Show ar ORDER DE R in the lyo iyo probate bate court in and for foh salt lake zake county territory of utah 1 in the matter of the estate of jamesw jameal Jame aW 11 I 1 E CUMMINGS THE ADMINIS TIA ME ald tor of the estate of james IV cumnings cunnings deceased having haying having ihla day rendered and d presented for kett iett settlement ement and filed in this court an ari account of admi administration of the estate of kald kaid deceA deceased ded and petition for dischar discharge gd it is 1 ordered that the third day of november AD 1884 at ten am at the tho court room dooin of said court cour in tho the county chur house of said county be and the sama vama la Is hereby appointed the time tima and place for the of the said account and petition for gor the final distribution and closing up of said estate and that the tho clerk give kive notice thereof b by causing notices I 1 to be posted posited jn jrr threw three pub public tl ic places in this city oty and county and published in the deb juke erl ehl buwa a at east aford before said day of bf settlement according to law ELIAS ellas A SMITH I 1 11 judge dated october 3rd ard 1884 1 territory ot of utah ut abia abla conerity of sall sail al lakes 1 I john C outler watler cherl of the probate probate court in and for the county of salt lake in the territory ot of utah do hereby certify the foregoing is it a full true and ana correct copelof order appointing time and place to hear petition for settlement of account anai Anal distribution of estate and discharge estu estr of oviad d in the matter of the estate oi of james IV V cummings ceased deceased do as appears ot of record in my office in witness hereof I 1 hase haie here unto get set my hind hand and affixed beal taral the keai heal of said court this 3rd ard day of gocber A D erb r jon JOU w td fd probate clerk |