Show if sou yoa have bave a bad taste in your mouth month or yellow color arbbie orsbie feel stupid and drowsy appetite unsteady frequent headache or dizziness bilious billous tand and zand gothing will arouse your liver to action and strengthen up your eya tem item equal to dr pierces Pier ces cea golden medical discovery it Is sold by all druggists d w BY accord AYERs PILLS are the best beat of all purgatives purga tives for family use they are the product ot long laborious bori borl bo rious ous oue and successful chemical and their extensive physicians in their practice sand and by all fill civilized nations proves them the best beat and most effectual L purgative pill that medical science oan can an devise being purely legeta vegetal bie ble vale no harm can arise from their we nise in intrinsic value and curative powers no other pills can be compared with them and every person knowing their virtues will employ m p ity loy them when needed they lil ill heep beep p the he system in perfect order and maintain in healthy action t he the i whole machinery of life lite milda mild I 1 searching Dg and effectual they are opec specially lally adapted to the needs of the dige digestive etive apparatus derange ments menta of which they prevent and cure if timely taken they are the best and r west physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions where a mild but effectual catharia cath aric is required for baie bale by all dealers daw 1 iw w THE millennial star will be mails ed to any add address reba reea on receipt by the publish eni erm ere of three e copies willbe will be forwarded for the reduction redaction being on account of the difference in postage address william villiam budke budge 42 Is inston lington ll 11 er pool pooi eng eug england land ete ETC AND eab EAR dr all curable cases of the EYE and eab EAK PILE pine catarrh rheumatism NEU balala rai BAI aia GIA nervous and blood dis eases ac the dr is me the friend of the unfortunate of both bexes sexes and guarantees any case be he will take office and residence second door east of city hall salt bait lake address box claitt T THE moab moat cogent reasons exist for the high esteem in which GLENNS SULPHUR SOAP is held heid by the community at large it has demonstrated beyond all peradventure that it is no mere palliative of local diseases of fhe the be ekin but searching no eruption can resist the operation of this safe and potent remedy with the properties of a specific for diseases of 0 the skin it combines the qualities of a moat desirable toilet tollet article and beautifier of the complexion pl exion ladles ladies who have not yet availed themselves of this article should loee iobe no time in doing BO so bince it blanches the skin to a pearly whit whiteness eneks eneis and when blemishes upon its surface exist speedily removes them cuts cute bruises sores scalds and sprains are soon remedied by its US application and it is a reliable alleviator of the pangs inflicted by rheumatism and gout for a trifling outlay it aff affords lords pre the bame same benefits as sulphur baths it removes dandruff and by keeping beeping the scalp perfectly clean cool and moist prevents its return diseases originated by contact are prevented by it and it counteracts conti contagion gion glon if such sucu exists in clothing and linen from the sick room articles of needle work caton cation linen and woolen fabrics are ate bleached to a snowy whit whiteness eness eneas by 4 its ita uee nee it is ig fre free efrom from any deleterious ants which is more wan than can be said of many of the ointments and salves saives in use which not only boll soil the linen but contain ingredients which are extremely irritating to the skin there is a wide difference between such articles and glenna soap boap which ib fb ia 19 in every respect superior to them being a safe efficient and article As it la Is a particularly prompt remedy for the eruptions which children are more liable to contract than adults parents will do well to keep it in the house travelers and emigrants will likewise nind find it a useful preservative of health of the cuticle under unfavorable conditions 4 11 sold by druggists price per cake 1 box 3 cakes bent sent b by emall mail mall prepaid pre paid on receipt of price C N Critten crittenton toil toll proper 7 sixth avenue new now york hills hair and end whisker dy dyg I 1 ini blak baak aUk aek or brown goc goo eod cod w NOTICE NOT ICaE IT HAVE la in ny my ealon one sorrel MARE white whit face 10 or 11 years old 9 haa baa a young colt branded PT on U left shoulder Bh U one bay MARE mabe 5 or 6 years oh oll star la in forehead two white feet something ilke uko a long iong cut on left has a young colt one dark brown yearling maele MAKE three white feet branded on left houlder shoulder r ono one bay yearling HORSE three white whito feet branded 0 on left shoulder which it not claimed will be sold at the pound wednesday sept at 2 pm K R G FRASER D district tract Poun keeper per pen Gunn Gun lson august 25 1879 NOTICE I 1 T HAVE la in my possession one brindle COW about 6 years old olds white face red round the eyes white on belly and legs brand shape ot of parallels gearn gram on left bide eide and a cro cros 8 on eide hag hab a rope on her horns borns it not caal claimed med she cha wiil will I 1 be soldon sold bold on ea saturday tun tur september rr ath 1879 at 10 am vit yit J L district south auis axis 23 1879 1679 HAV in my possession the following 1 described animal one ome black about siz six years old branded H on left thigh has a yearling celt celb with bar with bame same brand one red COW about five years old aid crop oaf off tr both carai branded K on left B deot de ot the body and resemy ing HW on the left choul der if the above described are not claimed they thi y will iii be bola at publio public auction on tuesday september septembers at 10 a m at the pound in thib this city JOSEPH horne district salt lake city aug 23 1879 dew NOTICE I 1 HAVE in my possession session the following described an animals mw i one dark red yearling HEIFER branded like ilke X on r bip hip sift alit in lavelt left ear oae light red yearling yo arling illegible files flies ime brand oa on left ribs two under bits la in right ear under halt crop IQ in left it if not anid aaa taken away before september ath irti at 10 m they will be bold sold a t I 1 my corral I 1 I 1 v I 1 egans axy S ne district aper monroe sevier beeler county K F august 1670 a NOTICE T nave HAVE in my posses possession slon one te rei COW about 8 years oil bi blinded B D on left shoulder crop off each each ear under biL bli in each ench ear two small notches in the tho end of ae it earp carp she bas has a calr call K i if not claimed and taken away the she eh will be sold bold beut bout 6 ima lma at the found county at 9 a 6 m JOHN BAILEY DAILEY district moroni sanpete San peta pete county aur aug 27 1879 WOOL WANTED A T wasat WiL sateh satch ell cli woolen nills mills pnina PAID PAM BT i tte ne aj UR ston sto N SONS kum hum ai or I 1 GASSI MERES JEANS T FLANNELS sem SEP YS BLANKETS PLAIN av AND FANCY YARNS 4 ac P 0 box 61 4 SALT LAKE LAICH crry CITY ATTENTION thresher atten we ve are prepared to give mn L I 1 I 1 on this years sales than ever offered on the celebrated I 1 I 1 JI I 1 CASE aco CO S I 1 aste ibi ami horse loveis call and see us before purchasing JNO sy I co ufa hi I 1 IVA va dyspepsia la Is the costly price we pay for tor luxuries all civilize d nations buffer from rom its itt it more or les ios but none done BO so much a aa the people of the united states slates it to Is here bere in the tho shenew new world gibat i hax hat the disease has become domesticated and we as a people have threatened to mo monopolize 1 I 1 its miseries let us u check its furth further furtner e r progress by the use ot of tarrants seltzer apor Aper lent SOLD BY byall brall fall DRUGGISTS A ak D WHEELER lately of U 8 land office lanb LAND AGENT meily first door south of H U S land office A ATTENDS promptly to preparing land and mining papers contests conte conto bui sui etc furnishes plats plan of dur veya information etc elc to interested parties furnishes inducements du cements tor for pa preemption pre emption claims ath scrip will answer correspondence free tree refers by permission te to young Attorney st bennett harkness Hark ness nesa ac merritt tt 66 allford hagans hagan 96 mcbride sutherland 66 london bank of ut ulab utah L 8 hills bashlor emret national bank W S mccornick mccern McCarn lck t co bartrem bani BarJ reM a T R i jones ones banker bank er I 1 wels yarko farko co daw dew FOR SALE T nepal a HOUSE with tour four booms aano AT and ana lot to rent reat or sell bell one block west of coop co op sta store stoye re two blocks from depot apply to doctor mary priest pries nephie d daw dew W cilli CHEAP k BOUGHT BOUCHT for CASH and ana ot at course au can be sold bold ORE nl A P lat F yoh FOH V GASH this appi appl applies a to the ta n AND WALTER walten A WOOI WOOD grid erld iwu luu ILU renowned Ron b owned al Reaping dadines 3 AW write tor for trice list ilat I lat wa i T gurs U rs A addrena Ad dresa t haw dmd SEBREE BAIN WAGON DEPOT SALT MW ea FIELD GLASSES K Ss af T BECK cli opticians la 16 pa i 1 oem AC A C CB elzir BATIr divac ED yra hda B the largest assortment of hehli dla dia 18 of kooda gooda or of kleie their th owa own tt ure cure to ba be found bithis in thue gou Pou 71 tame copis coris and flu fly fiend FIELD glasses k for sor the pocket etc 0 cetoh 04 11 pem PEN aw 1 ET eio ETC C send sand three sor for our of 01 rives gives for pr dening dering S 4 cibat wili will agg wit nil mil sights 4 1 A BID FOR JUSTICE dut gash pail foi for aai alki 1 t certificates for jury tu ry and sued in the ista tit lit ad M and ad for or the years A D 1874 13 milti CItI CRIMINAL MINAL winal I 1 by b Y ga mi ELI B n kelser KELSET ma box SOX real eutte aja ara P 0 box dox 63 ast ant vint rali soni 4 toaty Tj aly atY I 1 have in my pay possession ot duj bue i marey MAUE left hini hinl toot head bead branded M lotfi vented on right shoulder ifju the owner manhave can ean have to JAB jas MASDEN dawit ath th ward Warth n THIS grek GREA GRE A ff TONTI C SUPPLIES A WANT ion LONG mii mil bs certain class ot of sure arl lid k ieh leh h rank among remedial creio 5 specific in the cure of ai sit all koner koney b h and derangement of the irritation of tha the hect neou ot of att elge burning sensation enga enfa tion retention lon loa ot I 1 and nd brick dust dost al waya ways coupled with paa pao in omm OWN earo varo indications JA ab brights Disease ot et the tha kidness eid Kid nels 9 doses wai wal afre wd L ta taken to direction agad a cure cura jv 4 t vault sald bald bj j j ildr jor dell deil oulI jw ai pg S A 0 U whew 1 them as a positing vare vate ber ter range ments mants of the liver dy ape onia osia indigestion tion fever few df c A multitude ot your ben best cumi them the best ja fa use ba br ur ajl ait all sir As op I 1 rr great ensink 11 zemery 1 JL more cures of cerms dew DOW nal weakness Weak neBS lost loil lu LV Ina lna inability biLty lor dency and such buch brt ir lu 1 youthful ollies follies and medicines corm corn laun taut ot of the nerve and v the blood and I 1 price I 1 W id or 4 times the tho sad by all ali irue 4 M MI L wholesale leni e I 1 ili iii A 0 im U ili fil ti t beatty rina rend rind tiler other O eastern bag hag erom from oke hie territory ti b euli full particulars in a short time f b I 1 LOOK out oct OUT oct noor FOS BAB bae baehl baebl buch bach aa as have been beep given by any degl deil deater dealer erbe bebb beko k fujah 0 B I 1 le L afa 17 C ju Z a just received ed in great varity variety a magnall magnificently nidd qa T f Z of ofner w styles 0 hit kit si piano covers I 1 and stools guitars ban Bau josl jogl os i I 1 harmonicas Harmo nicas violin and guitar iguita r oases case jj P piccoloa piccolos lio Pic colos coios fife 9 etc bl 1 D thebo theeo gooda goods were purchased direct from tho the ill 0 I 1 to i be bold cheap the trade supplied with E everything idi ini mal mai 1 1 IQ c eastern Whole wholesale aale gale prices DAVID 0 |