Show GUSH oven OVER FELONS x A A bill DILL was lately introduced into the new york legislature which aroused considerable ridicule and was treated by many any persons as a laughable matter it was entitled an act for the suppression of sentimental gush and the tile di orif leation of felons this bill makes it unlawful for any one to send to a convicted felon or to a person held for trial for the crime cliine of murder in any Ij lali jail allor ailor or other place of detention a boubet of flowers or other sympathetic token and prescribes penalties ranging from a fine of not less than 10 or more than 25 for the first offense lefor any subsequent offense the punishment shall shai be imprisonment in the county jail for not less leas than ten or more than twenty five days the prohibitions in the bill extend to officers of the law having murderers in charge possibly the author of this thia bill may nave only intended it as a joke but if fee eee he fie was not in earnest in the matter were ally think he should have nave been and we see no reason why the bill should not be made broader in its scope and then become law it ought also to include among it its s subjects for prohibition the ministers of the various sects who are in the habit of visiting condemned murderers murderer sand and making before them an exhibition of maudlin sentimentalism and sympathy endeavoring to explain away the flat that jno no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him and assuring the blood guilty wretches of their complete acceptance with god and a forgiveness gi veness of all their sins as a result of a simpie simple confession of faith in the lord jesus it ought to prohibit the attendance of such ministers at executions cut ions and their public manifestation of their solicitude for the salvation of the souls of the condemned which makes them appear in the eyes of the ignorant and vicious and th those ose who have a amania mania for notoriety alm aim almost as her heroes oes whose example should be emulated |