBday and Frl. HH dhy. Studio over Dank of Amovcan IM Fork. 15-2t Men's gray or blue work shirts 9Sc. J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, Mr. nnd Mra. Marion Robinson and Mr. nnd Mrs. Armo Christiansen wont to Salt Lako Sunday to boo the ball gnino. Mrs. A. Holmnn and Mrs. lleuj. West of Pleasant Qrovo wore vlsltiog Mrs. Holmnn'8 dnughtcr, Mrs. Delbort Chlpman, Thursday. At John'u and Ron's got fresh vegetables. vege-tables. Saturday strawborrlos, lettuce, let-tuce, radishes, aspnrugut, etc. A number of Amorlcan Fork Pil-mary Pil-mary officers nnd tcacliorri attended th'o Primary convention at Provo Sunday. Mrs. L. A. McFurland of Ogdcn was tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Madoen, Saturday and Sunday. Romembor that Boloy's meet ell trains from California having lottuco, onions, radlsh'cs and strawborrlos. Mrs. Mablo Adomsou entertained lie A. P. SoroBla club Wednesday afternoon. af-ternoon. Sewing, social chat and luncheon were enjoyed by Ml guests. 1.083 than 2 por cont of tho Vulcan, lzlng being dono by PREMIER AUTO CO., is proving defective, and that. Is made good. Mrs. Percil antes nnd Miss Rosa Sh'clloy, returned to their home tha end of the week, after spending a week nt tho home of Mr. anil Mrs. David Shelley. If you ore going to make your own malt or root beer this year, getyojr bottle caps at Grant's Emporium. Tho Third vard Sunday school officers of-ficers and'tcachcrs entertained' their dramatic club at th'o homo of Mm. E. B. Hawkins, Thursday evening. I flumes, music and refreshments were Who features of tho cvenlngi Mrs. Roubcn Chlpmnn entertained Sunday at a wedding dlnnor for her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Epperson. Cupids and carnations carna-tions formed th'o decorations for the table. Covers wero laid for tho brldo nnd brldogroom, 'Mrs. Lllllo Epperson and son Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Aldor, and ,Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Culbertson nil of Salt Lake. t f V Mrs. Waltor Slack returned homo ) Tuesday from Hebor, after having apent ten days thofe With her dnur.li- j ter. . ; Children's Qlngham and summer ! dresses will be in the Big Cut St ; at Chlpman'o 10 per oest off from al- ready low price. Mrs. F.. M. Parker, : Mrs. Emma Anderson. and Mra. Wbk Barratt mo. tored to Provo, Tweedayijand spent the day vdth;frtWa:jt. ..i r A likTse real estato deal being closed, clos-ed, is ono wherin J. H, Wootton, is soiling his twonty seven aero beet farm. Mr. Wootton expects to mako his homo In Salt l.ako. Tho pcoplo In this community ought to apprcclcto tho notion of tho Big Red Store in reducing the high' cost of living by making such' sacrifices. They carry good merchandloo and tholr prices ore already undor tho markot and yet they are making some rcdlcously low prices. 10 to 50 por cent off. Dolbort Hclsolt has lccclvcd a call for 11 mission to tho Mexican Mission o' the U. S. to leavo June 16. Del-bcrt Del-bcrt has nttended school at the B. Y. U. for th'o past two.ycars; is a gn.d-urto gn.d-urto or tho B. Y. high school this year; has taken a missionary couroe in Prof. Brlmhall's ckss; Is a mem. ber or Ui'o B. Y. U. band, taking Instruction In-struction on tho saxophone from Prof. Rcbcrt Sauer. Choice moats and fancy groceries at John's and Ren's. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Chlpman were Salt Uke visitors last Saturday. W. E. Brown was In Alpino tho week end, visiting, his old homo town and he spent good time w!(h his. old neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers and family fam-ily of Provo, voro tho Sunday guests of Mr. Myors' parents, Mr. and Mr Oeo. Y. Myers of Highland. Ixsss than 2 por cent of the Vu1cr.il. lzlng balng dono by PREMIER AUl'O CO., In proving defectlvo, nnd that U made good. . Mrs. Emma Andorson entertained th'o B. B. Ijndlen at her home Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. All guests enjoyed tho nftomoon In sowing and social chat, after which a dollclous lunch-con lunch-con was served. Coming Charlie Chaplin In "A 'Day's Pleasure," his own version of "When Is a Flivver?" ' Mrs. Andorson and Miss Hopo Tab arrived in American Fork Suaday, it ter spcraing two months' In California, Califor-nia, visiting with relatives. C-f. ' Very successful roiiatrs aro being mado on gum boots, water bottlcj, ota.. by PREMIER AUTO CO. Mrs.'W. H. Chlpman was operated on Tuesday for cancor of the breast. Tho operation was successful and she Is getting along nicely. Tho parents aro Invited to attend Sunday School, Sunday morning In tho Third ward. Dr. P. M. Kelly will locturo to tho parents class on "Fit. ness for Marriage." Lee our children's Brows ,! at 11.98 J. C. Penney Co, S - 3nfl Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HautajH Jordan were the Sundar 4H American Fork rolat'vcs. ,V V.B Mrs. John Mlllor enterUlulfl day artei-noon nt a birUatT)afl honor of her daughter, Lfllit.fl and refreshments woro enjofiifl number of playmates. H Vory successful repairs ainj made on gum boots, wster tfl otc, by PREMIER AUTO CO.-B Dr. A. A. Robinson otOgtafl Monday In Amorlcan Fork, fl with Mr. and Mi's;' Hcber RoMfl Dr. Robinson loftldar f Ington, D. C, whero lie wlU, a convention oiMiflRth. ,fl |