Show BY TELEGRAPH phu par reit PAU WESTERN UNION LINE A nit dit M T R I 1 C A X N washington I 1 the select com cittee of the senate upon interstate commerce has arranged a pro gramme for the month of june jun its next meeting will be held in ili chicago ou on the dinst four clays days ili in st lou louis louls 4 two days beginning the 1 ith th two in to des moines beggin beginning hing on the two in omaha beginning on the ad and two la in SK st paul and minneapolis beginning on the the chief ot of Post postoffice office inspectors has been informed that rost Post postmaster mater maten S IV hibbs hebbs of lewiston idaho issued money orders to the amount of or payable to himself and ordered banks in different cities to collect them and forward the money to him hini and then absconded he was last heard from at victoria B C at the request of the secretary of the interior tile the commissioner of the land office has caused an investigation to he made into the merits of th the gervacio nation land grant in new aiex alex lct let and has reported that in his judgment all the lands claimed about acres should be restored to tile the public doil domain latti with the exception of eleven square leagues for which patent has been issued supt bupt D W rho rhodes des of ol the division of post postoffice office supplies 1 less lesy was i a s today today to day dav removed bv by the tha postmaster Gene general raf and morello noyes of burlington vt was appointed to fill the vacancy mr air rhodes ll nodes division had been inspected by the committee appointed for the purpose and aud the postmaster general king being dissatisfied with the methods pursued thought the public interests would be served better by a change in tile the division mr air noyes who is appointed head of the division divisions Is a well hinted known merchant ot of burlington and has always been a staunch democrat he I 1 married a cousin of postmaster gen eral vilas but it Is stated that ills his selection was made solely upon the recommendation of smalley and Atkin atkins atkinson of vermont the president today to day appointed isaac 11 II maynard of new york to be second comptroller of the treasury vice IV N upton resigned by request judge maynard is a resident of delhi N Y and at present holds the office of first deputy attorney genei gener at of the state the president also appointed robert barnett to be collector of internal revenue for the fourth district of california A F howard collector of customs at portsmouth N H has tendered his bis resignation to the secretary of the treasury in his bis letter he says lie he has held the office since december 1873 during which time he has endeavored deavo red to faithfully discharge its duties ile he then adds 1 I have also during all that time been a zealous member of the republican party parly and in every way poh possible sible sibie contributed to its success consequently my offensive partisanship can he be established by many witnesses for twenty years I 1 have also been bean a firm beli bell believer eier ever in the old jacksonian doctrine to the she victors be belong zong long the spoils fore compels compels me firmly to adhere to these principles and convictions in III defeat us well as in victory today to day Alpheus Hanscom was appointed his successor With within inthe the past few days a 1000 clerkship in the pension bureau leavin having become vacant secretary lamar sent a sitton mitlon to the civil service commission for a person to fill till the tae position in which he requested that the commission certify the name of a female clerk from dakota lamar having found that thit that territory had bad no representation iu to the bureau the reply to this request was prepared today to day by the commission and forwarded to th the secretary Immedi immediately atey in it the commission decline to make the certificate as requested and say in substance that it is the province of the commission and not that of the secretary of the interior to name the states and territories from which selections shall be made for certification upon requisitions and with respect to this particular case that dakota is not on th the list for the choice of appointment sand that therefore the commission will not select a clerk from that Terri territory torii torri the decision of the commission w wiil will it Is understood be regarded by them as als a that will ivill any fu ture cases of the kind the court oi of claims closed its business for the term today to day and adjourned till october next assistant attorney general simons announced ills his retirement from the thu department part ment of justice and introduced judge robert A howard of little rock arko arky ark as his successor A large number of decisions were rendered in the case of the chicago milwaukee keeana and st paul railroad companas Comp anys claim for carrying the mails the petition was dismissed and aphea appeal noted the union pacific railroad case was a claim brought by the railroad company to recover for fon f or the transportation of malls and for other service rendered the government to which the govern nent tiled offsets for 5 per cent paid into the treasury under the act of 1862 and 25 23 per cent und under erthe the thurman act rhe the court found the facts and reached a conclusion upon the law last february and the opinion was then read by the chief justice it was then ordered by the court that computations be made in accordance with the opinion and experts have since been at work upon the matter the computation is now complete showing that the rai rat railroad broad Is indebted to the government in some thing over one and a quarter i of dollars judgment willbe will be entered accordingly decision in the case involving im the right of the state of illinois to ce certain ertain swamp landais lands lauds is to the enn eff effect act that when the head brad of a department bas has as decided a question pending therein nis his successor cannot open it and transfer tian it to the court of claims for hearing this was the only point polut considered in this tilts case ease DE col I 1 the news silver city new Al mexico exico special says gays the bear creek ranchman ranchmen rauch ranch men driven in by the tile indians a week ago returned honie home on saturday finding tresh tiesh indian signs felons they also found the bodies of horses boises and cattle killed the same day that night eight large indian tires were been in the neighboring hills the ranch men returned to the city and reported the above facts yesterday 20 well armed aimed frontiersmen headed by mayor apayor fleming of this city started stalled for the locality determined to follow the trail until they aney overtake the lud Iud indians ians lans A courier from captain smiths command says they had a short night tight at Moul moui tons salvi sawmill nill and the negro 0 soldiers ran A courier from the burro mountains says there were signs south of mangus 1 agus valley showing shoeing them to be bliler chiefly north of this elev in the bear creek and upper Al imbres countey cohutt those not gone north to the black k range are apparently heading for arizona captain smith Is close behind pushing the indians toward the gila these comprise the largest portions of the indians out in this section and they are thought to be striving to return to tiie the reservation finding themselves cut off in it other directions thirty mounted indians chased tive five pro prospectors pec tors ile ur the head of the Sa gatone a tributary of duck creek I 1 saturday yesterday indians stole a herd held of sheep and goats in tile the upper s general crook arrived at fort bayard yesterday and will jake take the nield field fl eldin in person pushing operations to the extent of go g going in into mexico if necessary gen schofield Scho neld today to day telegraphed to the war department the following dispatch dated fort bayard yesterday from gen crook commanding the department of arizona eight par ties of troops are scouting after the tile indians the outlook is very ery bad and the trouble will be exceedingly difficult to suppress it is learned at the war department that between sixteen and twenty companies containing about men are arc in the field in pur pursuit stilt of the indians washington 1 1 commissioner atkins today to day received the following dispatch di s from the Mescal Alesca leros eros indian agent dated may alay the hostile indians are arc reported to be within 15 25 miles west of here heading beading this way three troops of cavalry under major majon van horn started yesterday to intercept them forty mescalero scouts accompanied the troops at the request of major van horn the Mescal Alesca leros eros and jec jee arillis are all quiet and there is no fear tear of them joining the thu lio hlo stiles 11 westminster md aid 2 at tilts tills morning g a body of masked men rode lode into the town and went at once to therall the lall jail where townsend cook ciol cl cloi ored ed was imprisoned for ontra outrace outrage e on mrs jirs knott near mount avery a few days ago they broka down the jail jall all ali door overpowered ered tile trie sheriff and proceeded to cooks cell A rope was placed around his neck after which lie he was led out put into a wagon and the masked men proceeded out on the mount avery road at three the body of cook was found liang hanging ini int from a tree about two miles from this place two bullet aou wounds s we were found ili in the back of ills his neck und and a piece of paper tacked to the tree hore bore these words written in pencil this inan man confessed his crime no clue has bas haslet yet been obtained as to who were euga eui eni raged ed in the lynching lunching lyn lynen linen ching ing CiNCi NAir I shortly before two tills tins morning dr E E loy LO A well known physician shot hot and anti killed his in la law henry chaplin at their residence vest west seventh st chaplin is an unmarried man and has been addicted to drinking for some time past he has been idle and has been in the habit of demanding and obtaining money from his mother ile he went home in a partly drunken condition went to his mothers bedside and began abusing her he awakened a visitor mrs airs G glenn ienn lenn who went to hini him and d him to he struck her with a chair and returned to abuse his bis mother this aroused doctor loy and mrs airs loy Champ lins sister and they came to the room Cha then I 1 gushed down stairs got a carving knife and returned dr loy warned him to stop but champlin with an oath rushed at him with the knife when the doctor who was standing in front of his wife fired at champlin the doctor shot to scare him but found however that champlin was dying the ball bail lavin havin having entered between the eyes e y es dr loy loit was taken to the station house and locked up on the charge of murder lie he regretted deeply the affair but made a clear cleir statement of the entire transaction showing that be he acted solely in self defense in the police court today to day dr loy was chan charged ged with mur murder murdering derin ln the second degree which in this state carries a single penalty that of imprisonment forline for life ilfe his examination was postponed until tomorrow to morrow and he was released on bonds dr denver evelt 2 at an early hour this morning mornin the residents of the western portion of the city were startled by bv a loud explosion investigation re I 1 gation gatlon showed that a barn a few teet feet off the resi rest dence deuce of U C II 11 davis dayis flour mill will man eighth awas etwas kwas blown biown I 1 up with giant powder or dynamite some months ago the employed emp loyes of the tile mill asked for all an increase of wages which was refused reused f tiie the men then struck and new men were employed in ili their place since then the strikers have boycotted davis and made nuin numerous erous threats tn two days ago five sticks of giant plant powder were found on tile the denver itlo illo grande track near the city the con cuss ion lon caused from the train passing over it would have blown the train to atoms several other attempts to blow biow up the property have beaudis been discovered recently lec enily if the outrages continue the indignation of ane citizens will possibly materialize into a vigilance committee pottsville spottsville POTTS VILLE penn 2 labor disturbance tur bance took place here this tills morning which for the time threatened serious trouble about 10 italian and hungarian laborers employed on the Itea loea reading ding and spottsville pottsville Potts ville railroad between this city and schuylkill Haven hayen who had truck for 15 cents advance in day wages marched into the town carrying clubs and red flags and proceeded to coal street wil anere re a large force of their countrymen are at wo work I 1 k laying L track aney attempted to induce these to join them and failing falling in this became threatening A force of police officers appeal appeared ed on tiie tile scene and tried to arrest the the mob resisted when the officers drew their revolvers and bloodshed seemed inevitable finally some twenty of tile the strikers were captured taken belore before a magistrate c and bent 10 jail the strikers liin liln inel ihei scattered and at present all is quiet though a renewal of the demonstration is antici autiel by the contractors ST louis 2 11 M eynolds reynolds Il late first auditor of the united states treasury killed himself tills this morning orning lu at lne the southern hotel there is an air hatt ehatt in to the hotel over the rotunda which cuts through the different floors at live minutes lonix Il eynolds reynolds either jumped or fell over lne railing on tile the third story into the air shaft 1 lie he 10 struck the tile marble face of the rotunda with a report heard all over the hotel he was wag picked up dead in iu front of the otrice ottice clerk ills his skull was fractured and one of his legs shattered A visit made to Reynol reynolds oils roum room disclosed the tile fact that it was full lull of gas although the stop cock was burned turned hence helice the theory is held in the hotel notel that it must be suicide sui cde and after a failure to asphyxiate himself he took the terrible dive to the marble floor below reynolds had made anade a careful toilet he has been in st louis since saturday stopping with U C H albers i but left that geiTt gent lemans house and put up at the hotel last night lie ife H was wai in excellent spirits when last seen been alive and anti no motive can be suggested lor for we self kil kii lluy he was oil on his way to hansas kansas to buy land ile hu left the united states treasury only a couple of weeks ago ile he was about sixty years of age and a line flue loo looking kiliz healthy man pittsburg bung BURG 2 the iron strike situation remains unchanged no si signatures ad to the scale nave have been onta obtained ditled since yesterday aud aud and both sides are anxiously awaiting developments joseph D weeks secretary of the manufacturers was in receipt of telegrams from frow the lion llon centers of tile the country at I 1 he reported no further move inove made by the ers outside of pittsburg at youngstown the contest Is ig more than in pittsburg all the mills there and throughout tiie the valley with the tile exception of one oneat at sharon Sharon are closed jurers send word they will not sign the present scale while on theother the uther hand llie the workmen of that section remain aln ain firm linn notwithstanding liotti tand land ing lug the reports rv that those directly interested believe the strike will be of short duration DEMING N al 2 A bowle bowie arizona sep tep ecial ays says s the tim troops following thu ihu relle relie de Ind ino India iaun laub ui trail with scouts from froal apache on ou the headwaters of me tile urlis uila river are reported led as having captured a portion |